Jjong's sudden outburst...

My Next-door Neighbor, Kim Jonghyun^^,

Jonghyun's POV.

It was half past seven when I knocked on my noona's bedroom door.


After few seconds of waiting, I grew impatient. "Hey! Are you still there, parrot?" I asked, trying to unlock the door.

"Seriously Jjong, I never thought you're a ert," she said as I barged into her room. She was busy putting colors on her face. Yeah, I used to call make up as colors. You know, it has different colored powders being put on someone's face.

"You looked okay without putting that on," I murmured quietly.

"Hey, you know what? I always thought you're still my arrogant and silly brother," she responded as she pinched my cheeks.

"I'm not as arrogant as what you think I am," I pouted as I said this.

"Arasso. So, how's things going on?" she suddenly queried, her eyes were blinking stupidly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I retorted.

"You know, mom told me something about this girl," she explained.

"Mom told what?" I asked, apparently curious.

"My lips are sealed. You have to figure it out," she said as she chuckled.

"Yeah? I guess you can call a cab now. I'm off to sleep," I responded. Honestly, she's starting to keep a secret from me. She never really does that... and I'm involved with it! Shouldn't I supposed to know that? I asked myself.

As I turned my head away, I heard her scream, "Hey! I was just kidding!"

Too late, sis. You better had keep out from being so secretive. I thought as I closed my bedroom door.


Author's note:

Mianhe. I know the chapters are short. :(

But anyhow, thanks for reading!
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hi guys!! i miss u all!:)


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goofygal14 #1
guyssssssssssss! thank you so much for reading this FF! :)
x33candy #2
Chapter 56: update sooooooonnnnn... cant wait for the next chappieeee... heheh
mhekath #3
Chapter 50: Update s0on py0n.. Cn't w8 f0r the next chapters.. Kekeke=]
Chapter 28: I know what she's going through *sigh*
demonessrin #5
Chapter 48: cant wait for the next chapter. please update soon
Chapter 47: please update soon (:
mhekath #7
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]
mhekath #8
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]