And so we met...

My Next-door Neighbor, Kim Jonghyun^^,

Eun Jo's POV.

Today's no good. I woke up late as usual. Taemin's been calling me downstairs so I got up from my bed groggily and headed straight to the bathroom.

After some time, I finished taking a quick shower then changed into my school uniform. I ran downstairs only to find no signs of Taemin. Uhh, I thought he'll be sitting in the couch, watching his favorite cartoon, or drinking his banana milk in the kitchen. Of course I expected him to wait for me since it was practically his first day in school. Now Eun Jo, you have to walk to school alone. I thought as I went outside the house.

I was about to close the front door when I noticed two large trucks unloading what seems like furniture and household stuffs. Hmm, must've been the rumors I heard yesterday. I thought as I recalled that the house next to ours will be occupied by a small and rich family.

I round a corner then saw a brand new car. A middle-aged woman came out from it followed by a cool teenager clutching his phone. I think I need to buy presents. I mean, it would be too rude not to visit them. Okay, I'll just think about that later. I thought as I made my way to school.


Author's note:

It's really a short chapter but I hope you enjoy reading this. XD


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hi guys!! i miss u all!:)


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goofygal14 #1
guyssssssssssss! thank you so much for reading this FF! :)
x33candy #2
Chapter 56: update sooooooonnnnn... cant wait for the next chappieeee... heheh
mhekath #3
Chapter 50: Update s0on py0n.. Cn't w8 f0r the next chapters.. Kekeke=]
Chapter 28: I know what she's going through *sigh*
demonessrin #5
Chapter 48: cant wait for the next chapter. please update soon
Chapter 47: please update soon (:
mhekath #7
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]
mhekath #8
Chapter 44: Like.. onew like luna..lykwise.. N' keep pic2r of luna in his wallet.. Sweet=]