2 Days to Go...

Honey Funny Bunny


"Oppa... Please don't worry.  Nothing's gonna happen to me.  Hmm, here. I promise I'll always be with the girls.  Or I'll always make sure I have another girl with me.  Okay?  And the island's still in Korea.  If anything, it's just a few hours away.  And if you're worried about Jay, don't.  He's part of my past now.  So don't worry." I kissed his cheek again and stood up.  "I'm gonna go to sleep now, oppa.  Good night!"  He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to peck on my lips.  "Good night, sweets."


The next morning I carefully got off the bed and headed to the kitchen.  I woke up really early because oppa's schedule will start early.  So I decided to make him a healthy breakfast since it'll be a long day for him and Changmin oppa.  I just hope he'll like it since everybody knows I'm not a good cook. 

 Anyway, I was able to make him decent food by the time he woke up.  "Oppa, good morning!!!" I cheerily greeted him by the stairs.  I was excited for no reason.  His eyes were still half-closed as he replied, "Good morning bie..."  I led him to the dining table and he was surprised when he saw the food. "Woooow, you made these? Are these all for me?" I nodded happily.  "Sit down now, oppa!"  I pushed him to a chair but he pulled me towards him and hugged me so I hugged him back.  He rested his head on my shoulder.

"Omo~ Oppa, are you sleeping?? You're heavy!!!" I exclaimed as he leaned more on me.  We stayed like that for around 2 minutes then he broke the hug and kissed me.  "Thanks for the breakfast, sweetheart.  What time did you wake up?"  He sat down and started to taste everything.  "You're welcome oppa.  How is it?"  He didn't answer me because he was busy chewing and putting more food on his plate. I sat down and ate a little just so I could eat with him.  In fairness to me, the food tasted good. Then I poured him some fresh juice (i'm proud of myself)  and gave it to him.  He gulped it down in one go.

"Aigoo, aigoo!  I'm so full!  This is the best breakfast I've ever eaten!  Thanks, sweets."  He said as he rubbed his tummy.  I giggled and cleaned up the table.  I heard him burp.  I giggled more.  That's good. He ate a lot even if he liked it or not.  At least he'll have a full tummy.

Since the food I made seemed to have a decent taste, I packed food for oppa and Changmin oppa too.  "Oppa, please give this to Changmin oppa too."  He pouted, yes, pouted.  "How come he has one too?"  I smiled.  "I doubt he'll like it so I think he'll just give it to you." 

I washed the dishes as oppa prepared to go out then I went back to sleep after kissing him goodbye.  He didn't forget to remind me to return the bikinis, though.  And he said he'll be the one to buy me the swimsuits.


I woke up again just before lunch.  Since there were still some food left, I just heated it.  After lunch, I went back to the mall and shameLESSly returned the bikinis.  Thankfully they didn't ask me many questions, maybe because the tags were still stuck.  They refunded my money.  Now that's done, I wonder where I'll go for the day or what I'll do.  I'm done quite done with my trip luggage.

While wandering around the mall, trying to pass time, I accidentally bumped into someone.. Well, actually somebody bumped into me.  "Oh, sorry!" The person said.  I looked up at the person and my eyes widened.  It was Lee Hongki, my secret crush!!! Well, i'm his fangirl!!!! Ever since I watched You're Beautiful and Oh! My School!!!! He's so cute! He sings so good!!! His smile is just heartmelting!!!! And of course, his personality!!!!!!!! Gaaaaah!!!

I must have been staring because he was looking at me like i'm a weird girl.  "Oh, it's okay."  I thought he'd leave already but he just stood there, still staring at me, which made me confused.   "Do I know you?" He asked.  I blushed.  "Umm.. I don't think so."  Just then, another guy came up to us but he was wearing a mask and a cap. 

"________-ah! What are you doing here?"  I looked at the guy closely.  "Heechul oppa!!!!" I smiled broadly and hugged him.  Bwahaha! Finally! A chance to meet Hongki-ssi properly.  I've been wanting to ask Heechul oppa about Hongki-ssi but I'm shy and he might get weird ideas if I do so that's why I just kept it to myself.

"Uhm, I just returned something I bought yesterday..."  Hee oppa nodded.  "Oh, by the way! ________-ah, this is my friend, Lee Hongki.  He's from the band F.T Island"  Hongki-ssi extended his hand to me for a handshake which I quickly accepted.  "Hongki, ________, my friend."  We greeted each other.  "By the way ________-ah, would you like to come with us? We're just here to have fun."  Hee oppa asked me.  I nodded excitedly.  "Sure oppa!!! I'll go with you! I don't have anything to do today since I'm done with everything."

