
Honey Funny Bunny

"Fine.  Where is this gym anyway?"  He asked.  "Errr, secret!  You might barge in there and scare people."  I laughed as I imagine him looking like a Hulk.  "Why would I do that?  And it's not like there's something there that you wanna hide, right?  By the way, is your trainor a 'he' or a 'she'?"    I thought of *him* and said, "Well, uhm, he's gay.  So you don't have to worry."  I reasoned.  "It's a male?!  That can't be!  Ask them to switch your trainor to a 'she' the next time you go there."  He ordered. 

"So you're allowing me to go there?  Yeeey!"  I exclaimed.  "Yeah but don't go there everyday.  Especially this Saturday!!!!"  He warned.  "Why, what's happening this Saturday?"  I asked.  As far as I can remember, there's nothing special. 

"Errr, well, uhm, you have a fan meeting with MBLAQ on Sunday right?  So I figured you might as well rest the day before so that you'll have energy and you won't be tired."  He answered.  "Awwww, that's so sweet of you, Oppooh!  Saranghaaaaeeee!"  He smiled.  "Saranghae."  He replied.  He then kissed his two fingers and placed them on my cheek.



It's Saturday!!!!  I woke up with a smile.  I looked at ______ who was sleeping soundly in my arms.  I stared at her for a minute then lightly kissed her forehead, trying not to wake her up.  As much as I want this moment to last longer, I have to let go of her if I want to be successful.



I snuggled more under the sheets when I woke up.  Then I stretched my arm to hug my Oppooh, only to have it land on an empty space.  I opened an eye and saw that he was gone already.  I sat up and looked at the clock, 7:09am. 

"Oh shucks!  Why didn't my phone's alarm go off?!"  I exclaimed and looked for my phone.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find it anywhere so I rushed downstairs and saw Oppooh cooking breakfast.  And he was half-dressed already though his hair was still dripping water.  Few food were already on the table.

"Oppooh!!!  Why are you cooking breakfast!?  Why didn't you wake me up?!"  I asked as I stomped to him and tried to take over.  He was frying eggs in his suit pants.  "Oh!  Good morning, my sweets!"  He greeted and tried to shoo me away after giving me a kiss.  "Just sit over there.  I'll be done with this soon."  And he continued frying eggs.  I tried to push him away from the stove but he wouldn't budge.  I glared at him.  "No!  I'll finish this and you go prepare or else you're gonna be late!"  He probably saw that I was panicking already and he wouldn't win so he gave up.

"But I could cook, you know."  He pouted.  "I know, Oppooh but you're gonna be late.  I'm sorry I wasn't able to wake up on time.  Do you know where my phone is?  I couldn't find it in the bedroom."  I put the lid on a pot and took out plates but I did notice him stiffen as I asked the question. 

"Here it is."  He then took my phone out of his pants' pocket.  "I didn't want you to wake up early coz I wanted to cook for the both of us this morning that's why I took the phone so you wouldn't hear the alarm."  He explained quietly then walked away.

I bit my lip as I felt sorry for him.  So he planned this?  Great.  I feel guilty for being such a killjoy.

After a few minutes, he came back and sat down.  The food was ready so I sat down too to eat.  

"Thanks for preparing the breakfast, Oppooh."  I nervously said.  "You're welcome."  He replied.  I looked at him and found him smiling.  I let out a big sigh of relief.  "So you're not mad at me for taking over?" I asked.  "No, I'm not mad.  I prepared everything except for the eggs and plates."  He replied.  I smiled and nodded at him.  I then ate the fruits he had cut earlier.  Yum!

"Why did you wanna make breakfast today, Oppooh?"  I inquired.  "No reason.  I just wanted to surprise you.  You like?"  He asked as he watched me drink my fresh orange juice.  I wiped my mouth and said, "Yup!  Very much!  Thanks again!"  He was still smiling.  "I'm glad."

We ate everything (Oops, no snackbox for him todayTT_TT) then he went to get his bag while I put the dishes away. 

"Remember, sweets.  Don't go anywhere today.  Not to the gym.  Not to the market.  Not even outside the door.  I'll be back early."  He reminded while he put on his shoes.  I nodded.  "Okay!  I promise!"  I assured him.  "Oh, I forgot.  I unconsciously brought your phone with me after I showed it to you earlier.  Here."  He then gave me the phone.  "Silly, Oppooh."  I laughed.


