Yunho VS Joon?

Honey Funny Bunny

Joon:  Well... I don't know how to say this but.... I wanna ask about ______... Your assistant.

M:  *suddenly alert*  Why?  What about her?

J:  Uh... She's nice, isn't she?

M:  *cautiously*  Yes....?

J:  Hyung... Well..  I invited her to our secret fan meeting next week but she said she doesn't know about her schedule.  So uhm.  I was wondering if you could allow her to go, even if she has work on that day??


M: WHAAT?!  I mean... What?  What, what did she say?

J:  She said she'd love to go to our fan meeting.  She just wasn't sure about the schedule.

M:  She said that?  She said she'd love to go?

J:  Yes.  So please hyung, please allow her to go.  She said she was just 'another assistant' so she's not your main assistant, right? 

M:  Uh.  If she really wants to go, then fine.  It's okay.  I'll just tell the others about it.

J:  Really?  Thanks so much hyung!  She'll be happy to hear that.  Is she there with you?

M:  Ah, no.  We dropped her at her house so that she could rest her knees.

J:  Oh, that's good!  I guess I'll go call her now.  Bye!

M:  WAIT!!!!  You already know ______'s phone number?

J:  Yes, hyung.  I, uh, got it earlier.  So i'll go call her now and tell her the good news.  Ok?  See you again tomorrow, hyung!  Bye!

M:  Ah, Joon-ssi!!!  I have to ask you something.  Uh, how was our performance earlier?

J:  You guys were awesome hyung!  You rocked the stage!  But hyung -

M:  Ah, really?  Kamsahamnida!  Well, I studied your performance too and I just wanna give you some advice.  During the part where you blah blah blah blah blah.. Yada yada yada.... Blah blah blah blah.. Yaaaaadaaa yada yada..... So you know, you can blah blah blah blah.. Right!  To blah blah blahblah.  Yadaaa yada yada... And another thing!  Blah blah blah yada yada yada.  Tell the others to blah blah blah blah, yada yada yada.. And so blah blah blah... Yada yada yada.. Ah, I also remembered yada yada yada yada... Blah blah blah... yada yada... Blah bla-

J:  YUNHO HYUNG!  I really appreciate it!  I'll make sure to tell the others about the performance but I have to go now.  The manager's calling me.  I guess I'll call ______ some other time.  Thanks again hyung!  Bye!

M:  Ok.  Bye! *hang up*


"PWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!"  I heard Changmin burst out laughing.  "HYUNG!! YOU. ARE. SO. FUNNY!!! PWAHAHAHAHAHA!!  *gasps*  Poor Lee Joon!!  Aigoo~ my tummy!!!"  He exclaimed and another series of laughter erupted from him.  "YAH!! What are you laughing at?!"  I threw a towel at his face and sulked in my seat. 

______, wait til I get home!!!!



I flopped down on the couch after cleaning the living room.  I took the icepack and placed it on my knee.  The next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep.



I found ______ at the couch, sleeping when I arrived.  I sighed as I picked up the melted icepack from her knee.  "Oppooh??"  She asked and sat up.  "You fell asleep."  I commented.  "See, I've been a good girl Oppooh.  I rested and slept."  She smiled and I smiled too.  "That's good, sweets."  I kissed her cheek.  "Oh wait!! We don't have dinner yet!!"  She quickly stood up and I grabbed her hand.

"Don't worry.  We do.  I bought dinner already."  I showed her the bag of food.  "I was calling you earlier to ask about dinner but you didn't pick up.  So I went ahead and bought dinner.  How are your knees?  The right one has a big bruise already.  Is your left one okay?"  I asked as I sat her back down.  "Yup!  The right one hurts but just a tiny bit.  The left one is okay.  Don't worry Oppooh.  They're fine.  I was even able to clean up the living r-  OOPS!"  She said and covered .

"YOU WHAT?!  I THOUGHT I CLEARLY TOLD YOU TO REST?!  WHY ARE YOU SOOOOOO STUBBORN KIM ______?!"  I shouted.  "But Oppooh!! I couldn't take the mess!  And it was so stinky I wanted to cry my eyes out!"  She explained.  "What?!  You're exaggerating again, ______!  If it was stinky, Changmin would have been long gone!"  I scanned the living room and indeed, it was true.  There was no more mess around.  The dust was gone.  Everything had been put back into place.  "AISH!"

