See You Soon!

Honey Funny Bunny

She walked back to a car, parked a little bit far from us.  I wonder what or who is in there..  Anyway,  i just realized one thing:

I'm still in love with her.



Oh shucks, that was embarrassing!  I hurriedly went back to the car.  "Oppa!!  What was that honking all about?!  We.. He was just excited!"  I asked as I got in the car.  "Well, he was TOO EXCITED FOR MY TASTE!  How could you allow him to lay a finger on you????"  He's quite angry.  I let out a frustrated sigh.  "Oppa, we're friends!  Close friends!  JUST FRIENDS!!" 



I grinned.  This is gooooood!  I feel like I'm watching a drama from the backseat.  I hurriedly took out a pack of chips from my bag and opened it.  *munch*munch*



What she said stopped me from saying anything else.  She's right.  They're just friends so I have nothing to worry about.  I sighed.  I admit I'm probably going overboard.  I controlled myself so I wouldn't put her in a bad mood further.  "Okay...  Sorry..." She seemed surprised with my reaction, or rather, lack of reaction.  "Eh?  Okay now, oppa?  Uhm, can I go back there again?  We'll be in your plain sight, so you can uhm.. watch us or something.."  I just nodded, "Okay."  She nodded too, "Okay" and got out.

"Hyung, what was that!?  Where's the drama and action??  Haish!"  Changmin asked.  I ignored him and just watched ________ walk away...again.

Haish.  Where the heck are their other friends?!



Okay.  That was weird.  Yunho oppa just agreed with me just like that.  Anyway, I went back to Jay oppa who was sitting on a bench, smiling as I approached him.  "Oppa, hi again!"  I sat down beside him.  He smiled.  "So... Who's that?"   He asked, referring to the car.  I'm feeling slightly uncomfortable and shy, but of course I won't tell him that.

You:  Oh.  That's oppa and his friend. *smiles*
Jay:  Oppa?  Oppa-friend or oppa-lover?
Y:  *blush*  Oppa-lover.
J:  *nods*  Riiiight...
Y:  What, you don't believe me?
J:  Nope, sorry.   *laughs*
Y:  Oh yeah?  What made you doubt me?  *raises eyebrow*
J:  Hmmm.  Let's see.  I've never seen you with your so-called "boyfriend", you don't even have pics together posted on facebook, twitter, or anywhere else, I don't even see you send googly lovey-dovey posts to anyone on again, facebook/twitter.  To be honest, it's like he doesn't even exist.  I don't even know his name, Sun.  I don't think any of us 7 knows who he is.  Am I right or am I right? 
Y:  *looks down*  Right..  But you see oppa, it's quite...complicated.
J:  Waeyo?  Is he married?
Y:  No...
J:  Then what's up?  What's wrong?  Why can't we know more about him?  If he's real, that is... 
Y:  He's real.  I just can't tell you about it.  (And I can't tell you he's a celebrity like you because I don't want you to pester me about who he is.)
J:  Why the heck not?! 
Y:  Oppa, can't we just drop this subject? 



I sighed.  Now that I've realized that I still love her... No, I mean I think it was love at first sight.  Our love back then was puppy love.  Eventually, after we had to part, I learned to love her only as a friend.  But seeing her again in person, after all these years, I'm back to being in love with her again.  She's taken?  That's bullsh**!  I'm not gonna believe that whether it's true or not!!

Seeing her being uncomfortable with our conversation, I dropped the subject.  "Okay, Sun.  I'm sorry.  Let's about something else.  Okay?"  I lifted her chin so she would face me.  *honk*  I dropped my hand after she smiled at me and nodded.  Geez, her smile!  I was once again reminded why I fell in love with her before. 

When she smiles, her doll-like eyes would turn into cute little lines, and her lips would show 4 cute upper teeth.  And her dimples on both cheeks!  Right there and then, I restrained myself from cupping her face and kissing her on the spot.  I feel so happy for telling the rest to come an hour later than the time I told ________.  Keke!

"Okay.  Enough about me.  Let's talk about you, oppa."  And so we talked about myself.  My activities back in USA, my plans for the future, my soon-to-be activities, and my sadness over 2PM.  "Awww......"  She sympathized as she wrapped an arm around my back, squeezing me for comfort. 

