What You See is What You Get

Honey Funny Bunny


I quickly saw her newly tagged pictures.  Clicking each of the photo,  I got furious and furious by the second.  Most of the pictures of ______ had Jay in it!  And he's usually beside her!  What made me more mad was the picture of the two of them together, alone by the beach, on a blanket, watching the waves of the sea.  And another picture of him hugging her on a jetski!!! 

"WHAT THE HELL!!!"  I quickly took out my phone and angrily dialed her number, she's gonna get it!!!!



I suddenly woke up because someone's calling me.  I saw it was Oppooh, I smiled.  Afraid of waking the others, I quickly clicked the Reject button because I forgot to turn it to Silent Mode.  Then I went out to the balcony knowing that he'll call again.  "Yobeosaeyo?  Oppooh!!"  I happily greeted even though I'm sooo sleepy.

"SO THAT IS WHAT YOU WANTED TO SHOW ME?!  YOU WANTED ME TO SEE THOSE PICTURES?!?!"  Oppooh roared thru the phone.  I got so startled that I almost dropped my phone.  "Huh?  Yes, Oppa.  So that you'd know how I was friggin doing."  I hate it whenever he yells at me thru the phone.  What the heck is his problem?!

"FINE!  I GET IT!  You're HAPPY being busy CUDDLING WITH THAT JAY!!!"  If there is still some sleepiness left in me, it all vanished.  "Oppa, what are you talking about!?  I told you before and I'll tell you again, NOTHING'S GOING ON BETWEEN ME AND JAY OPPA!!!!"  I yelled back.  I'm starting to get irritated now.

"And what about your PROMISE TO ME!?  You said you'd never be left ALONE WITH HIM!  That you'd always have another girl by your side!  Clearly, you seemed to HAPPILY FORGET about it!"  I wanted to throw my phone in irritation.  "Of course not!!  And if ever there was an incident that I had been alone with him, I never meant it to happen!!  *sighs*  Look, Oppooh.  Let's just sleep over this.  You're tired.  I'm tired.  Let's talk tomorrow."  But I know him, he'll not agree.  He has this attitude of settling problems before going to sleep.

Yunho: NO!  NOW!  We'll talk about it NOW!

Me:  HAISH.  Fine, just don't yell at me too much!

Y:  Hmph!

M:  What now?

Y:  So you admit it, you've been alone with him!  Tell me, how many times have you two effin kissed?!

M:  Oppa, how could you accuse me like that?!  I'd never go behind your back!!!  How could you even think that?! *tears are starting to well up*

Y:  Well, how could I not?!  EVERY PICTURE of you has that frigging Jay in it!  And there are pictures of you with his arm draped on your shoulder!  And what about that DATE ON THE BEACH!?  Friggin watching waves alone, complete with a blanket?!  How could you also climb on another man's shoulder!?!  And how was the HUG ON THE JETSKI!?! 

M:  OPPA STOP IT!  Those didn't mean anything!!  *slightly sobs* 

Y:  Are you crying?!  Why are you crying?!?  I SHOULD BE THE ONE CRYING AFTER SEEING THOSE PICTURES!!!!

M:  Oppa...  I swear nothing's going on!  *sniffs*  I could explain!!!

Y:  FINE! Explain then!!! *starts feeling guilty for yelling*

M:  *sniffs, takes a deep breath*  That pic on the beach, we didn't plan that.  I went outside early in the morning because you know I like beach mornings.  Then he suddenly came up.  We sat down and talked, that's it.  Nothing more.  *sniffs*  The pool game, oppa, it's just. a. game!  And have you seen the others?!  They're with their respective partners!  And the jetski,  I was riding my own jetski when I fell down, I choked on water and he came and brought me to his jet-

Y:  Was his hug necessary?!  Did you immediately stop choking!??  Why didn't you reject his hug?!

M: TSK!! Oppa!!! I was still coughing when he did that!  And wouldn't that make me seem ungrateful and rude if I suddenly pushed him away when he just saved me?  Oppa, he cares for me because we're friends and nothing more!  Why can't you friggin understand that?!  *starts sobbing again*

Y:  Yah... yah!  D-don't cry!

