Kimchi for you and me

My Next-door Neighbor, Kim Jonghyun^^,

Key's POV.


Eun Jo called me last night saying that she wanted to borrow my History notes. I told her I'd visit her and that I'll be bringing those with me.



Ding dong... Ding dong...



"Oh Hyung! Come in," Taemin greeted me as he saw me.



"Hey! I thought I would visit you two,' I said as we sat on the couch. I always visit them especially during weekends 'coz their parents asked me to look after them.



"Where's Eun Jo?" I suddenly asked.



Taemin just shrugged and said, "She's in her room. She'll be here soon."



"Speaking of which... here she comes," I mumbled as I saw her walking down the staircase. She looked so pale that I'm guessing she hadn't have enough sleep over the past few nights.



"Look at you! You're having a dark circle around your eyes!" I nagged.



"I know... I know..." she responded. She then sat next to me. Just then, the door bell rang again.





Taemin's POV.



My sister is lazy enough to open the door so I did it instead. after opening it, I saw Mrs. Kim standing right next to her son.



What's his name again? Oh! That's right! It's Jonghyun.



"Good morning!I prepared kimchi for you and your sister," Mrs. Kim said happily as she handed a container full of kimchi.



"Kumawo ahjumma. My sister loves kimchi so much!" I responded enthusiastically.



"Oh! jjongie here loves it too!' she responded, tapping her son's shoulder.



"Why don't you come in?" I offered shyly.



"No. It's really okay, darling. we need to pick Jjongie's sister in the airport. We're going now. See you soon!" she said as they went off. Jonghyun hyung managed to give me a curt nod before they walked off.





Eun Jo's POV.



"What took you so long, Min?" I asked as taemin got back tothe living room.



"It's Jonghyun hyung and his mom. they brought kimchi for us," he explained. I raised my brow furiously as I heard Mr. Kingka's name. Key seemed to notice it so he started on interrogating me.






"Yes. It's Jonghyun hyung," Taemin responded. "I think i heard that name before," Key said almost immediately, scratching his head in curiosity.



"You did. It's that arrogant transferee from California," I explained.



"The new kingka?" he asked back.



"Yeah, the most arrogant kingka if that's what you mean to say," I responded coldly.



"She hated him," Taemin whispered to Key. he then glared at me.



"Chill! It's not that he's your friend or something," I retorted. Honestly, I really hated him. there's no way of overlooking that fact.






Author's note:



There, Key appeared already. Who's next? *grins*



Please keep on reading this fic. Thank you!^^,



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hi guys!! i miss u all!:)


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goofygal14 #1
guyssssssssssss! thank you so much for reading this FF! :)
x33candy #2
Chapter 56: update sooooooonnnnn... cant wait for the next chappieeee... heheh
mhekath #3
Chapter 50: Update s0on py0n.. Cn't w8 f0r the next chapters.. Kekeke=]
Chapter 28: I know what she's going through *sigh*
demonessrin #5
Chapter 48: cant wait for the next chapter. please update soon
Chapter 47: please update soon (:
mhekath #7
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]
mhekath #8
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]