When she unwrapped it, I felt sad.  I wanted her to hold me again.  "It's okay, Sun.  Don't worry, I'm okay and happy." I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head.  *honk*  She was surprised and jumped back a little.  "Sorry.  I couldn't help it."  I said sheepishly.   She blushed.  "Oooh, you're blushing!!!"  I teased, poking her cheek.  "Am not!!!"  She denied and I laughed.  "If you say so...."  She punched my arm in response and laughed too.

I was having a great time with ________ that time flew by so fast and 2 of our friends came.  "Jay! ________-ah!"  Euna yelled.  "Unnie!!!!" ________ squealed while running towards Euna.  "Hyung!"  I approached Joon hyung for a high5.  After all the hugs and greetings, ________ said, "Oh, I'll be right back!"  She smiled then ran towards the car.



Finally!  A few of my friends arrived!  I missed them so much!!  I wanted to talk to them asap but I have to run back to oppa so that they can go home.  It's not like I'm pushing them away but if they don't have any schedule tonight, then I want them to have a rest because the coming days will be hectic for them.  And if they won't go now, then they'd get home late.  They have a schedule tomorrow morning.  Plus, my friends might come up in the car suddenly and discover oppa and Changmin oppa.



"Oppa!"  She panted as she got in the car.  "Uhm.. I guess you may go now."  My eyes widened.  "But why?!  NO!  You aren't even complete yet!!"  I won't leave her this early!!!  "Aww oppa.  If we wait for them to be complete before I say bye to you, then it's risky!   They might see you!  And it might be hard for me later on to get away from the group.  Besides, you still have an early schedule tomorrow morning, if you leave now, then you'll have a long rest.  Look at Changmin oppa, he's worn out already."

We both looked at Changmin in the backseat.  He just looked at us back while sipping melon milk.  "He's perfectly fine so we don't need to go home yet!"  Changmin nodded, "Yeah, though I'm just a little bit hungry...."  I glared at him.

"But oppa, you'll make me worry if you'll leave later.  It's a long drive on the way back home, it's good to drive while there's still some sun left."  I sighed.  I don't wanna make her worry tonight coz she should be having fun.  I feel like i'm losing this 'battle'.  "But I don't want to say goodbye yet..."  I pouted.  She pinched my cheek.  "Aww, oppa.. We don't have to.. We can just say, 'See you soon!' to each other.  And i'll only be gone for 5 days.  I'll be back before both of us know it."  I nodded.  "Then does that mean we have to get your bags now?"  She nodded.

I opened the trunk and started to get out of the car.  "Wait oppa!! Your mask! They might recognize you!!"  I put my cap and mask on and we both got out and went to the back of the car.  She started to reach for her bags but I stopped her.  "Wait..." I said.  I pulled her to me and hugged her. 

"I'll miss you."  She hugged me tight.  "I'll miss you too, oppa.  But don't worry, we both will have fun.  Right?"  She said as she rested her head on my shoulder.  I put my cheek on top of her head.  "Right.  We will."  We just hugged like that for a few minutes not letting her go.  Suddenly, she giggled.

"Waeyo?"  I asked.  "Oppa, I think we're overly dramatic.  It's not like I'm going out of the country."  She explained.  "Still...  Hmm, you know, you can still back out...  We're gonna be taping Happy Together and Running Man.  You like those shows, right?"  I hinted hoping she'll change her mind.  "Oppa, you're funny!" 

When she laughed, I didn't see my 'mark' on her neck.  I stiffened.  "Sweets, didn't I....bite you last night?"  She touched her neck.  "You did, thank God your teeth mark is gone now!  What a weird dream you had!"  I nodded while frowning.  I hugged her again, planning to bite her but...what would be my reason for doing it?  I sighed.  I guess I have to give it up.

She tried to end our hug but I didn't let her.  Instead, I just loosened my hug, my hands laced behind her back.  I looked into her eyes.  "________-ah."  She leaned away from me, "Hmm?  You sound serious, oppa.  Heh-heh.."  I just continued staring.  "What do you call that Jay?"  She bit her lip, " 'Jay oppa'..."  I nodded.  "Okay, don't call me 'oppa' anymore.  You've been calling a lot of guys 'oppa'.  Call me something else.  A nickname!"  ________ thought for a moment.  "But you got mad when I kept calling you 'Yunnie the Pooh' ".  She pouted.  "Yunnie it is then, if you want."  I smiled, giving my consent..  "Hmm, no I'll change it to..'OpPOOH'!!! "  She giggled.  "Okay baby, from now on, call me 'Oppooh'  That's only mine, okay?  Don't ever use that to call somebody else."  She hugged me again, "Okay, promise.  Oppooh!"

