I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin is making the necessary adjustments to the go-cart scale model when the door of the lab burst open. It was Chen Yul. He stood at the door of the lab unmoving.

“You need something?” Yoo Rin asked annoyed at the interruption.

Chen Yul rushed towards Yoo Rin. He stopped a few meters away from her. Yoo Rin’s eyes furrowed.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin!”

“What?” Yoo Rin replied

Chen Yul then fell to his knees in front of Yoo Rin. “Help me!”

“Ya! What are you doing? Stand-up!” Yoo Rin said pulling Chen Yul’s arm.

Chen Yul shook his head desperately. “You must participate in the pre-festival competition.”

Yoo Rin stared at the kneeling Chen Yul confused. The pre-festival competition usually involves a rally race, mind games and a popularity contest. Yoo Rin shivered at the thought of getting involved in the last one.

“Chen Yul, You know I’m not interested in stuff like that.” Yoo Rin said gently

Chen Yul grasped her hand in both his and remained kneeling. Yoo Rin tried to pull her hand away but it was like vice. She really didn’t want to hurt him.

“Ya! Yan Chen Yul! Are you drugged? If you don’t let me go, you’re going home with fewer fingers than when you started off.” Yoo Rin warned

“Yoo Rin help me! The vice-principal is putting pressure on me to make this school festival a success. The school needs a new annex for it’s experimental lab. Ahhh, Han Yoo Rin, You know how my father is!” Chen Yul said looking extremely pathetic.

“Ya! Are you even a man? Get up!” Yoo Rin can sympathize. She knew that although Chen Yul lived a life of privilege, being the son of the vice-principal does not exactly make you very popular among your peers especially when the he’s such a control and order freak.

“Yoo Rin, the student council conducted a survey of which student his peers want to know more about. We found out that out of the 500 or so population of the school, they are most curious about you, Han Yoo Rin .”

“Ehhh?” Yoo Rin was surprised at the completely off tangent statement.

“Someone decided to sponsor the entire 2nd day of the festival. It’s a trip to the grand island for your entire school if you agree to go out with whoever wins the treasure hunt.” Chen Yul continued

“Dehhhh?!” Yoo Rin was in shock. Why would anyone sponsor an entire 2nd day just to get her to go out with him? “Who? Who is it?” Yoo Rin asked coldly angry that anyone would think of her as a prize.

Chen Yul remained silent.

“Who is it?” Yoo Rin repeated grabbing Chen Yul by his shirt collar.

“I’m not sure. He sent an agent to speak to the council. I swear, I have no idea who he is.” Chen Yul hanging his head.

Yoo Rin tried to clear her brain. The school festival is very popular to the public for one reason, the annual treasure hunt. The treasure hunt is a combination of the mind games and rally race and it’s open to the public. It doesn’t matter as long as you can pay the exorbitant joining fee it entails. Winning the treasure hunt meant was prestige itself and it opened opportunities to the winners. The year before Bong-hyung and Lee Jun won the treasure hunt. They had the bragging rights to it that is until the following year.

“Yoo Rin. I know this is too much to ask. My father insisted that I speak to you. Convince you to say agree.”

“What do I get out of all this?” Yoo Rin asked crossing her arms in front of her.

“The vice-principal has agreed that he will help you get living expenses to study in America.”

Yoo Rin gasped in surprise. That was totally unexpected. It was no secret that she was planning to go to America. She already got notice from the three schools she applied that she was accepted. Her father was against her going out of the country to study and implied he wasn’t paying for anything if she decided to go against him.

“Yan Chen Yul, if this is some kind of trick…”

Chen Yul bought out a document from his bag. It was a signed document from the vice-principal stating just as Chen Yul said. Yoo Rin stared at the document. It was an opportunity to fulfill a dream. Yoon Rin faced Chen Yul

“Ya! You can’t!” Geun Suk yelled striding towards them. Chen Yul got up surprised. “Yoo Rin, you are not actually considering this?” Geun Suk asked.

