A hint.

Honey Funny Bunny

I immediately scrolled through her Contacts list, excitement suddenly rushing through my whole body.  I found the name I'm looking for and quickly typed in a text message before ______ wakes up.  I bit my thumb while grinning after I deleted the message in the Sent Folder, as I imagined what could happen if the reply would be positive. 

The phone, which was now in silent mode, vibrated in my hand.  ''Sked's free.  Sure i'd help! :)''


We finally arrived at the house and I woke ______ up.  Ever since we got home, she'd been constantly looking at her phone with a puzzled look on her face.  "Are you waiting for a call?"  I asked.  She quickly shook her head no.  "Nope, I'm not."  And ever since then, she left her mobile phone alone. 

When it rang while we were watching TV though, she quickly snatched her phone and went away.  I got worried because she might've seen me doing something with her phone so I decided to follow her after a few minutes.  But I only heard "....tomorrow?  Waaah.  Okay."  I shrugged.  She must be talking with a friend or something. 

I went back to the living room and she followed after a few moments and was looking panicked.  "You okay?"  I asked and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.  "Aish.. Oppooh!  I love you!"  She whined as she buried her face against my body.  "Why does it sound like you're complaining?"  I laughed.  "I domfph dough!"  She gave a muffled reply.  "What?"  I asked chuckling and tried to lift her face but she just squeezed my body tightly with her arms.  "Waaah!"  She whined again.  "Why, what's wrong?"  I was already getting concerned.  She lifted her face up and said, "Nothing."  I poked her tummy.  "You suuuuuure?"  She nodded.  "Yes, Oppooh.  I think I'm gonna head up first.  Goodniiight~."  I frowned.  "Aren't you gonna watch your favorite show?"  She shook her head.  "Nope."

I tried watching more shows but my thoughts kept being interrupted by ______'s weird behaviour tonight.  I have a feeling it has something to do with me.  I turned off the TV and did my nightly rituals quickly.  When I entered the bedroom, I found her on the bed, reading something on her iTouch.

"Hey, watchu doing?"  I asked as I climbed on the bed beside her and snuggled close to her.  "Hmm?  I'm reading."  She replied.  "Watchu reading?  I thought you're asleep already."  I peeked at her itouch and saw blocks of paragraphs.  "I couldn't sleep so I decided to read fanfics."  She said and showed me the screen.  "Yah!  Why are you reading MBLAQ fanfics?"  I asked and snatched her phone away and shoved it underneath me.  "Why not?  I read DBSK fanfics too!  And SHINee!  And SuJu!  And lots more!"  She said and her hand tried to snake beneath me.  "DBSK, yes.  SHINee, yes.  SuJu, yes.  MBLAQ, no!  Arasso?"  I grabbed her hand and wrapped my arm around her, lightly pinning her on the bed.

"______~..." I sweetly said.  "Phone."  She simply said.  "No.  You said you love me right?"  I reminded her.  She nodded.  "Good, coz I love you too.  ______, what if.... What if I tell everybody that I'm yours and you're mine tomorrow?"  She whipped her head to face me.  "Oh no, Oppooh!!  Why?  You can't!  Don't ruin yourself!  No!  Sajangnim will be enraged if you do, so don't Oppooh, don't!  Promise me, no!"  She panicked (again) and was about to shake me when I stopped her.  "Why not?  I won't ruin myself.  I bet my real fans would be happy for us and support us.  What are you so worried about?  Sajangnim will be mad but he'll get over it.  You love me, I love you.  Problem solved."  I stated.  "You don't know what you're saying!  Who are you and what have you done to my sensible, sane and responsible Yunho oppa?!  What's with the sudden thought???"  She tried to pull away from me but I didn't let her.

"Blame the time and the color."  I mumbled.  "What?"  She asked, puzzled.  "Past time and color."  I mumbled again.  "What past time and color?  Who are you!?  My Oppooh is not weird!  Imposter!"  She exclaimed and hit my forehead.  "Ooow!!!"  I rubbed the spot and pouted.  "Fine, I'll tell you the reason but promise me you won't laugh, okay?"  She nodded.  "I won't laugh but promise me you'll give me my itouch back."  She countered.  "Hmph!  Fine, deal!"  We shook hands like children and I turned to face the pillow.

"2PM's Jay and MBLAQ and God knows who others."  I muttered.  "Ehhh?!  Did I hear you say Jay and MBLAQ??  Oppooh, are you jealous again??  Is that why you wanna do it?  Aww, don't be.  You know I love you, Oppooh."  and I felt her hug my back.  "Still.  I want them to back off.  And so that women would know I'm already taken."  She giggled.  "Okay, that's thoughtful.  But still, Oppooh.  Please don't do it.  Promise me Oppooh you won't, okay?  And if you want, I won't attend MBLAQ's fanmeeting anymore." 

