I Will Make You Love Me

It was Saturday and the baseball club had an out of town game with their biggest rival. Coach Dong had to drag Yoo Rin kicking and screaming to attend the game. Eun Hye and Popi were there as well. Popi bought with her the team mascot. A long hair flat nosed black Persia cat. Yoo Rin wanted a day free of Geun Suk. Since the day he told her he would be collecting on the agreement in “private” but would be induced to do the deed in public if pushed. Yoo Rin was living in fear. She wanted to go hiking that Saturday maybe see some older trees with the Twins. But now she was stuck on a 4 hour drive by bus to Chungcheong with Jang Geun Suk sitting next to her no less.

“It’s a long drive. You can lean on my shoulder if you want to take a nap.”Geun Suk offered. Patting his shoulder.

“Thanks, but no.”Yoo Rin replied polietly. There was a slight scuffle when they were boarding the bus. Popi and Eun Hye sat together planning the activities for the team the following day. Yoo Rin was left to sit alone. Not long after there was a lot of yelling from the players then Geun Suk came up and casually sit beside her. Yoo Rin glance his way annoyed.

“Ya! There are still empty seats why don’t you sit over there.”Yoo Rin pointed to the back of the bus.

“I want to see the sights. The guys are too rowdy. “Geun Suk said

Yoo Rin shook her. She found out later that Choi and Hyun blocked all the players from boarding the bus until Geun Suk was there. Yoo Rin took her ipod out to listen to music by ARASHI (popular Japanese boy band) to pass time during the trip.

“What are you listening to? Let me hear it.”Geun Suk said pulling the ear piece from Yoo Rin’s ear to stick it in his.

“Ya! What are you doing!”Yoo Rin said going after the ear piece.

Geun Suk grabbed her hand and held it. “The music is relaxing. I want to listen to it too.”

Yoo Rin pulled her hand away, took off the other ear piece off Lier, ARASHI is never relaxing. “Here, you listen if you want.” and passed the ipod to Geun Suk.

“Moody are we? Tsk. Don’t be like that. The earpiece is long enough for both of us to listen to comfortably. And It’s no fun listening to music alone.”Geun Suk said passing the ipod back to Yoo Rin. She ignored him by closing her eyes. Wishing for him to disappear.

Geun Suk was frustrated. It’s been months since they met and she doesn’t seem to see him at all. He did everything to keep her close. To the point that Choi laughed at him saying that he was turning into a stalker. He thought proximity was the answer for her to fall in love with him but it isn’t working. No matter how hard he tried she seem to move farther away.

“Yoo Rin.”Geun Suk said. Silence. Is she ignoring me or has she fallen asleep? Geun Suk thought. His eyes narrowed. “Yoo Rin, I’m going to kiss you, you better wake up.” He warned. Silence. Geun Suk tentatively brushed the hair that fell to cover her left eye. Still Yoo Rin didn’t move. Geun Suk looked around the bus. The players seated on the back were playing cards or their PSP. Eun Hye and Popi who sat across them had their eyes closed. Geun Suk faced Yoo Rin and smiled at her sleeping face. She looked younger when she’s asleep. Like an angel. He brushed his hand on the side of her cheek. Why can she see that I’m serious? Then he thought. But then again when did he ever tell her anything serious? He applauded the freshman Chen-ma for his courage but then the kid got his heart broken. Lee Jun who had the edge of being older and a friend of her brother also had his heart broken. Geun Suk remember what Lee Jun said to him the day before he left for America.

“Are you just playing?”Lee Jun said.

“I’m not.” Geun Suk assured

“I’d hope you were. In the end you’ll end up like me, heartbroken.”

“I’m patient. I can wait until she’s ready to see ME.”Geun Suk promised

“I thought I was patient and I could just love her enough in the end she’d see me.”Lee Jun said “But all she sees is Shin.”


“You haven’t heard about Shin? Shin is the love of Yoo Rin’s life.”Lee Jun said bitterly


“I was fighting a rival I haven’t even seen. I asked Bong-hyung about Shin, I had my doubts about his existence. At first I thought Yoon Rin was using Shin as an excuse to turn me down gently. But Bong-hyung assure me there is a Shin. He is Yoo Rin’s best friend. Her first love. Her first kiss. She promised that she would go to him after graduation.”

“Where?” Geun Suk asked

“America. Boston I think. “Lee Jun said they he laughed “I decided to take that baseball scholarship to America in the hopes that somehow I can be with her. I told her as much, she said the same thing she told me the last time. She didn’t feel the same as I did. Good luck Jang Geun Suk.” Lee Jun said offering his hand for a shake.

Geun Suk kept silent, puzzled.