And so we three roamed around the mall, of course with Hee's mask on.  And I found out that their idea of "having fun" is singing at a karaoke booth, taking selcas (with me, yipee!), playing at the arcade (REALLY!!), eating and shopping for clothes!!!! Like, seriously! They were so interested in fashion more than me!  So I just followed them around the shops. 

I love hanging out with them, they're soooo hilarious!! I kept on laughing because they're crazy! And their craziness spread thru me too so basically we were 3 goofballs around the mall.  It's a surprise nobody took notice of Heechul oppa and Hongki-ssi.  And too bad Hongki is younger than me.  I wanna call him oppa. Haha.  But good thing he's not calling me noona.

We ate dinner then went outside to get some fresh air.  And again, it was selca time.  I took this photo of them (please ignore the other dude): 



Then it was time to go home.  Heechul oppa offered to drive me home, since he's also dropping Hongki-ssi home too.  I agreed and again, it was nonstop laughter while inside the car.  Before Hongki-ssi was dropped off, he turned to me. "________-ssi, is it okay if I call you ________-ah?" I smiled and nodded.  "Sure, Hongki-ah."  We then arrived at the FTI Dorm.  "Annyeong hyung and ________-ah! Let's all hangout again, okay?" I waved.  "Annyeong! Sure, let's do that. Goodnight!"  And with that, we drove away.

I guess Heechul oppa saw me smiling broadly because he said, "You like him!!! Don't deny it!!" I widened my eyes.  "Oppa!! Please don't misunderstand but I do like him coz i'm his fangirl... I even bought FTI albums... Someday oppa, I'll ask him to sign them."  Hee gasped.  "Yah!!! Does Yunho know about it?"  I laughed even though he seemed to be accusing me. "Oppa~ Of course he knows.  And he also know that I only like Hongki-ah as an idol.. Not the way I like and love Yunho oppa." 

Hee nodded.  "Then why didn't you tell me about it? You knew that he's my friend right? I could've easily asked him to sign the albums. " I blushed.  "I was shy and I didn't want you to misunderstand..." Hee laughed.  "Right..."

We then arrived at our house.  "Thank you sooooo much oppa! I had lotsa lotsa fun!!! If you only know how happy I am. But what I told you, it's a secret oppa. Please don't tell Hongki-ah."  I hugged him goodbye.  "YAH! My clothes! Not too tight!" He exclaimed as he untangled my arms.  I laughed and slapped his arms then got off the car.  "Be safe, ________-ah.  Yunho should be arriving home soon.  Text me once he gets home."  I nodded and waved.  "Bye! Take care oppa!"


Maybe it was due to tiredness that I fell asleep on the couch without changing my clothes.  I woke up with Yunho oppa trying to lift me up from the couch.  When I realized it, I immediately sat up.  I know Yunho oppa's tired too so I don't wanna tire him more by letting him bring me upstairs.  "Baby, why aren't you upstairs?" He asked.  I rubbed my eyes then replied, "I was so tired oppa. But happy!" He chuckled.  "Tell me about your day but first let's change into pajamas." I nodded then sent Heechul oppa a text message before going upstairs.

We were lying down on the bed and he turned to face me.  "So, how was your day?  I missed you."  I smiled.  "I missed you too oppa! But today I went to the mall and I met somebody!!"  Then I told him everything and showed him the pictures taken with my phone.  "YAH! Did you really miss me? It seemed like you didn't even think of me the whole day.  Come to think of it, you didn't even send me text messages!!!"  I gulped.  He's right, I forgot to send him text messages to update him with my whereabouts.  Oops. "I did miss you oppa. Sorry if I wasn't able to send you a message.  But don't worry. They took care of me.  By the way oppa, where are my swimsuits?" I asked trying to change the subject. 

He huffed then stood up.  He came back with paper bags and handed them to me.  I peered inside then took the swimsuits and the fishnet swimsuit cover (for my speedo swimsuit) out and laid them on the bed:




I stared at them.  "Uhm. Oppa, I'm not a nun!"  Come on, where's the fun in those swim suits?!  "YAH!! Take it or leave it!!" I sighed.  "Gomawo oppa.  I like the first one and the purple one."  He smiled.  "Good girl."  I took the swimsuits then placed them back in another plastic bag and put it inside my luggage. 

"Come on, let's go to sleep." Oppa said.  I nodded then we both laid down on the bed. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my head.  "Good night, sweetheart."  "Good night, oppa. Saranghae." I whispered. 



[A/N] TAdaa! A fast update, huh? ^_^ Ooh, more characters are appearing! Hehe!

Anyway, I really like Hongki! So cuuute! So I put him in this chapter because... today (Mar 2) is his birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE HONGKI! <3



@chillyshia - Yup! He's overprotective but he did have a point. :) Well, my like for Yunho is different from my like for Heechul.  Heechul for me is a best friend while Yunho for me is  LOVER! HAHAHA! ^_^

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.