We let go of each other and I gave her her bags.  I kissed her lips.  "I love you, Oppooh!"  My heart jumped.  "I love you, too sweets.  Take care of yourself, okay?  I'll be calling you whenever I can.  And call me too, as soon as you reach the island so I won't worry."  She nodded.  "Neh, call me too when you reach home, okay?  Oppooh, there's food in the fridge, okay?  Just reheat it.  And don't be too hard on Changmin oppa!  Don't skip meals, please!!!"    I nodded.  "Arasso.  Don't worry!  Have fun, see you soon!!!" 

She poked her head in the car and bid Changmin goodbye and gave him something too.  She turned around to wave at me and walked away.  Changmin and I both waved and I got in the passenger's seat, giving Changmin the car keys.  I don't think I can drive with this emotion.  I can't believe I was able to let her go into the arms of her first love.  I just hope Jay *pukes* won't do something stupid or else I'll break his neck.

Understanding me, Changmin got in the driver's seat.  "So hyung...did you 'mark her'?  How come I didn't see it?"  I swatted my hand.  "Haish.  Forget about it!  I did it last night but somehow, it vanished."  He turned to me, "Eh?  Why?  Didn't you mark her hard enough?"  I'm getting uncomfortable here, a dongsaeng grilling me about this topic.  "YAH!  Just forget it!  And let's go."  He turned the engine on and drove away, leaving ______ and her friends.  I sighed.

"So hyung... Why don't you tell me about her and Jay's lovestory?  What happened?  Why did they break up?"  Changmin asked.  I sighed.  "Fine, I'll tell you about it."  I'll talk about it even if the story gives me the creeps.



[A/N]  Hellooooo!! Please, please, please forgive me for not updating soon.  I've been feeling down lately because of family problems so I wasn't able to write. :(  I'm sorry for making you wait for a long time.  I feel so bad for being such a bad author.  Huhuhu.  But I also want to THANK YOU guys for making me HAPPY!  Really!! Your reading, subscribing, especially your comments uplifted my spirit so much when I was feeling sad and worthless. If only I could tell you guys how much I appreciate it!  THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! :) <3

On a lighter note, have you guys seen DBSK's FULL MV of Before U Go?  Gosh! It's 16minutes long and the vid is totally AWESOME! Yunho's so drool-worthy!  I actually liked Go Ara!! And Changmin's acting is soooo impressive!  I love love love it!! ^_^ *screams*


@JaeJoongSoulMate - Haha! Better say 'goodluck' to Changmin!  I wonder how he'll handle Yunho.. Aww, thank you for that comment! :)  I promise to keep writing good chapters. <3

@KeyRa99 - Yeah! :)) Jay better behave! :))

@PiiGs01 - Hi!! :) I'm sorry for not updating soon enough. :(

@Glamourkitty - Thank you for loving my story!! The trip will indeed be interesting!!! Hohum.. ^_^

@ QueenB_doll- Bwahahaha!  That's good, I like it when my readers get carried away, it means my story has impact! :)  Thank you for saying it's a good chapter.  :D

@ chillyshia- It depends upon _____ if she'll let things happen during the reunion.. OOps!! I better shut my mouth. Haha.  Oh! I've heard about that TC but I've never seen it. :(  I hope someday i'll be able to watch it! I love watching K/JDramas, they're sooo creative with storylines!  Thanks, my country experienced an earthquake recently, fortunately nobody got hurt.

@ blackorchid-  Haha! That's okay, Yunho makes me laugh too whenever he *pukes* at the thought of Jay. Hahahaha. ^_^

@sparkfiree -  Hello there! ^_^ Don't worry, that's good because you took care of your studies first instead of wasting it on fanfics. LOL!  I hope you'll enjoy your summer vacation, yey!! :) 

@ minhana- Hi! Welcome to my story!  I hope you'll enjoy it. :)


Once again, my dear readers, I'm sorry for not updating soon.  And THANK YOU AGAIN! ^_^  I love you all.  *hugs*kisses*



UPNEXT:  All about  ______ and Jay's RELATIONSHIP!


PS:  Sorry if this was a short, boring chapter. T_T

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.