I Will Make You Love Me

Memu! You can’t have her all to yourself you know!”Emu complained stamping her foot in frustration.

“What do you care, you said you didn’t like her.”Memu countered gripping the mobile phone with both hands while backing away from Emu.

“I never said that! Liar! Let me speak to Yoo nee-chan!”

“Yada!”Memu said sticking her tongue at her sister. Emu stared are her sister in shock.

Akira thought it was the time to intervene. He gentle grabbed the mobile from Emu.

“Onii-chan!”wailed the twins making a grab for the phone. Akira raised his hand. Both girls paused. Akira faced away from them to speak to the person on the mobile.

“Yoo-kun? How many minutes away are you?...yokata…you better get here before it turns out to be an all out brawl…ja ne~” Akira said the he hung up he heard the twins groan.

“I didn’t even get the chance to speak to her!”Emu glared at her twin hotly.

Memu her tongue at her twin defiantly. “Why would she want to speak to you? It’s obvious Nee-chan loves me best.”

“She does NOT! Onii-chan! Tell Memu she’s a liar!”

Akira put an arm around both his younger sisters. “Ma! Ma! Now you two I don’t want you giving Yoo-kun a hard time. Besides, it’s obvious who she likes best.”

The twins looked at their brother with expectantly. Akira nodded and then pointed to himself. The girls froze simultaneously to contemplate the information.

“Nii-chan, Can’t you marry her?”’

“Eeh?” Akira remarked amused. His sisters never liked any women their mother offered to set him up with.

“Baka! Onii-chan doesn’t need convincing.” Emu replied arrogantly. “Nii-chan ski Yoo nee-chan.”

“Hmmm…I suppose its Nee-chan that needs the persuading.”Memu replied back thoughtfully.

“When Nii-chan marries Han Yoo Rin nee-chan, we’d get to be with her all the time.”Emu said clapping her hands happily.

Memu’s eyes lit up. “Oooh yeah, we’d get to see her, play with her, talk and shop!”

“Yes! Then she’d have to stay with us!” the twins said clutching each other’s hands

Akira gave the twins an indulgent smile. Such imagination these two.

The twins turned to their brother and both with bright smiles.

“Will you Nii-chan? Ask Yoo nee-chan to marry?”

“Eeeh? What? “Akira wondered how they came to this? But he is indulgent of his sisters.

“Yeah, she likes you best after all!”

“Nii-chan is so handsome! Yoo nee-chan will sure to fall in love with you!”

“Honto ni? She would probably fall head over heels for me when she see’s me like this.”Akira said striking a ridiculous pose.

The Twins looked at him doubtfully.

“Ya! Akira-kun” a voice said trying to choke down her laughter. “What’s with the pose? You’re going to lose cool F4 points if you do that in public.”

“Yoo nee-chan!”the twins squealed excitedly forgetting their brother and running towards Yoo Rin at full speed wanting the first one for her to hug.

Akira unwound himself from the pose and watched as Yoo Rin fall over as his sisters jumped her.

Yoo-kun would be one of 2 women unrelated to him immune to his charms. Just as well. Women like Makino and Han Yoo Rin are a rarity Akira can do without. At least this is what he tries to convince himself of often.


Geun Suk paced the lobby of the one of the Mimasaka hotels located in the city. The Mimasaka’s being hotel magnates have a suite in every hotel chain they owned. Choi was speaking to someone at the front desk.

There were an unusual number of conspicuous security people at the lobby. Geun Suk was no expert but it seems Mimasaka Akira made it a point to travel with a lot of protection.

Then his thoughts ran to the rumors about Mimasaka and wondered if they were true. If the family was a member of the Japanese underworld, if so, he had to get Yoo Rin the hell away from there and away from Akira. The man was too familiar and charming, he must be dangerous. The man was almost in his late 20s for God’s sake! Why would he be interested in Yoo Rin? Was he a ert? He heard about the mobsters and their uncanny interest in innocent women…Damn it!

“Choi!” Geun Suk snapped impatiently.

Choi nodded and motioned him towards the elevators.

“Mimasaka’s man Kento said Akira-san is expecting you. He even left a key for you.”Choi told Geun Suk passing him the key card.

Geun Suk entered the private lift with misgivings stared at the key puzzled. What the hell? Mimasaka Akira is he trying to goad him? He won’t be giving Yoo Rin up without a fight. Han Yoo Rin is MINE!

The first thing Geun Suk heard when he came into the suite was splashing and giggling.

“Ya! Stop it, you’re getting water all over the floor.”

Yoo Rin’s voice. Geun Suk’s eyes widen and he rushed towards the sound. Geun Suk found himself in front of the ornate door he assumed was the bathroom door. There was laughter and it sounded like more than one person.

“Ya! You got my top all wet.”Yoo Rin said In Geun Suk’s mind eye he saw Yoo Rin flushed and giggling in the bathtub covered with bubbles as the half Akira leans over to kiss her… Andwe! “ Now I have it take it off-“

Geun Suk red! He charged for the door. The splashing sound stopped as well as the laughter as soon as the door bust open.

“YA! Jang Geun Suk? What the hell are you doing here?!” Yoo Rin asked aghast. Her clothing and most of her hair had suds and bubbles. She had a large towel in her hand that she quickly threw on top of his head. This was after he caught a glimpse of the two heads dive under the king size tub with muffled squeels. He heard Yoo Rin murmur soothing words as she grabbed the that towel covered head roughly and lead him back to where he assumed was the open door. He hear the pounding of running feet and what he could have swore sounded like firearms being ajusted.

“For GOD’S SAKE!” Yoo Rin said in an exasperated tone. Geun Suk struggled with the towel on his head.

“Yoo-sama. We heard screaming… An intruder!”

Geun Suk got the towel off his head to find around 8 men with hi-powered fire arms in front them all aimed at his head. He froze like any sane person. “Woah.”

“It’s a misunderstand. He’s not an intruder.”Yoo Rin said in trying to stay calm. She said standing in front of Geun Suk blocking him from the rifles.

Geun Suk saw the men tense up. They didn’t look like they would listen to a slip of a girl. Slowly Geun Suk moved to push Yoo Rin behind him, keeping his eyes on the guns aimed at them but Yoo Rin stood her ground. Even dripping wet she had the stature of someone in control of the situation when clearly she did not.

“Han Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk said pulling on her wet sleeve. Yoo Rin ignored him never taking her eyes of the guns. Geun Suk thought fast. They were bodyguards of one of the most powerful men in Japan…they wouldn’t over react would they? Before he could finish that thought, from the corner of his eye he saw a flash of movement. He pushed Yoo Rin down and covered her protectively as several knives went flying in the air. Pinning all 8 men on the closest wall or shelf by their gun hand.

“Kashira!” the men said in unison, seriously trying their best to bow in their proned positions.

Geun Suk tilted his head to the side, he still had Yoo Rin pinned to the floor unsure if they’re safe. Akira stood with a double edged knife in his hand. He had his shirtsleeves folded to his elbows, but curiously he wore a blue stripped apron with bears prints. The look would have been hilarious if he didn’t have several knives tied to a leather casing on his belt.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!