"Sheesh!  Can't they wait for a minute?!"  He complained when the TVXQ van arrived.  "No, they can't.  Keke.  Bye now, Oppooh.  See you later!  Take care! Fighting!"  I cheered and we kissed.  "I love you."  He said.  "I love you, too.  Now, go!  And DON'T FORGET TO EAT!"  I commanded and he laughed.  "Bye!"



"Good morning, hyung!  How did your plan go?"  Changmin asked.  "It went well because I'm THE Brilliant Jung Yunho."  I bragged.  He chuckled and shook his head.  "Riiiight, I should have known."

I'm really happy.  Happy, happy, happy!  I smiled wider as I think about the plan.


It was only 3:30 pm when I came back home.  I searched for ______ and found her with her eyes glued to her laptop.  She's busy with her online business and didn't notice me.

"Hey baby!  I'm home!"  I greeted.  "Ah!  Yeeey Oppooh!  You're so early!"  She quickly stood up and bounced (yes, bounced) into my arms.  "Told yah!  I'm free for the rest of the day."  I said and hugged her.  "I'm happy!"  She said against my shoulder.  My heart swelled up and I hugged her tighter.  "Good!  Oh, by the way, I bought you something."  We pulled apart and I gave her a plastic bag.  She peeked at it and squealed.

"Oooh! Strawberry shake and donuts!  Thanks Oppooh!"  She said happily.  "Welcome!  We passed by Shi Hwan's Bakery so...  You like?  Drink it now while it's still cold.  I'll just change.  Then join you.  I bought mine too."  She nodded happily and bounced (yes, bounced) downstairs.  I grinned.  Indeed, I'm THE EVER BRILLIANT Jung Yunho.

When I came downstairs, she was halfway through her shake.  "Already??"  I laughed and pointed at her shake.  "Well, it's yummy!"  She defended.  I laughed again and smiled.  I'm glad she didn't remember that she's going to the gym to lose off those non-existent extra pounds.

After we ate snacks, I told her we should watch a movie in the bedroom.  I the television and watched a random one.  We were still in the first 30minutes of the movie when I felt something heavy leaning on my chest.  I looked down and found her sleeping in my arms. 

"Baby??"  I gently shook her but she didn't wake up.  "Sweets?"  I tried again with a louder voice but she's already in deep sleep. 

I smiled.  Perfect!




I jolted awake after hearing that sound.  "Ugggh... My head feels so weird."  I mumbled and rubbed my head.  I opened my eyes and gasped.  "Where am I???" I whispered as I looked around the room.  Am I still dreaming??

It took me a minute to remember what I last did.  Strawberry shake.... movie... OPPOOH!!!  I sat up and realized where I was.  My eyes then landed on a blue dress that was hanging on the closet's handle.  Then I saw an envelope on my bed.  I opened it and recognized Oppooh's scrawl.

Hi sweetheart <3


How are you feeling?  Are you up for some Oppooh-Sweets time??

Then wear that dress you see.  Everything else you need is there.

Take your time to prepare, there's no need to rush.  Okay?

See you soon.  I love you!


Handsome Oppooh

PS:  I know how short that dress is.  Since it's for me, you're allowed to wear it. Kekeke!!!


"Awww, Oppooh!!"  I gushed and giggled at his letter.  I then stood up and saw everything in the dresser.  Jewelry, makeup and even my undies!!!  *gasp*  I blushed.  I don't want to imagine him rummaging through my closet to look for them.  Oops, already did.  I cringed and then focused on the shoes.


My jaw dropped.  "Oppooh!!!! How could I wear these shoes???"  I went to the shoes and noticed a paper sticking on the floor.


I know you're not used to wearing this kind of shoes so if you want, you can use the other pair inside the closet. Chu~


I opened the closet and found another pair of shoes.




I chuckled.  Oppooh's the sweetest!!!!  I was scared that I have to wear those pumps all night long.  Good thing he knows me so well.  He's the beeeest!  But I tried the pumps on and walked or rather, wobbled.  Unfortunately, I almost fell.  So even though I wanna give it a try for a night, I'd have to settle for the flats.

I then went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.  He's right.  Everything is prepared.  There's a bathrobe, a towel and toilettries and everything else.  Then I blowdryed my hair, put on my make up, and wore the dress.

"Oh my gosh effin Yunho oppa!!!!!!!"  I yelled in shock as I stared at my reflection.  The dress is beautiful, yes, but SO SHORT!!!!


