CL and Xiumin were stepping off of the arena as Chen was left still lying down on the ground with his HP slowly regenerating, no one dared to set foot with THE BUTCHER inside.


Tao and DO arrived seeing CL and Xiumin walking out of the arena, alive and well, but with a bit of cuts and bruises.



“Yah! Didn't I tell you to wait for us?!” Tao shouted with his hood falling off of his head.



“We survived, didn't we?!” CL stated with Xiumin following behind,



“You should have seen Xiumin hyung! He was becoming someone else out there, because of CL!” Chanyeol pointed out with Xiumin rubbing the back of his neck as CL started to blush.



“Stop it! Let's go back to the TAVERN, I bet Suho is going to be mad at us!” CL tried to change the subject



Inside the arena, Chen was still lying on the ground as he heard a familiar voice, he then sat up and then tilted his head to where 2NEXO guild was, he then quickly stood up and with a grin on his face, he ran towards the direction of the guild with a sincere smile, went straight for Tao and hugged him as he jumped for joy.



“Tao-ah! Tao-ah!!! Where have you been hiding that dark circle of yours, I missed you so much!” Chen stated carrying Tao and twirling him around.



“Ah.... ahhhh.... hyungggggggg~~~~~ stop it!!!” Tao stated with everyone looking at them



“Is he the same killer in that arena awhile ago?” Bom pointing to Chen's overfowing aegyo attack at Tao.



“Don't leave me alone... I was so lonely and I had no one to play with... bad Tao... bad Tao!!!” Chen clung to Tao's side.



“Yeorobun... mian!” Tao stated looking helpless



In the far corner of the arena, a hooded man was seen staring at the group.






DO then looked at the direction where the hooded man was located awhile ago, but he was already gone.



“What's wrong?” Tao noticed DO's serious expression.



“Nothing.” DO replied shaking his head





SUHO: yah! What happened?! Comeback to the TAVRN, we are already done!


TAO: we might be bringing an additional player with us.


CHANYEOL: hyung, I am creeped out by Tao's pet here!!!


SUHO: Come back to the TAVERN and let's discuss it here!!!





The group then headed to the exit of the arena and started to exit one by one.


“Is he planning on joining the guild?” Bom whispered towards Minzy as they looked at Chen who was clinging like a panda on Tao



“Is Suho-oppa going to accept him into the guild?” Minzy asked as she also looked at the person they were pertaining to


“Of course he will invite this deranged player... he is of rare class... you know how Suho hyung want unique players in the guild!” Kai stated as he walked beside Minzy with his hands on his head


“Yup... he accepted me... I am unique!” Baekhyun uttered out of the blue


“Yeah, you are unique alright... the only Jester that doesn't know how to throw funny jokes!” Sehun exclaimed with jest.


“Such a MEANIE!” Baekhyun pouted


Tao, Chen and DO let the others exit first, allowing Minzy, Bom, Kai, Baekhyun and Sehun to warp out first.


DO was at full attention looking around... searching for something or someone.



“What is it?” Tao asked as Chen clung himself to Tao's arms


“Is it trouble? I like trouble!” Chen smiled cheekily



DO just shook his head and exited arena.



Once again murmurs can be heard seeing the members walking around town. DO placed SHACKLES on Chen to keep him from attacking randomly together with Tao.











Among the crowd, there was a certain hooded person tailing behind them that didn't escape DO's attention. He stopped walking, much to the surprise of both Tao and Chen.





“What is it?” Tao stated under his breath




“Someone is looking at us.” DO replied scanning the place



“Duh... everyone is looking at us!” Tao rolled his eyes as they continued to make their way towards the TAVERN.



DO just dismissed it and continued walking being wary of someone lurking around the crowd with his map turning redder despite the presence of 1KPK and BUTCHER... it became redder still, meaning another PK is around.



When they all reached the TAVERN...



They saw Suho wearing a frown on his face, while Luhan was in a serious discussion with Dara.



“What the hell happened?” Suho placed his hands on the table with a serious look on his face.



“He happened!” Chanyeol pointed towards the door where DO, Tao and Chen were entering.



“You!?” Luhan pointed out as he raised his head seeing Chen



Chen saw Luhan and ran towards him and clung himself at him.



“Lulu!!! I missed you! Play with me!!!” Chen pouted




“Aish! Why are you here? Get off of me!” Luhan shouted shrugging Chen's hold of him




“LULU?!” all chorused trying to hold back their laughter



“Yah! Enough of that! Why are you here?” Luhan uttered in annoyance.



“Simple... I want to play with everyone... I want to play with you all!” Chen smiled



“You are ruthless!” Bom couldn't contain her anger as she pointed at Chen



“You are beautiful!” Chen answered back which took Bom by surprise



“I don't trust you!!!” Dara finally spoke laying her hands on the table, everyone looked at her and then back at Chen




“That's your opinion!” Chen laughed it off



“They have a right to know who and what you really are!” Dara stated while gritting her teeth



“What is she talking about?” Tao asked looking at chen who was slowly becoming serious.



“I am getting better you know...” Chen smiled once again to which Dara just looked away.



Suho looked at Chen encouraging him to continue.



“*Sigh... where to begin?” Chen paused while slouching on his chair still wearing that smirk of his.



“In real life... I have anger management issues... I tend to hurt people around me when I get frustrated or angry, when I get back to my senses, all I could see is blood on my hands.”



