Surprise!!! : Behind the Scenes

Honey Funny Bunny


1)  The Idea [Chapter 43]

If only I could tell everybody that she's mine and I am hers.

I slid lower in my seat so that her head could rest comfortable on my shoulder.  I kissed the top of her head and she slightly woke up.  "We're not there yet, sweets.  Go back to sleep."  I whispered.  She fell asleep again and I rested my head on top of hers as I thought of ways to make it up to her.

Her phone started beeping.  I took it before it woke her up.  It turned out that it's only her alarm for one of her favorite variety shows.  It would be another half hour before we reach home.  If she were home, she'd probably be laughing her lungs out in a few minutes.  I smiled softly.

And then it hit me.

I immediately scrolled through her Contacts list, excitement suddenly rushing through my whole body.  I found the name I'm looking for and quickly typed in a text message before ______ wakes up.  I bit my thumb while grinning after I deleted the message in the Sent Folder, as I imagined what could happen if the reply would be positive. 

The phone, which was now in silent mode, vibrated in my hand. 

''Sked's free.  Sure i'd help! :)''


I suddenly thought of taking ______ out for a date to make up for my shortcomings as her supposed-to-be-brilliant-boyfriend.  But where could I take her without people seeing us?  If I wear a disguise, how could I make her agree and believe that my plan wouldn't fail?  Knowing her cautious personality when it comes to our relationship, I'm 99.97% sure she wouldn't agree.  Hmm.

Ah! I know a place where we could have a date!  But I still need to confirm it... I immediately scrolled through ______'s contacts, list since she only has their number.  I couldn't save it in my phone, SM might be aware of it. 

TO: Jaejoongie Oppa

J, it's Y.  I really want 2 take ______ on a d8.  Cn we do it at ur house dis coming Sat?  Help me? :)


I started imagining our date if ever Joongie gives a positive reply.  Definitely we would have a romantic dinner.  But I wanted to surprise her.  I don't want her to know we would be going on a date.  Aish.  I'll think about that later.  In the meantime, hmm.  Let's see.  I'll have her favorite dishes for dinner.  How about her dress?  I think I'll just choose for her, one that would benefit me, kekeke!  I bit my thumb and grinned.  Oh, please...I hope they're available on Saturday!!!


FROM: Jaejoongie Oppa

Sked's free.  Sure i'd help! :)


YESSS!!!! I must have looked like a cheshire cat after reading his text message. 


TO: Jaejoongie Oppa

Really?  Gr8!!! Thx so much!  I ws thnking of maybe a dnner?  Oh!  W/ some music at d bground?  I wanna srprise her.  How?

FROM: Jaejoongie Oppa

Keke.  U r 2 xcited!  Call me wen she's asleep l8r 2nyt so we can plan.

TO: Jaejoongie Oppa

Alryt!  Ill call u wen coast's clear.  Thx again!! Cant w8!!!  PS:  missu.

FROM: Jaejoongie Oppa

ppfft.  missu2.  keke! :P


I laughed as silently as possible to not wake ______ up.  I then erased every message exchanged between me and Joongie and made sure there's not a single trace.  I can't wait to surprise her!


2)  The Planning [Chapter 44]

Nighttime came and I'm itching to call Joong already especially after that mysterious phone call and ______'s weird behaviour afterwards.  I had a hunch it has something to do with me.  But.. I didn't want to ask her about it.  I know she'll tell me about it if she's ready.  But still.  I was worried.

Finally, she fell asleep after our little squable about her reading MBLAQ fanfics.  Daaang, that Lee Joon!!!!!  Grrr.  I waited for another half an hour before carefully climbing out of the bed, taking ______'s phone and going outside the bedroom.  I then dialed his number.

Jaejoong:  Yobeosaeyo?

Me:  Joongie!

J:  She's asleep already?  It's still early!

