I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk paced in front of Yoo Rin’s building. She wasn’t in school today. Where the on earth is she? Choi watched his cousin pace. They’ve been waiting there for almost an hour.

“Did you try calling her?” Choi asked.

Geun Suk stopped pacing. Took out his mobile and pressed 1 on speed dial. The called went to voice mail. Yoo Rin wasn’t answering. Geun Suk slammed his mobile close then continued pacing.

“Ya! What about the apartment?” Hyun suggested

Geun Suk stopped pacing, took out his phone and pressed 2 on his speed dial. From where they stood at the parking lot they could hear the phone ringing inside the apartment.

“No one’s home.” Hyun stating the obvious

Geun Suk slammed his phone shut again. He was worried. Where is she? Did something happen? He wondered. Recalling she looked very shocked when he last spoke to her. He hit his forehead with his open palm. Right! He told her he would be collecting what she owed him. She hung up before he could finish. She probably thought he was going to collect the kiss she owed him. Geun Suk frowned. He was saving that up for later. He just wanted to tell her that he would be picking her up from school the two days they agreed on to hold hands. That Babo! She panicked for nothing. Wait…did she despised him so much that she would run off just to avoid him?

“Choi, call Eun Hye. Ask if she knows where Yoo Rin is.” Geun Suk said opening his phone. He was going to call his aunt if she could get in touch with Yoo Rin’s mother.

“Ya! What are you guys doing here?” Bong-hyung asked He carried a bag of groceries and his backpack. Glancing their way he pointed at Geun Suk. “You! You’re that Lang Kin Sek guy! Bong-hyung stated.

Geun Suk winced. “Actually it’s Jang Geun Suk Sunbae.” He corrected nervously

Bong-hyung was formidable now as when Geun Suk was 11 years old. Tall and but muscular. Bong-hyung was athletic as Yoo Rin was smart. One of the founders of the baseball club he also started the taekowando club and the kendo club at school. Not a lot of guys would want to face him in a fight. Lately whenever Bong-hyung comes to his house to fetch Yoo Rin he’s been staring at him like Bong-hyung was trying to figure out something.

“Annyong, sunbea.” Geun Suk greeted and motioned for the other two to do the same. Choi and Hyun followed suit.

“Annyong, if you’re looking for Yoo Rin, she’s not here.”Bong-hyung said walking pass them.

Geun Suk looked up at the mention of Yoo Rin. “Chamkkanmanyo. Sunbae.”

Bong-hyung stopped in mid stride. Glanced Geun Suk’s way.

“Ah..ummm…where did she go? Ah...um Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk asked trying to keep the nervousness off his voice.

Bong-hyung studies Geun Suk with interest. Geun Suk shifted uncomfortably.

“I’ve met you before.” Bong-hyung stated.

Geun Suk’s eyes widen. Andwae! There was no way Bong-hyung would recognize him now. Yoo Rin who knew him best didn’t even recognize him. Geun Suk shook his head at Bong-hyung.

“Sunbae, I just moved from Japan.”Geun Suk replied.

Bong-hyung tilted his head to one side, his expression similar to Yoo Rin when she’s trying to figure something out. Geun Suk cleared his throat.

“Yoo Rin will be attending our grandmother’s death anniversary. She’ll be there until Sunday.” Bong-hyung explained.

Harabeoji…Her grandfather. Geun Suk let out a sigh of relief. Yoo Rin didn’t run away.

Geun Suk thanked Bong-hyung. Choi’s phone started ringing. Geun Suk headed for the car.

“Ya! Geun Suk. I just spoke with Eun Hye. Yoo Rin didn’t visit her grandfather alone.”Choi declared urgently.

Geun Suk glanced at Choi and wondered at his urgent tone.

“Ya! The Twins went with her.” Hyun revealed


Yoo Rin felt tense as she and the Twins entered her Harabeojis’ house. It was an old fashioned sprawling place with people from neighboring houses coming in and out of it. He grandfather was like a clan elder. Yoo Rin’s mother his only child. He wanted Bong-hyung to be part of the clan but her Oppa refused. They hardly speak to each other now. To make up for her brother she made it a point to visit her grandfather whenever he asked.

“Yoo Rin Na!” Harabeoji said coming out of the house to her to give her a hug.

“Harabeoji, Annyong.” Yoo Rin said warmly.

“Ya! You’ve grown so pretty. Should I set the date for the engagement?” Harabeoji said with a laugh.

“Argh! Harabeoji! I’m only 19! Why do you keep talking about engagements?!” Yoo Rin complined.