Geun Suk looked for Yoo Rin so they could head to his house for their tutorial together when he stumbled upon them . Geun Suk was furious. “You!” He now had his hands on Chen Yul’s neck.

Yoo Rin hand both hands on Geun Suk’s wrist trying to get him to let go of Chen Yul who was gasping for air.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk! Yaaaa! Let go of him!” Yoo Rin said as she finally got Geun Suk to loosen his grip.

Chen Yul dropped to the floor gasping for air.

“Get the hell away from here!” Geun Suk said gritting his teeth.

Chen Yul didn’t have to be told twice. He ran.

“Ya! What’s the matter with you?”Geun Suk asked Yoo Rin who went back to the desk.

“Nothing is the matter with me.” Yoo Rin replied calmly rechecking her notes.

“Ya! You’re not actually considering this deal are you?” Geun Suk asked knowing how contrary Yoo Rin can be.

“It’s not such a bad deal.” Yoo Rin replied thoughtfully

“What?! Have you lost your mind?”Geun Suk asked staring at Yoo Rin.

“This conversation sounds familiar.” Yoo Rin said thoughtfully

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk said in frustration

“What? Jang Geun Suk!” Yoo Rin replied with the same tone as Geun Suk

Geun Suk stared at Yoo Rin like he wanted to strangle her. Yoo Rin stared back bracing for a fight.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin. Someone at the gate is looking for you!” the Science club adviser called. Geun Suk and Yoo Rin broke eye contact.

“I’ll be right out.”


Geun Suk felt a sense of frustration and helplessness has he followed Yoo Rin to the school gate. Of all the idiotic ideas… He made a mental note to beat the crap out of Chen Yul the moment he has a chance…A chance to date Yoo Rin in exchange for providing her living expenses? America? Ha!

Shin straightened then waved at Yoo Rin as she approached.

Geun Suk’s temper flared. This guy has such terrible timing. “Ya! You! You have some nerve to show your face here after the trouble you girlfriend gave.” Rushing towards Shin fist ready to fly in Shin’s face. Yoo Rin blocked him.

“Ya! What exactly is your problem?” Yoo Rin asked putting her hands on her waist.

Geun Suk stared at Yoo Rin in disbelief. Was she so dense that she didn’t even know? He wondered

“You! You are my problem. People lie to you and it’s nothing! People want to take advantage of you! This guy is a player but you don’t seem to care! What’s the matter with you?!”

Yoo Rin snorted. “Ya! What is it to you? Why does my being lied to and tricked matter so much to You?”

“It’s because…”Geun Suk started to say but stopped himself. He’d be damned if he had to spell it all out for her.

“If you’re through acting like my father, I’ll be going. I’ll see you later.”

Yoo Rin said turned to walk towards Shin.

Geun Suk then sunk his fist at the nearest wall.


Shin sat staring at Yoo Rin while she sunk her teeth on her 3rd serving of rice cake. He wondered why she called him up. It’s been 15 minutes and all she did was eat and not say anything.

“You’re not having any?” Yoo Rin asked

Shin Kai pushed the plate towards Yoo Rin and watched as she shoved servings one after the other. It would have been disgusting had it been any other girl but Yoo Rin. Shin Kai shook his head and smiled. He must have it bad.

Shin stared at Yoo Rin patiently. “So, what’s up? You must have called me up for a the very first time, I assume it isn’t so we can eat rice cakes.”

Yoo Rin signed, swallowed the rice cakes in quickly almost choaking. Shin Kai gave Yoo Rin a glass of water then gently patted her back.

“Shin, you didn’t just do something really stupid, did you?”Yoo Rin asked facing Shin squarely

“Huh?” Shin Kai said holding his breath

“You didn’t just have anything to do with that thing for the school festival,did you?”

Shin Kai let out a relieved breath. “What school festival?”

Yoo Rin studied Shin’s face. “You know anyone named Yan Chen Yul?”

