Still Green-eyed?

Honey Funny Bunny

"Believe me, sweets.  I'm really happy that you're here with me, with my family.  Now come on and let's go find Taepoong."  Yunho gave her a smile and she finally believed him when she saw his sincerity.

"We're gonna play with Taepoong?"  She grinned.

"Yup!  Kaja!"  He then broke into a run surprising _____.  He looked back at her and winked.  But she just laughed and ran as well, enjoying this happy moment with her Oppooh.


"RRAAAARRRFFF!!  RRRAAARRRFFF!!!"  Taepoong happily barked at his masters who were on their way to his dog house.  He wagged his tail wildly for a bit before darting to them.  He sped up his run when he recognized his favorite toy at the hands of his master.  FETCH!

"Taepoong-aaah!  FETCH BOY!"  Yunho wiggled the dog stick and then threw it as far as possible.  ______ laughed, seeing how enthusiastic Taepoong was.  In fact, she couldn't see his paws anymore as they quickly touch the ground again and again.  Finally, Taepoong leaped and caught the stick perfectly in his mouth.

"Yeeeey!!!"  _____ clapped her hands. 

"GOOD BOY!"  Yunho praised.  He squatted down and waited for Taepoong to return the stick to him as it ran back to them.  He smiled widely seeing how his Taepoong was still as strong as ever and as fast as a lightning bolt.  However, his smile faded as Taepoong dropped the stick in front of _____ and sat in front of her, waiting for her.  _____ laughed nervously and glanced at Yunho.  The last thing she wanted was to make him feel bad again.  He gave an awkward/forced smile and nodded.  She then picked up the stick and gave it to Yunho, earning a whimper of protest from Taepoong.

"He wants you to throw the stick."  Yunho stated.  _____ looked at Taepoong, back to Yunho, then to Taepoong again.  With a determined look on her face, she threw the stick as far as she could and Taepoong excitedly ran for it.  Then she faced Yunho. 

"Oppooh... I think I'll just go sit on the bench and watch you two play."  She said.  "Hmm, I think you're right.  It's really hot and sunny today.  Why don't you sit at the bench under the tree?"  He pointed to the bench farthest from where they were.  _____ laughed.  "You're right, Oppooh!  I'll go sit there now.  Enjoy!"  Then she skipped to the bench before Taepoong came back.

Taepoong once again caught the stick perfectly and ran back.  But it immediately halted once he caught sight of _____ sitting at the bench.  It turned and headed for her instead.

"YAH!! TAEPOONG!!! TAEPOOOONG!!  GO HERE!  HERE! YAAH!"  Yunho shouted and flailed his arms hoping to catch his pet's attention.  _____ face palmed herself and chuckled.  Oh dear... This is not good.  She thought as she watched Taepoong run straight to her.

"Taepoongie... Go to Yunho oppa!  Over there!  Look!  Look!!"  She shouted and pointed at her Oppooh, hoping to direct Taepoong.  However, it dropped its stick in front of her and sat down.  She groaned.  "Taepoongieee..  We'll both be in trouble if you keep doing this. Aigoo~"  She said and rubbed the dog's head before picking up the stick.

"_____!!"  She heard Yunho yell and she saw him running towards them.  "Yes, Oppooh??"  She asked.  "Well... Errr, Jihye wants to talk to you."   He said awkwardly.  "Jihye eonnie?"  She asked and peeked behind him but she didn't see Jihye.  Not even a shadow.

"Yes.  Jihye.  She uhm.. sent me a text message."  He hated lying.

"Oh???"  She cocked her head to the side in wonder until she realized what he was trying to do.  "OOOooohhh!!!"  She nodded in understanding and gave him a knowing smile.  A silence of understanding each other passed between them and Yunho blushed since he knew he had been caught.  She stood up close to him and chuckled.

"You're the cutest, Oppooh!!!"  She gushed.  Then she tiptoed and kissed his cheek.  "Okay.  I'll go 'talk' to Jihye eonnie now.  I love you, Oppooh! Laters!"  She gave him the stick and ran with Taepoong closely behind her, leaving Yunho in embarrassment because of his childish act. 

"Taepoong, go play with Yunho oppa, okay??  Go now."  She patted Taepoong's head before going inside the house.  Taepoong had no choice but to leave its 'favorite master' behind and headed for Yunho.  Arrrf.  Oh well.  Aarrrfff. 