But her grandfather’s attention was on the Twins who were faced him and did a formal bow. Yoo Rin’s raised her eyebrow. “Ya! Who are you?” Harabeuji aked annoyed. “Why are there two of them?” Harabeoji asked Yoo Rin

“Ya! You two stop fooling around.” Yoo Rin said grabbing the Twins by their shirt collars. Yoo Rin turned to her grandfather and smiles. “You remember them Harabeoji? The Twins, Lee Hon and Lee Jan we’ve been in the same class since the 4th grade.”

“They look like Yankees to me.” Harabeoji said rudely staring at the twins in disgust.

“We’re part German.” The Twin said in unison

Harabeoji snorted. “Tsk. Foreigners. Yoo Rin Na! You are not to date foreign boys!”

“Harabeoji!!”- Twins

“Why would you” – Hon

“ forbid Yoo Rin from”- Jan

“ going out with us?”Hon asked

Harabeoji dismissed them with a wave of his hand. “Yoo Rin’s fate has been set long before you even met her.”

“Eh?” Both Hon and Jan reacted

Yoo Rin shook her head. Harabeoji kept insisting this. It was the 22nd century. No one has arranged marriages anymore.

“My very good friend Ji-Ho saved my life. We agreed that we would be brothers for all eternity. This promise is sealed with the agreement that out grandchildren would marry.” Harabeoji explained.

“Harabeoji, what if it turns out your grand children end up the same gender. What’ll you do then?”- Jan asked curiously thinking about Bong-hyung.

Harabeoji hit Jan lightly on the shoulder with his cane. “Insolent Yankee!”

Hon reprimanded Jan with a look. Jan winced rubbing his shoulder and kept quiet.

“Ji-Ho and I thought about that possibility.” Harabeoji admitted. “The fact is we both started out with grandsons. To be honest, we were worried there for a moment but then the following year Yoo Rin was born. It’s fate! Fate!” Harabeoji declared happily.

“Harabeoji.” Yoo Rin said groaning.

Harabeoji banged his cane on the ground. “You will marry Ji-Ho’s grandson. Do you want to ruin me by making me go against my word?” Harabeoji demanded loudly. "My word is my bond."

Yoo Rin went on to pat her grandfather’s back. “Andwae. Andwae. Of course not Harabeoji.” Yoo Rin said trying to pacify him. Yoo Rin doubts that Ji-Ho’s grandson would agree to this arrangement either. “Why don’t you rest a bit. I’ll have the Ajjummas fix you something to drink.” Yoo Rin said helping her grandfather to his favorite chair.

“Harabeoji, I want to show the Twins around. Will you be alright?” Yoo Rin asked.

Her grandfather smiled at her fondly. “Don’t go wandering too far, there are a lot of construction going on near the hill.” He warned. Yoo Rin gave him a reassuring nod.

The Twin followed her out into the yard. “Yoo Rin. Are you really set to marry his best friend’s grandson?” Lee Jan asked

Yoo Rin shrugged. The Twins looked worried. Yoo Rin tried to reassure them. “Ya! I’ll be in America by the time the Ji-Ho’s grandson shows up.” Yoo Rin revealed Her grandfather told her about this story when she was 13. She considers it an old man’s fancy.

“I don’t know Harabeoji seems fixated about the whole thing.” Jan pointed out.

“Why do you need to go to America? I hear from that you saw Shin on your trip to Chungcheong last week.” Hon asked puzzled.

Yoo Rin paused mid stride. “What?” Yoo Rin asked staring at Hon puzzled.

Jan grabbed Hon by the shoulder and pulled him aside. “Ya! You forgot she doesn’t remember anything while she’s intoxicated? Don’t remind her of Shin. We’re not even sure it’s THE Shin.” Jan hissed.

Hon smiled at Yoo Rin weakly. “What did you say?” Yoo Rin asked puzzled.

“Ah, I meant that maybe you shouldn’t go to America yet, You’re not even certain Shin is even there.” Hon revised.

Yoo Rin started walking again. She isn’t really sure where Shin is at the moment. But she has his last know address. Winter break was in 2 weeks; she saved up enough for the ticket to Boston and her up keep for at least 3 weeks. Yoo Rin was determined to speak to Sin face to face or at the very least what happen that made him just disappear.


Yoo Rin walked up the hill with the Twins. It puzzled her why they kept shoving each other every 3 steps. “Ya! What’s up with you two?” She asked

The Twins gave each other a final shove then walked away from each other. This was a surprise. The Twins rarely fight if at all.

