I Will Make You Love Me

You can let go now.”Yoo Rin said tentatively pulling on her hand which Geun Suk still held.

“Ya! When are going to start using your brain? Why did you agree to meet with a strange guy if you’re so scared?”Geun Suk scolded as they walked out of Kim Ra’s office to the noisy private SAAB.

“Why are you yelling at me again? You’re worst that my oppa!”Yoo Rin complained weakly. She knew she deserved the trashing. She was glad Geun Suk came with her.

“Oh, you’re acting very brave now. “Geun Suk said then raised the hand he still clutched “Ya! You’re hand is icy.”

Yoo Rin kept silent. She was scared out of her wits and grateful that Geun Suk was such an accomplished liar.

“Kamsahamnida. Thank you.”Yoo Rin said reluctantly.

“Eh? You’re actually thanked me!” Geun Suk mocked shock. But he gave her a happy smile. Yoo Rin smiled back. With that one incident something changed between them. Geun Suk and Yoo Rin gazed at each other smiling, the noise the smoke and the crowd doesn’t seem to matter. Geun Suk cleared his throat “You don’t need to thank me. It’s the least I could do for my WIFE.” Geun Suk said winking.

Yoo Rin slapped his shoulder with her free hand. “Ya! Stop with the Wife calling again!”

Geun Suk kept firm hold of her hand, he also noticed that she didn’t insist on letting go.

“Geun Suk! Yoo Rin! Come over!” Hyun yelled. He was sitting with the others near the entrance of the dance area.

Yoo Rin and Geun Suk walked over.

“Look, they’re holding hands. So sweet!” Eun Hye pointed out.

Yoo Rin winced then tried to pull her hand away but Geun Suk pulled on her hand and tucked her arm between his own. “Ya! Let go. Everyone’s looking. “Yoo Rin hissed

Geun Suk ignored Yoo Rin. Everyone started teasing them.

“Eh? So you’re finally going out?” Popi asked

They all looked at Yoo Rin expectantly. Geun Suk held his breath.

Yoo Rin had to think fast. “Eh? No we’re not dating. This is ah…”Yoo Rin said pointing at their hands “This is part of the deal Geun Suk and I had so we could win the game.”

A collective “Ah” went out from the team. They didn’t really believe Yoo Rin would date anyone other than the fabled Shin. Yoo Rin finally pulled her hand away so she could sit with Popi and Eun Hye.

“Ya! I thought you would want to hold off on the hand holding until we got back to school.” Hyun stated.

Geun Suk felt defeated. Glancing at Yoo Rin chatting with the other players. He thought she’s consider giving him a chance after the Kim Ra incident.

“So, you met Hong Kim Ra, How was it? Is he as good looking as the newspapers say?” Eun Hye asked

Yoo Rin didn’t want to speak about the attractive but scary Kim Ra. So she started putting food in not knowing it was spicy. She started coughing. Geun Suk was next to her with a glass of water.

“Don’t give her-“ Choi started to say but Yoo Rin already drank the content from the glass. “It’s alcoholic.” Choi finished.

“Eh?” Geun Suk said staring at Yoo Rin who started coughing again, eyes started to water. Geun Suk gave Choi a quick slap on the head. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?... Yoo Rin, are you alright?”

Yoo Rin gave him a ditzy grin.

“Ya! This is bad. Yoo Rin isn’t suppose to drink.”Eun Hye said worried.

“Yeah? Remember the last time, she drank? It was bad.”Popi said

“And the twins aren’t here. They were the ones who kept an eye on her the last time.” Eun Hye said

Yoo Rin stood up and grabbed one glass and then another glass and downed them in one gulp. Geun Suk reacted too late. Yoo Rin was drinking from one of the bottles before he could stop her.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk it’s your fault. You have to keep an eye on her.” Popi said.

“What exactly happens when she drinks?”Choi asked Eun Hye watching Yoo Rin jump on top of the table to get away from Geun Suk.

“Ya! Who made Han Yoo Rin drink?”Coach Dong asked watching Geun Suk struggling to get Yoo Rin off the table.

They all pointed at Geun Suk who short of climbing on top of the table was trying to get a giggling Yoo Rin off it. They were attracting attention too. The rest of the players shook their heads.

“We have a long night ahead.”Coach Dong sighed.