“I hope Yoo Rin falls in love with you.”Lee Jun stated

“Eh?” Geun Suk was surprised with that statement.


Geun Suk took off his coat and covered Yoo Rin who dozed peacefully by the window. She made it a point to lean against the window even in sleep, refusing him. The bus took a rough turn. Yoo Rin was thrown towards Geun Suk who opened his arms to steady her. Geun Suk froze, his arms wrapped around her. Yoo Rin snuggled closer to his shoulder but did not wake. Geun Suk wondered if he should wake her up but changed his mind. Geun Suk grinned happily as he settles Yoo Rin’s head firmly against his shoulder. He too fell asleep.


“Ya! What are you doing?!”Yoo Rin screamed loudly pushing Geun Suk who still had his arms around her on the floor. Geun Suk fell on his with a thud. Geun Suk rubbed his neck.

“It’s not my fault, you snuggled up to me.”Geun Suk reasoned honestly

“ert!”Yoo Rin said in frustration and smacked Geun Suk on the shoulder with her bag.

“Ya! Eun Hye, Popi let’s go.”Yoo Rin said rubbing her arms as she got off the bus.

Popi and Eun Hye smiled at Geun Suk sympathetically. Most of the players stepped over him as they got off the bus.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk. Don’t get Yoo Rin in a bad mood. I had to drag her here so we can have a trained medic around in case any of you idiots do anything stupid.” Coach Dong said helping Geun Suk up.

“Mianheyo. Sorry.”Geun Suk said sheepishly. He decided that the next time Yoo Rin falls on her face he’d let her. What a rude awakening!


It was the top of the 9th inning. And their team was losing. No surprise. Jang Geun Suk was playing half hearted. There was an over whelming feeling of defeat in the dugout. The Coach Dong was pulling his hair in frustration.

“Yoo Rin, Geun Suk is not feeling well because you won’t speak to him. Please. Please. We need to win this game.”Eun Hye begged.

Geun Suk and Yoo Rin sat at the other ends of the dug out. Yoo Rin raised her right brow at Eun Hye. The acting team captain was in front of Yoo Rin with his hand folded together begging. Yoo Rin looked away from him.

“Ya! You two make up already. This squabble is affecting the team; we’re losing for heaven’s sake!”Coach Dong said. Then he dragged Geun Suk while the team captain pulled Yoo Rin by the elbows. Geun Suk and Yoon Rin stood facing each other. Yoo Rin had her arms folder in front of her. Geun Suk slouched; he stared at Yoo Rin waiting.

“Han Yoo Rin!”

“What?!”Yoo Rin replied obviously fed up. Coach signal for her to offer her hand. Just to get it over with Yoo Rin raised her hand to shake hands with Geun Suk.

Geun Suk stared at her hand and as if he thought about a great idea. Turned away from abruptly.

“Eh?!” – The entire team yelled.

They where announcing the start of the 2nd half of the 9th inning.

“What is the matter with you Jang Geun Suk?!” Coach asked as the other players filed out to the field.

“I will win this game if Han Yoo Rin agrees to hold hands with me for a week.”Geun Suk told the Coach.

“Eh?” – Coach Dong said shocked

“Are you out of your mind?!”Yoo Rin said outraged. “Sorry Coach, I’m out of here.” Yoo Rin said in the process of walking out of the dug out.

“Yoo Rin.”Coach Dong said quietly

“4 days. Hold hands with me for 4 days.”Geun Suk offered

Yoo Rin kept walking. “Demented ert.”She murmured

“3 days. That’s my finally offer!”Geun Suk said quickly

“Han Yoo Rin. I’ll exempt you from all your gym classes!”Coach Dong yelled desperately.

Yoo Rin stopped. “All the gym classes? Including the dance course?”Yoo Rin asked not turning around.

“Yes.”Coach Dong said desperately

Yoo Rin turned and walked towards Geun Suk. Somehow Geun Suk started to back away.

“2 days and you got a deal.”Yoo Rin offered.

Geun Suk smiled broadly and offered his hand to Yoo Rin. Yoo Rin stared at his hand as if repulsed.

“You want to start the day now?”Yoo Rin inquired

Geun Suk lowers his hand but kept smiling. “I can wait until we get back to school.”

“Remember. You have to win this game for that agreement to work.”Yoo Rin warned.

Coach Dong gave a sigh of relief. Geun Suk nodded and blows Yoo Rin a kiss before he headed out to the field. Yoo Rin rolled her eyes at him.

“Jang Geun Suk must really like you.”Coach Dong said in wonder

“Ha! He just enjoys making my life hell.”Yoo Rin replied


“You’re bleeding.” Yoo Rin said pointing to Geun Suk’s palms. It was all broken up.

