Part 51


"Baby C has a little of jaundice so Uncle Minhyuk takes him to the treatment room. But, Baby A and Baby B can't wait to see you" Hyunwoo said as he walks hand in hand with Sang Wook. 

"So, there really is Baby C?" Sang Wook asked for a confirmation. "I thought the picture Uncle Hoseok shows to me was edited" 

Hyunwoo stops walking when he sees Sang Wook seem sad. "What is it, Sang Wook? Tell papa what is bothering you" he kneels in front of his son. He guesses Sang Wook is upset from the surprise birth of third baby. He grows up as an only child all this time and suddenly have to share his parents with his three new baby brother is probably overwhelming the boy. 

"I only prepare gift for two. I only pick name for two. The third baby will be upset I didn't prepare anything for him, right?" Sang Wook said. 

Apparently, Hyunwoo is wrong. 

"It's ok. Baby C won't be coming back so soon. You still have time to prepare" Hyunwoo said as he patted Sang Wook's head. "Let's go see mama and the babies. Then, we can go and pick up gift for Baby C. I won't tell him that his gift is belatedly prepare" he continued. 

"Yes, let's go see mama. Then, we go buy gift" Sang Wook sound happy again. 

Hyunwoo stand up and they continue heading to the suite again. 

"There is my favourite boy" Kihyun welcoming his eldest son as soon as he sees the boy is walking in with his husband. 

Sang Wook rushes to his mother's side and hold his hand. "Where are you going mama? Uncle Hoseok told me to make sure you stay in bed" he said to his mother. 

"Bathroom break" Kihyun answered as he walks slowly to the bed with Sang Wook help. He hisses in pain as he takes a seat. "I'm ok, Sang Wook. Just a little muscle ache" he lied to his son. He actually received four stitches from the birth and every movement is sending a sharp pain to his whole body. This is high likely his first time since he didn't remember receiving any at Sang Wook and Dasom birth.

"Should I go take ice pack? or a hot pack? Which one works better on a muscle pain?" 

"A kiss from you" Kihyun answered as he pulls Sang Wook closer to him. 

Sang Wook immediately kiss his mother on both cheek, forehead and lastly on the lip. "Better?"

"Yes" Kihyun replied the kissed on the same spot before pulling Sang Wook into a hug. "I missed you a lot. Do you have a great time at your recent art class?"

"Yes, my teacher will help me to hold an exhibition next week. I wish mama can come and see. But, more important, I want mama to be healthy again" Sang Wook answered excitedly. 

Kihyun look at his husband who is leaning to the wall and watches over them from a distance. "Exhibition?" he mouthed. 

"He's a sculpture artist now" Hyunwoo mouthed back. 

"He's only six" Kihyun mouthed in disbelief. 

"He's almost seven" Hyunwoo replied and then shrugged. Honestly, he isn't very sure since when did Sang Wook join the sculptures community. It's just that one day when he takes Sang Wook to buy the baby stuff, everyone seems to recognize his son. Turns out, his son's art work is featured on the Asylum Art page. It's an art page for charity fund purposes. 

"Mama?" Sang Wook pull away to look at his mother's face when he didn't say anything back. 

"Yes?" Kihyun focus on his son again. "When is the exhibition?" he pretends to ask, trying to process this scuplture's art thing in his mind. 

"Next week. It's..." the sound of his baby brothers squeaking catch his attention. "They are awake" he excitedly climb the bed and lean forward to see his baby brothers in the bassinet.  "Hi" he waves his hand in front of them. He suddenly moves back. 

"What's wrong?" Kihyun asked. Worried with the sudden change of reaction.

"Need to wash my hand before holding them" Sang Wook get off from the bed and run to the washroom. 

Hyunwoo drag a chair closer to his wife before taking a seat. "He already sterilizes himself before going in" he informed. "Why don't you go lay down? It's uncomfortable for you to be upright like this"

"Laying down kinda hurts my back. Plus, the nurse told me to move around a little to prevent blood clot" Kihyun replied. "How long have I been staying here?"

"A little more over a month" Hyunwoo answered, mentally calculating in the back of his mind. His wife got admitted at 32 weeks and is going to be 38 weeks tomorrow. It's roughly around seven weeks. 

"Just that long and our eldest son suddenly a sculpture artist?" Kihyun feel a little disappointed in himself. "Do you think I can do this, Hyunwoo? One baby and I missed Sang Wook development this much. Now, with three babies... I probably won't be able to tuck him in anymore" 

Hyunwoo touches his wife face gently. "If God trusted us with three of His angels at the same time, I believe He knows we can do it. Don't worry much about that ok? Let's focus on one thing at a time. I won't let you do this alone. We'll get a nanny if we need to"

Kihyun loves the warm feeling of Hyunwoo's palm. He leans onto it before kissing his husband's palm. "Sorry. I just have three, two babies to be more accurate, hormones still all over the place" he then hold the hand tightly. Subconsciously, playing with the wedding ring.

