Chapter 42.

Love Story of An Ugly Girl.

Aecha was on Chanyeol’s back and they walked to Aecha's house. While walking, Chanyeol suddenly sensed something odd in all the things that just happened. He spoke, breaking the comfort silence between them.

“By the way, why were you in the park so late?”

Aecha flustered, she hadn’t thought of him asking that question. With all the chaos that happened, she thought he would forget about it, even Aecha herself didn’t remember suddenly appearing there. Now, she had to think of something to say so that maybe Chanyeol would forget about his question.

Tapping his shoulder, Aecha told him, “Stop for a while, Chanyeol! My left thigh hurts. Let me shift a little to a more comfortable position.”

Chanyeol stopped, standing still so that he wouldn’t hurt Aecha and the sly girl shifted around on his back. Actually, her thigh didn’t hurt much in any particular place, but Aecha hope that she could distract him from asking her when she made him worry about her thigh instead.

“Ok?” Chanyeol asked in alarm; if needed, he could find a bench for Aecha to rest for a while before continuing to take her home.

“Yeah, you can go.”

Aecha then sat still and quietly on his back, reeling her mind for an explanation and wordlessly hoped that Chanyeol would forget about his question. After a few minutes, he hadn’t said anything so Aecha slowly heaved out a sigh of relief. Seems like Chanyeol had other things on his mind already.


His voice came out suddenly, startling Aecha.

“Well what?”

“Tell me why you were at the park this late at night?”

Believable lies began to flood her mind and Aecha finally stuttered out her answer, “U-uh-huh I..I just went home from I passed by the park. You know, it’s near my house. Yep, it's near my house indeed.”

“Really? Why did you stay at school so late?”


Chanyeol frowned hard; it was dangerous for her to stay out so late, bad things could happen to her. She is a girl after all.

“I-I had some works to do. Y-yeah, homework. I was in the library.” Lies after lies flew out of , and Aecha wondered how she could lie so well.

Luckily, Chanyeol was thinking of something else so he didn’t notice her stuttering.

“I see.” He mumbled and kept on walking. 

After a few minutes, they were in front of her house. Aecha patted his shoulder, signaling for him to let her down.

“Let me down. We can’t just go in like that. I don’t want to let my parents know that I got beaten. They’d freak out.”

“But, you can’t walk in by yourself either. They’ll know the moment they saw you limping in. Plus, you have bruises everywhere, they’ll know sooner or later. I’d just take you in.”

Chanyeol protested, Aecha couldn’t even walk properly. Her parents would know anyway, so Chanyeol wanted to take her to her room.

“Don’t worry about later on. I’ll cover up the bruises with make-up and by tomorrow, I believe I can walk properly. You only have to get me in my room without my parents knowing. Now, go!” Patting his shoulder, Aecha agreed to let him take her to her room.

Chanyeol just stood there silently, thinking hard. Aecha patted his shoulder again impatiently, “Just go in already.”

“Get you in your room without your parents knowing? It’s exactly the difficult part. How the hell can I do it?”

Chanyeol turned side way to stare at Aecha incredulously. Aecha stared back at him out of reflex, their faces were just a few inches apart. Both of them maintained eyes contact, then they turned away awkwardly, getting shy all of sudden because their proximity. Aecha cleared , then she thought about what Chanyeol just said for a second, and she nodded, agreeing with him.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Aecha wondered out, “Yeah, you are right. How do I go in?”

They both thought for a solution. Chanyeol’s eyes brightened up as he spoke up excitedly.

“How about you bury your face into my neck to hide it? I’ll tell your parents that you fell asleep while you were studying at my house, doing our group homework. Since I’m such a gentleman, I decided to take you home while letting you continue to sleep. How does it sound?”

“But, isn’t falling asleep at your house too un-ladylike for me? I may sleep easily, but I have never done that at a boy's house.” Aecha retorted immediately.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes even though Aecha couldn’t see his face.

“Beggars can't be choosers, girl. We don’t have many choices. That reason sounds a bit stupid, but it still works.”

Aecha thought about his suggestion. To be honest, this reason sounded really stupid, but well, they didn’t have many choices. And, if she agreed…Oh, burying her face into his neck? Aecha liked it, she liked it a lot. It sounded rather romantic and intimate. Her ert mode was on. Ok, let’s do it!

“Alright, as you said.”

As soon as she said the words, Aecha buried her face into his neck, sinfully taking advantage of the situation to get physically closer to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol shivered involuntarily when Aecha’s hot breath hit the sensitive skin of his neck. Chanyeol liked the sensation, and he could feel Aecha’s lips pressed onto him. He sensed a small smile formed on her lips, and he couldn’t help but also smiled.