M:  I know, right?  Listen, I'm worried.  She got this phone call from somebody earlier.  She went away from me to answer it.  When she came back, she looked so panicked.  Then she suddenly said she's tired and get this, she didn't even watch her favorite show!!! 

J:  That seems really weird.  I was wondering why she's asleep so early knowing her fave shows are shown late.  Why didn't you ask her about it?

M:  You know her, she'd tell you something once she's ready.  I just hope nothing is bothering her.  And there's another thing that troubles me!  When I came to the bedroom, I found her reading MBLAQ fanfics!  Dang that Lee Joon!!!!!!!!

J:  MBLAQ's Lee Joon?  What about them?

M:  *quickly narrates* Apparently, they met while _____ was running down the hallways, tripped and that Joon helped her.  During that time, she was starting to be a fan of Joon saying he seems smart and good looking after watching him in variety shows.  One thing led to another, Joon became fond of MY, i repeat, MY ______ and started calling her, eating snacks together and then asked her if she could come to their fanmeeting.  Of course, _____ told him she wants to come but was hesitating.  She was hesitating because of her 'schedule' with me.  So this Joon had the guts to call me and asked my permission to let MY ______ go to their effin fanmeeting.  I allowed her against my will.  But before she slept earlier tonight, she said if it bothers me, she wouldn't go.  I was already on the verge of telling her not to go but I know she'll be sad and I don't want her to be sad so i just it up and told her I'm still letting her attend it.  But i'm scared. What if he does something to her and sweeps her off her feet?  What if she falls for him because they're almost the same age?  And after everything that happened lately.....  Oh no, what if she decides to lea-


M: Jaejoong, please help me!  You have to help me!  I don't wanna lose MY _____!!!!!

J:  Calm down, don't panic.  You won't lose her.  Remember you both love each other very much.  She's not shallow.  She'll not fall for anybody in just a snap.  When's this fanmeeting anyway?

M:  This Sunday.  Do you think it's better to surprise her before or after the fanmeeting?

J:  Before.  So that even though she's already in the fanmeeting,  she's still has hangover of the surprise.  Now enough thinking and worrying about useless stuff and let's focus on the surprise.  Okay?

M:  Okay... I'm sorry for the rant.  It's just that I love her so much.

J:  I know.  That's you're planning this for her.  And believe me, she loves you so much too.  Now, going back, I told Yoochun about it and he was so thrilled and excited for it, he offered to play the piano during the date.

M:  HE DID?!  Oh God!  Thank you so much, I think I'm gonna cry.  He's so nice!!!

J:  YAH!!  I'm not done yet.  Well, I was thinking, maybe I could be the chef for your date or something....

M:  OMO!! OMO!! OMO!!!! *jumps up and down* You'll do it? For real?  For real?  For real?  You're not kidding, are you?  You know ______ loves your cooking!!! She'll be happy!! Ahahaha~~~!

J:  Well, I'm the best cook.....

M:  Hey, she loves my cooking skills too!!!!

J:  Riiiiiiiiiight..... Anyway, I was wondering, why the sudden surprise?  I know it's not your anniversary or anything.  OH WAIT! ARE YOU GONNA PROPOSE TO HER?!

M:  Uhm.  No, I'm not gonna propose to her. YET.  It's just that lately I've been so busy I feel like such a lousy boyfriend and then there are guys who are surrounding her including that clownfaced Joon.

J:  *snorts* You know....Joon's a good looking guy and he's young too.

M:  YAH!  You're supposed to be on my side!

J:  I am that's why I'm, we're helping you.  I'm just stating a fact. 

M:  Hmph!  Fine.  Oh, it's getting late now.  I'll call you again when I get the chance.  Thank you so much, Joongie.  and to the others too.

J:  Alright. I'm usually awake during late at night.  You can call me, then.

M:  Okay!  Goodnight, kamsahamnida.

J:  Goodnight!