Shin Kai stared at Yoo Rin blankly. Yoo Rin nodded. “Ok. I’ll be heading for my tutorial now.”Yoo Rin said

Shin Kai stared after her confused. “Ya! I’ll take you there.” He added quickly

“Don’t bother. My shadow is here.” Yoo Rin replied pointing to the blue Ford pick-up trunk that came screeching towards them. The door opened and Geun Suk came out.

“Get in!”

“Ya! You’ve been stalking me the whole time?” Yoo Rin replied

“Get in!”Geun Suk yelled

Yoo Rin stared at Geun Suk surprised at his show of temper. “Fine.” She turned to Shin Kai. “Later.” Yoo Rin said with a wave.

Geun Suk opened the passenger door for Yoo Rin then slammed the door shut violently. “Stay away from Yoo Rin.”

Shin Kai gave Geun Suk a smirk. “Who are you to stop me?”

Geun Suk clenched his fist. Yoo Rin’s window rolled down before Geun Suk could reply. “Ya! Are we going or what?”

Geun Suk banged his hand on the hood of the car then go on.

“Ya! Why are you so angry?” Yoo Rin asked

Geun Suk remained silent then started the car.

Yoo Rin stole a glance at Geun Suk who had his head buried in his head in the Physics book. He hasn’t spoken a word to her since they got there. Tsk. Why am I so bothered? Yoo Rin wondered

“What happened to your hand?” Yoo Rin said touching Geun Suk’s hand tentatively.

Geun Suk pulled his hand away roughly. Yoo Rin’s eyes widen. “Ya! Jang Geun Suk! What is the matter with you? You’re hand is bleeding!”

“It doesn’t matter!”Geun Suk said roughly

Yoo Rin made a tsking sound then left to go to the bathroom. Geun Suk stayed where he was. Yoo Rin came back with the first aid kit. “Give me your hand.”

Geun Suk did not budge. Yoo Rin closed her eyes annoyed. “Ya! What’s the matter with you?” Yoo Rin said grabbing his hand. This time he did not pull away. Yoo Rin untangled the misshaped bandage. “Why are your knuckles like this?”

“I accidentally slammed into a wall.” Geun Suk replied snidely

Yoo Rin stared at Geun Suk’s face then with finger pushed his forehead. “Ya! If you slammed into a wall why is your face alright? Why is it that just one hand injured? Huh?” Yoo Rin kept poking Geun Suk’s forehead.

Geun Suk grabbed Yoo Rin’s offending hand. “Ya! Stop it!”

Geun Suk stared her down. Is she actually an idiot? Doesn’t she know how he feels every time he sees her with Shin.

Yoo Rin did not pull her hand away from him instead she leaned closer. Geun Suk backed away surprised. Yoo Rin’s tilted her head to the side and moved closer.

“Ya! What are you-“Geun Suk said sputtering

“Shhhh…”Yoo Rin said laying an open palm on his forehead and closed her eyes.

Geun Suk’s heart pounded. This was too much! Geun Suk kept his hand on Yoo Rin’s wrist and willed himself not to move.

“You had your ears pierced.” Yoo Rin said moving away from Geun Suk then tending to his injured hand.


“I never noticed you had your ears pierced.”Yoo Rin replies shrugging her shoulders.

Geun Suk stared at the top of Yoo Rinh’s head. “I’ve had them pierced when I was 14. ”

Yoo Rin’s head snapped up to stare at Geun Suk. “I’ve never seen you wear one, an earring, in mean.”

Geun Suk wondered where this talk was going. “It would hardly compliment the school uniform.”

Yoo Rin nodded as she wrapped Geun Suk’s hand properly. “What made you so angry that you slammed your fist into a wall?” Geun Suk’s eyes widen. “Don’t bother denying it.” Yoo Rin added then looked up at Geun Suk.

Geun Suk pressed his lips together and remained silent. “Fine.” Yoo Rin said getting up.

Geun Suk grabbed her wrist. “I don’t like it that you meet Shin.”

Yoo Rin blinked. “Don’t worry. I won’t be seeing Shin anytime soon.” Yoo Rin replied pulling her wrist away.

Geun Suk stood up stood up as well. “He’s not REALLY, Shin.” Geun Suk burst out

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!