I Will Make You Love Me


Yoo Rin sat on the floor by the table Geun Suk set by a few feet from the bed. Geun Suk’s bedroom was less opulent than the rest of his house. It was strange for Yoo Rin to be sitting in a guy’s room. The last boy’s room she’s ever been to was Shin’s and they were both kids then. Geun Suk gathered his books and set all of them on the table, then he sat next to her. Yoo Rin stared at Geun Suk annoyed. She moved a few inches away.

“It would be better if you sat over there.”Yoo Rin said pointing to the space across from her.

“What for? I won’t be able to see which part of the book you’ll be talking about if I sit way over there. Yoo Rin just glared at Geun Suk.

“Oh, alright.”Geun Suk gave it. Moving to the pillows across from Yoo Rin He wanted her to come back, so he shouldn’t scare her away.

“Where would you like to start?”Yoo Rin asked

“Why don’t you like to be touched?”Geun Suk inquired

“None of your business.”Yoo Rin replied gathering the books in front of her in search of the Math textbook.

“Where you abused as a child?”

Yoo Rin glanced at Geun Suk’s serious face shocked and annoyed. “Why do you want to know?”

“You’re my Wife”

“Not with the wife thing again. You had your fun ok? You messed with me for almost a week, it’s getting kind of stale.”

“Why do you think I’m messing with you?”Geun Suk inquired leaning as close to Yoo Rin as the table could possible get him.

“Duh? I offended you somehow, is that it? I’ve apologized ok. You can stop now.”

“I’m serious.”

“Serious?! About making my life hell serious?”Yoo Rin scoffed

“I like you Han Yoo Rin.”

Yoo Rin stared at Geun Suk who stared right back. Silence. Geun Suk was afraid to move, he didn’t want to startle her. Yoo Rin looked away then laughed. Her laughter rang across the wall of his room like bells. It offended him and made him feel warm at the same time.

“That’s really funny.”Yoo Rin said between laughter. “You like me. ME!”

Geun Suk rested his face in his hands and smiled at Yoo Rin happily. “You can laugh all you want. But I will make you love me.” Geun Suk said firmly.

Yoo Rin was too engrossed in laughter to hear him or she was not really paying attention. But eventually she finally stopped laughing.

“I’m sorry.”Wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes.

“Why do you find my liking you hilarious?”Geun Suk asked curious

“Because you can’t.”

“I can’t what?”

“You can’t like me. Not like me, LIKE me.” Yoo Rin stated confidently. Geun Suk raised his eyebrows. “I’m not the “type” guys like.” Yoo Rin explained.

Geun Suk just shook his head not really getting what she meant.

“Look I’m not exactly y or alluring. I’m flat chested, I’m too short, I’m moody, I’m too plain, I hate idiots and I’m not feminine enough.” Yoo Rin elaborated complete with gestures.

This time it was Geun Suk who laughed.

“Ya! Why are YOU laughing now?” Yoo Rin asked and under her breath she said “It’s not as if I lied.”

Geun Suk was happy that she was here in front of him being completely herself, no pretense, no act. Just Han Yoo Rin.

“I’m sorry. We completely gone out of topic, we wasted 15 minutes. Let’s start with the Math Homework.”Geun Suk said handing Yoo Rin a his math book. Yoo Rin was puzzled that Geun Suk dropped the topic just like that. Then again maybe he agrees with everything she said about herself. Aigoo! What an annoying guy!

Geun Suk had a small smile on his face. He watched as Yoo Rin went about explaining about their Math homework. He listened with half an ear. He decided not to rush her. He knew her well enough that if he kept pushing she’d bolt and he’d never get close to her again. If patience was a virtue, he was certain in the end he’d be declared a saint.

His Aunt bought them snacks after 2 hours. By that time they were both hungry. Geun Suk was impressed on how good a tutor Yoo Rin is and wondered how many other students she works with. Geun Suk felt annoyed that he know so little about her life.

“How long have you been in the tutoring business?”Geun Suk asked casually taking a big bite of his hamburger.

“Hmmm, Let’s see…2nd term last year.”Yoo Rin liked that his Aunt Choi’s mother she later found out served them western food. She needed to get used to it. To prepare her for her trip to America.

“You’re going to take up teaching when you go to college?”

“Nope. I plan to be a doctor.”

Geun Suk knew this but he wanted to find out her motive. “Then why tutor?”

“I need money to go to America.”

“America? Why America?”

“I have a friend who moved to America. I want to go visit him. Who knows? I might even decide to study there.” Yoo Rin said looking out the window dreamily

Geun Suk who was in the process of swallowing his juice and he choked. Yoo Rin was at his side wiping the juice from his shirt and face with the napkin.

“Tsk..tsk, what’s the matter? Look you got juice all over our papers. Now I have to rewrite all the reviwers.”Yoo Rin said

“It’s fine. “ Geun Suk replied still coughing.

Yoo Rin was shaking her head and wiping off the juice from Geun Suk’s chin.

“You are such a kid.”

Geun Suk grabbed Yoo Rin’s hand. Their faces were so close. Geun Suk stared into Yoo Rin’s eyes. Yoo Rin swallowed but didn’t look away. Why is he looking at me that way? Yoo Rin thought confused. The way he looked at her made her feel nervous. Geun Suk was careful, he slowly lowered his eyes to stare at her lips. And then-

“Han Yoo Rin! Your Oppa is here.”Geun Suk’s Aunt called knocking on the door.

Yoo Rin must have jumped a foot away from Geun Suk who shook his fist at the door silently cursing his aunt and the bad timing.

Geun Suk cleared his throat. “I’ll walk you out.”

Yoo Rin could only nod. Geun Suk picked up her bag and books from the table and followed Yoo Rin out.

Bong-hyung was waiting at the foot of the stairs with a worried look on his face.

“Oppa!”Yoo Rin called him not really wanting to talk to Geun Suk.

“Sorry I’m late. Are you ok? Why is your face red?”Bong-hyung asked touching Yoo Rin’s forehead. Yoo Rin pushed her brother’s hand away.

“I’m alright Oppa.”Yoo Rin assured him

Bong-hyung nodded, He glanced at Geun Suk who gave him Yoo Rin’s books and bag. Bong-hyung’s brow furrowed and he looked puzzled.

“Annyong haseyo, Thank you for letting your sister tutor me.”Geun Suk said giving Bong-hyung a bow.

“You look familiar, have we met?”Bong-hyung asked.

“I just moved here, sunbae. I doubt it”Geun Suk replied off hand.

“I never forget a face.”Bong-hyung remarked as they head for the door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Yoo Rin?”Geun Suk asked tentatively

Yoo Rin stopped. Geun Suk held his breath. “I’ll be tutoring you only up to the end of the first term. After than you’re on your own.” With that she left with her brother.

Geun Suk let out a breath. He almost forgot to breathe. He almost blew it!

“She seems nice. A bit reserved, though.” His Aunt said

Geun Suk gave his Aunt a hug. Thankful that she stopped him when she did. Yoo Rin was skittish and shy. It would only drive her away if he forced that kind of intimacy the first week. He promised himself he’d work hard to win her, because he was certain she was worth it.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!