When Chanyeol got in and told Aecha’s mom the reason, the mid-aged woman had apologized to him for her daughter’s un-ladylike action. Chanyeol had to bite his lip to keep him from smiling when Mrs. Park scolded Aecha. Mrs. Park thought Aecha couldn’t hear her, but that girl was just pretending to sleep so she could hear her mom perfectly well.

Chanyeol also asked her mom to let him finish the rest of their “group work” in Aecha’s room. He said they were nearly done and it would only take some minutes to finish. Mrs. Park was more than willing to let him stay for a while.

Chanyeol was just worried about her and wanted to stay with Aecha a little longer.

Once they were in her room and Chanyeol placed Aecha on her bed, Aecha immediately lay down. Stretching her arms and legs widely, she groaned loudly, “Arghhhh…finally home! I’m so tired.”

Aecha closed her eyes briefly to rest, already felt sleepy. Suddenly remembering about Chanyeol’s presence, she opened her eyes to look up at Chanyeol staring down at her intently, he was towering beside her bed. Aecha flushed in embarrassment, her current position didn’t look so good with her arms stretching widely on her bed. Aecha sat up quickly, and the movement made her sore muscles protest violently. Aecha quickly clutched her waist and grimaced in pain.

Seeing her in pain, Chanyeol quickly kneeled down in front of her. He was on the ground so they would be at eyes level.

He tried to look at her face and asked in concern, “Does it hurt that much?”

Aecha nodded slightly, finally admitted to him that it indeed hurt. Minwoo didn’t have any mercy when he beat her up.

“I see.” His voice was soft, but Aecha could note the anger in it.

Chanyeol frowned, biting his lower lip. He then took her arms to examine them one more time, under a better light this time. And he could clearly see the purple bruises forming on her skin which he couldn’t see in the park. Chanyeol scowled at them, as if that would make them go away and leave Aecha alone.

His heart twisted in pain, and he felt so bad at that moment. If only he could just take all these pains for her, he would do it. It pained him to see her like that.


After examining her arms, Chanyeol looked at the hand that was clutching Aecha's waist worriedly. Her waists and hips seemed like they were in pain too. He hadn’t seen them though so he didn’t know if there were bruises there. Chanyeol mindlessly reached out his hand to take the hem of her shirt, intending to lift them up to take a look.

Aecha swatted his hand away and shrieked, “What are you doing?”

“I want to see.”

Chanyeol answered automatically and Aecha’s eyes widened in disbelief. Did he just say that he wanted to see her body? Only then did he realize what he just said. Chanyeol blushed hard and stammered out.

“N-no, no, I don’t mean it that way, don’t misunderstand. I meant; your waist seems to be in pain. I just want to see if it were ok.”

Scratching his nape, Chanyeol chuckled in embarrassment.

Aecha also flushed, getting what he meant. She looked to the side and muttered, “Thank you, but I can manage myself.”


“Y-yeah. Of course, you can see it yourself later,” said Chanyeol quickly.

They sat there in awkward silent for a while. Then they both looked at each other and their eyes met, neither of them looked away. Chanyeol seemed like he had something to say, he would open up his mouth a little then close it. Hesitating for a few times, he finally offered softly in a whisper, still kneeling in front of Aecha.

“Let me kiss your pain away.”

Aecha's eyes widened once she heard his request, then her heart started beating frantically out of nervousness. Oh god, did he really say that or was she being delusional? Aecha then blushed a deep shade of red when Chanyeol kept her gaze, not looking away to show that he really meant what he said.

After what felt like forever, Aecha finally refused in a small voice, “Y-you don’t have to.”

Though she would really like Chanyeol to do that to her, it was inappropriate somehow. Aecha had to refuse.

“But I want to do it.” Chanyeol said firmly despite her refusal. “Is it ok with you? Tell me where it hurts, I’d make you feel better.”

Aecha blushed even redder, if it were possible. Avoiding his eyes, she pointed to her left elbow. It hurt because when Minwoo pushed her to the ground, it landed hard on the ground.

Chanyeol slowly leaned in, looking at her face and he pecked her there. Once done, he breathed out, “Where else?”

Aecha brought both of her hands up to cover her face in embarrassment. Did he really want to kiss all of the places where she was hurt? She wasn’t sure if she could take all of the sensations, the feels his actions made her feel. It was too much happiness for her.

Bringing her palm to Chanyeol’s face, Aecha waited for his kiss on there. Even when she was prepared for its arrival, the light kiss still sent shivers down her spine. Her palm was very sensitive.

“Next place!”