I giggled as i headed back into the bedroom quickly.  I feel so blessed to have such great friends that I can truly count on.  I quietly opened the door and saw her sleeping soundly.  I smiled, placed her phone back in its place, climbed back in, snuggled closer to her and fell asleep.


[Chapter 46]

The next day, it happened again.  She woke up early to make our breakfasts and snack boxes.  Last night, she was too tired to even make a small chat with me when I arrived.  She said she ate dinner early so that she could go to bed early.  All I could do was sigh.

I waited for her to fall into deep sleep before taking her phone and called Jaejoong.

Jaejoong:  Hey, you called earlier than usual.

Me: She's already asleep.  Joongie, I'm getting worried.  It's like she's avoiding me or something.  Lately, she'd wake up early in the morning, make our food then leave abruptly.  Then she'd come home really really tired.  What was she upto?  Do you.... I know it's impossible but.  Do you think she's with Joon or somebody else?

J:  Yunho, that's bull.  I'm sure there's a valid reason that's why she's acting like that.  Don't you ever think about that ever again, understand? She won't cheat on you.  I'm betting my handsome face on that.

M:  I know.  That's why I said it's impossible.  I just wish I know what's keeping her busy and tired these days.  I have a feeling she doesn't want me to know.

J:  Then respect that.  Trust her.  Now, forget about it and I have another good news for you.

M:  Oh!  What is it?  What is it?

J:  I finally pursuaded Junsu to be the server for the night.

M:  *laughs*  That's good!  Changmin wouldn't agree to it.  He said he might not control himself and finish the food before we can even take a glance at it.

J:  That boy needs to control his appetite! 

M:  Ah, he's a growing boy, let him be.

J:  Still a kind hyung, eh?

M:  Of course.  I'm Jung Yunho.

J:  And...still full of yourself.

M:  Am not!!!! Anyway, I've been thinking about how to bring ______ to your place without her knowing. 

J:  And...?

M:  How about I blindfold her, carry her to the car, then drive there?

J:  ......

M:  Well?

J:  You do know that she could always remove the blindfold, right?

M:  Then I could handcuff her!

J:  And make her mad before the date?

M:  What do you suggest then???

J:  I don't know.  Wait, I'll ask Yoochun since he just passed by.

Yoochun:  Hello?  Hyung?

M:  Chun?

Y:  Hyungie!

M:  Chunnie!

Y:  *laughs*  So I heard you want some suggestions?  How about you knock ______ unconscious?

M:  YAH!  How could you even suggest that?!?  No!  I won't hurt my baby!!!

Y:  Hyung, relax.  Of course I don't mean you have to punch her or anything.  What I meant was, maybe you could give her a sleeping pill?  Then when she's already knocked out, you can bring her here.

M:  YOOCHUN!  You!! You're a genius!!!!!

Y:  It's quite simple, actually.

M:  It is!  Why didn't I think of that????  Hmm, I'll just say i have schedule in the morning but I'll go there instead to fix things up.  Then i'll bring her home a drink mixed with the sleeping pill!!!!!  Right, right?

Y:  Yup!  A sleeping pill is enough to keep her unconscious until you bring her here and finalize things.

M:  Great, great!!! Thanks so much for helping me, Chunnie~

Y:  You're welcome, hyungie.  *yawns*  I better go to sleep now.

M:  Ok, ok!!!  Goodnight!  Tell the others thanks, too. 

Y:  I will, good night!


2 Days before Surprise Day

"Eunji, are the dresses here yet?"  I asked our stylist about the sample dresses she ordered so that I could choose one for ______.  "Aish, I told you I'll tell you if they're here already.  What's the use of hiding it from you?  Be patient!"  She scolded and I pouted.  "I'm just excited."  I said and she just smirked.

Finally, after an hour, the dresses arrived.  My eyes landed immediately on a blue one since blue is her favorite color  (I know it's supposed to be red.. T_T)  I took it and studied it.  It's short...but it's for my eyes only!!!!  I pictured her wearing this short dress and I grinned. I bet she'll look mouthwatering.

