1st Day, 2nd Night

Honey Funny Bunny

I then carefully laid down on the bed and within minutes, I fell asleep and enjoyed dreamland.  That is, until I turned and fell down on the floor.



I looked at the clock, 2:37am.  No matter what I do or what position I turn to, I just couldn't fall asleep.  I miss ______, it seems like my bedroom is so lonely.  Even though it has just been more than 6 months, I got used to hugging her at night.  Now the bed feels so empty.  I wanna call her up but I think she's asleep by now.  I took her pillow and hugged it, pretending it's her.  But it just wouldn't work!  Haish!  Even though there had been nights when I'd be out of the country, tonight just feels different.  Is this how she feels whenever I leave her alone? 

I sighed.  I stood up and headed to the kitchen.  I'll give milk a try, maybe it will really help me fall asleep.  I took the milk carton from the fridge and drank from the carton.  "Hyung!"  I got so surprised that I choked on the milk and spurted some on the floor.  Then I heard Changmin laugh. 

I coughed and coughed until finally, I was able to talk.  "YAH!  What the heck are you doing here without opening the lights?!  And couldn't you even let me finish drinking the milk before you surprise me?!"  I took the kitchen mat and wiped the floor.  He just laughed.  "Where's the fun in that?  Besides, you didn't open the lights too!" 

I looked at him and saw him munching on some cookies.  "Where did you get that?"  I asked, referring to the cookies.  "______ gave them to me."  He replied rather smugly.  "WHAT?!  When!?  How come I don't have one?"  I came over to him and tried to take a cookie.  "Hyung, these are mine!  I'm her CookieMonster so naturally, she'll give me cookies!  Go find your own cookies!"  He slapped my hand away.

"FINE!"  I opened the pantry.  And to my surprise and delight, I saw a bag of cookies that is the same as Changmin's. 



There was a note attached to it:  Oppa, eat these cookies with milk if you can't fall asleep. ;)  Mwahugs! - your <3  I grinned.  She gave me cookies too!  I took them and showed them off to Changmin.  "HAH!  I have some too!!" I dangled the bag in front of his face.  "That's all?  She gave me more!"  Changmin smirked.  "WHAT?!"  He then chuckled.  "Just kidding.  You're so fun to tease, hyung!"  HAISH!

After the midnight snack, we both went to our bedrooms and thankfully, I fell asleep happily after eating my cookies from her.


The next morning....


Clock, 6:30am.  I woke up before everybody else and headed to shower.  I prefer taking a shower before they all wake up.  I also sent a text message to Oppooh,  "Gud morning, Oppooh.  Hve a gud day!  MisLuv u! :)"   After a minute, I received his reply, "Gud morning, my LOVE!  Take care, ok?  XOXO."

Then I went outside because I wanted to experience the morning breeze.  Gosh, I love nature!  Morning beach makes me so happy.


I was doing breathing exercises when I felt a presence beside me.  "Good morning!"  Jay oppa greeted.  "Good morning! Oppa, you're up early!"  He smiled.  "I know you'd be here this early."  I nodded. "Oh, okay."  We stayed silent, just doing some stretching while watching the waves and seagulls.  "Wanna sit?"  He asked and motioned to a blanket that's spread on the sand.  I didn't see that when he came up to me because I didn't look behind me.

"Uh, sure."  I hesitantly agreed, remembering my promise to Oppooh: that I'd always make sure there's another girl with me during the reunion.  But they're all asleep.  And it's kinda weird and rude for me to say 'no' to Jay oppa.  And it's not like he's gonna do anything to me.

