Lee Joon-ssi Lovely....

Honey Funny Bunny

The person picked up my iTouch, walked towards me, paused, then hurriedly walked towards me again.  "Are you okay?"  He asked as he squatted beside me.  I looked at the person and got startled.  "A-ah yeah.  I'm okay.  T-thanks, Lee Joon-ssi."



He smiled that adorable smile of his and I almost melted.  But only almost.  Yunho Oppooh's smile could instantly melt me away, anytime, anywhere!  I blushed though... He offered his hand to help me stand up.  "Thanks!"  I smiled.  "You're welcome.  Are you sure you're okay?  You banged your knees pretty hard."  He asked.  "Yes, yes.  I'm okay.  An icepack is all I need."  He nodded. 

"Uhm, here's your iPod, uh...?"  He paused and handed me my iPod.  "______, Kim ______."  I filled in for him.  "Do you think you can walk, ______-ssi?  Why don't we sit down first?"  He then grabbed my elbow and guided me to a nearby bench.  I bit my lip as I felt pain while bending my knees during the walk.   Aish!  Pabo, ______!  I rubbed my knees.  I'm pretty sure they'll be black and blue later.  Lee Joon sat beside me.

"So... you like MBLAQ?  I saw your iPod playing our Y as I picked it up."  He said and smiled.  "Oh.  Actually, I'm just new to your music.  I only know a few of your songs and I only know you and Thunder."  I explained.  "Really?  Why do you only know me and Thunder?"  He asked, surprised.  "Uhmm... Well, I watched you at 100 points out of 100.  And Thunder, coz he's Dara's brother."  I felt shy at that moment.  "Oh, I'll be a regular on that show!"  He exclaimed.  "Really?  That's good, I'll watch you then."  I said.  "Thanks."  He smiled and rubbed his nape.

"So, in what year were you born?"  He suddenly asked.  "I'm born in 1989.  How about you?"  I asked.  "Really? I'm born in 1988!  You can call me Oppa then."  He grinned.  "Huh, you sure?  Lee Joon oppa?"  I tried.  He laughed.  "Yup, that's right!"  I smiled and nodded.  "Okay.. Well, I have to go now.  Thank you, Joon oppa.  Bye!"  I stood up and regretted it after feeling pain soar through my legs.  "Wait! Are you okay now?  Where are you going?  I'll take you there."  He stood up as well and took my elbow again.  

"Wait, i'm okay now.  It's okay.  I can manage.  The room's just by the end of the hall."  But he didn't let go of my elbow.  "But that's quite far.  Come on, I'll take you."  His grip became tighter so I had no choice but to follow him.  I slightly limped as we walked.  My right knee hurts more than the left.  

"TVXQ?!"  He exclaimed, bewildered as we stopped in front of TVXQ's dressing room.  I nodded.  "Uh, what are you to TVXQ?"  He asked.  "I'm TVXQ's another assistant."  I instantly replied.  I had no trouble thinking of an excuse because I've been using that ever since.  "Really?  Perfect!  I can say 'hi' to hyungs.  Stay here."  He knocked and poked his head in.

"Annyeong Yunho hyung and Changmin hyung!"  He greeted, entered and bowed.  "Annyeong Lee Joon!  What brings you here?"  I heard Changmin oppa ask.  "Look who I found!"  He replied then he went back to me, took my hand, and pulled me in.  

I saw Oppooh's expression when he saw Lee Joon oppa's hand holding mine.  I quickly took my hand from Joon oppa.  I noticed Oppooh's eyebrows twitch, a sign that he's trying to hold back an emotion.  "She was running then I saw her trip and bang her knees pretty hard.  So I helped her on her way here."  He explained, oblivious to how Oppooh's facial expression changed to extreme worry.  

"Okay.  We'll take care of her.  Thank you, Lee Joon-ssi."  Oppooh replied.  Joon oppa grabbed my elbow again and guided me to the couch.  I heard Changmin oppa cough and saw his eyebrows rise at me.  "Uh, I can manage now, Joon oppa.  Thank you."  I heard Changmin cough again and I refused to look at Oppooh.  But he didn't let go of me until he sat me down.  

