Broken Promise

Honey Funny Bunny

"______-ah!  Where's Yunho?  Why are you crying? Come on sweetie, I'll take you home.  You're so red, already."  I felt him lift me up and placed me in the passenger's seat.  I shook my head as he got in the car.  "No, please no, oppa.  Take me somewhere else.  *sobs*  Take me somewhere where he wouldn't find me, please!"  He nodded.  "Are you sure?  But tell me what happened, okay?"  I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.  "Yes.  Thank you, Jaejoong oppa."  And with that, I fell asleep.




I looked at her sleeping form and frowned.  I wonder why she's drunk when she is forbidden to drink alcohol.  I dropped by my sister's house to get some medicine. I'm sure she'll have her allergy attack soon.  I would've asked my sister if ______ can stay in her house but she'll ask too many questions enough to drive me nuts.  So I didn't tell her about ______ when she asked me who the medicine is for.

And since ______ seemed like she didn't want Yunho to find her, I brought her to JYJ's dorm.  It's almost midnight.  I called Yoochun up, since I know he's still awake, to help me bring ______ inside.  "EH!?!  Hyung!! Isn't that ______!?"  He exclaimed as he opened the door.  I nodded as I panted.  "Help me!"  He looked side to side.  "Is Yunho hyung here too??"  He asked excitedly.  "Ani.  Hurry, help me!"  Yoochun rushed to us and helped me carry ______ inside.  We brought her to the guest room and tucked her in the bed.

"Hyung!  Why is she with you?  Why is she red?  Where's Yunho hyung?  What happened?"  I hushed him and pulled him out of the room before he wakes ______ up with his questions.  "Couldn't you wait until we get out of the room?!"  We headed to the kitchen and I got a banana milk.  Yoochun sat down at a bar stool and stared at me, waiting for my answer. 

"I actually don't know what happened.  I found her drunk at a sidewalk.  She cried when she saw me and asked me not to let Yunho find her."  Yoochun frowned.  "Whaaaaat, but why?  Do you think Yunho did something to her?"  I shook my head.  It's not like Yunho to hurt somebody, especially if that somebody is his love.  But I'm really worried.  I said good night to Yoochun and took a glass of water then went back to the guest room where I found a sleeping ______ with a tear-stained face.



______, where are you?  Please sweet, let us be okay.  Where are you? 



"Hyung, it's midnight already.  Aren't we gonna go home?"  I asked Yunho hyung who looks lost while staring outside the car window, hoping to see ______ in the streets.  When he didn't answer, I sighed.  "Hyung, let's go home.  We haven't even had dinner yet!"  And as if on cue, my tummy grumbled.  "Go home if you want, I'll keep searching for her."  I shook my head.  "But hyung, at this hour, for sure she found a safe place already.  For all we know, she might have returned to the house now.  So let's go home, okay?"  He nodded and I glanced at him.  I saw hope in his eyes thinking that ______ already came back home.  Please, ______.  Please be home.



I took ______'s bag from the car then placed it on the bedside table.  I walked away and heard a thud.  I looked back and noticed that the bag's handle got hooked to my pants.  And I have no idea how that happened.  I picked up the objects and saw her phone's battery got out of its casing.  I placed it in her phone and turned it on.  Then I saw she has over a hundred text messages and missed calls, mostly from Taemin and Yunho. 

Suddenly, the phone rang again.  I got startled that I pressed the 'answer' button instead of the 'reject' button.  It was Yunho calling.  With my heart beating fast, I placed the phone in my ear.  "SWEETHEART!?  Baby!  You there???  I miss you!! PLEASE!  Forgive me!  I'm sorry!  But I really had no intention!  Believe me, it wasn't me!  I didn't kiss her back!  I promise!! It's only you!! Are you home now? We're coming home!!  But really, please! I'm sorry!  Hello?  Baby???  Hello??  Please, answer me!! Let me know you're alright and safe!  I'm so worried about you.  We're all worried.  Please, sweetheart.  I'm -"

I pressed the end button because I couldn't take it anymore.  It was only then I noticed I've been holdling my breath all this time.  I know I miss him and Changmin a lot but hearing his voice made me realize how much I miss our leader.  I also couldn't bear to hear the pain and despair in his voice.  I know how sincere he is and whatever happened, I believe that he didn't do it on purpose because he loves ______ so much.  He just wouldn't dare hurt her. 

I closed my eyes to calm myself down.  With slightly shaking hands, I decided to send a text message to Taemin using ______'s phone to let everybody know she's safe.  "Dnt worry. M at a frnd's house."  I scrolled and lightly chuckled as I sent the message to the name 'Taeminnie ^^,'



Aigoo~  At least ______ heard Yunho hyung.  But he still looks lost and down.  His phone rang and it was Taemin.  "EEEH?!  SHE DID?!  WHEN?! WHEN?!  DID SHE SAY WHO!?  ARE YOU SURE?!?  YOU SWEAR ON YOUR BLOOD THAT YOU'RE TELLING THE TRUTH!?!?  *sigh*  Okay.  Thanks, Taemin."  He groaned.  "What did Taemin say?"  I entered the car in the garage.  "She sent him a text message saying don't worry and she's staying at a friend's house.  Didn't say who, though."  I nodded.  "Oh really?  That's good!  We know she's okay.  Now come on, hyung.  Let's go eat.  I'll cook." 

I got out of the car and was about to go inside when I noticed that he wasn't with me.  "Hyung!  HAISH!"  I opened his car door and pulled him out and literally dragged him into the kitchen.  He just slumped at the dinner table.  "Be strong, hyung!  Do you think ______ would be happy to see you if she comes back and sees you in that state????"  He groaned.   "Do you think she'll come back?  What if she doesn't care about me anymore?"  He whimpered as he rested his forehead on his arms.  "Of course she cares about you, hyung!  That's why she immediately sent a text message to Taemin after you told her to let us know she's okay.  She doesn't want us to worry, right?" 

