
Honey Funny Bunny


"WHAT?!  NO!  YOU CAN'T!  I mean, it's uhm.  Girl's night!  So, no boys allowed!"  How would Jihye tell her about her lovelife if Yunho would be in the same room as them?!  That was the purpose of the 'sleepover' right?  So that they could share secrets and stuff?

"Then I'll just be really quiet.  You can chat all you want.  I'll just sleep.  You won't even notice I'm there."  Yunho said with finality.  Like you couldn't change his mind anymore.

"Then it couldn't be called Girl's night anymore if there is a boy around."  _____ to reason.  Yunho squinted his eyes at her answer.

"Hmph!  It's either you let me or you'll sleep in my room tonight!!!!"  he threatened.


"Whaaat.  Come on, Oppooh.  Please, please?  I wanna have a slumber party in eonnie's room tonight."  _____ begged and clasped her hands in front of her chest.  She also looked at Yunho with her 'pleeaaase'~ expression that usually makes Yunho give in.

"I just can't understand why I couldn't be part of your slumber party.  Aren't I a fun guy?  I can party too, you know."  he huffed and pouted.

"Gosh, Oppa.  Are you still not letting us have our sleepover?!"  Jihye asked as she came back to the table and sat down.  She rolled her eyes at her oppa who was being ridiculously unreasonable at this time.

"But why can't I join??  I promise I'll behave and will sleep like a log on the bed."  He said and put his right hand up and crossed his heart with his left hand.

"Bed?!  What bed?!  My bed?!  Then where are we gonna sleep?  The three of us won't fit!  Remember oppa, you gave me a single-sized bed.  Me and _____ could even barely fit in it."  rebuked Jihye.

"Aha!  I know!  Instead of Jihye's room, why don't you have the slumber party in our bedroom instead?  We could all fit in our bed, right?  Or if you want, you, my dear little sister could go back to your room after your little chitchat and _____ will sleep in our bedroom.  Aren't I a genius or what?  Ehh?  Ehh?"  Yunho grinned and elbowed Jihye twice.  _____ giggled at his and Jihye's facial expressions.

"See!  See!  My baby here likes my idea!  Don't you, sweets??"  Yunho cooed _____ like a baby and Jihye made a gagging motion with .

"Oh, please!  I don't wanna witness that for the whole night!"  Jihye shuddered at her oppa's cheezy public display of affection.  Then she faced ______.  "This is final and unchangeable. _____, i'll expect you tonight IN MY ROOM."  She continued and emphasized the words.

"NO!"  Yunho quickly opposed.

"Gaaaaahd.  Why is it so hard for you to just let us be?!?"  Jihye was frustrated with her oppa that she wanted to pull her hair from head.

"Coz I can't sleep without _____!"  He replied and gave _____ a lovestruck smile which made her giggle again.

"Oh geez, she'll just be at the other room!!!  It's not like I'm taking her away forever.  Sheesh, im glad my boyfriend is not overprotective like you."  Jihye mumbled the last sentence to herself.

"What??"  Yunho's head snapped up towards his sister's direction.

"NOTHING.  I said, uhm, I'm glad I don't have a boyfriend like you.  ANYWAAAY, oppa, please don't be such a killjoy and just let us have our slumber party/sleepover in my room.  I mean, you know what they say.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  And besides, aren't you worried that _____ will soon get sick of the constant sight of your face?!"  Jihye threatened making ____ gasp in her merciless bluntness.

"BABY!!!!  YOU WON'T GET SICK OF ME, RIGHT? RIGHT?!?  TELL MEEEEE!"  Yunho had a panic-stricken face.  His eyes were fearful and wide as he waited for his love's answer.  Unknown to him, Jihye sent _____ a look that said 'you better answer correctly so that we could have our sleepover!'

"U-uhm... I.. I don't know, Oppooh...."  _____ nervously replied.  She didn't want to hurt him but she also wanted the sleepover to happen.

"HUWAAAAAT?!  OH MY GOD!!!!  MY HEART IS SO PAINFUUUUL!  *clutches his heart*  FINE FINE!!  If letting you guys have a sleepover in your bedroom won't make _____ get sick of me then, however painful it is.....I'll let you."  He said with a dramatic sigh at the end.  He closed his eyes and sighed again.

"Pffft.  Get a grip of yourself oppa and cut the drama!  Well, it's settled then.  I can't wait!!!"  She stood up and jumped up and down and then hugged _____.  "Very good."  Jihye whispered in _____'s ear.  She gave Jihye a smile as a reply.

After Jihye left, she turned to Yunho who still had his eyes closed.  She poked his cheek.