[a/n] No, this is not what _____'s face is.  Haha. It's you, remember? :)


I continued to stare at my reflection in horror.  It could barely cover my !!!!!  How am I supposed move in this dress?!  No wonder Oppooh (dang you, oppooh!) wrote that PS in his note.  And it is sooo tight!!!  I groaned.  What am I gonna do???  I pulled the dress lower but it just went back up.  I sighed.  I might as well get over it.

I fixed my hair, sprayed some perfume, adjusted my jewelry, then took a deep breath.  It's coz I love Oppooh that's why I'm just gonna it up and try to have a good time. 

I opened the door and gasped again.  There was a trail of flowers leading to the top of the stairs.  I followed it and saw Oppooh's back as he waited for me.  He was also wearing a suit.




"Hi, Oppooh."  I shyly greeted. He turned around and instantly, his mouth dropped open as his eyes drank my body from top to toe.  He broke into a grin when he saw my flats.

"Wow, you're so beautiful..."  He complimented and his lips.  "And you're so dashing tonight, Oppooh."  I complimented back.  He kept staring at me until I cleared my throat.  He walked over to me and kissed me.  Afterwards, we both blushed a little bit then he offfered his arm.  "Shall we?" 

We walked down the stairs and into the dining table where a candlelit dinner was set up.  "Oh, wow.."  I said as I took in the romantic setup.  "You like it?"  He asked as he pulled a chair for me and sat me down.  "Yes, thank you Oppooh."  Suddenly, the piano from the other room started playing.  I stretched my neck to see who's playing and I grinned. 

"They're in it too?"  I asked while chuckling.  "Yeah.  Everybody is coz I'm brilliant like that."  He bragged and I laughed.  "Indeed, you are."  I then turned back to the pianist.  "Thank you, Yoochun oppa!!!"  I shouted above the music.  He heard me because he gave me a smile and a wink. 

"Good evening.."  Another voice spoke and I whipped my head to see him.  "W-w-welcome to the fine dining W Restaurant exclusive only to two people namely Mr. Jung  Yunho and Ms. Kim ______.  My, my, Mr. Jung.  What a very very very fine lady you have here."

"Junsuuuu."  Oppooh warned and I giggled.  "Thank you, Junsu oppa."  I said and smiled at him.  "Well, if you'll wait for a moment, your appetizers will be served."  And with that, he left.  Oppooh shook his head and I laughed. 

"Oppooh, you are so full of surprises today.  But, you do know that today is not our anniversary, right?"  I asked with a smile.  In the back of my mind, I had been wondering what this is all about.

"Yes, I do sweets.  I just want to spend a romantic time with you tonight.  I realized we hadn't gone on a date for God knows how long and you deserve it so I planned this."  He explained.  "Awww....  you're the bestest in the whole wide world!!! Even though you made me wear this short dress!!!!!  Like, seriously Oppooh this is so short!" I pointed to the skirt even though he couldn't see it.

"Well, just think of it as my prize for doing all this.  You're a real treat, you know."  He said cheekily.  "WHAAAT?!"  I could've slapped his arm if he was near me. 

"Good evening Mr. Jung and the lovely Ms. Kim!"  I turned to the voice and I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.  "Good evening, Chef Jaejoong!!"  He was wearing a chef's hat and a white apron and black pants.  I smiled really wide.  I can't help it!  I feel so happy and lucky to be so blessed with such a great boyfriend and his friends.

"Appetizers will arrive shortly.  Waiter Junsu!"  Chef Jaejoong called.  Soon, Junsu oppa came out and brought our appetizers. 




"Our appetizer for tonight is Butter Squash Soup....."  Chef Jaejoong explained what was in it, how it was done while Oppooh and I happily dug in.  "Uwaaa, this is sooooo delicious!!!!"  I exclaimed as I ate spoonful after spoonful until I finished it off.  "If you want another round, we have more from the back.  Don't worry, everything is on the house."  Chef Jaejoong offered.  I looked at Oppooh and he nodded.  "Sure, another one please."  I said.  "Very well."  He then left.

After a few seconds, waiter Junsu appeared with another bowl of the soup which I finished in flash.  "Ready for the main course?"  Oppooh asked.  "Yes, Oppooh!"  I answered.  Waiter Junsu nodded, picked up the empty bowls, then left the room.  "Are you having a good time?"  Oppooh asked.  "Yes, Oppooh.  I really can't believe you.  How about you?"  I asked back.  "Of course I am, coz I'm with you."  I can't help but giggle at his cheezy line. 

Chef Jaejoong and Waiter Junsu arrived with the main course.  "And the main course for tonight is Shrimp and Lime Pasta...."  Again, he told us what the ingredients were and how it was made while Junsu oppa laid out the pasta. 