For Geun Suk it was an incredible long and tiring night for him. Yoo Rin became the center of attention at the club, it’s not because she was the prettiest girl there but because she was the most rowdy. Geun Suk had to chase her from one end of the bar to the other. Even with the skirt on she could jump with incredible grace and precision. Was she even really drunk? Geun Suk wondered. Choi who was watching the chase decided to join in trying to catch her at the end of the bar. The bartender gave Yoo Rin a wink as he cleared the surface of the bar for her to dance on. Geun Suk wanted to strangle her. Geun Suk felt he had no choice, he climbed on top of the bar as well. People at the club were looking their way now some where clapping, some were whispering. Most of the men were whistling. Geun Suk waved at them gayly keep his temper in check as he tried to grab Yoo Rin. Yoo Rin tilted her head and backed away from him.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin. If you don’t want to die, come here right now.”Geun Suk said with clenched teeth.

Yoo Rin grinned wickedly then shook her head no.

“Choi, try to catch her from your end.” Geun Suk said. Choi nodded. Yoo Rin who when drunk was faster and more uninhibited. She jumped to hang by the bar’s scaffolding with one hand. The crowd started clapping. Geun Suk swore under his breath.

“Yoo Rin Stay there. I’ll come get you. Don’t let go!” Geun Suk said and with Choi cautiously approached Yoo Rin. She gave him her most mischievous smile.

“Ya! Catch me if you can!”Yoo Rin said as she tried to swing to the other side of the scaffolding but her hand slipped. Geun Suk felt his heart stop as he tried to get to her before she fell.

Yoo Rin was caught by a pair of strong arms. Geun Suk gave a sigh of relief.

“Ya! aggasshi, you alright?”a clear voice asked Yoo Rin. Yoo Rin stared the guy who caught her. Tall, taller than the twins. Lean, with smiling brown eyes and dark wavy hair. She blinked at him speechless. “Can you stand?” He asked softly

Yoo Rin nodded. He slowly placed her on her feet.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin! You are so dead! I almost had a heart attack!”Geun Suk said as he strode towards them.

“Han Yoo Rin?” the tall guy asked surprised

Yoo Rin nodded. She felt dizzy the effects of the alcohol kicking in.

“Ya! You look incredible!” the tall guy said sounding delighted

Yoo Rin stared at her rescuer puzzled by his remark. He knows me? Why does everything seem fuzzy? Someone called the tall guy.

“Ya! Shin! What are you doing? We’re leaving without you!” an attractive girl around Yoo Rin’s age said to the tall guy.

Shin?! Yoo Rin’s eyes widen It can’t be the same Shin, can it? Why can’t I say anything?! Yoo Rin wondered.

“Chamkaman!”He said to the girl then turning to Yoo Rin “I have to go, but I’ll see you soon Han Yoo Rin!” Shin said kissing her hand.

“Ya! Shin!”the same girl called. Shin held hid hand up for her to wait. Shin smiled at Yoo Rin and slowly backed away as if he didn’t want to take his eyes off her.

As Geun Suk, Choi and the rest of the team reached her, Yoo Rin was in a daze.

“Are you alright” Geun Suk asked checking her with a glance.

Eun Hye grabbed hold of Yoo Rin’s arm now that she’s standing still.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin, why do you attract all the hot guys?”Popi asked envious “That guy looks taller than anyone in the baseball club. So freaking cool the way he ran to catch you, did you at least get his name?” Popi demanded.

Yoo Rin was staring at the spot Shin exited. “Shin.”Yoo Rin replied

“Eh?” – the group said in unison.

“You mean, it’s The Shin? Your SHIN?” Eun Hye asked excitedly. Yoo Rin nodded absently.

“Waa! That is so great You Rin!” Popi added

Yoo Rin can’t seem to keep her eyes open. Her last thought was she finally got to see her best friend, Shin again.

“Yoo Rin!” Eun Hye said as Yoo Rin fell in her arms. Geun Suk lifted the unconscious Yoo Rin in his arms.

“Ya! You think that was really Shin?” one of the players asked

“He’s so hot! So he isn’t a figment of Han Yoo Rin’s wild imagination.”Popi replied.

“We’re not really sure it’s him. I mean, Yoo Rin is drunk after all.”Choi reasoned calmly

Geun Suk followed Eun Hye to their room. His mind was spinning. Who was that guy really? Why did he tell Yoo Rin he was Shin. Geun Suk wondered, but he was 100% certain of one thing. That guy was not Shin.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!