"Bye, ______.  Take care, okay?  Put an icepack on it!  See you around!"  He patted my head.  "Bye hyungs!  See you later onstage!"  With a wink at me and a wave to oppas, he left.  "Oppooh...."  I looked at him and he came over.  "Do they still hurt?"  He asked with a frown and placed his hands on top of my knees.  Then he called a show's PA and asked for an ice pack.  

"______!!  Lee Joon?  Oppa?"  Changminnie oppa teased.  "Well, he said he's older and he asked me to call him oppa."  I said.  "Riiiiiiiiiiight..."  He chuckled.  I shook my head.  The PA arrived with the icepack and gave it to me.  "Aigoo~"  When the coldness of the icepack touched my right knee, i felt relieved.  I hope they wouldn't turn black and blue. How am I gonna wear shorts now?!

"Why were you running, sweets?"  Oppooh asked.  "I don't know.  I was listening to my iPod, skipping, saw your room, I ran then tripped."  I explained.  "But why did you have to run??"  He pressed on.  "I don't know!! Maybe I got excited or something."  I replied and heard Changmin oppa snort.  "It's coz you're clumsy!"  He said.  "AM NOT!"  I pouted.

I bent and stretched my knees, testing them if they'd hurt.  My left's a little bit okay.  My right knee still hurts.  "Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" I wailed.  Oppooh, who already sat on the chair to get his hair fixed, jumped out of it and rushed to me.  "Wae?  Wae?  Does it hurt so much?  Do you want us to go to the hospital?  Let's go, get on my back!" He said, worriedly.  I giggled.  "I'm sorry, Oppooh.  I was just exaggerating.  But my right knee does hurt."  I said and glanced at my right knee.  I pushed him towards Eun Mi to let her finish his hair.  "Aish!  Don't ever run again!"  He said and stood up.

Few minutes passed.  "TVXQ!  You're up next!"  A show's PA called.  We all stood up.  "You're staying here to rest."  Oppooh instructed.  "What?!  No!  I wanna watch your performance!"  I said.  No way I'll be staying here!  "You'll get to watch it on TV.  So just sit down and rest your knees.  Okay?"  He came over and kissed my forehead.  "Okay....  TVXQ Fighting!"  I cheered.  Then they left.

I waited for a couple of minutes then tiptoed/limped to head outside to the audience area.  "______!  Where are you going?"  I turned around and saw Joon oppa approaching me.  "I'm heading to the audience area to watch TVXQ!"  I said and pointed to the stage.  "But you're limping!  Let's just watch from the backstage, you like?  I'll go with you.  Come on."  He didn't even give me a chance to reply.  He took my arm and supported me until we reach the backstage area of the stage.

"It's much nearer here, isn't it?"  He asked, his eyes never leaving TVXQ.  "Aigoo~ They're such great artists!  They're my inspiration.  Especially Yunho hyung.  He gave us great advice about our performance... He's such a nice guy.  I'm honored to say that he knows me, he has watched me, and he talks to me."  He continued, eyes showing adorement for the duo.  I  sighed.  "Yeah.  You're right...."  And that's all i was able to say.  I can't take my eyes off Oppooh.  He's such a KPOP KING.  And I can't believe I'm his and he is mine.

I guess I was so mesmerized by them that I didn't realize they had finished performing already and were headed our way...and yes, Oppooh caught me standing there with.. Lee Joon oppa.  "Hyungs!!! That was awesome!!"  Joon oppa exclaimed after he grabbed my wrist to wave at them.  I smacked my forehead, letting myself forget them I was supposed to be in their dressing room, resting and not here watching them.