They ended up by the river with the tall trees. Yoo Rin felt happy. It’s been a while since she felt so relaxed. The Twins set up the food the Ajjummas prepared for them. Yoo Rin stared climbing one of the taller trees. She stopped climbing the moment she saw clear to the other side of the hill. The view is amazing. The wind blew her braid away from her shoulder. Impulsively she unbraided her hair to let it blow free. Yoo Rin closed her eyes content. This was want she was longing for the past few weeks. She felt the Quiet and the Peace of the place surround her.

“Ya! Ya! Help! Help! Anyone help me!”

Yoo Rin opened her eyes. The quiet peace interrupted.

“Anyone? Help! Help!”

Someone was screaming for help. Yoo Rin shifted from the branch she was standing on to follow the sound of the voice. From where she was Yoo Rin saw a small figure, struggling as if stuck a few meters away from her. Yoo Rin started down. Someone seemed to be in great distress or even hurt. Her instincts took over. She ran to the direction of the screaming.

Yoo Rin found an old man who was close to her Harabeoji’s age with his feet, arms and head sticking out of a hole in the ground. “Atasji are you injured? What happened?”

“Ya! Can you get me my hat?” the man asked pointing to the hat caught in a tree branch.

“Deh?” Yoo Rin asked wondering why the man would prioritize his hat over his own safety.

“My hat.” The man pointed again. “Aggasshi Pretty girl, please get my hat.” The man added in a wheedling voice.

“Grandpa don’t you think we better get you out first?” Yoo Rin asked.

“Aggasshi, young lady don’t worry about me. That hat is our clan hat. Get it before it blows away!” the old man yelled. Yoo Rin watched as the said hat being blown away to a much higher branch. The old man started panicking screaming about his hat.

“Don’t worry Grandpa. I’ll get that hat for you.” Yoo Rin promised. She was way up a tree and almost reached the hat when it got blown to one of the thinner branches. Yoo Rin knew that particular branch couldn’t support her weight. She decided to se her entire body. Yoo Rin slowly lay across the tree branch and with the tips of her fingers slowly reach for the hat’s ties. The wind almost blew it away again when Yoo Rin caught it but she slipped. She heard the old man gasp. Luckily her pant leg was caught in one of the branches before she hit the ground. Yoo Rin upside-down gave the old man a relived smile.

“Waa! A climber! You are an amazing creature.” The old man declared happily. Yoo Rin untangled herself from the tree branch and dropped lightly to her feet.

Yoo Rin went to give the old man his had. He looked at her happily. Yoo Rin stifled a laugh. Considering the man was stuck with just his feet, arms and head sticking out he had no reason to look that happy. Yoo Rin concentrated on getting the old man unstuck.

“You’re a university student.” The old man conversationally asked as Yoo Rin grabbed his legs and started to pull.

“High-school senior.” Yoo Rin replied.

“Good enough. You live around here? I’ve never seen you.”

“I’m visiting my Harabeoji.”

The old man eyed Yoo Rin with interest. “Your Harabeoji? Who is your Harabeoji?”

“Clan Chief Seong Rin Hyung.” Yoo Rin replied pulling harder.

The old man gave a whoop of glee. “You’re Han Yoo Rin? The one he’s been boasting to the clan about! The chess player!”

Yoo Rin did not reply. The old man was stuck and now he seem excited for no reason. Has he gone senile? She wondered. She was going to need help in getting the old man out. Yoo Rin let the old man’s feet go and searched her right pocket for the mobile. It was turned off. Yoo Rin grinned. No wonder it was quiet. She thought with a grin. She must turn the thing off more often to get away from Geun Suk’s constant presence. Geun Suk. Yoo Rin shook her head to clear it. She finally got away from that Babo there’s no way she was going to think about him now. She made a call to the Twins.

“Yoboseyo, Hon? I need help…I’m fine…someone is stuck in one of the rabbit traps…I’m a few meters away where you set up…Ya! I’m ok really!…Tell Jan to stop screaming… I’ll wait.” Yoo Rin closed her phone and turned to the old man. “Granpa, I called for help.”

“You have a namja chingu, a boyfriend?” the old man asked in a disappointed voice. Yoo Rin rolled her eyes. He looked like a clan man and he seems to know her grandfather.

“No…no boyfriend.” Yoo Rin replied changing position to pull old man’s arms instead.

“Fantastic! I’ll speak to Seong Rin Hyung at once. I’ll have you as part of my family. You’re to be engaged to my grandson.”

Yoo Rin was busy pulling and only listened with a half an ear. She pulled using her own body weight, and heard the part about her marrying.

“EH?!” Yoo Rin was thrown on her back a few feet to where the old man crashed face first into the ground.

Yoo Rin heard the old man cough to clear the dust from his throat then say with great delight. “SHIN!”

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!