I stood up and grabbed the bag of food and placed it on the table.  "Don't you dare go there and prepare the food OR ELSE!!  I'll just change clothes and come back down to prepare it.  Just sit at the couch and wait for me.  DARE MOVE A MUSCLE AND YOU'LL SEE!!"  I yelled as I quickly stomped upstairs.

AISH!  Why is she so hardheaded lately??? Doesn't she know that it was for her own good?  AiSH!  I quickly changed clothes and washed up before she gets the idea to disobey me and prepare the food herself.   I  immediately went down and saw her at the couch, sitting.  "Good!  Stay there!"  I prepared the dinner and set the table as fast as I could and went back to her.  "Come on, let's eat."  I helped her up.  "Oppooh, I can manage."  She said.  I ignored her and gripped her waist.  If Joon could help her, why couldn't I?

I sat her down.  "Whoooaaa... Yummy!"  She exclaimed as she saw the food.  Suddenly, her phone rang somewhere.  I stood up and took it for her.  "Here."  I handed her her phone and sat down.  "Yobosaeyo?  Ne?  Lee Joon oppa?  *looks at me*  WHAT??  You did??  He did???  FOR REAL??  *squeals*  Yeeey!  Thanks Joon oppa!  Ne... Ne.. Uh, we're about to eat dinner.... My dad... It's okay.. Ok... Ok...  Bye!  Thanks Joon oppa!" 

After she hung up, she walked over to me and flung her arms around me.  "Thank you for allowing me to go to their fan meeting, Oppooh!!!"  She said with a big smile on her face.  "But you know... You've been a very bad girl today....."  I paused and looked up at her.  She looked down at me with a sad face.

"But! Since I'm such a good boyfriend, I'll forgive you this time and allow you to go.  On one condition!"  I said and the smile retured to her face.  "Sure!  Sure! Oppooh!  I'll do it!  What is it?"  She asked.  "Hmm.  Make that two!  Bring Eun Mi with you AND always listen to me.  Don't be stubborn anymore."  I said.  "Oppooh, actually that's three but whatever!  I'll do it!  I promise I'll be really really good from now on!!!"  She said.  I nodded.  "Good.  Or else I really won't allow you to go."  I warned.  She nodded and kissed my cheek before happily walking back to her seat.

After dinner, we watched variety shows which made the both of us laugh out loud and the atmosphere happier.  "Oppooh....  What time is your schedule tomorrow?"  She asked.  "Why?"  She rolled her eyes.  "Oppooh, I'll be going with you tomorrow."  She replied.  "Nope.  You won't go with us."  I said.  "But whyyyyy?"  She whined.  "Coz I said so."  I answered.

She huffed and pouted.  I laughed.  She looked at me then she smiled.  It was a different kind of smile.  But still, a smile that's only meant for me.  "Oppooh..."  She softly said.  "Yes?"  I raised my eyebrow.  Then she leaned towards me and kissed my lips.  I kissed her back and she pulled away after a minute or so.

"What was that for?"   I asked.  "Why?  Didn't you like it?"  She inquired.  "I did and I want more."  I said and leaned in to kiss her again but she moved away.  "Come on!"  I urged and pulled her close to me.  "No more, Oppooh!"  She said and giggled.  "Why not?"  I asked.  "Coz I said so."  She answered and stuck her tongue out at me. 

"Aish!"  I said and she laughed then got up.  "Where are you going?"  I asked.  "I'll go prepare to sleep now."  I nodded and got up as well.  We headed to our own bathrooms to prepare for bedtime.


The next day...



I asked CookieMonster last night about the time of today's schedule.  He said 9am.  So I woke up early to prepare Oppooh's breakfast.  After I made sure everything's okay, I went to the bedroom to wake him up.  I giggled at his PJ's.  He looks like a bee!!! 



I climbed on the bed and gently shook him.  "Oppooh... Good morning!"  I softly said.  No reaction.  I shook him again.  "Oppooh...."  He groaned.  "Wake up...."  I poked the side of his tummy.  "Wakey-wakey!  Wake up SleePIG Beast!"  I teased.  "You're mean..."  He mumbled against the pillow. 

