Their Lovestory

Honey Funny Bunny


"So hyung... Why don't you tell me about her and Jay's lovestory?  What happened?  Why did they break up?"  Changmin asked.  I sighed.  "Fine, I'll tell you about it."  I'll talk about it even if the story gives me the creeps.  Well, it's not really a creepy story.  It's not like their lovestory is a thriller nor a horror one.  It's just that thinking about ______ loving and being with another guy makes me uncomfortable.

"I think it was in 2009 when I finally found out about it...."


*flashback to 2009*

______ still couldn't stop laughing after watching Banjun Theater: First Love.  Since she haven't watched it because she's been living under a rock, I brought my dvd copy of Banjun Theather to her house.

"Oh, oppa!  The ending is really funny!!  How could you and Yoochun-oppa turn out like that?!"  She exclaimed and burst out laughing again.  "I'm glad you enjoyed it!"  I smiled because she's having fun.    Then suddenly, I got curious of something.

"Sweets....  When are you gonna tell me about your first love?  Did that jerk hurt you that much that you don't even wanna talk about it?"  I clenched my fist at the thought of somebody hurting ______.  "No, oppa!  It wasn't like that.  Uhm..  We're still friends."  She said, quietly.  "WHAT?!  You mean you still have communication with him?! Who is HE?!"  I frowned.  Why is he still in her life?! 

"Wait, oppa.  Relax.  Last time I heard from him, he already has someone.  Besides, he's too busy with his work so we don't really have time to catch up with each other.  We're more than civil, less than close friends nowadays."  I nodded.  "Okay, tell me about him then."

She thought for a while then sighed.  "Hmm.  We were childhood friends.  We met through a common friend who tasted granny's dessert.  He's 2 years older than me.  I think I was 7 and he was 9.  He was born in the US and he just came to Korea when we met.  His Korean was good though so we were able to talk with each other."

She smiled, obviously recalling their moments.  I cringed.  "Ever since then, we were inseparable.  Wherever he goes, I went and vice versa.  He became one of my best friends, if not the best.  We were partners in crime.  Even at school, we'd stick with each other.  His friends became my friends.  I felt proud that time because I'm close with one of the most admired boys in school. 

"So eventually, some girls hated me.  And whenever they'd do something bad to me, he would somehow know about it even though I tried keeping it from him.  The next day, those girls would apologize to me.  I found out later on that he assigned a classmate of mine to keep an eye on me whenever he's not around.  So I got mad at him for doing it.  I mean come on, why does he need to spy on me?  Am I doing something wrong?  If so, what's it to him, right?  What was the reason?  I really thought it was so absurd.

"And so there I was yelling at him at our hangout place after class because of what I found out.  What made me mad more was that he was just listening to me, watching me yell at him.  He was just taking it all in with a blank face so I felt like I was talking to a wall.  Even though he was older than me, because of my childish personality, I harshly pushed him.  Then he suddenly said, 'I love you.' 

"I was caught off guard because it wasn't the reaction I was expecting.  I was silent for a moment, wondering if I really heard what I think I heard.  Then he repeated it again.  'I love you.  I love you, ______.  That's why I wanted to keep an eye on you so that I'd know how you've been doing without me by your side.  I love you.  That's why I care too much about you.  I didn't know when I started loving you more than a friend.  You became my sun, you always brighten me up and I couldn't go on a day without you.'  I was really stunned and confused by his confession so I ran away from him."

It was then I realized that ______ and the guy must have had a deep relationship.  It was more serious than I thought.  Then I frowned.   "YAH! ______-AH!  How come you still remember every word he said, huh?!"  She shrugged.  "Maybe because it was the start of my first love?  Anyway... you still wanna hear my story?"  I nodded but still frowning.  "Go on."

"I know this is cheezy but after I ran, he followed me, pulled me to him then kissed my lips.  I didn't know yet why but I kissed him back...with emotions I didn't know I had.  Then I understood what I was feeling while kissing him.  It was because unknowingly, I was inlove with him too."  I started imagining the scene.  My head started to hurt and I feel like throwing up so I closed my eyes and breathed deeply in and out.  "You okay, oppa?"  She asked.  I nodded.  "Yeah, continue your story."  I didn't know I'm not yet prepared to hear about her first love.

"And so with that, we became a couple.  Since we're close with each other's parents, they allowed us to have a relationship.  It was a fun, sweet, pure relationship.  We never really had any fights because we know each other too much.  One would adjust if one is being moody or something.  We were really happy." 