I lifted my head up and looked at her.  "You won't?"  I asked.  "Yup, I won't go if it bothers you."  She sincerely smiled which made my heart have this warm fuzzy feeling.  "Aaawww!  Thank youuu~  But since I'm nice, I'll let you attend it.  And oh, here's your iTouch too.  But don't read anymore, let's go to sleep."  I gave it back to her and she tapped on her itouch.  "Yeeey!  Thanks, Oppooh! Okay, I'm sleepy now too.  Goodnight Oppooh!"  I tucked ourselves in and opened the night lamp.  "Goodnight my sweets.  Saranghae..."  I kissed her cheek and her lips.  "Mmm.  Nado saranghae Oppooh." 



The next day, I woke up earlier than Oppooh so that I could pack my bag without him knowing.  Okjin, one of TVXQ's backup dancers called me last night while we were watching TV so I went away from Oppooh.  He explained to me the situation and  I'm excited for it!  It was a twist for this year and I admit, I am a bit nervous!

Okjin said I shouldn't go wtih Oppooh today since he's only going to his own schedule and Changminnie oppa will pick me up at the house.  I made our breakfast and entered the bedroom only to find Oppooh already awake.  "Oh, good morning!  Why are you awake already?"  I sat on his side of the bed and he smiled at me.  "Coz I smelled something delicious."  He replied so I pulled him up.  "Then let's go eat!" 

While eating breakfast, I decided to tell him I wouldn't go with him today.  "But whyyyy~~?  I thought you said you're gonna come with me?"  He complained.  "I'm sorry Oppooh, but, uh, something came up."  I said and trying to avoid his eyes.  "What came up?"  He asked.  "Uhm, something important."  I mumbled.  "More important than me?"  He scowled at me.  "Like my business."  I explained.  He seemed to accept it coz he stopped scowling but a frown remained on his face.  "Hmp.  Fine."

And when he was about to go, the frown remained on his face.  "Aww, come on, Oppooh.  Don't be like that.  I want to see a happy face Before U Go."  I placed my thumbs on the corner of his lips and stretched it upwards to form a smile.  "I'm not letting your lips go unless I see a smile."  I warned and he gave a strained smile.  "But next time, make sure you go with me.  I don't know why you didn't tell me sooner."  I shrugged.  "Like I told you, Oppooh.  It just came up.  Now be happy for Cassies, okay?  Hwaiting!"  He nodded and I kissed his cheek.  "Good."  We hugged and he said, "You're getting more and more like a pillow nowadays."  I slapped his arm.  "Yaaah!"  I whined.  "Kekekeke.  Just kidding, just kidding." 

Their van finally arrived and he set off.  As soon as he was gone, I immediately sent a text message to Changminnie oppa, telling him that Oppooh already left.  He replied that he'd be here in half an hour.  I then packed our food, and made sure I brought enough clothes since today will be my first time.

True to his words,  Changminnie oppa arrived within half an hour.  "Wait here, CookieMonster.  I'll just make sure the everything's okay, grab my bag and then I'll be ready."  After everything, I ran down with me struggling with my big bag full of clothes and everything else that I think I'll need.  "What is in that bag?  Your whole room?"  He asked as soon as he saw me.  He took it from me and chuckled.  "Sheesh, it's not like we're going away on a vacation!"  He teased and I punched his arm.  "Yah!  I'm older than you!"  He yelled and I smirked.  "Yeah, only less than a year apart!"  He shook his head.  "Still, still.  I'm older than you!"  He insisted.  "Okay, okay!  Mr. Sensitive.  Sorry."  He smiled satisfied and pushed me into his car and we drove off to God knows where.

When we arrived, I finally saw who Okjin was.  I met him and he looked at me from head to toe with something like distaste.  Now I know why I don't know his name.  I especially avoided this man whenever I'm with some of TVXQ's backup dancers because he seems to dislike me. I clearly don't know what his problem was so I just avoided him and didn't care to know his name.

I sighed inwardly as I listed to his strict instructions.  I nodded obediently, not wanting to get him mad at me.  "LET'S START!  QUICKLY!  QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!!!"  Okjin barked.

Great.  Now I have to endure this for 2 weeks and a half.



I called ______ a few times today but she only picked up once.  "Oh, hi Oppooh!"  She greeted, almost out of breath.  "Oh!  Are you okay?  Are you busy?  What are you doing?  Why do you sound so tired?"  I asked, wondering what made her lost her breath.  "Oh, just uhm.  Doing some stuff.  I uhm, ran.  Oppooh, I'm sorry but I have to go now.  Bye!"  She said and hung up before I even said anything back.