M:  It's just frustrating, oppa.  *sniffs*

Y:  But I'm frustrated, too! 

M:  You just accused me!

Y:  The pictures gave me a reason to! 


Y:  Then let him meet me!  Introduce me to him as your boyfriend!

M:  Oppaaaa...  I can't!

Y:  WHY!? 

M:  Coz he's a celebrity!


M:  I'm not ASHAMED OF YOU!  *lowers voice down because somebody made some noise*  I'm protecting you!  He has connections in the industry.  What if he accidentally tells someone?!  Then we'll be busted and SM Ent will be angry!!!

Y:  You told me he cares for you!  If he really cares for you then he wouldn't tell on us!  Really, I think you're ashamed of me!  In our more than 2-year relationship, I've never met anybody except YOUR FAMILY!!

M:  Oppa, we talked about this!  Who would be STUPID enough to be ashamed of YOU?!

Y:  Then let me meet that Jay and I'll believe you!

M:  *sighs*  You wouldn't let this go, would you?

Y:  NO!  So it's settled then.  The two of us will meet as soon as you all get back here.  Arasso?

M:  Yes, oppa.

Y:  NO!

M:  What?

Y:  I thought I told you not to call me 'Oppa' anymore?

M:  Calling you 'Oppooh' earlier wouldn't seem appropriate.

Y:  Why not?!

M:  Coz we were arguing!

Y:  So?

M:  Then it's weird calling you 'Oppooh'!!!

Y:  Why?

M:  I told you, coz we were arguing!!!!

Y:  So?

M:  Haish.  Okay!  Oppooh!

Y:  What?

M: What do you mean, 'What?'

Y:  Well, you called me!  So I answered with, 'What?'

M:  Oooooookay.  I really think we should sleep now.  Goodnight.  Bye.

Y:  Ok. Goodnight. Bye.


SHeeeeeesh!  After we hung up, I leaned over to the balcony railings and took a deep breath to calm myself down.  I'm still hurt because he accused me of cheating.  But I have to see those pictures.  Without my explanation, those pictures might have been telling a different story.  I can't blame him.  And add that to his jealous persona. 

I also cannot blame Euna unnie coz 1) she's been our fan ever since Jay oppa and I went out 2)  I guess she really didn't believe me when I told her that I have someone else because I have no proof or evidence that I am with someone.

I sighed.  I went quietly went back inside the room then towards the bathroom.  I washed my face, wiped my tears and blew my nose.  I carefully lay down beside Euna unnie and slept.

But my phone vibrated again because Oppooh's calling.  What now?!  I again went out to the balcony

Yunho:  Hey.

Me:  What now?

Y:  Are you...mad at me?

M:  Are YOU still mad at me?

Y:  No... Not anymore.

M:  Okay.

Y:  I miss you.

M:  Miss you too...Oppooh.

Y:  I love you.

M: I love you, too.

Y:  Good night!  Sleep tight!

M:  You too, Oppooh.  Good night.  Bye.

Y:  Okay.  Bye.


I shook my head and smiled as I went back to bed.  My phone vibrated again and saw a text message from him.  "XOXO, :)I sent him a reply, "XOXO, :)"  and slept again.


The next day...



I feel so bad!  The three of us heard ______ talk with somebody on the phone last night.  Huira, who was the nearest to the balcony, woke up due to ______'s yell.  It seemed like they were fighting because of Jay and the pictures that I took.  Now we really believe that she has somebody in her life though I feel sad because it's not our friend, Jay.  But, what can we do.   We really do hope that the guy is not some Wanted person so that we can meet him already. 



Oppooh and I exchanged some simple goodmorning texts as we went out to eat breakfast.  I wasn't really in the mood the whole day.  They noticed so they gave me some space.  Nevertheless, I had fun as we toured the island again and went to the market.  By dinner time, it was the usual dinner-by-the-bonfire.

"Guys I'm so sorry, I also have to leave tomorrow.  My parents called.  They're going on a business trip so I have to babysit my brother.  What about you, ______?"   I heard Jay oppa choke as I turned to Huira.  "Wait, did you just say, 'also'?  Who's leaving tomorrow?  What do you mean by 'what about me?' "  She looked at me, confused.  "Huh?  Didn't you know?  Euna unnie, Joon and Mommy Minja are leaving tomorrow."  My eyes widened.  "WHAT?!  WHY?!  Why didn't you guys tell me?! How come I don't know??"  I frowned.