"No I'm not.  Come on, Oppooh.  You're gonna be late!"  I said but he shifted his body into a more comfy sleeping position.  "Oppooh!"  I said and playfully tugged his hair but he wouldn't budge.  I tugged it more.  "Ow..."  He complained and grabbed my hand, only to place it under his face to use it as a pillow.

WRONG MOVE!  I quickly tickled, scratched (lightly) and pinched him.  "YAH!  I'm awake now!  You win!  Sheesh!"  He pouted and sat up while rubbing his face.  "Good morning!"  I greeted.  He turned and faced me.  "You..."  He said and moved his face closer to mine until we were only 3inches away from each other. 

"You just loved teasing me this morning, didn't you?"  He asked.  "Ack!! Oppooh!  Go brush your teeth first!"  I said and pushed him away to escape.  "Yaaaah!!  I'll get you today!!!  AND DON'T RUN!!!!"  He shouted as I laughingly ran away from the bedroom.

I also took a quick shower and dressed up before Oppooh could even say that I'm not going with them. So when he was eating breakfast, I bounced into the dining room.  "I'm all dressed up now and ready to go Oppooh! Bwahahaha!"  I said and 'evilly laughed'.  "Good!  It's better for you to go with us anyway.  I can keep an eye on you and get back at you for what you did earlier.  Bwahahahaha!!!"  And then he 'evilly laughed'.  I smirked and sat down to join him for breakfast.


At the venue...

"Remember what I said, be a good girl and you'd go to MBLAQ's fan meeting.  Be a bad girl, you may kiss that fan meeting byebye."  He reminded and I nodded.  "Yeah, yeah.  I know, Oppooh.  Speaking of MBLAQ...."  I trailed off and Oppooh turned to see what I was looking at.

"Annyeong haseyo, TVXQ sunbaenim!"  MBLAQ greeted and bowed as they approached the duo.  Lee Joon oppa slightly waved at me and gave me a smile which I returned.  They chatted for a while and I headed over to the dressing room.



After MBLAQ said goodbye, Changmin and I turned to leave.  However, I noticed Lee Joon stayed behind.  "Yunho hyung... May I speak with you for a moment?"  He asked.  I nodded at Changmin and he turned to move away from us.  "Sure Joon, what's up?"  We went to corner for privacy.

"Hyung... It's about ______."  He said and I tensed up.  I coughed.  "Uh, what about her?'  I asked.  "Hyung.. I know this will be a personal question but... does she have a boyfriend?"  He asked.  I was so surprised by his question but I was able to nod my head.  "Oh really??  That's great!  Whew!!!  Well, that's all, hyung!  Thanks so much!!!!  See you later!!!"  He smiled so wide and flew away.

"Hyung!!!!! Why did tell Joon that she doesn't have a boyfriend?"  Changmin frantically asked as he came over to me.  "What?  I told Joon that she does have a boyfriend.  I nodded!" I said.  "Hyung, you didn't nod!  You shook your head no!  Aren't you confused why he was so happy afterwards?"  I gulped.  "I didn't nod?"  I asked to make sure.  "Hyung, you didn't nod.  You basically told Joon that she's single!  Now don't be surprised if he asked her out."  He said.

I felt like cold water had been poured over me as I realized what I just did.

Oh sh*t!!!!!!



[A/N]  Annyeong!!! ^_^ How are you my dear readers?  The weather's been giving us rain lately.  Oh!  Are there some of you who came back to school already?  Well, fighting!! ^_^


Who's excited for YunTravolta's performance on Kiss and Cry? ME!

Who turned 22 last June 8? ME!


I hope everybody will have a great weekend!  ^_______^

@YoBuddy - We LOVE jealous YUNNIE THE POOH! :)

@chillyshia - Same here, chinggu!  Oh no, Joon's making a move! Tandadaduuun.  I like Changmin's personality esp when he teases Yunho.  That's minnie for you. Haha.

@QueenB_doll -  LOL at yunho being noisy!  Can you also imagine his face? :))) Poor_____!  And Changmin mustve been used to it by now. LOL.

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.