______ peeked at the window and saw Yunho grin when Taepoong came running to him.  She laughed.  Silly Oppooh, I thought he was already 'cool' with everything.  I guess not.  She laughed softly again.

"I thought you and Oppa are playing with Taepoong?"  _____ whipped around and found Jihye looking at her.

"Eonnie!!!!!  Well, he wants his alone-time with Taepoong."  She answered and told her eonnie about the whole 'jealous' thing. 

"Aigoo~~!!!"  Jihye exclaimed and clucked her tongue in disapproval.  "What is he?!  9 years old?!"  She asked and put her hands to her hips.

"It's okay, eonnie.  Isn't he cuuuute?"  _____ put her hands together and stared dreamily at Yunho.

"Gosh.  Love really is BLIND."  Jihye said and pretended to shudder.

"Oh, come on eonnie!!!  I know you're in love too!!!"  She teased Jihye and playfully pushed her.

"OH.MY.GOD.  How did you know?!!?"  Jihye asked with wide eyes.  She looked left and right and whispered.  "How did you know???"

"Wait!!! I'm right then?  You're in love?!  KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~!!!!!! OH MY GOSH EONNIE I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! WHY DID YOU AAMOPHHH-"  She was shocked and happy and excited and...and......  She was just teasing her eonnie.  She didn't know Jihye was really in love!

"SSSSHHHH!!!  Omma and Appa don't know yet...."  She said after clamping ____'s mouth.  After making sure the younger girl calmed down already, she took her hand off .

"Oh my gosh, eonnie!!!  Who's the lucky guy????  Who is he?  Who is he???????"  _____ excitedly whispered while shaking Jihye's shoulders.

"AIIISH!  RELAX GIRL!  I'll tell you later...when everybody's asleep.  But YOU have to PROMISE ME you won't tell anybody OR ELSE."  Jihye warned, emphasizing the words.  _____ shook her head yes, her eyes big with excitement.  "NOT. EVEN. OPPA.  Arasso?"  She squinted her eyes at _____.

"NEEEEH!! NEEEH!! Arassoo!!  Oh my gosh eonnie.. KYAA!!!"  _____ couldn't help but squeal.  "Oh, wait!!!  When everybody's asleep???"  _____ inquired.

"Why don't you sleep in my room later?  Then we can chat all night!"  Jihye suggested and as expected, _____ jumped up and down in excitement..

"YEEEY!  Sleepover!! Slumber party!!  Gosh, I miss having female companions.  Thank you, eonnie!  I can't wait for later!!"  She hugged Jihye and the older one laughed.

"Awww... My happy girls!"  Mrs. Jung suddenly popped out of nowhere.  Her hands were clasped in front of her chest as she happily watched the two girls.

"OMMA!  WHA- WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!"  Jihye panicked and the two quickly released each other.  What if her Omma heard her?  Oh no, she's dead!

"Oh, just now.  Why?"  Mrs. Jung asked.

"Erm. NOTHING!  HEHE!"  Jihye laughed nervously.  "Okay Omma, I gotta do something now.  See yah both laterrrr!"  Jihye quickly dashed away, leaving the two behind in surprise.

"What's up with her?"  Mrs. Jung asked the now-nervous-______.

"Hehehehe......"  She laughed nervously.  She couldn't lie to Mrs. Jung!  "Err, OH!  Omma, thank you for teaching me the recipes of Oppoo-  I mean, Yunho oppa's favorite foods..."  She bowed and smiled.  It was not that she was changing the subject... but, okay maybe she was.  But really...she was sincerely grateful to her. 

"Aigoo~  That's nothing, my dear.  Cha!  Do you want to learn more??"  Mrs. Jung asked with happiness and kindness in her eyes.  She was glad that her dear son found such a lovely and beautiful girl who clearly loves her son.  When she sees the two of them, she would always feel giddy like a teenager.  She couldn't wait for the two to get married!!!!  Oh, when will they give her grand children??  Until when would she wait?  How could they prolong her and Mr. Jung's agony?!  Aigoo~  These two! 

"Omo!  Omma, I really want to but... i don't want to bother you anymo-"  ____ politely declined.