"Thank you, Joon.  You're not bad yourself, earlier!  You performed very well.  Ah, I see ______ is here also?" Oppooh remarked and looked at me with narrow eyes.  "Hyung, i saw her going to the audience area to watch you guys.  But she was limping and looked so helpless so I suggested to just watch here backstage and I helped her on the way here."  He explained.  "Is that so, Joon?"  Oppooh inquired.  I shook my head.  "No, Yunho oppa.  YAH, Joon oppa!  I wasn't helpless!  I was able to walk without any problems!"  i protested.  Joon oppa and Changmin oppa chuckled.  I pouted. 

"Come on, let's go back to the dressing room."  Opooh addressed all of us, his leader-aura making us follow him automatically.  He led us back towards the dressing room.  With Joon oppa and i towing behind.  "______..."  Joon oppa said and made me walk slower.  "Hmm?"  i asked.  "Uhm... MBLAQ will have a secret fan meeting next week.  I was wondering.. Since you know... You're new to our music and stuff.. Well... Would you like to attend the fan meeting?  You can bring a friend if you want."  He quickly said and looked down, but still holding on to me to help me walk.

I wanted to say yes but I don't know about Oppooh.  But there's nothing wrong with me attending that, right?  "Wow, really?  I'd love to attend your fanmeeting!  Thanks for the invite!  But I don't know my schedule for next week.  But I really wanna go!"  I said.  Really.  I wanna go!  "Ahh.  Maybe I will ask TVXQ sunbae about it.  Oh, and another thing.."  We reached the door of the dressing room and we stopped before following TVXQ inside.  "May I ask for your number?"  He asked and smiled at me.  I was taken aback.  Was this guy for real?

Sensing my hesitation, he said, "Or I can just give you my phone number.  Hand me your phone."  Without any question, I handed it over to him.  He punched some keys, then I heard his phone ring.  "There.  I saved my number in your phone and I got yours too, I hope you don't mind."  He  mischievously smiled and handed me back my phone.  I realized that he used my phone to call his own phone, therefore, making my phone number appear on his.  "Ah, oppa.  You're a sneaky oppa!"  I remarked and turned the knob. 

"Joon oppa, you may leave me now.  I don't wanna embarrass myself further to my bosses.  Haha.  But thank you for helping me today."  I smiled.  "Okay then, are you sure you can walk now?"  He asked and I nodded.  "Fine.  Bye ______, it was a pleasure meeting you.  Take care of your knees, okay?  Never run again."  He reminded.  "Arasso.  Bye Joon oppa.  Likewise!  Thank you!"  I waved and entered the room.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!"  An angry voice erupted as I sat down on the couch.  I groaned.  "Oppooooooh... I wanted to watch you...."  I said in a small voice and stared at the floor.  "Look!! Look at your knees!  They're turning into a different color!  And then you had to limp outside just to watch us when I told you can just watch the performance on the television!  Why are you being stubborn?!  You didn't even bring the icepack with you!  You left it melting here!  Then later you'll complain how much it hurts and you couldn't walk??"  I pouted.  I hate it whenever he's right. 

"But.. I can walk normally now..."  I lied.  "Aish!  Who are you trying to fool?  It's a good thing Joon was there to help you!"  My head snapped up as I heard his last sentence. 



"You're not mad?"

"No.  Why would I be mad?"

That's great!  Maybe he'd allow me to go to the fan meeting if Joon oppa didn't forget about me and invites me again.  I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling because I'm afraid Oppooh might get suspicious and act all jealous toward him.  "Okay then."

They started to pack up and got ready to leave for another schedule.  I, on the other hand, remained seated at the couch and did nothing, as Oppooh had insisted.  When it was time to leave, I stood up and forced myself to walk normally even though my right knee seared with pain with every step I took.  I did that so that Oppooh wouldn't worry about me and then he wouldn't be mad at me anymore.

Oppooh couldn't and didn't help me so that other people wouldn't be suspicious.  And I didn't want Cassies ripping my hair off and killing me with their laser stares!!!!  Thankfully, we arrived at the van and got in.  "We're dropping you off home so that you can rest your knees."  Oppooh said.  "But~"  I started.  "NO BUTS!"  He said and I shut up. 