My blood is starting to boil now. "Seems like you were so suited for each other."  I said with venom.  She looked at me and hugged me.  "Aww, oppa are you jealous?  *giggle*  Don't be, oppa.  That's all in the past now.  So... should I?"  I nodded.  "Yeah, yeah continue your story.  On second thought, why don't you skip everything else and tell me why you broke up."  She nodded.

"And so we were all happy, until one day--"  My eyes widened, "WHAT?  HE CHEATED ON YOU?!"  She slapped my arm because I cut her off.  "No, oppa.  He never cheated on me."  Hmph.  I wanted her to have a reason to dislike him!  "What happened was, one night, he told me that he had to go back to the States and to stay there for at least 2 years or so.  It was because of his and his family's citizenship.  I never cared to understand what he meant by then because all that stuck to me was that he's leaving me.  And worst part was, he had no choice but to do so.  Even his family was saddened by it.

"It was a sudden news because they'd be leaving in a week or so.  We both cried our hearts out that night.  That night, I wasn't able to sleep because I'm trying to make a decision.  I was scared of having a long distance relationship because I was afraid of getting hurt.  We may never know what would happen to him where there's a lot of pretty girls. 

"So the next day, I told him that I thought it would be best for the both of us if we break up.  Of course, he disagreed with me.  He said it would work.  We would make it work out.  He promised he'd never look at other girls, that I would be the only one in his heart.  But I was really so afraid of getting hurt that my mind was really set on parting ways with him, however hard it might be. 

"He then bargained with me, to at least give him a chance to prove to me he meant what he said, until his last day here.  Then I'd make a decision before he leaves.  I agreed, though deep in my heart, I know my decision would stay the same.

"And that's what he did.  We spent his last days here with each other as much as possible.  I knew it was wrong because I should be distancing myself from him so it wouldn't be too hard.  The day came.  I told him my decision was the same, I was sorry but I'd still like for us to break up.  He threw whatever the first thing his hand touched.  And with a last angry tearful kiss, he left me.  We never got to say our goodbyes properly.

"After he arrived there, we only exchanged a few emails.  Then after a few weeks, I saw on his myspace account that he already has a new girl.  I was hurt at first but then, that was exactly the reason why I wanted to break up with him.  So it was then I knew I made the right decision.  He started seeing many girls after the first one.  So we lost communication. 

"I got over him faster than I thought, which surprised me.  After all, we did have years of relationship.  We really did love each other, but then I realized we were so young back then!  If you calculate, we were in our early teens.  It was only puppy love.  That's that.  I never regretted it though because we were happy.  He also got to move on very quickly, obviously.   THE END."

I was blown away by her story.  I never knew something like this happened.  When I met her, it's like she didn't know a thing about serious relationships and stuff.  I thought her relationship with her first boyfriend was just a sort of like a fling.  I never knew it was that serious. 

I also got a little scared of her because she could break hearts!  I felt sorry for whoever that guy is, but after hearing that he got over her just like that, my sympathy vanished.  But he might still be in love with ______ that's why he's been switching from one girl to another. 

Then I got more scared.  I hope she won't think of breaking up with me, given the circumstances I'm in.  And worried too, it seems like they separated not because they don't love each other anymore but because they HAVE TO.  I wonder if ______ still loves him that way.

I hugged her tightly.  "Don't leave me too!  If you want, I'll tell the whole world tomorrow that I'm off-limits and introduce you so you don't have to worry!"  She hugged me.  "Don't worry oppa, I think.. I'm more mature now.  I understand what you're doing and can handle it.  But please don't tell everybody that we're together.  I don't need fame nor fortune oppa.  But if I ever catch you doing something...."  She pulled out from the hug.  "I promise sweetheart, I'm all yours!"  She giggled and I pecked her lips.

"But wait!!! You can't end your story there, sweets!  How come you said you're 'friends' now????  When did he come back into your life?!?!"  She stiffened for a moment.  "Hmmmmm..... He came back to Korea last year for work.  So, he called me up to inform me of his arrival.  He asked if I could meet him at the airport.  But the date of his arrival was the date of my monthsary with someone YOU KNOW, so I told him I couldn't make it."

