I Will Make You Love Me

They were being stared at as they entered school. Yoo Rin wanted to put a paper bag over her head because of the utter humiliation she felt that very moment. Geun Suk glanced annoyed at Yoo Rin as they entered the school building together. The lobby was all a buzz about Yoo Rin and Geun Suk walking around campus holding hands.

“Waa! The transfer student is dating Han Yoo Rin!”


“I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes.”

“You think the Twins know? This is going to be an interesting day.”

Yoo Rin didn’t make eye contact with anyone as they entered the classroom. The entire class started clapping and howling. People had their mobile phones out and were taking pictures. Yoo Rin clenched her teeth and tried to pull her hand away.

“Ya! We’re in the classroom. Let go.” Yoo Rin hissed at Geun Suk. Geun Suk waved at everyone in class using his free hand. Yoo Rin was still trying to tug her hand free.

“Ya!”Yoo Rin continued tugging “Ya!”

Geun Suk ignored Yoo Rin. He pulled her to her seat when Choi came up to Yoo Rin to handcuff her left wrist to Geun Suk’s right.

“Ya! What the- Ya! Ya! Jang Choi!” Yoo Rin yelled shocked. Yoo Rin turned to Geun Suk who had a puzzled look on his face. Yoo Rin wanted to punch t his face. “Why do you need to do this? Why is this thing pink and lined with fur?” Yoo Rin asked she never seen real handcuffs before somehow these were too weird.

Geun Suk glanced at the fur lined pink handcuffs he was now sporting and frowned at Choi. “Ya! Couldn’t find a less girly color?” He asked.

Choi pointed to Hyun as the guilty party who acquired the said handcuffs. “You said you needed handcuff. I wasn’t aware there was a color requirement” Hyun justified.

Geun Suk glared at Hyun but thought the handcuff would have to do. Yoo Rin looked like she was about to bolt when they entered campus. He was taking the chance that she might run.

“You said you trust me.” Yoo Rin accused Geun Suk her face unreadable.

The smile left his face. Was she awake this morning? Geun Suk wondered. Then he felt guilty. Maybe he had gone too far.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk! You ert!” Lee Jan was rushing towards Geun Suk with Lee Hon close behind.

“Yoo Rin what is going on?” Jan asked looking at their handcuffed wrist.

Yoo Rin hid her handcuffed hand behind her back . “Ya! It’s not what you think-” She started to say but Jan was in no mood for explanations he started swinging at Geun Suk ducked and pushed Yoo Rin behind him. Hon ran to assist his twin. Jan swung again. Geun Suk blocked with his left arms. Yoo Rin was yelling for at them to stop. No one was listening to her. Yoo Rin’s temper flared. Babo! Why are all the guys surrounding her Babos? She wondered. With grace and precision Yoo Rin elbowed Geun Suk on the stomach then kicked Jan on his kneecap and Hon on his thigh. All the guys fell on the floor groaning. The class stared at Yoo Rin in awe.

“Babo! Idiots.”Yoo Rin murmured.

“Yoo-“ –Jan
“-Rin” – Hon said The Twins looked at her as if betrayed.

Yoo Rin glanced back. “Let’s not do this now.”

Hon studied Yoo Rin she looked pretty tensed. Like any moment she was going to snap. Hon nodded at Yoo Rin and helped his brother up. Yoo Rin breath a sigh of relief that at least one twin understood. Geun Suk rubbed his rib and peeked towards Yoo Rin who made it a point to sit as far away as the handcuff would go.

“Yoo Rin? Ya! Han Yoo Rin!” Geun Suk said pulling on her hand. But Yoo Rin never glanced his way. She ignored him! Geun Suk felt his heart drop down his boot. This was an expression he never saw her have. She didn’t looked angry, this expression was scarier she looked so cold. 
Geun Suk walked with Yoo Rin. She never glanced his way as they sat at the usual table for lunch. The Twins sat elsewhere, eying their table and Geun Suk it great hostility. Geun Suk glanced at Yoo Rin tentatively, absolutely glacial. This was not the day he imagined. Not that he expected much considering he’s been pushing Yoo Rin to acknowledge his existence. Choi came up to their table and laid the lunch bag Geun Suk woke early to make. Hyun approached the table with the thermos of cold red ice tea Yoo Rin liked. Geun Suk started to open the lunch when a something flashed in front of his face.

“Ya!” Choi said pushing a student with a camera away. Geun Suk didn’t notice that a crowd was collecting close to where they sat taking pictures. Yoo Rin had her head down ignoring everything.

“Do you think they’re really going out?” Geun Suk overheard

“Who knows? I heard Yoo Rin has a boyfriend in America.”

“Ya! Absence makes the heart forget.”

“The transfer student has been pursuing her since the school started.”

“Ya! He must like getting hurt. Han Yoo Rin is a regular ice queen.”

Geun Suk has heard enough. He grabbed hold of the lunch box, the thermos and pulled Yoo Rin up. “Make sure no one follows us.” Geun Suk instructed Hyun then strode out grasping Yoo Rin’s hand tightly.

Yoo Rin noticed that they were headed for the botanical garden. She came to a halt. It was her private place. She didn’t want him anywhere near her refuge. “Ya! Stop dragging me around like an extra limb”

Geun Suk perked up. Yoo Rin actually spoke him. “You haven’t have breakfast. I was taking you somewhere quiet, you can eat in peace.”