Within half an hour, we arrived at home.  "Bye CookieMonster and Oppooh."  I said and started to get up from my seat.  "Wait.."  Oppooh softly said and pulled me towards him.  He then wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.  "Take care okay?  I don't like seeing you getting hurt."  He whispered.  I smiled at him, knowing that he's not mad anymore.  "Don't worry, Oppooh.  I'll be more careful.  And please forget about my knees.  It's not like they're sprained or anything.  In fact, they're fine already, see?"  I said and bent and stretched my legs, which totally gave me pain.  I forced a smile.  "Now go now, Oppooh.   You'll be late.  Have fun, okay?  Bye!  See you later!"  I pecked his lips and got down the car by myself.  I entered the house and they waved at me and they sped off.



Aish!  What am I gonna with that girl!  My mobile phone beeped and I smiled as I read the text message:

From:  Honey Baby

Oppooh, Im sorry 4 bein stubborn nd making u worry. I prmise Ill b gud.  I LOVE YOU! :)

To:  Honey Baby

Ok be a gud girl! Rest! Nado SARANGHAE. :)


"Hyung, can you hand me over a plastic bag?"  Changmin asked and I gave him one.  "What for?"  I asked.   "I wanna puke at your mushiness!"  He shuddered.  "Hah!  You'll be eating your words, Changminnie."  He rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever hyung!"  I laughed.  Then my phone started ringing. 

Me:  Yobosaeyo?

Caller:  Hyung!  It's me, Lee Joon.  Are you busy?  Should I call at another time?

M:  No, no.  It's fine. What's up?

Joon:  Well... I don't know how to say this but.... I wanna ask about ______... Your assistant.

M:  *suddenly alert*  Why?  What about her?

J:  Uh... She's nice, isn't she?

M:  *cautiously*  Yes....?

J:  Hyung... Well..  I invited her to our secret fan meeting next week but she said she doesn't know about her schedule.  So uhm.  I was wondering if you could allow her to go, even if she has work on that day??




[A/N] Annyeong!  Please forgive me for this late update!  Been busy with a performance and believe it or not, I had a writer's block!  My gosh!  I couldn't believe I went through that!  It was soooo hard!! I don't wanna experience that ever again!! Whew!  I hope this chapter is somehow interesting. LOL.

And yey! I have 80 subscribers!  *cheers*


@miko12 -  I like a jealous Yunnie too! :)))) Lee Joon? We will see. BWAHAHAHA.

@RinUnnie - Aww! thank you so much for that heartwarming comment! ^_^  I agree, Joon is smex!!!

@chillyshia - Chinggu, do you like jealous Yunnie? :)) We both love his pout LOL. YEAH! THe moonwalk was awesome!  Watched the ep3.  Poor Yunho, he fell down. :(

@QueenB_doll - you're welcome!  We all missed jealous and cute yunnie! *pinchpinch* LOL :D Have you seen the 3rd ep?  I like Claudia!!!!

@blackorchid - I hope in real life, they're secretly friends and hanging out! LOL.  Yeah!  Lee Joon arrives!  It's okay if you make kulitkulit the author! Hahaha! ;) Apir!

@iluvyunhooppa -  Thank you!  :D I'm sorry for making you wait. :(

@fyeahtvxq - Thank you!! I hope you like this update. :D


GUYS! Do you wanna watch our KPOP PERFORMANCE/RECITAL?


1)  BigBang Tonight // 4Minute Why // Se7en Digital Bounce

    === Im the one w/ the pink hat, entering from the left side. ;) This one, you can hardly see me though....






    2) ZOOMED.  B2ST/Beast Soom/Breathe // 2ne1 Can't Nobody // SHINee Ring Ding Dong //  BigBang Tonight // 4Minute Why // Se7en Digital Bounce

    === 2 dances combined. ^_^ I'm the one w/ the blue hat!!! :)











    Please don't bash me! LOL! ^_^


    Thank you once again! <3

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.