Chen paused making sure he was only heard by the guild.



“One day... I got so angry... that the person I beat up ended in a critical condition... and he was in a coma for a month... I was supposed to end up in a juvenile facility... when a relative of mine learned of a place where they can study and hopefully cure me.”



“A certain psychiatrist thought to make an experiment off of me for his thesis... he decided to enroll me under anger management program. Since I have uncontrollable anger and I tend to hurt other people unconsciously... he decided to introduce me to the online gaming world” Chen smiled at the thought of the first time they were teaching him the game.



“I got the hang of it and it curbed my anger... that was the height of the PK WAR ERA... until we were defeated by the UNITED ALLIANCE GUILD, I had to lay low because of the birth of the BOUNTY HUNTERS... they were a pain in the ... no offense meant” Chen stated looking at DO's direction


“None taken!” DO stated shaking his head



“Since I get to kill whenever I wanted... I sort of got tired of it and lost the craving, then I resolved to killing one player one day at a time. I killed them online... the challenge was lost... I was getting bored and I was about to retire and look for another game to play when I saw Lulu once again at the dungeon!” Chen smiled looking at Luhan's direction



“So... you are saying... you almost killed a guy?” Kai asked




“Yas... but I am better now... I have fits... but I can control them now, unlike before... I was young back then...” Chen nodded



“Old habits die hard!” Dara stated gritting her teeth



“What did I ever do to you?! Why are you so angry at me?!” Chen tilted his head in puzzlement



Dara just looked away.



“Are you going to invite him to the guild?” Bom asked looking at Suho



“I am thinking about it, he is of rare class... and a high level at that” Suho stated placing a finger on his chin



“Let's vote then!” Sehun stated.



FOR CHEN JOINING THE GUILD: Tao, Kai, Baekhyun, Suho, Bom, Minzy and Sehun


AGAINST CHEN JOINING THE GUILD: Dara, CL, Xiumin, Luhan and Chanyeol





“Why would you want him in our guild?” Dara asked



“We are doing everybody a favor, we are keeping his rampage within the guild.” Sehun answered calmly



“Why do we owe others this kind of responsibility?! Why should we be responsible for him?” Dara asked in annoyance



“I have played with him and had known him for quite sometime now, and for him, he just treats this game as just a game, isn't it much safer for him to hurt players online than in real life?” Tao explained



“And we are just going to agree to be his PLAYMATES?!” Luhan bursted out



“I want him to change, at least he is trying to help himself, so I want to help too... why don't we give him a chance?” Bom said



“What if he goes into an uncontrollable rampage agai, who will stop him?!” Xiumin wondered leaning forward the table



“Us! You, CL, Dara, Luhan, Chanyeol... each and everyone of us can contain him... we are strong... you managed to stop him!” Suho stated looking at Xiumin




“What if he sees an opportunity and takes advantage of us and attack us one by one? I admit I lost to him, I cannot take him on my own... not all members in this guild can go against him one on one” CL gestured her hands around the table.



“If that happens, I will take him down!” DO stated



“Really now?” Chen raised an eyebrow looking at DO



“I will hold you to your word then.” Chanyeol pointed at DO to which DO just nodded.




“If a fruit comes from a fruit tree, then what kind of tree is a chicken from?” Baekhyun jested



Sehun gave him a resigned look



“No answer? A Poul-Tree!!! hahahahahhaha!!!” Baekhyun slapped his thighs and laughed out loud



“I don't really care, cause I am 100% sure he cannot touch me!” Kai just shrug his shoulders.



“Majority wins... Chen is joining us... so whoever voted against him, try to accept him.” Suho stated looking at each and everyone of them getting their nod.





“See the group at the other table?” DO whispered towards Tao gesturing to the table behind them



“Yes, I've been observing them for a while now.” Tao nodded in agreement side glancing the other table



Then Chen stretched out and rocked his chair back, as he leaned back to be able to see 5 HANNYA-masked guys at the other table... he then smiled.







========END OF CHAPTER THIRTYFIVE===========




so how was it?




any guesses who the 5 hannya-wearing guys are?







show some love





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Tariki_inday #1
Chapter 83: Yes i really like it...
Faith_Lee #2
Chapter 84: that was a wild ride. thank you!
i just finished love 020 and i was having some
withdrawals but then i saw your fic.
Angel56 #4
Chapter 85: Oh my...
I read this before ..when i used to ship 2NEXO....but i didn't continue...
But i found it again last night and im so Happy that i did
And ur family gif was the best!! >•<
I wish i have a parent like u.....sadly they don't support my passion towards kpop
Anyway,,, i luv it!!!!!
gaeulil #5
Chapter 85: Thank you for the amazing story..wish both of you a lot of happiness <3 <3 <3
But still i wish there is a sequel on their meeting offline (^_ *)v
charitot #6
Chapter 85: Thank you for a wonderful story till your next story I will surely support it hehehe love you authornim :))) <3
ariem_kuki #7
Chapter 83: Are you kidding me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!
ShaiRa1009 #8
Chapter 83: *HANDS UPPPP
omaygashhh meeeee want ittt
gaeulil #9
Chapter 83: Me!!! I will wait forever...(> _ <) v
Chapter 83: Oh you! Such a troll *LOL*
Please, post the next and final chapter ^-^