I frowned at my phone.  Is this what she feels whenever I have to cut off our conversation short?  She must be doing something really really important.  I tried calling again after an hour but she didn't pick up.  I sighed.  I left her alone until it was time for me to go home.

I arrived at home, opened the door silence and darkness welcomed me.  My watch said 10:17pm.  I walked to the living room and opened the lights.  To my surprise, ______'s on the couch, face down, in a deep sleep.  "Sweetie..."  I said and softly smoothed her back to wake her up.  "Oh!  Sweets, wake up!  You're back is drenched in sweat!"  I exclaimed.  I quickly pulled her towel from her back and looked for a new towel to replace it with.  I found a big bag and opened it up.  I saw lots of clothes and towels, a jug of water among other things. 

"I'm tiiiired."  She groaned but her eyes were still closed.  "Why are you tired?"  I asked while I quickly put the new towel on her back.  Good thing she was wearing a loose fitting shirt.  "Hmm."  She mumbled against the pillow and continued to sleep.  "Did you eat yet?"  I asked.  "Mhm...."  She replied.  "Okay.  Go back to sleep.  I'll wake you up later." 

I was a little bit disappointed that she already ate.  I was hoping to eat the dinner I asked Eun Mi to buy for us with her.  But I cannot blame her.  It's already late and she seemed so tired.  I wonder why she has that big bag with her.  And what's with the many clothes?  What exactly did she do today?

I kept on wondering while I ate dinner.  After a few minutes, she appeared with dishevelled hair.  "Hey sleeping beauty."  I greeted.  She dragged herself to sit beside me and brought her head down onto the table. 

"You okay?"  I asked and she nodded.  "Wanna have a taste?"  I asked and showed her the food.  She sat up and I fed her a spoonful.  "It's yummy."  She commented.  "I bought it for us."  I said and that seemed to wake her up.  "Aww, I'm sorry I wasn't able to eat dinner with you, Oppooh."  She pouted.  "It's okay.  Your share is still untouched.  You may eat it if you want."  I pointed to the bag and she quickly took the food out.

"AIgoo~ this is so yummy!!!"  She smiled while shoving another spoonful into .  I laughed.  "Slow down, but I'm glad you liked it."  She nodded and had another spoonful.  "How was your day, Oppooh?"  She asked after chewing.  "It's okay.  The photoshoot and  interview went well.  How about yours?  Why are you so tired?"  She almost choked after hearing my question.  "Uhm, my day went well.  I did a lot of tasks that's why I got tired." 

We ate and chatted more then she said she'd go have a hot bath to rest herself.  Me, on the otherhand, checked our fansites online, commented a few, read news, lounged in the living room then went to the bedroom to sleep.  Once again, to my surprise, she's not yet in the bedroom. 

I looked at the clock.  It's been two hours since she started to have a bath.  I went to her bathroom, the one which is in the guest room, and knocked.  "Baby, it's been a couple of hours.  Let's go to sleep."  I said through the door.  I waited for a response but heard none.  "Baby!"  No response.  "Come on, I'll give you a minute to get dressed up."  I said and waited for a minute but heard nothing.  "YAH!  This is not funny.  Don't play a joke on me!"  I yelled.  "Fine, if you won't go out right this instant I'll open this door!" 

I took the spare key for this bathroom and opened it when she didn't make a single sound.  To my horror, I found her still submerged in water with her head slumped at the side of the bathtub.




[A/N]  Hello!! ^_^ Finally, an update! BWwahahaha.  Ooooh, I wonder what's up with Yunnie's Sweets.  What is she up to!?  And what's up with Okjin?  :))


@chalx - The caller is that weird guy.  LOL.  tHank you for loving my story! ^_^

@YoBuddy - I hope you got my explanation. Teehee. The marshmallows I bet are sweeet and fluffy and soft and melt in your mouth! *drools* :D

@Glamourkitty - And I once again thank you for the comment! ^_^  It helps a lot!  About the mystery, it'll be revealed soon.  Don't worry, it's a good mystery.  yunho will like it. :X  Hahaha, I'm glad you liked that GEE part!!! Yeah yeah!! ^_^ 

@zoeystar -  Hi!  Wow! That was such a coincidence! ;)  I'm happy you liked it! Thank youuu!

@daridiridaradu -  Awww, I want that kind of boyfriend toooooo!!! But more specifically *cough* Yunho *cough*!!  Thank you for liking it! ^_^

@blackorchid - Well that's Yunho babe. Haha. He's so adorable. *pinches his cheek*  We got to see something about the mystery w/ "you".  Yunnie's plan will be revealed 'sa takdang panahon'. Hahaha. :D

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.