1 Day to Go... Pt2

Honey Funny Bunny


I quickly got into my car and drove straight home.

"________-ah!!!! Sweetheart!!!"  I called as soon as I got in the house.  Where is she?  "Oppa?"  I heard her voice upstairs.  I quickly ran up and she opened the bedroom door.  I lunged at her and hugged her tightly causing us to lose our balance and almost fell. Almost. 

"OOOF!  Oppa, are you ok?"  I didn't answer.  I couldn't answer.  I've never been like this to any of my past girlfriends.  I'm just so afraid of losing her.  I kept on hugging her tightly while my face is buried on her neck.   She just let me be and hugged me too.  I could feel our hearts pounding.  Then after a few minutes, she patted my back.  "What's up, oppa?  Is there something wrong?  You''ve been acting weird lately, you're creeping me out."  She nervously laughed.

I just kissed her cheek hard in reply without releasing her from my arms.  "I'm sorry.  I love you.  Forgive me?" I said against her neck.  "Oppa, you didn't do anything wrong.  Really, I think you're overreacting."  Overreacting or not, I don't care.  I just feel so passionate with her.  "But I'm sorry.  I didn't mean it."  She tried to wriggle our of my arms but I held her tight, with my face still buried.  "Why?  What did you do?"  I could feel my cheeks burning.  "This morning...  I'm sorry."  I mumbled.

She got what I was talking about and laughed.  "Really oppa.  There's nothing to be sorry about.  Now let me go, I feel like my bones are about to be crushed."  I just loosened my hug a little and I found her grinning at me. "But still.. Forgive me?"  She nodded.  "Okay, okay.  I forgive you even if there's nothing to be forgiven about."  She giggled.  I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her until we both gasped for air. 

We calmed down and she asked, "Aigoo oppa, what was that about?  And don't you still have a schedule to attend to today?"  I checked my watch.  I still have plenty of time.  "Yup, later at 7:30pm." I took her hand and led her to the bed.  She stopped walking.  "Then what are you doing here oppa?  Aren't you gonna be late?  And why are you taking me to the bed?  AAAAHH!!"  She screamed as I picked her up and flopped her onto the bed. 

"Oppa!! What are you doing?!"  She immediately sat up as I lay down beside her.  She suddenly started pulling me off the bed.  "Oppa! Don't lie down!! You're gonna ruin your outfit! You're hair!  You still have a schedule!!!!!!!"  I laughed at her and carefully but swiftly pulled her back down onto the bed.  She squealed as I put the right half of my body on top of her and locking her in my arms. 

"You talk too much."  I whispered in her ear.  She tried to wriggle out of me.  "HAHA!"  I teased.  "Oppa!" She whined.  "What?  I just wanna be with you as much as possible today because tomorrow....."  With that, she stopped trying to escape me.  Since I felt like she surrendered, I moved off her.  She sighed as I pulled her to lay her head on my chest and wrapped an arm around her. 

"Oppa..."  She broke the silence after a few minutes and glanced at me.  "Hmm?"  I looked down at her.  "Why were you mad this morning?"  I didn't expect a question and I certainly didn't expect THAT question.  I thought she'd say she'll miss me or something similar to that.  "Well...."  I looked away.  Should i tell her the truth?  What if she gets upset? 

"Well... I wasn't really mad."  She smirked.  "Not mad? Yeah, right! There was smoke coming from your nostrils and ears!"  She laughed, I pouted.  "Okay, sorry oppa! Haha.  Now tell me, what made you mad earlier?"  She stared at me.  "I told you.. I wasn't mad.. I was... It's just... *sigh* Okay.  I heard you talking on the phone with Jay.  You were so busy reminiscing your lovely past with him you forgot to make lunch." 

Her eyes widened and she broke into a big grin.  "Omo~ Oppa!  Were you jealous?"  She suddenly sat up and faced me.  "O-Of course not!! Why would I be jealous of the scumbag?  I was just hungry, that's all!"  I defended myself.  Dang!  Why did I have to stutter?! 

She put her face just inches away from mine and looked right in my eyes with a grin.  "Reaaaallly?"  I gulped and looked away.  "Yes, really."  She cupped my cheeks to face her again.  "Reaaaaallllllyyyyyyy????"  I gulped again and pushed my head deeper into the pillow away from her.  "YAH!!! Okay! Okay!!!! I was jealous!!!  HAISH!"  I confessed as I took her hands off my face because I couldn't take it anymore.  She laughed out loud and lay down beside me again to hug me.