My eyes widened and I had to stop myself from drooling at the sight of my favorite, which is shrimp. 

"Enjoy your meal!!"  Chef Jaejoong said and left.  I didn't even look at anybody and immediately dug in.  "Oh wooooooow!!!!  This is the best!!! I feel like I'm in heaven!!"  I closed my eyes as I savored the dish.  "Yuuuuuuuummmmmmm!!!!!!!"  I shamelessly moaned appreciatively.  Oh, my tongue felt like it was having its own party!!

"I'm getting jealous..."  Oppooh commented.  I opened my eyes, swallowed my food and chuckled.  "You're so cute, Oppooh!! Ahahahaha!"  I know it's not a good thing but he really looks so cute when pouting!!!!  I couldn't help it.  I stood up, went over to his side and kissed his cheek and went back to my seat.  "Okay!  I'm okay now!!!"  He giddily said as he too, dug into the pasta.

We talked and laughed a lot during the main course and of course, I had 3 rounds of it while Oppooh had 4.  "Gosh, I'm so full!"   I exclaimed. 

"I hope you still have space left for the dessert."  Chef Jaejoong, appeared out of nowhere, said.  "Oh yes, I'll always have room for dessert!!"  I clapped happily.  Waiter Junsu then brought the dessert and placed it on the table.




"OH. MY GOSH."  I said as I stared at the sinful treat in front of me.  "I'll slice one chocolate caramel cake for you."  Junsu oppa said.  He cut into the cake and placed it on a litle plate and gave it to me.  "Thank you!"  I said and he did one for Oppooh.   "If you need anything else, just call.  Enjoy your dessert!"  And with that, they quickly left. 

I took a bite and I almost fainted from how it tasted.  It tasted so good and I'm so happy that I couldn't help but cry.  Tears threatened to pour out of my eyes and I bit my lip to prevent them....but it was no use.   "Aww, sweets are you crying?"  Oppooh asked.  He stood up and went to my side and pulled me up for a hug so I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"Why are you crying baby?  Is there something wrong?"  He asked.  I shook my head.  "No, everything's perfect, Oppooh.  Don't worry, these are happy tears.  I love you."  I said with muffled voice.  "I love you too, sweetheart.  Very much.  I hope you won't forget that."  He slightly pulled away.

"Don't cry anymore, okay?"  He asked and wiped my tears with his thumbs.  I laughed while the remaining tears poured out and nodded.  "Yes, Oppooh. Thank you so much."  I pressed my lips against his and kissed him with all the love I have for him.  I hope he felt how much I love him and how much I appreciated him and everything he has done for me. 

"Wow, I'll do this every night if I could always get a kiss like that."  He said and I laughed.  "Come on, Oppooh.  Let's finish our dessert!" 

After the very sumptuous meal, we went to the balcony and stared at the citylights and the stars.  The song playing in the piano was right for the atmosphere.  Oppooh pulled me and hugged me from behind.  I leaned against his chest as we cherished this unforgettable night. 

"You're the best, you know that?"  I said as I looked up at him.  "Of course, I'm THE BRILLIANT Jung Yunho."  He answered and I elbowed him while laughing.  "That's true."  I agreed. 

"Oppooh?" I called after a couple minutes of silence.  "Hmm?"  He replied and I felt him kiss my head.  "You spiked my shake, didn't you?"  I asked.  "Oh man.. I knew you'd ask that.  I only put a sleeping pill in it.  That's all."  He said.  I laughed.   "Okay... but don't you dare do it next time."  I warned.  He laughed.  "Alright, I won't, sweetheart."




[A/N] Hello!  Sorry this took long to write.  Teehee!  I'm glad I had it posted.  I hope you had a good time reading it. <3  I had a fun time writing it. Bwahahahha.

AND OH! As of this writing, I have 100 subscribers!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <3

EDIT: Or not.... :(

Hello and welcome to  xXJaeLoverXx_92 ,my 100th subbie! *cheers*


@blackorchid - Yeah, KCC was so nice! :D  Err, Changmin and 'you' are.... secret!!!! ;)

@zoeystar - Now you found out what Yunho oppa is up to. :D

@daridiridaradu - Maybe she's saying the truth, maybe not.  Find out soon! BWahahahah! ^^,

@YoBuddy - I want to have a boyfriend like that too.  *sigh*  ^_^

I also noticed some authors are posting their twitter accounts so im gonna be a copycat and post mine. LOL. Follow me on twitter: @HeeNiv.  ^^,



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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.