"This!  I pick this one!"  I showed Eunji the dress and her eyes bulged.  "Uhm, are you sure?  That will look really short once ______ wears it. Errr... That dress is not supposed to be included here since I didn't order it."  She said.  "Oh?  Then buy this one, I don't care how much.  I'll take it."  I said and she nodded.  "If you say so...."

Hmm.. What about her shoes?

"Eunji.. Where are the shoes?"  I asked and she rolled her eyes at me.  "I told you, they're over there.  Aish, you and your forgetfulness!!"  She replied and pointed to a mountain of shoeboxes.  I smiled sheepishly at her then headed over to the boxes and opened them one by one.

"Nope.... Nope.... Nope.... Could be... Hmm.. Nope.... Oh!  This one!  And this one too!!!  Perfect!!!"  I clapped triumphantly and carried the two boxes of shoes.  One with high heels and one pair of flats so ______ could choose.  "Eunji, look!  Both look good with the dress, right?  Right?" 

She peered at the boxes and nodded.  "Yup.  But don't you think she's gonna be too blue?"  She worried.  "Hmm, she's happy with blue things... So I think it's okay.  Ooh, ooh!!  Don't forget later okay?  You know, for her...."  I trailed off.  "Yes, we'll go to your house later to get her necessities.."  She answered.  "Great!! Thanks, Eunji!!!!  Remember, just ask anything from me so I could return the favor."  She nodded and smiled.


1 Day before Suprise Day

"CHANGMIN!!! GET YOUR HERE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!"  I shouted at the maknae who was slowly dragging himself to the car.  "Aish!  Hyuuung.  Why do I have to be the one to buy the roses?  Why can't you do it instead since it's your surprise??"  He complained once he sat down in the car. 

"The ahjumma there clearly loves you like her long lost son.  If you're the one to buy the flowers, it's an assurance that she'll give you the best.  She might even give you extra stems.  Come on, Minnie.  Do this for me."  I pursuaded.  "But what if she spreads rumors about me having a girlfriend???"  He pressed on. 

"Then tell her first thing that you're giving it to your mother.  She might give you even more!!!" I suggested.  "Uhm.  Hyung, don't you know it's bad to lie???"  He asked.  Isighed exasperatedly.  "Help me, Changmin.  I'll treat you after."  I gave in to the last resort, food.  "Any food?"  He asked and his eyes started shining.  I nodded.  "Great!  You should've told me that earlier, hyung."  He said and rubbed his hands together.


Surprise Day

[Chapter 47]

It's Saturday!!!!  I woke up with a smile.  I looked at ______ who was sleeping soundly in my arms.  I stared at her for a minute then lightly kissed her forehead, trying not to wake her up.  As much as I want this moment to last longer, I have to let go of her if I want to be successful.

Ah, first things first!  I have to find her phone while she's still asleep. 

Jaejoong:  Yobeosaeyo?

Me:  GOOD MORNIIIIIIIIIIIIING~~!!!!! Joongie, Joongie, Joongie!! I'm about to make her breakfast like you told me to.  Then I'll head over there to fix things up.

J:  Wow, so chirpy in the morning!! *laughs*  I'm starting to make the food for later. 

M:  Alright!  I just called for an update.  Thanks Joongie~~~

J:  No prob!!  See you later!


"But I could cook, you know."  He pouted.  "I know, Oppooh but you're gonna be late.  I'm sorry I wasn't able to wake up on time.  Do you know where my phone is?  I couldn't find it in the bedroom."  I put the lid on a pot and took out plates but I did notice him stiffen as I asked the question. 

"Here it is."  He then took my phone out of his pants' pocket.  "I didn't want you to wake up early coz I wanted to cook for the both of us this morning that's why I took the phone so you wouldn't hear the alarm."  He explained quietly then walked away.

Aigoo~  Good job on the excuse, Yunho.  You are really brilliant!! I gave myself a pat on the back while nodding.

