Daehyun 132

B.A.P. Oneshots III

            “Mreeeoooow!” There was an angry hiss and Daehyun let go before the cat could attack. The feline landed on the dresser and twisted its body to glare at him.

            “Okay, okay kitty. I didn’t mean to come at you with this bow like this.”

            Daehyun had found the cat wandering around his house the last few weeks. It was cold outside and he had left out some food for it. The food would always be gone the next time he went to check so he figured that the cat was eating it. In two weeks time, it had started to snow outside and that was when Daehyun decided it was time for him to adopt a cat.

            It was a fairly simple process. Through the exchange of food and the occasional meaningful looks the two had given each other, the cat began to feel more comfortable with him. So one day, Daehyun had kept his door open and because it was negative degrees outside, the cat simply walked in.

            At first, Daehyun kept his distance. The cat was still possibly a stray and he knew that it could hurt him if it wanted to. But when it began to jump on his bed and demand to be petted, he knew it was finally time to take it to the vet.

            There was no identification tracking device on the animal. It was a stray and Daehyun had it checked. The cat was fairly healthy, with the exception of a few broken teeth. Once that was fixed, however, it was as good as any other house cat.

            “What to name you?” Daehyun stared at the critter. The cat was a light tan color and had intelligent brown eyes. An idea dawned on him as he remembered what he planned on doing with the cat.

            “I’ll call you Tan. Because Lennie calls her rabbit Gray. We can have matching pets and when I give you to her, both her pets would have matching names.” Daehyun was quite pleased with himself as he started to pet the cat’s head and whisper, “Tannie.”

            Tannie, as it was now christened, responded well to the new name and that made him happy. Even though it made Daehyun a little sad to give up the cat, he knew it was for a good cause and to someone he trusted one hundred percent.

            And that was why, the night before his girlfriend’s birthday, Daehyun was struggling to placed a bow around Tan’s neck. “Please, just let me slip this around your head. I promise it won’t hurt,” he pleaded. “I need to make sure you look presentable when I give you to Lennie.”

            Tan looked absolutely frightened as he pawed at the bow that was in Daehyun’s hands. Under normal circumstance this would be fun playing material but not when it was being slipped over his head. The bow was a flower, white with green spots on the petals and it was pretty but Tan was having none of it. He had already allowed Daehyun to put a black cat-xedo on him and that was generous enough.

            Daehyun was begging now. He held out the bowl of milk and the tuna. “Oh worthy one, please allow me to slip this bow around your neck so that you will be the most handsome cat in the world. Please accept my sacrifices and allow yourself to be turned into the most perfect present for Len.”

            At the mention of Len, Tan finally stilled and sat on his hunches. Daehyun placed the food in front of the cat and waited. Tan took a few nibbles of the tuna and then cocked his head to the side, as if contemplating if the offer was enough. His tongue lapped at the milk and it was then that he stuck his head out. The cat’s eyes were screwed shut as if forced to endure and it was with a grateful heart that Daehyun placed the bow around the neck.

            He picked up his cat and kissed him. “That’s a good boy. Come, let’s pose for a picture for Lennie.”

            Tan, who had already given up too much for this, was already tired and when Daehyun finally set up the camera and kissed his pet lovingly, it was ready to slink off and nurse its wounded pride. But it was for Len, and Tan liked Len, so he posed before jumping out of Daehyun’s arms and hiding for the rest of the night. 


Happy Birthday to Lennie

and this is also a cute story for Enigmasbe 

sorry for cramming your stories together and I'll definitely make sure your next one is just for you!

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Dodoisthree #1
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 82: Oooh. That was so cheesy, but totally something he would say.
Chapter 81: That's so funny, her reaction and his. He was really expecting a hit.
Chapter 78: Thought they were married at first.
Chapter 77: He is so talented, I wish him so much luck in his future career, especially given the latest news.
Chapter 76: I agree with the little boy's opinion about babies.
Chapter 75: He was full of hints, can't see how she didn't see it. At least she did at the end. It was funny to read their conversation.
Chapter 74: ﹋o﹋
Chapter 73: Elaborate and simple, it worked for him.