A holiday outing

My Next-door Neighbor, Kim Jonghyun^^,

Onew's POV.



I was planning to have an outing with my friends since we will be having Winter break this week. That way, we can spend time together and I might as well ask Luna out. The thought of it made me smile.



As I walked into the cafeteria, I immediately saw Eun Jo sitting with Luna and Minho.



"Can I join you?" I asked as I approached them. Minho nodded curtly while Eun Jo gestured to the empty seat. Coincidentally, that seat was right next to Luna's. I was about to take a seat when Key appeared out of nowhere. I sat before he could take my seat. See, we're not that close but he and Jjong are.



"Hey guys!" someone said from behind. It was Jjong and there was a little kid trailing behind him. He's Eun Jo's brother. The two then got some chairs from the other table and suit themselves in.



Soon enough, they started on talking about the Christmas break.



"Mom said we're not going out of the country," Jjong said sadly.



"The same thing as me. Dad and I planned to have a vacation in Japan but she said she would rather stay here," Key responded. He's as sad as Jjong.



"How about you, Luna?" Eun Jo asked. She just sighed in return. "I know right. Oh! You can come to my house anytime!" she continued.



"Sure!" she responded eagerly.



"Yah! Minho, are you going to have training for the School Olympics?" Key asked. That made Key and Jjong stop to hear their conversation.



"No, Mr. Jung said we'll try to start the training after the Winter break," he responded casually.



"Guys, since we're all free this coming Winter break, why not have an outing? A day or two will do," I queried. Please say yes! I said to myself.



"An outing? That will be great!" Key enthusiastically.



"Alright. You're on!" Jjong said as he and Key gave each other a high-five. The three of us then ranted on and on why we should have an outing.



"Okay, Min and I are going," Eun Jo said in defeat. Since she already agreed, I think Luna will come too.



"I... I'll join you," she finally said.



I was on the verge of hugging her but I controlled myself.



"That makes it 6. Minho?" I said as I looked at him.



"Fine. It's not like I'll be doing something over the holidays anyway," he responded casually.



Okay. I think I'll enjoy this holiday outing. I thought as I smiled to the group.








Author's note:



Hello~ Thanks for reading. Saranghae. : )



Oh! By the way, I'm sorry I didn't post this chapter immediately 'coz I was busy with school stuff and all... I also got to update my other fic. kekeke. Thanks again. : )

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hi guys!! i miss u all!:)


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goofygal14 #1
guyssssssssssss! thank you so much for reading this FF! :)
x33candy #2
Chapter 56: update sooooooonnnnn... cant wait for the next chappieeee... heheh
mhekath #3
Chapter 50: Update s0on py0n.. Cn't w8 f0r the next chapters.. Kekeke=]
Chapter 28: I know what she's going through *sigh*
demonessrin #5
Chapter 48: cant wait for the next chapter. please update soon
Chapter 47: please update soon (:
mhekath #7
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]
mhekath #8
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]