No reaction.

*poke poke*

Yunho opened his eyes and pouted at her.  "You sided with Jihye!!!"  He accused.

"Aigoo, you know I love you."  _____ sweetly said and kissed his cheek.  "Thanks for letting us, Oppooh..."  She reached out to hug him.  He stood up pulling her and hugged her properly.  "Hmph."  He replied but continued their hug (which was cut earlier by Mrs. Jung and Jihye) nonetheless.


It was already 10:15 PM when _____ finished preparing for the night.  She had already washed up and was already in her pajamas.  With a pillow in one arm and blanket on the other, she glanced at Yunho who was sulking on the bed.  As much as she wanted to hug him, she couldn't.  She knew Yunho might give her an iron grip and not let her go to Jihye's room.

"Good night, Oppooh.  Sweet dreams, sleep tight.  Love you!"  She said and waved at him with the blanket.  Then she headed for the door.

"_____."  Yunho halted her.

"Uhm.. yes?"  She turned around to face him while holding her breath.  What if Yunho changed his mind!?

"Don't I get a good night kiss?"  He asked in all seriousness.  She let out a sigh of relief.  With a little struggle due to  the things in her arms, she managed to send him a flying kiss.  No, she wouldn't go back to the bed where Yunho could reach and trap her! 

"Okie, Oppooh?  Bye!"  She said and dashed outside the room.  "Whew!" She exclaimed and knocked at her Jihye eonnie's door. 

"Come iiiin!"  She heard Jihye shout from the inside.  She slowly opened the door and peeked in.  "Hi, _____!!!!"  She greeted and waved _____ inside.

"Wooooow eonnie!!!  You're so prepared for tonight!"  She exclaimed, amazed at the girly stuff lying in her room like nail polishes, pillows, and FOOD.  "Are we gonna pig out?"  She asked with a smile while eyeing the chips, biscuits and chocolates.  She couldn't wait to gulf down junk food!

"Sure we will!  Oh gosh, _____!!  I can't waiiiiit to tell you all about it!!  But remember what I said, _____.  You can't tell anybody ESPECIALLY OPPA."  Jihye warned and _____ nodded eagerly.  "GREAT!  But first, let me take that."  The older girl took the blanket and pillow and placed it on her bed.

Soon after, they were already flopped down on Jihye's fluffy sofa with their feet up as well.  Both started munching on mixed chips and chocolates.  They warmed up their 'sleepover party' by reminiscing memories until they were able to talk about what happened to them recently.  And then came the MAIN TOPIC.

"Soooooooo...........??"  _____ said with a knowing smile and arched brow.

"Uhhhmm......"  Jihye said, suddenly unsure about telling her oppa's girlfriend.

"Oh come on, eonni!  YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!"  _____ demanded and playfully threw a cheeseball at Jihye.  Jihye dodged, picked up the cheeseball that had fallen on her lap and popped it to .

"What will I do to you if you blab it out to oppa?"  Jihye asked.  What she meant was...punishment.

"Uhm... I don't know, dye my hair to any color you want?"  The younger girl asked.

"Too easy.  You might change it the next day."  Jihye said.

"But eonni I PROMISE I WON'T TELL!!!"  _____ pouted.

"Aish!  Alright, fine!  But don't be too suprised, okay? Well it start-"  Jihye started.

"WAIT!!!  Do I know the guy???"  ____ inquired. 

"Uhm.........  I-I'll.... Li-listen to my story first!!!"   Jihye breathed in and out.  "As I was saying, it start-"  Jihye continued but was cut off.

One look from you girl and It’s too hard to get by

But excuse me girl, I been watching you

All night that’s right,

I’d like to take this night over


Immediately, Jihye blushed.   "W-wait, I'll just go take that call."  She grabbed her phone and answered.

"Yobeosaeyo?  Oppa?"  Jihye said and glanced at _____.  "Yes.... I missed you too... *blushes*  Uhm, yeah.  I'm currently having a sleepover party with _____.  Yes, ______.  THE _____.  Yup!  She promised she won't tell.  *giggles*  Yes, oppa~.  Neeeeh~....  I will.  You too...  Okay, good night Oppa~!  Take care!!" 

"So, was that your....?"  _____ inquired with a giggle afterwards.  Her fierce eonnie looked sooooo adorable while she was talking to her 'oppa'.  Jihye, with a flushed face, nodded.  Then the two girls looked at each other for a moment before they started squealing together and bursting into giggles.

"YIiiiiiiheeeeeee!!!!~~~~!!!"  _____ teased Jihye and she laughed and bit her lip.  "So eonnie, tell me now, tell me your LOVE STORY!!!!"  _____ said and hugged her pillow tight.  She's so happy for her eonnie. Who knew this fierce girl could be so mushy.