“I’m not hungry.” Yoo Rin said then her stomach growled in protest. Yoo Rin mentally groaned.

“Ya! You are such a terrible liar!” Geun Suk declared

Yoo Rin glared at him then stared walking away from the botanical garden. Geun Suk had no choice but to follow. “Where are we going?”He ventured to ask.

Yoo Rin ignored him and headed for the baseball field. It was when they reached the stands that Yoo Rin sat down. Geun Suk studied her expression. No longer cold, but somehow teary eyed. Yoo Rin folded her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them. She started sobbing.

“Ya!…Yoo Rin? What’s wrong?”Geun Suk asked as he saw tears flow down her cheek. Did he make her this miserable? What if instead of making her love him she’d end up hating him instead? Geun Suk felt his heart clench. “Ya! Mianhaeyo. I’m sorry. Everything is my fault. Don’t cry.” He said standing in front of Yoo Rin wanting to touch her but afraid it would make matters worst.

“I hurt Jan and Hon.” Yoo Rin said in between sobs. “I’m alienated from best friends.”Yoo Rin hugged her knees tighter. “Why do you want to humiliate me? What did I ever do to you?”” Yoo Rin asked.

Geun Suk closed his eyes. “I never intended to humiliate you.”

“Then what are you doing?”Yoo Rin asked her tear stained face stared at Geun Suk. Geun Suk stared at Yoo Rin, he took a deep breath finally making up his mind to tell her the truth.

“Yoo Rin, You might not believe me but, I’m actually-“

Before Geun Suk could finish what he was about to say Yoo Rin’s phone began to ring. Yoo Rin looked at the caller id. Her expression changed, she quickly dried her tears.

“Yoboseyo? Shin! What is it?”

Shin?! That fake Shin! Geun Suk thought furiously. He was about to reveal his heart and he calls up!

“Ya! You can’t get calls from that guy with my phone!”Geun Suk said loudly.

Yoo Rin ignored him by covering her ear with her handcuffed hand. Geun Suk pulled Yoo Rin towards him. Yoo Rin then dropped the sole of her shoe hard on Geun Suk’s foot to distract him. Geun Suk hopped on one foot.

“When? Now? Ahmm… I’m kind of tied up right now.” Yoo Rin said rolling her eyes at Geun Suk who made an angry face at her motioning her to hang up.

Yoo Rin stuck her tongue at him. “Ok…later then. I’ll see you. -”

“Ya! You won’t be meeting anyone LATER.” Geun Suk took the phone from Yoo Rin’s hand and hung up.

“Ya!” Yoo Rin said making a grab for the phone. Geun Suk then took out phone’s battery and slipped the mobile inside his shirt and grinned at Yoo Rin triumphantly daring Yoo Rin to reach under his shirt. Yoo Rin turned away from him in disgust.

“You will not take calls from other guys!”

Yoo Rin stared at him in anger. “Ya! What makes you think I’d ever listen to YOU?” Yoo Rin countered.

“Because I said so!” Geun Suk forcefully

Yoo Rin snorted. Geun Suk and Yoo Rin glared at each other. Geun Suk’s phone started ringing. It was Choi. They were gone to long. Lunch was over, neither of them has eaten. They had to go back to class. Geun Suk picked up the lunch bag and pulled Yoo Rin up.

“I’m sorry. I’ll take you out to eat later.” Geun Suk said.

Yoo Rin walked ahead. “Don’t bother.”
Yoo Rin finally got her the cuff off her when she requested to go to the toilet. The first thing she did was look for a suitable window to escape. She just had enough of Jang Geun Suk.

Geun Suk leaned on the wall facing the girl’s toilet waiting for Yoo Rin to come out. It’s been 15 minutes. She still hasn’t come out. Geun Suk became anxious then worried he paced in front of the door.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk.” Popi with her girlfriends call him.

Geun Suk gave Popi a nod of acknowledgement.

“Why are you standing there for? Ah! Are you waiting for Han Yoo Rin?” Popi asked

Geun Suk gave her a weak smile. Popi started clucking her tongue. “I saw her at the front gate. She borrowed my mobile to call Shin I think…Ya! I thought you two were dating.”

Geun Suk felt like sinking his fist into a wall. Yoo Rin ran from him and right to the fake Shin’s arms.
Yoo Rin sat at a branch of her favorite tree at the park waiting for Shin. She hasn’t has the chance to eat but Shin is more important. Yoo Rin looked glance below to see Shin walk pass the tree she was sitting on. Shin was getting to be pretty forgetful lately. When she told him she wanted to meet him at her favorite tree at the park he seem lost and asked her which tree and at what park.

“Shin!” Yoo Rin called then waved as Shin looked up. “Do you want to come up?” Yoo Rin asked

Shin smiled then nodded. He started climbing. Yoo Rin stared at him curiously. Shin seems to have gotten over his fear of heights, Yoo Rin thought.

“Been waiting long?”Shin asked as he stood on the branch next to her. Yoo Rin smiled at him and shook her head. “It seems pretty nice, no wonder you like it.”

“You seem cool about it.” Yoo Rin replied studying Shin critically.

“Cool about what?”

“Heights. You were scared out of your mind whenever you see me climb a tree much less follow me to one.” Yoo Rin said off hand.

“I just grew up.”Shin replied smoothly. “ You want to get something to eat?”

Yoo Rin nodded. Shin jumped as he reached the 2nd to the last branch and reached out to help Yoo Rin down.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!