"You're so cheesy and mushy lately, oppa."  I blushed.  "So?  What's wrong with that?"  She shook her head.  "Nothing.  But really oppa, why were you jealous of Jay oppa earlier?  And for your information, we weren't talking about out 'lovely past'.  We were just talking about our childhood days and our friends."  I cringed when she called him 'oppa'. 

"Oh yeah? 'omo~ OPPA, you remembered? How sweet!!' " I mimicked her.  "Another one! 'I love it!  Nothing could compare to that!' , 'I miss everything! I can't wait to see you tomorrow oppa!"  I frowned at her.  She laughed and laughed.  "OPPA!  You're making things up! And clearly, you misunderstood.  I didn't even say those exactly, you skipped some words."  I huffed at her.  "Hmph!  Explain to me then!"

She sat up, still smiling.  "Okay, the thing he suddenly remembered was the sweet rice desert Granny used to make. You got to taste that too, right?  That was how we all became friends.  Because I brought some to school during our 3rd day in class and since it looked so delicious, everybody wanted to try it.  And even until now, nothing could compare to that, only my Granny could make such desert.  Oppa, didn't you know that story??  I already told you that before!"  Then she slapped my arm. 

I felt my face burning with embarrassment and regret so I turned face down on the bed.  Then she continued, "Aish oppa,  i didn't say I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow!  I said, I can't wait for tomorrow... See you tomorrow oppa."  I took another pillow sandwiching my head with the two pillows. 

She laughed as she tried to take the pillows away.  "Oppa, you know, you should try cleaning your ears sometime.  You jealous paranoid overreacting bunny!!!!"  I groaned.  I couldn't believe I got upset over a rice desert.  I'm so embarrassed I don't wanna face her.  "But you forgave me already, right?"  I mumbled into the pillow.  "Yes oppa.  Now get up before you thoroughly destroy the rest of your outfit!"  I let her take the pillow off me. 

I slightly turned to peek at her.  And I could tell she's trying to hold back her laughter.  "YAAH! Stop laughing at me!"  She burst out laughing.  "It's cause you're too funny, oppa!"  I waited until she stopped laughing before turning around to lie on my back.  "You done now?"  She nodded.  "Yes."  I patted the space beside me so she'd lie down.  "No oppa.  You're gonna be late!  It's already 6:45!  Get up!"  I clucked my tongue.  "HAAAISH.  10 more minutes then I'm out of here."  I said as I pulled her down beside me.  "Don't blame me oppa."  I chuckled and pulled her close.

After exactly 10 minutes, she forced me to go already.  "Oppa, look at your hair and face!  It's messed up! Eun ji wouldn't be happy if she sees you like this."  I ruffled my hair more to .  She frowned cutely so I pecked the tip of her nose.  "Don't worry about it, she's used to it." 

Before going out to the garage, I hugged her again.  "I love you."  She gave a me warm heartsqueezing smile and said, "I love you too, oppa.  Now go!  Take care, shoo!  Your craziness makes me dizzy!"  I laughed as she pushed me away.  And with one final wave, I drove out of the house and headed to the venue.



[A/N]  HIYA!!! ^_^ How are you?  Well, I'm happy.  I don't know why though.  Maybe it's because I've been listening to Yunho's Honey Funny Bunny over and over again since 2 hours ago.  Haha.  The song really calms me down and gives me giddyness.  LOL.

Wow! I have 34 subscribers?  Yeeey! <3  I love you!

Oh, have I told you about myself?  I'm Chel, 21 years old and I love KPOP!!!!! How about you all?  Please tell me about yourself my dear readers.  I'd love to know about you. ^_^

Anyway, have you seen Heechul's scratched face?  Aww, it broke my heart!!! I wish it'll heal soon.

Thanks for reading!!!  ^_^


@ chillyshia- Yes, they're both my ultimate bias but in different ways! <3 ^_^ How about you?

@ Glamourkitty- Hello, welcome to my fic!!. :) Thank you for liking my fic!  I'm excited to write the reunion part!  Because as we all know, someone will inevitable be jealous! HAHA. ^_^

@ QueenB_doll- Hello to you too! :) And welcome to my fic! Thanks for saying it's awesome!  Yunho's a green-eyed jealous man, isn't he? Hahaha. ^_^  Oooh, I really can't wait to write the next chapters!

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.