"Soooo, how was your sleep?"  He asked.  "It's okay, I slept well.  You?"   Though I could still feel my hurt from my fall last night.  "I wasn't able to sleep soon because I was still hyped up."  I gave a small smile. "Sun, who's Oppooh?"  I blushed. "Uhm, my oppa."  He nodded and looked ahead.  "Oppa lover?  The one who kept on honking at the dock?"  I blushed more.  "Yeah, and sorry about the honking."  He chuckled.  "But you know, Sun, he's not around now, is he?"  He asked as he leaned closer to me.  I backed away immediately, "Oppa! What are you doing??? What do you mean!?  What about Ashley?"  I panicked.  He laughed.  "Relax.  I'm not gonna do anything to you!  Haha, you remembered Ashley?"  I nodded.  "We're not together anymore.  Apparently, she's like you.  She doesn't want to have a long distance relationship."    "Oh.  Sorry to hear about that."   He shook his head.  "No worries.  I'm fine and happy."  

We have been chatting and didn't realize that the others had woken up.   "Good morning Jay and ______!!"  The rest of the group greeted and joined us in the sand.  "So Jay, what's with the sudden reunion?"  Joon oppa asked and we all looked at Jay oppa.  "Well, as you guys may have heard, I'll be making a comeback soon so I just wanna spend time with you guys before going busy again."  He explained.  We then all chatted until it was time for lunch.

"Hey, let's go.  I know a family restaurant where we could eat delicious seafood."  Jay oppa said.  "Huh?  I thought this is a private island?"  I whispered to Huira.  "Well, Sun.  Only this part of the island is private.  The rest belongs to the locals."  I was shocked.  How did he hear me?  "Oppa!  Do you have supersonic ears?"  He just laughed and pinched my cheek.  The others hooted at us.

We arrived at the family restaurant.  I don't think they know Jay oppa because nobody crowded around him.  "Just order anything guys, it's on me."  Jay oppa announced.  I ordered rice with buttered shrimps, my favorite.  Well, I think most of us ordered buttered shrimps, even Jay oppa who doesn't really like shrimps. 

I ate a lot.  The vegetables and soup are sooo yummy!!!  I wanna eat more!  Then suddenly, Jay oppa gave me all of his shrimps.  "Huh?"  I asked him, confused.  "I saved them for you."  Oh!  So that was why he ordered shrimps because they're for me?  The group saw everything and went 'Aww!, How sweet!'  "Oh, oppa.  You didn't have to."  I was about to put it back to his plate when he pushed the plate towards me again.  "They're for you, really.  I know you want more so eat it now.  I insist."  I blushed.  "Thanks, oppa." 

After lunch, we went around exploring the island.  I was still fascinated by the fact that there are locals here and markets, too!  All the while, I really thought we're gonna go to a private island and we'd be by ourselves, which sorta scares me.  Anyway, we roamed around, just having fun.  Euna noona, our resident photographer, just kept clicking her digicam away.  We all posed here and there, usually creating wacky pictures. 

We got tired and went back to the 'mansion'.  "Don't you guys wanna swim?"  Joon oppa asked.  We all agreed and changed into swimsuits.  When I came out, they all teased me, "YAH!  Why are you so covered up?  Are you a nun or something?"  I pouted.  I couldn't tell them that Oppooh insisted this on me.  They'd grill me again on who he is.  "What?  I think she's cute." Jay oppa defended me.  "Uhm, thanks oppa."  The group giggled at us, calling us lovers and stuff like that, which makes me uncomfortable.  I just sighed.  "Yah!  Stop teasing them!"  Mommy Minja scolded. 

We all headed to the beach after the boys took out the in-house jetskis from the port.  "Weeee!! I wanna ride one!"  I screamed excitedly and hopped on a jetski.  "______-ah!  Do you know how to run that?"  Yongjo asked, worriedly. I once rode this one with oppa while we were on a trip with his family.  It looked easy, I'm sure I can do it.  "Yup! I do!  Don't worry!"  I replied.  "Are you sure?  Jay, ride with her."  Euna noona ordered.  I rolled my eyes.  "Yes, i'm sure!  And no need for Jay oppa.  I can do it!  Now let's go!"  I started the engine and I roared away. 