I smiled widely.  I can't believe she chose me over him!  I suddenly felt giddy I couldn't stop smiling.  She saw me and laughed.  "Aigooooo~ You're so cute, oppa!"  She pinched my cheek.  I held her hand.  "You're mine, right?  Not his?  What's his name, anyway?"  She nodded, "Yes oppa, I'm yours!"  She smiled.

"What's his name?"  I asked again.  She bit her lip.  "Uhm, you don't need to know, oppa."   I got nervous, why can't she tell me?   "Wae? Wae?  Do i know him?"  She suddenly stood up.  "Oppa, let's go eat, I'm hungry!"  I pulled her back down to the couch.  "Who is he?  I know him, right???  Right?"  She hesitated before answering, "Maybe.. Maybe not?" 

I ran my list of friends through my head and looked for a match.  "OMO! Is it Yoochun?!"  He's the closest match I could find.  "Uh, oppa, have you been listening to my story???  How could it be Yoochun oppa?!"   I sighed.  She's right.  But who could it be?  It's obvious I know the guy but I can't figure out who he is.  I give up.  "Fine, don't tell me.  It's not like it's important anyway."  She breathed a sigh of relief.  "Right oppa, so don't bother.  Let's watch the next episode of Banjun Theather!  But wait, I really am hungry oppa, let's go eat!"

*end of flashback*


"EEH?  That's it?!  But hyung, you forgot to tell me how you found out it was Park Jaebeom."  Changmin exclaimed while making a turn.  "I'm not yet done with my story!!!!"  I retorted.  "Oh, okay."



A few weeks after the 'first story' incident, I am once again back at her house.  Their maid let me in and told me to wait in the living room.  I entered their living room and heard 2PM's Again and Again playing in their big family cd player.  I didn't know she's a 2PM fan.  She probably hid it from me because I'm from another idol group.  I chuckled.

I went over to the stereo.  "Oh!"  I saw their album sleeve. 


I picked it up and headed to the couch.  "Hmm, good sleeve design..."  I whispered as I flicked through the pages.  ______ is taking so long to come down so I decided to read their lyrics, then their Thank You's.

And my eyes widened.  Because Park Jaebeom's list of people to thank says, 'Sun-Kim ______'.  I almost choked on my spit.  It couldn't be... Was Park Jaebeom really ______'s first love???  You became my sun... No way!  I tried to remember any info I knew about this Jaebeom.  2PM's Leader is from America.  My heart started to pound.  2PM debuted last year.  She said he came back to work in Korea last year.  So IT WAS REALLY HIM?! 

"Hi oppa!"  ______ bounced into the living room.  I looked up and she saw what I was holding.  Her shocked expression told me my suspicions are correct.  "Jaebeom?"  I asked.  She looked at me deflatedly and nodded.  She sat down beside me.  "Are you mad?"  She asked.  I sighed and gave a small smile.  "Nope, baby.  I'm not mad.  Why would I be mad?  You're mine now, right?"  She nodded happily.  "Yup oppa,  I love you!" 

*end of flashback*



"Oooooh!!!!  I didn't know ______ had that kind of experience!!"  Whoa.  That was a heavy first love story!  It's like the story is from a movie or something.  I waited for hyung's answer but none came.  I glanced at him and saw him already sleeping with his mouth wide open.



[A/N]  Hello!! So that was the story of Jay and ______'s relationship.  How was it?  Keke! 

How are you guys?  I feel better now because slowly, my family is starting to be okay again.  And I'm happy! :) :)

Wow, I have 44 subscribers!  Annyeong! :)

Oh wait, earthquake happened in Philippines, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam.  I hope you guys are all okay.  Take care!


@Glamourkitty - Hello! You're welcome and thanks! :)  Yey, I'm glad you like his new nickname! ^_^

@ blackorchidLOL! It's okay, that's right! Coz the story is about 'YOU' so it's supposed to be like that. ;) Naughty Changmin! Haha.  Thanks!  My family is getting better. :)

@chillyshia - I have a feeling you'll hate Jay more once you read the next chapters. OOPS! Teaser! LOL.  Ohs, I like a lot!  My favorite JDRAMA is Attention Please.  Geez, that series made me cry and laugh really hard!  I love it!  For KDRAMA, I can't pick one! :)) There's SO MANY good series!!! How about you?  And yes, i've seen the LIVE VER of BYG! DAAAng Yunho is H-O-T!  *drools*



UPNEXT:  What's been happening among ______ and her friends after the HoMin drove away???

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.