"YAH!  SHMOTHER BOTHER!  Come on now.  Follow me into the kitchen.  You don't want the old lady to wait, do you?"  Mrs. Jung ordered and headed for the kitchen.  It's quite clear who Yunho got his leadership skills from.

"A-ah, n-neh Omma!"  _____ said and quickly followed Mrs. Jung with a big smile.  She couldn't wait to learn more recipes and cook it for her yumm- err, handsome Oppooh.  "Oh, Omma!  I'll just get my notebook, I'll be back quickly!"  Not wanting to let Mrs. Jung wait, she quickly dashed to their (Yunho's) bedroom, got the notebook and pen and zipped down to the kitchen.  By the time she arrived at the kitchen, she was panting.

"What happened to you?  Drink water first and then we'll start."  Mrs. Jung said and _____ quickly obeyed.  She was embarrassed as she calmed down her fast heartbeat.  After a couple of minutes, finally she was ready to learn.  And that was what she did within almost 3 hours.

Actually, they were already preparing for dinner.  _____ was sorta tired after Mrs. Jung enthusiastically taught her more of Yunho's favorite food.  But she'll do anything to make her Oppooh happy.

"Uwaaaa~!  It smells so good in here!"  They suddenly heard Yunho as he made his way towards the refrigerator to drink a glass of water.  He was all sweaty after playing with Taepoong all afternoon.

"Aish Yunho!  Go away!  You smell like sweat and Taepoong!  The food might absorb your smell!!!!"  Mrs. Jung yelled while covering her nose.

"I'm not smelly, right baby?"  Yunho quickly made his way towards ____ and gave her a backhug.  "Watchu cooking???"  He asked as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

"AAAHH!  Oppooh!! Omma's right!!!  Noooo!!!!!"  She was shy because of Yunho's PDA in front of his mother, at the same time, she could feel his sweaty chest on her back.  And indeed, he did reek of sweat and TAepoong.  She pried his arms away from her waist and pushed Yunho away from the kitchen.

"HMPH!  YOU GUYS ARE BULLIES!"  He pouted and stomped away.  Wait til she sees me later!!!  She'll be the one asking for a hug!!!   He thought as he entered the bathroom to have a shower.



Mrs. Jung chuckled afterwards.  "Aigoo!!!  That son of mine!!  If only the world could see how he acts like a child and does his aegyo!  Too bad he only shows it to people he's really comfortable with."  Her smile faltered for second before continuing to speak.  "You should also take a bath, too, dear.  But don't worry, you're not smelly.  A hot bath can relax your tired body after cooking a lot.  Aigoo~  I didn't realize I taught you a lot today." She remarked.

"Thank you very much, Omma.  I can't wait to cook these once we're back at home.  I hope Yunho would like it."  She shyly replied.

"I'm sure he'd love it!!  As long as you made it, he'll chomp everything up.  Now go now and take a bath."  She waved her hand to 'shoo off' _____.

_______ had no choice but to follow Mrs. Jung after she told her she could use the bathroom of one of the guest rooms since Yunho was using ‘their’ bathroom.  _____ said her thanks and went upstairs.


Yunho was taking a longer time in the shower than the usual.  He was making sure to get every dirt off his body and be sparkling white clean.  After he was done, he had a hard time deciding on what to wear.  He wanted _____ to ogle (or drool) at him once she sees him.  Thank God he left a few shirts in his closet since he couldn’t find one that he felt like wearing from the overnight bag he brought.

After trying on 4 shirts, he finally decided on one.  The shirt fits perfectly on him, showing his muscles and the manly contour of his body. He also styled his hair the way _____ loves it. He grinned at his reflection on the mirror.  For sure, she would be drooling and begging on her knees for his hug once she sees him!  Too bad he’ll not give in to her since he had already taken a shower and she DIDN’T.  Payback time!



He had a smug look on his face as he walked out of the bedroom.  His eyes were wandering around, already searching for his target.  He couldn’t wait to see what her reaction would be.

“OPPOOH!”  he heard as he was about to descend the stairs.  He grinned.  He could already imagine what her reaction would be.  He could feel it.  It was effective already.  He smirked before turning around to face her.