"Oh, right girls.  She wasn't in the room when you told me.  She was downstairs playing billiards."  Then I suddenly realized something.  "Then I'll be the only girl left?!  Nooooooooo!!!  I wanna come with you!"  

After dinner, we all decided to leave tomorrow.  Since I shouldn't be the only girl in the group.  If I leave, then Jay and Yongjo would be the only people left since Mongsoo would come with Huira for some 'fun time' in her house.  Jay oppa and Yongjo felt that it'd be awkward if it'll be just the two of them so they decided to come with us.

We all sadly packed our stuff that night. 

After greeting Oppooh goodnight, I smiled.  I thought of a plan.  I went out and looked for Jay oppa.  I found him and Joon oppa by the bar.  "Jay oppa, can I talk to you for a minute?"  Joon oppa smiled and got up.  "I guess I should leave you two then.  Imma head up now, Good night Jay, ______."  I waved.  "Good night, oppa."

"Hey, Sun.  What's up?"  I sat down beside him.  "Oppa, do you wanna meet Oppooh?"



I panicked for a second when she asked me that question but I managed to compose myself.  "Uh, sure!  What's up with the sudden change?"  I don't know if I want to meet the one who took ______, or if I'll be ever prepared to meet someone who replaced me in ______'s heart.

"Ok!  Let's go to him tomorrow, I'll surprise him at his work.  I didn't tell him we'll be coming home tomorrow.  You don't have any plans when we get back, right?"  I nodded.  I guess I can't back out now.


Departure day...



We said our goodbyes with the others, promising to see each other again and keep in contact.  Jay oppa's car was ready by the time we reached the dock.  "Oppa, can we stop by Dunkin Donuts?"  He smiled at me and nodded.  During the trip, I was kinda nervous and excited at the same time.  I still don't know if it was right to agree with Oppooh to introduce them to each other.



I'm nervous.  Thank God for radio.  The tension in the car lessened.



From: Zoe [A/N] Zoe is ______, she's a puppet from Sesame Street whom Changmin thinks fits ______'s personality.

CookieMonster!!  Wer r u and Oppooh?  Im back frm island.  Wana srprise hm. :)

To: Zoe

Hir at SM Bldg.  Hyung s at d music rum. ;)  Txt me, i'll fetch u.


I chuckled as I glanced at hyung.  "Hyung, I'll go downstairs to eat snacks.  I'll be back soon."



"Jay oppa, let's go to SM BLDG.  You know where it is?"  He nodded though he looked confused.  "He works there?"  He asked.  "Yup!"  We arrived at the building and I directed him to the parking lot.  When we reached the lobby, Changmin oppa stepped out of the elevator.  When he saw Jay, he looked shocked.  I waved at him and he went to us and I gave him a hug.  I introduced them to each other.  They smiled at each other and shook hands.  "Let's go?"  Changmin oppa asked.  I nodded and we went towards the elevator.

Jay poked me and whispered,  "Who exactly is your boyfriend?"  I smiled at him.  "You'll meet him soon."



I'm sooo curious who her boyfriend is.  Is he really a celebrity?



We got out of the elevator and went towards the Music Room.  I smiled and opened the door.  And I gasped and felt my heart break into pieces. Because


I saw Yunho oppa pinning a girl, who is only in her undergarments, on the wall and THEY WERE KISSING EACH OTHER ON THE LIPS.





@JaeJoongSoulMate - LOL.  She's back now!! :)) Changmin will suffer no more. ;)

@ chillyshia- Hey, take it easy. ^_^  LOL.  I hope you enjoyed this update. ;)  Oh, have you seen Yunho's Heading to the Ground show?

@ Seokyu23- Annyeong! Thank you! :) I hope you like this update!

@candyforlove - LOL! Welcome! ^_^ Please enjoy this update. :)

@ lysa_08- Hello! THanks for loving my story! <3

@ KeyRa99-  Thanks for loving the update! :)  AWw, what prank was it?



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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.