The Escape

My Next-door Neighbor, Kim Jonghyun^^,

Onew's POV.



I woke up with a fine start this day. You see, I had this feeling that something huge is going on. It's just what my hunches are telling me.



When I arrived to school, I saw people huddling in front of the school's bulletin board. I cast them a questioning look before finally deciding to see what's going on there.



From afar, I saw Luna standing near the crowd. "Hey! What's up?" I asked as she saw me approaching her. She just smiled at me. Her smile... it gives me butterflies.



"Oppa! Congratulations for topping the exam," a girl suddenly said as she held out her hand. I shook it lightly and before I knew it, girls came to where I am standing. Crap! I couldn't see Luna now.



Just then, a hand grabbed mine. It felt good and warm that I wanna stay in that person's hold forever. The spaces between our fingers fit perfectly together.





Luna's POV.



I don't know what got into me but I saved his life from his fan girls. They're squeezing him to death!



We ran along the hallway until we reached the cafeteria.



"I'm nearly killed back there!" Onew said as he stopped running. "Hey! Tha-" he said but he cut off his sentence as he saw me staring at him. "L-luna?" he continued.



"The one and only," I said as I laughed my head off. I mean, he looks hilariously cute with shocked facial expression on.



"Thanks," he finally said.



"Don't mention it. Oh! Congrats for making to the number one again," I said as I congratulated him. He just grinned at me in return.



Honestly, it felt so good to be talking to him like this. He's so modest and kind that I think he's worth to be praised at every time. I thought as we entered the cafeteria.






Author's note:



I'm playing "Replay" when I encoded this. Keke.


Hey! I just posted the first chapter of my new fanfic. I hope you're gonna check it out, especially those who are Shawols (I think you guys are all SHINee's fan). ^^,


Here's the link:



Oh! By the way, thanks for reading. : )

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hi guys!! i miss u all!:)


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goofygal14 #1
guyssssssssssss! thank you so much for reading this FF! :)
x33candy #2
Chapter 56: update sooooooonnnnn... cant wait for the next chappieeee... heheh
mhekath #3
Chapter 50: Update s0on py0n.. Cn't w8 f0r the next chapters.. Kekeke=]
Chapter 28: I know what she's going through *sigh*
demonessrin #5
Chapter 48: cant wait for the next chapter. please update soon
Chapter 47: please update soon (:
mhekath #7
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]
mhekath #8
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]