"Remember, sweets.  Don't go anywhere today.  Not to the gym.  Not to the market.  Not even outside the door.  I'll be back early."  He reminded while he put on his shoes.  I nodded.  "Okay!  I promise!"  I assured him.  "Oh, I forgot.  I unconsciously brought your phone with me after I showed it to you earlier.  Here."  He then gave me the phone.  "Silly, Oppooh."  I laughed.

Now that I made sure she won't go anywhere and find me on the other guys shopping for the surprise, I felt at ease.  I rode with Changmin.  "Did you leave your phone?" I asked him.  I wouldn't want SME to trace us and pop out of nowhere while me and my sweets are having a good time. "Yes I did, unfortunately."  He responded.  "Yah!!  Why are you being difficult?"  I asked.  But he remained silent and crossed his arms.  I sighed.  "Fine, fine.  I'll treat you again once I'm satisfied with your help today."  And as always, he clapped with shining eyes.  I chuckled.


At JYJ's residence....

"Hyung!  Where's her dress??"  Junsu asked me after him and Changmin cleaned the guestroom, where I'll put ______ while she's still asleep.  "It's still in the car."  I replied while plucking the petals from their stems.  Changmin did a good job on buying them that the ahjumma doubled what we ordered but only paid half of it.

"Alright, I'll get it!"  Junsu offered.  Once he came back, he has this weird expression on his face while looking at the dress.  "Su?"  I inquired.  "I bet she'll look so y and huggable!! Ooh, I can't wait to see her!!!"  He exclaimed and gave his famous eu kyang kyang.  I stared at him, appalled at what he said. 

"Junsu!!!  Do you still have feelings for MY ______?????" I asked.  I know he had a crush on her while they were still soccer buddies but obviously, my girl proved she has better taste and chose me.  "Wha-what?? Of course not!  That's already in the past.. Heh-heh...."  He nervously laughed and quickly walked away.  I decided to just drop it and shook my head.

"CHANGMIN!!! DON'T TELL ME YOU ATE THE MEAT?!?  THAT'S STILL UNDERCOOKED!!!!!  AND WHERE DID THE CHOCO PIES GO??????"  I heard Joongie yell from the kitchen. Suddenly, Changmin burst through the door, laughing and running away from the red-faced Jaejoong.  "YAAAH!! DON'T EVER COME BACK TO THE KITCHEN!!! Yunho!!! KEEP HIM BUSY!!!"  Jaejoong barked. 

"Hyung, have you written the notes yet??"  Yoochun appeared.  I gasped as I saw his chocolate-covered teeth.  "Chun, don't let Jae see you!  Did you eat the choco pies??"  I whispered and pulled him away from Jae's view.  He covered his mouth and nodded guiltily.  "Sorry hyung... it just looked so tempting....."  He said.  "It's okay.  Now, thanks for reminding me about the notes.  I'll go write them now.  And brush your teeth before Joongie sees you!" 

It was around 3PM when Jaejoongie told us to go home.  They'll finalize everything while I go pickup ______.  "Here's the sleeping pills that will surely knock her out immediately.  Just mix one pill in her drink then she'll be asleep in no time."  Yoochun said as he gave me the pack of pills. 

"CHANGMIN, LET'S GOOOO! Alright, thanks!!  See you later!"  I said and waved.  Changmin came towards us, chewing.  "Changmin............"  Jaejoong growled.  "Let's go, hyung!!!!" Changmin exclaimed, pulled my hand towards the car.  "Bye!  Goodluck!"  JYJ cheered me on as we drove away.

We passed by ______'s favorite bakery then let Changmin (with his disguise on) buy us shakes and donuts and I let him buy every food that he would like to eat.  He happily flopped back in the car, with bags and bags of food on his arms.  "Thanks so much hyuuuung~!"  He said and happily started chomping away.