Hyunwoo lean forward to kiss his wife on the forehead. "We will be fine" he kissed him one more time. 

Sang Wook returned from the washroom with a piece of paper in his hand. "Mama, papa" he call his parents as he take a seat next to his mother. "I have picked two name for my brothers. Harriet and Henry helped me. One name just comes to me while I was washing my hand just now" he explains. 

"What do you have?" Kihyun lean to his son, trying to see what is written on the paper. But, Sang Wook push him so he sits properly again. 

"Papa and mama name consist of 'hyun', Harriet thought it would be nice to pick name with 'hyun' in it. It's symbolic" Sang Wook starts.

"But, you don't have 'hyun' in your name" Hyunwoo cut off his son.

"That's a privilege of the first born" Sang Wook casual replied makes his parents laughed. "By the way, Hyun generally mean bright and intelligent which is a good name. So, we came up with Hyunsoo and Hyunsik. The meaning of Hyunsoo is long life. I found this name in prayers. Hyunsik mean the roots of wisdom, also found it in a prayers. Henry picked this one. Harriet picked something else. Hyunbin, we don't know what it mean. She search for the astrology for Hyunbin and it turns out very good. It says people with this name is humble and have saintly quality. But, we don't choose this name because it doesn't rhyme well"

"You guys really don't play around with this task" Hyunwoo is already impressed the moment Sang Wook explains the meaning of 'hyun'. When he mentioned astrology, it sort of blew off his mind. 

"Of course, papa. I don't want them to be teased for having a funny name" Sang Wook replied. 

Kihyun just patted Sang Wook head, feeling proud. 

"We decided to go with Hyunsoo and Hyunsik, because the name pair well to each other" Sang Wook added. 

"Ok. Now, tell us about the name you just think about" Kihyun nodded in agreement. Sohn Hyunsoo, Sohn Hyunsik do sound like a good pair.

"It's Hyunki. I know it sound like just a mixture of mama and papa's name, but... I am reading a historical fiction these days. Park Jaeah is a warrior of mountain clan. Hyunki is his warrior name. There is a paragraph explaining that his name is derived from his wisdom and astute personality. I would like to pick that name, if it is ok with papa and mama... or we can just pick Hyunbin"  

"You read historical fiction?" After the historical fiction, Kihyun isn't listening. His focus is distracted.

"He read our book too. Hyungwon give him that book since the theme of the story is fantasy" Hyunwoo explained. 

Historical fiction is much better than a medical and a law book for Sang Wook age, Kihyun thought. "So, we have four names and three babies" he blurts out. 

"How about you ask your baby brothers to pick their own name?" Hyunwoo suggested. 

Sang Wook turn to look at his baby brothers in the bassinet. Kihyun just look at his husband confused. 

"I bet they will react to the name they like. Like you use to when you was a baby" Hyunwoo stand up and lifted up Sang Wook from the bed. He makes his son sit on his lap before he pulls the bassinet closer. Both babies are awake and staring at each other. Probably having a telepathic communication. 

"How are we gonna do this, papa?" Sang Wook asked. 

"Pick one name that you think suitable to any of them and try call them with the name" Hyunwoo explains as he back hugging his eldest son. 

Kihyun force himself to stand up and waddle to the bassinet. Hyunwoo use his long leg to pull the chair he was sitting on earlier for his wife to sit. 

"It's ok. I feel like standing up" Kihyun says as he takes a deep breath. One hand is holding his lower stomach, one hand is pressing on his lower back. "Kind of feeling numb down there, gonna let the blood circulate. Will sit in a while" he explains when Hyunwoo just keep staring at him. 

"Baby A born early and struggle a bit. I think I want to name him Hyunsoo. I want him to have a long and healthy life" Sang Wook said after a moment of thinking. Oblivious to his father staring at his mother worriedly. 

Baby A turn to look at Sang Wook. 

"He's responding. Try calling him" Kihyun whispers.

"Hyunsoo-ie" Sang Wook reaches out to touch his little brother finger.

Baby A reaches out his hand too, out of curiosity. 

"Hyunsoo" Sang Wook says the name again. 

Baby A responding with an incoherent sound. 

"He seems to like that name" Hyunwoo said. When he sees Kihyun is taking a seat, he naturally hold out his hand for him to use as a support. He gently rubs Kihyun's back as soon as his wife is seated, then proceeds to massage his back of neck carefully.

"Sohn Hyunsoo. It's gentle on the tongue" Kihyun says as he pronounce the name few more time in his mind.

"Baby B..." Sang Wook stare at Baby B for a while. Scanning his little brother behaviour. "He is just born, but bigger than Hyunsoo. How about Hyunki after the warrior?" he asked his parents. 