Chanyeol commanded, smirking a little at the things he did to Aecha’s body. He didn’t know he would enjoy doing it like this. He liked the feeling of her skin on his lips, and he loved the effects his kisses left on Aecha. Seeing her flustered by him made Chanyeol feel so good, so powerful somehow.

Hesitating for a long moment to regain her composure, Aecha finally pointed to her knees. Chanyeol did his job and kissed both of them.

“Anywhere else?”

Chanyeol was quite excited to see where Aecha would point to next. He knew one place on her left without him kissing it. That place still had blood, so it surely hurt her. But, would Aecha dare to point that place out? He wanted to see.

Aecha was blushing madly at this point. There was still one spot left; but could she point it out? It was the corner of her lip where it bled. Minwoo had given her a very hard slap.

If Chanyeol kissed her there, it would be their second kiss.

Oh my gosh! Could she take this?

Aecha was screaming inside her head. Yes, she wanted it! But, Aecha just sat there like a statue, didn’t know if she should continue this kissing game of Chanyeol or not.

Time passed and Chanyeol grew impatient. He knew where she was hurt already. Why didn’t he just do it?

Thinking so, he leaned in without Aecha’s consent; it was not that she would object him anyway. Aecha's eyes doubled their sizes as she saw his face closing in. Then she screwed them shut and waited to feel his lips there.

Feel it, she did; it was so nice that Aecha could feel her body melting. Chanyeol didn’t pull away like he always did when he kissed other places. He lingered there a little longer, loving the feeling of her lips on his; even when it was only a corner.

Aecha held her breath when she still sensed him there. His lips felt heavenly on her own lips. She was drowning into the sea of sensations, sensations Chanyeol made her feel everytime he kissed her.

Then she felt something wet touching her. Aecha realized that it was his tongue her blood. She shivered involuntarily, reaching out a shaky hand to clutch onto his arm. His sent electricity all over her body, making her feel warm. All the pain she was feeling seemed to cease at that moment. Chanyeol did make her feel better after all.

Chanyeol shifted closer to her. His hands came up to cup her face and held it in place as he captured her lips fully. His lips molded into hers and Chanyeol took advantage of their situation to kiss Aecha sensually. It was what his heart had been craving for a long time now. Chanyeol wanted to get lost in his feelings for once, not letting his hard head tell him what to feel, who to love.

They both enjoyed the moment a little too much, letting their feelings carry them away, not thinking anything, just doing what their hearts told them to do.


Chanyeol finally pulled away after a long while, and Aecha fluttered her eyes open. He smiled sweetly at her, not feeling guilty one bit for taking advantage of her.

“Better?” asked the sly guy in a soft voice.

“Y-yeah, I feel a lot better now. Thank you.”

Aecha stuttered, fidgeting her fingers. Chanyeol smoothed some stray hair behind her ear and stood up.

“I should get going then. I have been staying here too long already. Your mother won’t be happy about that.”

“Ok, let me see you off.”

“No, you needn’t. You should rest here. I’ll go by myself.”

Shaking his head to dismiss her idea, Chanyeol didn’t let her stand up. He pushed her down on the bed when Aecha tried to stand up.

Pouting a little, Aecha agreed with his arrangement, “Alright then. See you at school. Be safe when you go home.”

“Yeah, see you. Get well soon.”

Waving her goodbye, out the door, he went.

When she saw her doors close and heard Chanyeol taking his steps down the stair, Aecha hugged her pillow to her chest and smiled like an idiot. Rolling around on her bed, Aecha sreamed into her pillows, her pains were forgotten.

Yes! They got their second kiss. Aecha loved it!

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No pics for Aecha, picture her in your head. Or if you really want a valid imagine, search for "before-after plastic surgery" and take one girl you seem fit.


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Chapter 51: This one is old but gold! I just found out about it and i love it. Very classic romantic drama 😭
Chapter 63: Here I am~~~ 2 years later from the last time I came here to reread this beautiful story that time,, but this feeling hogod,, nothing's changed, my dear author.. oohh how I love this story of yours alot~~~
Chapter 63: Process never betrays the results. Good story author~
MariaDashwood #4
Chapter 63: Beautiful story! I wanted to slap Chanyeol a few times throughout the story, but then again, his behaviour was pretty realistic all the same.
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 3: Hmm how ugly is she?I really wanna know Xd
mistymountains 193 streak #6
Nice story!
Chapter 63: Omg i love it. So cute. Omo. good job authornim. Thankyou.
Chapter 63: Oh Lord,,, how I miss this story a lot, one of my dearest story from my one of dearest author...
I swear, this story is sooooooooo addicted..
Going back and forth to this story because of get addict into it..
*smooches for my dear author, wonachan*
ettenimus #9
Chapter 63: Love it! Thank you the great story......Love happy endings:)