"Where was I?  Oh yes.  So.. *giggles*  Yeah.. So MY love story started when one day, I was walk-"  She excitedly started her story but was once again cut off.


Lo and behold, the bedroom door opened with a 'blag' and in came Yunho in his pajamas with a pillow under an arm.  The two girls were too stunned to move.

"HI GIIIIIRLS!!!"  He happily greeted in English and the girls just blinked at him in response.  Before he reached the bed, Jihye screamed.

"OOOOPPPPPAAAAAAA!!!!!" She screamed angrily.  She stood up from the couch and charged towards Yunho.  "YOU!  OUT!"  She grabbed his pajama sleeve and tried to drag Yunho outside.

"O-ooppooh, I think you should."  _____ nervously said.

"But whyyyy?"  He pouted.  He resisted Jihye's pull making a small rip in his sleeve.  He faced his sister and stepped back a little as he saw her eyes shooting lasers at him.  Jihye used this moment to instantly pull him towards the door and out.

"____! QUICKLY HELP ME!"  Jihye shouted as she then tried to push Yunho out.  _____, who wanted to hear her eonnie's story so bad hesitatedly pushed Yunho too, who started to struggle and protest against them.  They successfully pushed him out of the room despite his whines.  Yes, whines. 

They started to close the door on him but he then placed his pillow between his legs and tried to push the door open with his two arms while the two girls tried to push the door close.

"Yaaaah!  LET ME IN!!"  He shouted.

"Noooo!!!  This is a girls' night!  GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS!!!!"  Jihye shouted back.

"But why did you decide on a girls' night???  Why didn't you just call it something else so I could fit in?"  He asked and tried to push the door again.  The two girls were already panting.  It was no easy if you're against somebody like Yunho.

"Just leave us alone!!!"  Jihye shouted again.  "EEP!"  She squealed as Yunho made the gap a bit wider.  "OPPA STOOOP!  We're getting tired already!!!"  Jihye pleaded. 

"Well you wouldn't be if you just let me join you!!"  He shouted.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!"  Mr. Jung asked as he and Mrs. Jung appeared, also in their pajamas.  They were woken up by their children's shouts. 

"Appa!!!  They won't let me in!  They said it's a girls' night!"  Yunho complained and stopped pushing the door.  They heard a high5 by the two girls and the girls made a small gap, enough for them to peek outside.

"Yunho, it's already 12am!  Didn't you tell us you have work tomorrow?  Let them be and go sleep in your bedroom."  Mr. Jung patiently said.

"Omma~....."  He turned to his mother who he knew would take his side.

"Jihye sweetheart, why don't you let Yunho join you guys?  I'm sure he'll behave."  Mrs. Jung said and Yunho nodded his head quickly.

"Sheesh, Mom!  Why are you treating him like a kid?  And you Oppa, why are you acting like one?!  You're UKNOW YUNHO, the strong leader of TVXQ in case you forgot!  Now we have a long night to go so please... Good night and SCRAM!"  And with that, Jihye slammed the door shut and made sure to double lock her bedroom door.

"Well.  I guess her mind is already made up.  It's okay, Yunho.  Go and sleep now, good night."  Mr. Jung said softly and patted his back. 

"Good night, dear."  Mrs. Jung said and kissed his cheek.

"Good night, Omma , Appa.  Sorry we woke you up."  He apologized.  They smiled and went back to bedroom.  Yunho sighed and with slumped shoulders, he picked up his pillow and went to his 'lonely' bedroom.


Meanwhile, Jihye dusted off her hands after placing a chair under the door's doorknob.  Whoever unlocks her door would still not be able to get in.  "Ha!  Let's see if they could still come in!"  She said happily and jumped on the fluffy sofa.  ____, who felt so bad after 'betraying' her Oppooh and hearing her eonnie's harshness towards him, bit her lower lip in guilt.

Her phone beeped and she smiled when she saw the text message.

From:  Oppooh <3

M going 2 sleep now. Njoy ur 'sleepover'.  I LOVE YOU baby.  Nyt nyt!! <3 Chu~!

To:  Oppooh <3

I LOVE YOU MORE!  Sorry bout earlier, Oppooh.  Ill make it up 2 u. Gudnyt. <3 Chu~ Chu~! :)


"Finally!  Anyway, AS I was saying...."  Jihye opened another pack of chips and gave it to _____.  " started when I was browsing clothes at this boutique shop."  She paused as she bit on a brownie.  "I had my arms full of clothes to try on when suddenly, a man  stepped on my newly polished toes!!!  I got pissed off quickly since I had a bad morning but I decided just let it go.  UNTIL I saw who that person was when he turned around to apologize."  She paused again and finished off her brownie.