The almost fall asleep Baby B is wide awake again and starting to squirm, causing his baby wrap got undone. 

"I guess he is the one who can't stop moving and kicking" Kihyun said as he fixed the wrap. "He's only a day old, but strong enough to unwrap his wrapping"

"Hyunbin" Sang Wook tries to see the baby reaction. "Hyunsik" he tries the other name. Baby B isn't reacting to any of them. 

"He kinda fits the Hyunki character, isn't he?" Hyunwoo said to Sang Wook. 

"Yes. I think people will mistake him as the eldest of the three a lot, papa" Sang Wook giggles at the thought.

"Since we are done here, let's go check on Baby C" Hyunwoo said as he put Sang Wook down. "Then, we can go pick up that gift for him" he whispers. 

Sang Wook nodded. "But, let's tuck mama in first" he whisper back. 

"Help me tell mama that he need to rest. Mama doesn't listen to me well these days" Hyunwoo whisper with a sad voice tone. 

Kihyun just keep watching the father and son while smiling tenderly. The more Sang Wook is growing up, the more he looks like his father. Some people have told him that Sang Wook is a carbon copy of his father's physical appearance with his mother personality. He isn't very sure about the personality part though, because Sang Wook mostly act just like his father.

"Mama" Sang Wook call his mother gently. "Let's lay down. I missed cuddling with you" he try to trick his mother to get onto the bed. 

Kihyun isn't even a little suspicious. He straight away stand up and get on the bed. Hyunwoo, of course, is quick to help him. His husband makes him lay down in a recovery position before easily lay down Sang Wook next to him.

Sang Wook carefully goes into his mother's arms. Meanwhile, Hyunwoo goes to the other side of the bed to join his little family on the bed. 

"Tell mama about your exhibition again" Kihyun said as he unconsciously pats Sang Wook on his stomach. Like all the time he was putting the boy to sleep. 

"I always love playing with clay, plasticine and sand since in the daycare. Then, my teacher sign me up for competition. I lost, but was offered to attend art class. It is so much fun. One day, a mother of my friend said she is interested to buy my clay model. She have a gallery, she wanted to use them as decoration. People keep asking about it and she told me to make more. She even helps me selling some of it" 

"Who manage the money, Sang Wook?" Hyunwoo is curious. If his son got scammed, someone is sure gonna suffer his wife's wrath. 

"Uncle Hoseok. He told me to keep this as a secret and give it as a surprise on mama and papa wedding anniversary later" 

"So, Uncle Hoseok is the one managing your art work?" Kihyun asked. All those times Hoseok have been watching Sang Wook for him and Hyunwoo, turns out to be more than just babysitting. That man is helping his son to explore his talent.

"Yes. Uncle Hoseok introduced me to this group called Asylum Art. They are the one offering me to do the exhibition with them" Sang Wook look at his mother and then look at his father. "Papa and mama dislike it?"

"No, we are proud of you" Kihyun said then he kissed Sang Wook on his cheek.  

"It's good to know you have found your own interest" Hyunwoo too planted a kiss on his son's other cheek. He was worried that Sang Wook grow up with the perception that he need to choose between medical or law. He always want his children to find their own interest and path of life is all he ever wish. He never want any of his children to live as their parents shadow. However, it is another story if they choose medical or law on their own.

Sang Wook giggles from the double kissed. 

When Minhyuk walks into the suite, his heart swell in happiness. Hyunwoo and Kihyun is fast-asleep while hugging each other with Sang Wook in the middle of them. The two babies in their own bassinet are also sleeping facing each other. "Will be perfect if Baby C is here" he said as he secretly taking pictures of the family. "I will just edit his picture here later" he mumbles and left the suite. He actually comes to check on Kihyun but that can wait. He will just come back later.

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hazhatt #1
Chapter 98: male population is increasing thanks to hyunwoo and kihyun
yellowtulip123 #2
Chapter 98: aaaaa kinda sad when the baby was not a girl, but the last sentence really make it up haha. finally dasom is back. thank youuu for the update
Chapter 98: Yeay!!? The baby is here!!!
hazhatt #4
Chapter 97: Thank you for the updates XD
Chapter 97: I'm so happy while reading this chapter. Thank you so much for your update
Chapter 96: thank you for the update!! another baby is coming yeayy 😁
yellowtulip123 #7
Chapter 96: omg omgg there's an update and is the baby girl's coming??? thank youuu so much for the update. really need to re-read again so i remember the feel haha anyway thank youu so much for coming backk
Grabila #8
Chapter 96: Can't believe it that there is an update in 2023! Welp yaye I missed it and very happy you're back
Chapter 96: Yeay you're back with new update.

Yeay too for the new baby
Yha-mhine #10
So touching.. ❤