“It doesn’t matter. We won right! You have to keep your word.”Geun Suk said jumping up and down as his team celebrated by lifting Choi in the air. He was the one who hit the winning ball.

“It must hurt.”Yoo Rin said quietly. Grabbing his wrist and holding his hands palm up. Geun Suk didn’t move. It was the first time she touched him on her own. Yoo Rin touched his blood palms. Geun Suk flinched involuntarily. “Sorry.”Yoo Rin said. Then she pulled his hand careful not to touch his palms. She had him sit with her in the dug out. Geun Suk watched her clean his wound. Making sure to blow on the wound while she put antiseptic. The pain was seeping him but he felt glad. Glad he was injured enough for her to notice.

Yoo Rin was wrapping Geun Suk’s palms with bandage when he thanked her.

“Thank you.”Geun Suk said softly.

Yoo Rin looked up puzzled at his tone. Yoo Rin felt her face grow hot. Why is he staring at me again? Geun Suk his hands bandaged brushed a stray strand of hair off Yoo Rin cheek. Geun Suk then slowly slid his bandaged palm on Yoo Rin’s neck. Yoo Rin blinked but didn’t move. Geun Suk bent his head to kiss Yoo Rin.

“Ya! You two.”Coach yelled

Yoo Rin pulled away from Geun Suk at the sound of Coach Dong’s voice Geun Suk let her. Geun Suk swore under his breath.

“Well done Jang Geun Suk.”Coach said patting his back. Geun Suk smiled weakly.

Coach Dong went on to put his arm on both Yoo Rin and Geun Suk. Yoo Rin tried to calm her beating heart. What the hell was that?! She thought shivering.


“Why am I wearing this ridiculous skirt?”Yoo Rin asked Eun Hye. Eun Hye ignored her while arranging Yoo Rin’s hair. “Where are we going?” Yoo Rin directed her question at Popi who seem pre-occupied.

“Have you seen Princess?”Popi asked she was on her knees looking under the bed.

“Ya! That cat is obviously a boy. why do you call it Princess? Won’t it get confused?”Eun Hye asked.

“Ya! My cat, I can name it anything I want.”Popi replied.

Yoo Rin wonder why they’re all dressed up. “Eun Hye, where are we going? Why are we dressed like this?” Yoo Rin asked again. The black skirt she was wearing was long enough but the slit on the side reached her thigh. They made her wear a long sleeves fitted grey turtle neck and knee high black stiletto boots. Yoo Rin tried walking on them gingerly. But she kept tipping over. Eun Hye suggested that she not walk as usual but to bounce a bit. She tried it and she didn’t tip over anymore. Yoo Rin walked towards the bathroom. Popi stood in front of it.

“Ya! I want to wash my hands”Yoo Rin said

“You can’t.”Popi said smiling

“Eh?! Why?”

“It’s a surprise.”Eun Hye said spraying perfume on Yoo Rin who started coughing.

“Ya! Do I have to go looking like this?”Yoo Rin winned

Eun Hye put her hands on his waist. “Ya! You need to go out a little more, dress up,  Yoo Rin.”

Popi put an arm around Eun Hye, titled her head to stared Yoo Rin. “Tsk…It’s lucky for us. Han Yoo Rin decided to tone down on her looks.” Eun Hye smiled and nodded solemnly

“Tsk, let’s go.”Eun Hye went to get her purse. Suddenly Yoo Rin’s phone started ringing. Yoo Rin groaned.


“Ya! What’s taking you so long?”Geun Suk demanded.

Yoo Rin moved the phone slightly away from her ear. “Ya! Are we related? Why do you keep yelling at me?” Yoo Rin can’t get over the fact that she agreed to hold his hand at school for 2 days. She better start enjoying whatever freedom she has now.

“Get down right now.”Geun Suk stated.

Yoo Rin made a face on the phone. Stupid Geun Suk. She hung up on him without saying anything.

“Ya! Yoo Rin we better get going. “Popi pointed out.

“Yoboseyo? Hello? She hung up!” Geun Suk said shocked

Hyun and Choi laughed. “This is like a date, right?”Geun Suk asked them tentatively. Both guys nod.

“Although she might not think of it that way.”Hyun said thoughtfully.


“Geun Suk, you have to admit. Little hime is a little stubborn and unreasonable.” Choi added.

“Ya! Some friends you are!”Geun Suk had both Choi and Hyun’s head under his arm He started to strangle them. They guys were and groaning then they stopped abruptly.

“Ya! Wow! Yoo Rin you look amazing!” Hyun remarked in a surprised voice.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!