After a few minutes, I placed our dinner on the table.  I only did fried food so that it's fast and easy to cook.  I'm so hungry I couldn't cook anymore.  "Hyung, eat!!!"  But he just stared at the food.  "I don't feel like eating."  I rolled my eyes.  "How can you have energy to find her tomorrow if you won't eat tonight?  Or do you want me to feed you?!"  i asked as my eyes widened.  He sighed and started eating.

After dinner, he's still feeling down.  "Go and rest upstairs now hyung, I'll do the dishes."  He nodded, "Thanks."  I sighed and shook my head.  I pity both hyung and ______.  I really believe it's just a misunderstanding, though I still don't know yet what happened between hyung and that girl.  All I'm sure is that the both of them is hurting right now. 

After doing the dishes, I prepared to go to sleep then i sent a text message.

To:  Zoe

Zoe, pls cme home.  Hyung is sorry.  Pls hear hm out.  We r wrried abt u.  Tke care, ok?  Come home soon.


I entered their guest room and saw hyung lying on the bed.  I didn't complain because I know he needs company.  I lay down beside him carefully, thinking he has already fallen asleep.  I smiled and slept, too.  However, I kept on waking up because hyung kept tossing and turning on the bed until finally, he got up. 

"Hyung!  Where are you going?  Are you ok?"  I sat up.  "I can't sleep.  I'm gonna find her."  He opened the door and rushed out.  "WAIT! HYUNG!"  I caught up to him before he opened his car.  "HYUNG!  Think about it!  You're wasting your energy!  You won't be able to find her because she's not on the streets, she's INSIDE A FRIEND'S HOUSE!!!!  Let's just go back to sleep, hyung.  We still have to work tomorrow."  I dragged him into the house again.  "But I wanna find her...."  He said in a small voice.  "I wanna find her too but not at this hour.  Believe me, she's safe hyung.  So we'll look for her tomorrow.  Okay?"  He didn't reply but just followed me instead.  "But what if she's with Jay right now??  What if he takes her away from me?  I can't take it!!!!!!!"  I stopped walking and faced him.  "Hyung!  Seriously, if ______ loves you, she'll come back, SOON.  And she does so i promise you.  She will."  We lay down on the bed.  "Changmin, you think so?" I nodded.  "I know so.  Now, good night hyung.  You both will be okay, I promise." 

I really feel so bad for hyung.  He is so miserable and looks so defeated.  I know that even if I do everything, nothing will cheer him up because one and only one person could do it:  ______.



I feel so different emotions at the same time: anger, remorse, hurt, fear, love, regret, jealousy, worry, sadness.  My mind and body feel so weak.  I thought about everything that had quickly happened today.  I also imagined her hurt face as she saw us, thinking that something is going on between me and that girl.  I'm sorry for hurting you, sweetheart.  I closed my eyes tightly, preventing hot tears from flowing down my face but I couldn't keep them all in.  I bit my lip as I finally let my tears flow.  Thank God Changmin is in deep sleep.  I don't want him to see his hyung in this state.  I took a deep breath, hoping to stop the tears but to no avail.  They kept on streaming down.  HAISH!  How I hate myself for being weak. 

"I'm sorry, Grandpa.  I broke my promise for the 3rd time.  I'm sorry, I couldn't stop these tears."



[A/N]  Annyeong everybody!  How are you all?  Wow, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE COMMENTS AND THANKS TO MY 57 SUBSCRIBERS! <3

Aww, I'm sorry if this update took so long.  To be honest, I had a hard time writing a sad chapter that's why this took a while. -.-'  But I'm starting to write the next chapter so watch out for it! :)

Another JYJ member appeared!  Hooray!  Junsu's upnext. ;)

Since this chapter is short, I'll update tomorrow!!! :)



@Seokyu23 - Hi!  Sorry if this took long to update.  Anyway, thanks so much, chinggu! :)  Reason will be revealed soon.

@aery_2807 - Let's hope Yunho and __ will be okay soon so they won't break up!  She's really hurt by what she saw.

@miko12 - Yeah, Jaejoong's here! LOL. :) Reason will be revealed soon, bwahahaha.

@Glamourkitty - LOL!  Actually, they did kiss but why?  Secret.  Hehe!  Yeah, he's so concentrated on __ he didn't care about anybody anymore!

@VivanLuvDBSK - Here's the update!  I hope you'll enjoy (even though it's a sad one). :)

@candyforlove -  Aww, thank you so much, chinggu! :)  I hope you'll keep supporting my story.  :)

@chillyshia - I wonder what's been happening to Jay though, while all this took place. Hmmm!! :)) LOL!   WHat kind of nicknames does he have? ^_^  Reason will be revealed soon. ;)

@neajhane -  Sorry for making you wait. LOL.. Anyway, much thanks, chinggu! :) And you're welcome!  Please continue reading my story! :)

@blackorchid - Well, here's a fact:  that SM Trainee is a *bleeep*!!!  A DBSK JYJ reunion?  Maybe, maybe not!! ^_^ BWAHAHAHAHA.

@uknowwhatyeah - Hello! :)  Here's the update!  I hope you'll like it.. :)

@Lafrezita1 -  Hi!  Thanks for loving my fic! :) Yunho's explanation will be revealed soon. *winkwink*

@PiiGs01 -  YEY! Jaejoong's present and yoochun too!! ^_^

@yunwhore13 - Here it is!  I hope you'll read the next chapter!

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.