 “Yeah ba-“  He paused in mid-sentence and did a double take as soon as he saw _____.   Her hair was damp with a few droplets of water on her NEW OUTFIT.   “Wha- why- What did you do?!”  He asked, clearly displeased and upset at what he saw.  Though he felt a tiny hope that she didn’t do what he thought she did.

“Huh?!  I took a shower.”  She replied and at once he felt frustrated.  He felt all his preparations to make her beg and drool over him had gone to waste.    She looked at him weirdly.   “Is there something wrong, Oppooh?  Why do you look upset?”  She worriedly asked and went near him.

He felt more frustrated.  She didn’t even notice how good he looked at the moment!!!  Didn’t she know that he expected her to gasp and drop her jaw as soon as she saw him?  Why was she just standing there?!  She didn’t even give a squeal!!!!

“Oppooh, you’re scaring me.  What happened?  Why are your fists clenched?  Why are you looking at me like that?  Are you okay?”  Her forehead creased as she cupped his face between her hands.  He was too busy with his emotions he didn’t realize she was so near him already.  His eyes widened when she suddenly pressed her lips on his and then wrapped her arms around his neck, hoping to calm him down. 

That’s it?!  No begging as her punishment for pushing him away earlier?!  Clearly, his plan failed.

He took a deep breath and gave in.  He wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss.  _____ felt it and smiled against his lips.  She then pulled back a little to look at him.  “You okay now, Oppooh?  Do you feel better?”  She softly asked and he nodded like a child.  She giggled and pecked his chin then she hugged him again.

“You’re so handsome right now, Oppooh!!”  She gushed and hugged him tigher.  Somehow, that comment uplifted his spirits a little.  “Really??”  He asked.  “Mhhmm!!  Very very very much and I love it!!”  She exclaimed as she laid her head down on his shoulder.  He smiled instantly.  At least she told him what she wanted to hear and by the tightness of her hug, well, he must be really really huggable at the moment.  He also tightened his hug and slightly swayed her side to side.


“Geez.  Get a room, will you!!”

They suddenly heard two voices and immediately let go of each other.  _____ tucked her hair behind her ear in embarrassment at their PDA in front of Yunho’s omma and yeodongsaeng.  They were looking at the both of them, one had a dreamy-eyed look on her face and one had her eyebrow raised. 

“So that’s why you guys didn’t hear that Omma had been calling the two of you for dinner.”  Jihye commented, her eyebrow still raised.

“Sorry Omma….”  Yunho and _____ said at the same time with blushing faces.

“It’s fine my dears.  Hush, Jihye!!!  Can’t you see they were about to give me grandchildren??”  Mrs. Jung reprimanded.

“OMMA!!!!”  The three youngsters exclaimed at the boldness of Mrs. Jung. 

“We…. We’re not like that….”  Yunho timidly explained and held _____’s hand.

“Ugh.  Spare me the details.”  Jihye stated and quickly left.

“Well, grey hairs are starting to appear on your appa's and my heads!!!  Now go down to the dining room before dinner gets cold."  And with click of her tongue, she went down.

"Sorry about that, sweets."  Yunho said and made ____ face him to hug her.  "But you know...they're right."  He whispered ily in her ear.  He felt her shudder and she slapped his arm.

"Your hunger is clouding your sanity.  Come on now, Oppooh."  She slapped his arm again making him laugh.


"UWAAAAAAA!!!  That was delicious!!!!!!!"  Yunho rubbed his tummy and burped.  He always loved his Omma's cooking.  What made this dinner more special was that _____ also cooked, and having the two women of his life cook for him made him feel so happy.

"Eww, oppa!"  Jihye commented.

"What?  It was delicious!  Omma and my sweets did such an excellent job!"  He praised.  He suddenly grabbed _____'s head and kissed her temple.  Jihye rolled her eyes while the parents looked at them lovingly.

"Yunho and _____, grandch-"  Mr. Jung started.

"APPA!  Not you too!"  Yunho groaned.

"ANYWAY, _____ I'm excited for our slumber party later!"  Jihye chirped in to change the subject.  _____ sent her a grateful look.

"WAIT!  What slumber party??"  Yunho cut in with a frown.  He doesn't like being the last one to know.  He doesn't like being out of the picture.  He doesn't like being out of place. 