We decided to just bring Changmin back to his house instead of having him help us because we're 100% sure, he'll eat everything on sight.  "Goodluck hyung!  Thanks for bringing me back home early!  I can still prepare for my date."  He said and closed the car door before I could process what he said.


After we ate snacks, I told her we should watch a movie in the bedroom.  I the television and watched a random one.  We were still in the first 30minutes of the movie when I felt something heavy leaning on my chest.  I looked down and found her sleeping in my arms. 

"Baby??"  I gently shook her but she didn't wake up.  "Sweets?"  I tried again with a louder voice but she's already in deep sleep. 

I smiled.  Perfect!

I gently laid her down on the bed.  After making sure she's comfortable, I quickly searched for her phone and dialed Jae's number.  "It worked!  Get ready.  We'll be there soon!"

After putting everything that is needed in the car, I scooped up the fast asleep ______ in my arms.  I laid her down in the car's backseat and strapped all the three seatbelts across her body to make sure she wouldn't fall to the car's floor.  When I checked everything's alright, I sped off to JYJ's house.

"She looks like she passed out."  Yoochun commented as I walked through the door, with the unconscious ______ in my arms.  I didn't give a reply and brought her quickly to the bedroom.  "I could've carried her instead so you wouldn't get tired, hyung."  Junsu uttered as he followed us into the guestroom.  "Uhh, no thanks.  I'm strong."  I gentlly laid her on the bed and kissed her forehead.  Junsu, started moving closer to ______ and leaned down towards her face.

"YAH!  What are you doing?"  I asked, bewildered at his bold movement and pulled him away from MY, I repeat, MY ______!!!!  "Can't I kiss her too?  She looks so...kissable."  He answered bravely.  My jaw dropped.  "*EU KYANG KYANG*EU KYANG KYANG*  I'm just kidding hyung!! Aigoo~ You should've seen your face!!!!  *EU KYAAAANG KYAAAAAANG*"  He kept laughing as he walked out.  I breathed in and out.  In and out.  AIGOO~~~!!!!  My head!!!

It was already 8pm when Jaejoong came to me with a worried look.  "Yunho, she should have been awake already.  My food's gonna be cold if she doesn't wake up now!  The sleeping pill is strong, but not that strong that she'd sleep for so long."  He said.  I gulped.  "Joongie... I.... I actually mixed two sleeping pills in her shake...."  I confessed.

"WHAAAAAT?!  DO YOU WANT HER TO WAKE UP TOMORROW MORNING?!  Oh no!!! MY FOOD!!!  IT'S ALL GONNA GO TO WAAAAASTE!"  He wailed.  "Hyung, don't be so dramatic.  We'll just wake her up!  Junsu, GET YOUR CYMBALS!"  Yoochun ordered.  Junsu nodded and took the cymbals.

"Do you think it'll work???"  I asked fearfully.  I wanna bump my head through the wall.  What if she doesn't wake up?  EVERYTHING'S DOOOOMED!  "Hyung, nothing is doomed."  Yoochun said.  "Eh?  Did I just say that outloud?"  I asked.  He nodded. 

Junsu came back with cymbals and we all headed outside her door.  "Cover your ears."  Junsu said and we followed him. 


We suddenly saw some movement under the door.  "She's awake!!!!!"  I exclaimed happily.  "Quick!  Let's go away before she opens the door!"  Somebody suggested.  "Don't step on the petals!!!"  I yelled.  We safely made it to Joongie's room where I quickly took a shower and put on my suit.

After checking my reflection and made sure I'm drool-inducing, I headed out to wait for my sweets at the top of the staircase. 



[A/N]  Yipeee! BTS chappie, DONE!  I hope you guys enjoyed it.  I'm also sorry for not updating soon.  I've been very very busy with Korean class and my business.  *sigh*  But i'm glad to be back!  I hope you still remember the story.  Teehee!!

BTW, Yunho looks so yummy in pink!