"Who?" _____ asked in a whisper. 

"That duckbutted KIM JUNSU!!!"  She exclaimed and _____'s jaw dropped.  So her eonnie's boyfriend is her KIM JUNSU OPPA?!?!  How come he didn't tell her when she was staying over at their house????

"What?!"  _____ exclaimed in shock.

"Hold it!  I'm not done yet!  And so yeah.  When I saw his face, my annoyance turned into rage.  You know why?  Because the reason I had a bad morning was because of his tweet against Yunho oppa!!! I read it and I was so mad at him for saying such things.  Like, of course, you'd thank the boss of your company which produced your albums, right?  So at that time, I found his tweet so effin stupid!"  Jihye's eyes turned into slits as she punched her palm.  _____ gulped in fear.

"So when I saw his shocked face when he saw me, I gathered all my strength and pushed all the clothes I had to his face as hard as I could!!  I couldn't describe how mad I was at him.  I started shouting at him.  How dare he say those things against my brother!! Only I have the right to bully him!  And even though I bully Oppa sometimes, I love him with all my heart!!!!  Who messes with my Oppa messes with me!  I'd crush them in my hands like brittle crackers!"  Jihye animatedly told the story and crushed the chips that were in her hands making ____ gasp. 1)  She knew her eonni had quite a temper but not violent!  2)  She attacked Junsu in public!  3)  The crushed chips were now powdered.

"Oh. my. gosh!  Poor Junsu oppa!"  _____ exclaimed as she put her hands to after imagining the scene.

"Pffft.  Poor indeed!  He fell backwards on the floor.  I was still blinded by rage I was about to crush the thing between his legs with my heels when I felt somebody's arms around my waist and pulled me away from him.  Junsu's eyes were wide in fear as he looked at me."  She shook her head and laughed a little.  "He must've thought I was a monster."

_____'s jaw was hanging wide open as she stared at her eonnie.  Jihye laughed at her and flicked a chocolate to ____'s open mouth.

"Chew it!  Anyway, back to the story.  Somebody pulled me away from Junsu. 

And when I looked at who it was, it was.....  "



[A/N]  Annyeong! :) How is everybody? :D  I hope everybody's all ready for your dates on Valentines Day! My date this Valentines day is no other than KIM JAEJOONG!  Seriously.  Because in KCC Phils, there's a Valentine Special Screening of Heaven's Postman. Bwahahaha. <3


Oh!  HAVEN'T YOU HEARD?   You, err, the character in this story has a TWITTER ACCOUNT! :))) You may want to follow her:  @loveOPPOOH  But don'tcha worry, it's just for fun.  Teehee! :)


OH AND HELLO SILENT READERS. ^____^  Thank you for still reading!



@XxCookiexX - *hugs*  OH HELLO HELLO! :D :D Thank you for commenting!!! ^____^ Teehee! Im glad one chapter of mine made somebody comment. *dances around* 

@nad_duh - You might want to squeeze Yunho's cheeks. :)) Such a cutie! ^_^

@daridiridaradu - And I think he got sillier in this chapter! HAHAHA! :))) Aww, dont worry, in time you'll see him UPCLOSE! ;) AKTF!

@Woouforever - Thanks! I just saw/watched him.  My friends got to meet him tho. *sigh* But it's okay.  next time, it will be OUR TURN to meet him, yeah? :D And tadaaaan, half of Jihye's lovelife!

@subicbay - You're welcome! :) You are so right.  He's sizzling hot.  *sizzle sizzle ssss* Im getting weird, aren't i? Mian. Haha.

@candyforlove - LOL! Poor Yunnie couldn't get what he wants. :( He jsut wants some time with his sister and love but.... oh well. He's a big man now. <3

@chalx- - Thank you!  It was one heaven of an experience. Im sure you'll experience it too! ;) I hope you're still eggcited to read the next chappie!

@yunhotic - UWAAA. You mention'ed his yummy pouty lips!  Don't you wanna kiss 'em? *stop bein koreankendi!* And a big thank you for liking my updates! Bwahahaha.  I love it whenever readers get carried away. ;) Thank you!

@iammee - OH MY GOOOOOOSH *SPAZZES AGAIN*  Where were you seated???? :D Wasn't he hot????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.

@EunHye101 - Hello!  WELCOME TO MY FIIIIICshun, fiiiishun! :D I hope you'll keep supporting til the end. ^^v

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.