Mr and Mrs Jung looked at each other and silently stood up.  Of course they knew their son.  And by the tone of his voice, they knew what he was feeling at the moment.  Since they didn't want to witness any drama, it was best to leave the youngsters alone.

"Err, Oppooh.  I haven't had the chance to tell you yet..."  She meekly said and bit her lip.  She mentally kicked herself.  Knowing Oppooh, she should have told him as soon as she saw him.  Actually, she was about to do so earlier but saw Yunho was upset so she forgot about it and worried over him instead.  But she didn't forget it on purpose!

"I'll clean up."  Jihye said and excused herself.  She stood up and gathered the plates and brought them to the kitchen, leaving _____ alone to face the wrath of Yunho (exagg? XD ).

"Well, uhm, Jihye eonnie and I sorta planned that I'll uhm, sleep in her room tonight."  She slowly explained.

"Why didn't you ask me first??"  He asked.

"Coz I think it will be alright with you....?"  She uncertainly said and smiled awkwardly.

"But I don't wanna sleep alone.  I'll join you two later."  He declared.

"WHAT?!  NO!  YOU CAN'T!  I mean, it's uhm.  Girl's night!  So, no boys allowed!"  How would Jihye tell her about her lovelife if Yunho would be in the same room as them?!  That was the purpose of the 'sleepover' right?  So that they could share secrets and stuff?

"Then I'll just be really quiet.  You can chat all you want.  I'll just sleep.  You won't even notice I'm there."  Yunho said with finality.  Like you couldn't change his mind anymore.

"Then it couldn't be called Girl's night anymore if there is a boy around."  _____ to reason.  Yunho squinted his eyes at her answer.

"Hmph!  It's either you let me or you'll sleep in my room tonight!!!!"



[A/N]  Mianhaeyooooooo!  I'm so sorry for the late update.  And thank you for still being with me.  I just got a huge writer's block for this story.  I didn't know how to continue.  And I had also been busy.  But!  I'll try my very best to update sooon! :D  Please forgive me!






I FINALLY SAW YUNHO IN PERSON!!!!!!!! DECEMBER 4, 2011 in Singapore for their FANMEET!! KYAAAA~!

I was crying before the fanmeet, during and after!! I WAS BAWLING DURING RISING SUN while waving my lightstick! 



Oh! Oh! And Yunho was always on my (our) side! :D I couldn't believe it.  Even now when I think aobut it, I get overwhelmed and teary-eyed (like now) :))




If you guys wanna see my pics, you may click my album in my FB account:

PS: CHANGMINNIE WAS GREAT TOO! But you must understand, my eyes were fixed on Yunho. ^^v

PPS:  i'm currently spazzing atm.  I just remembered when for the first time ever i caught a glimpse of YH on the walkway from backstage to stage before the fanmeet started.<3 I SCREAMED MY HEAD OFF!

PPPS:  Last night I had a dream about him.  But it was a weird dream. :) But I got all giddy and giggly nonetheless. <3  TIDBIT: his arm was wrapped around my waist. KYAAAA!

PPPPS:  I should just write everything in a blog, neh?



@chalx- - YH and ____ now has a hardcore shipper?? HOORAY!!! :D :D :D GOMAWO~

@ zoeystar- your userid is also kyeopta! ^_^ I like blue and stars, hehe!  thank you, im glad you found it awesome!

@subicbay - Teeheehee.  Yunhooo, please be that sweet in real life! <3 Me and her  <<< are waiting! :D

@Woouforever - THank youuu!! Yunho really is lovable guy. Im sorry for not updating soon. :(

@daridiridaradu - THANK YOU THANK YOU for always waiting for my chapters.  You've been with me since the early chapters. *sobs* :'D

@yunhotic - The gym secret will be out in a few chapters! :) Thank you!!! I imagine happenings first and then write it here. ^___^

@ Patty12- You are so right!!! YOU and Yunho are cute! :))))) Im glad you readers really imagine yourselves as the '____' in my story~!

@iRinnieTHank you so much!!! I love cute fics. LOL. ^^v thank you for appreciating!

@blackorchid - So that was why you were MIA! Haha. I thought you got bored or smthg.  Yey, you're back!

@candyforlove - TADAAAAAA~!!!! XD Sorry it took me a while.

@ dbskforever- UPDATED! Gosh I'm also happy i finally did it!

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.