I quickly got the hang of it and made it run faster.  "Yahooo!!"  I screamed happily.  I made a quick turn and the jetski bounced thrice on the water.


I fell into the water.  Being a good swimmer, I had no problem coming to the surface.  I started laughing because of my silliness.  "Pabo, ______!"  I yelled at myself and laughed some more.  Then I choked on seawater that entered my mouth.  I kept coughing until it was already hard for me to breathe.  I started to panic because the jetski was faraway from me and I couldn't hold on to any solid object to steady myself. 

I was still coughing when I heard another splash.  "______-AH!!"  Jay oppa caught me and pushed me onto his jetski and climbed as well.  He lightly pounded my back to help me cough out water until I became okay.  "Are you okay? Sun, you scared me.  i thought you said you know how to ride a jetski?"  He asked as he hugged me.  "I'm fine now.  Thank you, oppa."  He nodded and kissed my forehead.  "It's okay.  But you won't ride alone on a jetski anymore, okay?  I don't want it to happen again.  Now hold on to me."  He then turned around to start the jetski.  "But oppa!  I really know how to ride a jetski!"  I whined.  He just shook his head.

I didn't know where I'd hold him so I just placed my hands on his shoulders.  He stopped the jetski, took my hands and put them on his waist.  "Hold on tight."  He suddenly made the jetski run before I could take off my hands from his waist.

"OMO!  Why are you on Jay oppa's jetski?!"  Yongjo asked as we went near him.  "Yonjo, kindly take Mongsoo and bring him over there *points* to get the jetski.  Thanks!"  And with that, we drove away.  We rode the jetski for an hour then came back to the shore.  "Had fun, Sun?"  He asked as he helped me off the jetski.  "Yup!  Thanks oppa!"  We smiled at each other before heading inside the house.

We all took a shower and got ready for dinner by the pool.  Again, everything was grilled.  Everybody had a full stomach.  We then spread a blanket at the beach and all layed there, just staring and musing at the stars above us.  I guess I was so tired from today's activities, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, only 4 of us were on the blanket.  Mommy Minja, Yonjo, Jay, and I.  I quickly sat up as I realized I slept on Jay oppa's arm.  "Hey, Sun.  How was nap?"  He grimaced as he tried to move his arm that I slept on.  "Oh gosh, oppa.  I'm so sorry!  I didn't mean to sleep on it!"  I looked at his hand that already turned to bluish purple due to lack of blood circulation.  "It's okay, you looked so peaceful I didn't wanna wake you up by removing my arm.  Not that I don't like it."  He smiled.  "Still, sorry oppa." 

Minja and Yonjo have now woken up too.  We then headed inside to prepare to sleep.  We greeted everybody goodnight.  When me and Mommy Minja entered the room, Huira exclaimed, "Yey!  We're now complete!  TIME FOR SOME GIRL TALK ABOUT *wiggles eyebrows* BOYS!!!!!"



[A/N]  Hellooooo!! How are you my dear readers?  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, though it was mostly about ahem, Jay and ____! :p Forgive me if Yunho's 'exposure' was so short in this chappie.

READERS, so watchu want?  Rushed trip/reunion or not? ^_^ 


@ PiiGs01- Thank you! ^_^  Here's the update! :)

@ chillyshia- LOL!  yunho's still cute, while sleeping with his mouth open, right? :))  Aww, unfortunately, Jay still making moves on ___!  i wanna watch GOONG ft. Yunho!

@ candyforlove-  Hello!! ^_^ Welcome to my story!  I'm so glad you love it!  But please take care of yourself and sleep early. LOL. ^_^  I hope you'll keep on reading my story. Thank you!

@ blackorchid- Jay is making moves again, oh no! :)) Yeah, the boys don't really have privacy.  I even saw a vid of Yunho shaving his face. O_O  AWww! THata's right!  Taemin is THAT CUTE! ^_^  What an adorable kid!

@ hallyusupporter LOL!  You're welcome! ^_^  JJ omma!

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.