Ooh! I also saw Kim Hyun Joon and Block B when they visited the PHilippines!!! <3 I think I'll go post on my blog. LOL. :D

@chalx- - Yey! Im glad you loved the chapter and surprises! :D Thanks!

@daridiridaradu - We're the same, i also want a boyfie like hiiiim! Sweet!! Aww, Changmin couldn't control his appetite, he has to be exiled back to his house, lol.  Thank youu! ^_^

@HIwith_Minwoo - He is, indeed! Thanks for loving it! :)

@Glamourkitty - THanks for the very good comment! :D I also cant wait to reveal what she's been upto!!! It's a good one, i'm telling yah. ;) I hope you also enjoyed reading the BTS!

@sarangDB5K - He's quite full of himself but it's so cuuuuute! <3

@chillyshia - Hi chinggu!  It's okay, now worries! :D Aww, the letters!  I wanna receive letters like that too. Hahaha. Yeah, ur right.  It's food that kept Changmin away. LOL.

@yunhotic - Hello!!! Welcome to my story!!! ^______^ Thanks so much for loving each n every part of it and you feel that way about my fic.  I hope to see you in the next coming chapters! :D AKTF!!!

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Chapter 61: tank u for ur update and ur wish too!!! i hope you'll be updatging more after this too!!! im so excited!!!! i dont like sunday already... >.< but lets see wat'll happen!!! update soon chingu!!!
Chapter 61: YAY! You updated!! I am so happy! :) I miss this fanfic.
anmade #3
Chapter 60: great story!! I enjoy it so much ^^ I will wait the next chapter :)
Chapter 60: author-sshi!!! come back soon!! im eagerly waiting for ur update here!!!
pinkypn #5
Chapter 60: im a new reader and i love how they are so cute but yunho gets jealous too easily. ur story is also funny. i cannt wait to c what they will do at the amusement part, i can see taemin stealing her away
Chapter 60: Thank you for the update.
Cant wait for more.
Chapter 60: I actually want her to have a name. *ehemRAIehem* But seriously, it's pretty awkward for me reading the blanks. LOL. It's like listening to GD's ThatXX with beeps. Haha. Anyway, it's okay... I hope you be cative again, though. I miss this story. :)
Chapter 60: oh... im guessing sunday has a thing for yunho but i wont jumo to conclusion yet... but i'll keep an eye on her... i really adored yunnie when he was trying to explain the kiss sunday gave him... even i myself was shocked... and aww it was so sweet that they won the best gift, tickets.. im sure they'll have a great time and i want them to hv great time... yunnie is always as sweet as ever.. i really miss you and this story soooooo much... i had to keep myself from spamming this comment box. huhu... i am soooo happy and excited that u updated after a looooong time and i do hope and pray that u'll update often after this... pls... i need more doses of sweet caring yunnie... i miss him sooo much... bout the name, for me i prefer it if u leave it blank like u always do... it gives me a closer feel to the story since i can replace my name there... huhu... hope u'll really update sooon... i cant wait for ur next update!!!!
--peperokiss #9
Chapter 60: Sunday-ssi is scary~ But at least Dana-unnie is cool! OMG, that game seems really fun! I should get my friends to play! =D

You dance too?! Same here! I'm currently teaching 5 guys how to dance to Teen Top's TO YOU and teaching myself B.A.P's WARRIOR and TaeTiSeo's Twinkle. I'm covering as L.Joe & Zelo for sure~ xD But I can't decide on the three of them in TaeTiSeo~!

Hmmm... well I prefer the ______ because I think it's easier to to picture myself as her. But like candyforlove said, it's just my preference. ^^
Chapter 60: Hello,

Thank you for updating! :) You did a dance cover of Teen Top's Be Ma Girl? Wow, that's awesome! L.Joe is my bias....

To answer your question, i would prefer if _______ have a name. When you use _______, i feel confused when reading. But this is only my opinion, other might have other opinions about this.