I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin hit Geun Suk on the forehead with the end of her pencil. “Why don’t you concentrate? Exams are next week and you’re spacing out.”

Geun Suk rubbed his forehead guiltily. He wasn’t spacing out. He just couldn’t concentrate with her so close. She smelled like lavender. Extremely intoxicating. Mid-terms were a week away and Geun Suk feels he and Yoo Rin are getting nowhere. She has ignored him every time he called her wife, so he stopped doing that. She hasn’t been answering her phone when he calls. Her older brother was getting peeved whenever he calls.

“Why don’t you own a mobile phone?”Geun Suk asked


“You don’t answer your calls when you are at home, how am I going to get in touch with you when I don’t understand something in the textbooks?”Geun Suk reasoned

“I’m here all the time. If you’re having problems that’s because you tend to space out during lesson.”

“Here, use this.” Geun Suk tossed his mobile in her direction.

“Ya!” Yoo Rin caught it before it fell on the floor. She stared at it was the latest model far too expensive to a high school boy to own.

“I don’t need it.”She tossed it back to him.

Geun Suk caught it and tossed it back to her. “Oh, for the love of heaven, take it! Unless you want to stay here overnight to help me out on the math problems?”Geun Suk added waving his eyebrows naughtily.

Yoo Rin made a repulsed face and hung on to the phone. “Fine.”

“Who is Shin?”Geun Suk asked off hand

Yoo Rin paused then stiffened. “Who told you about Shin?”

“Baseball club. They said you don’t date because you are waiting for Shin to come back.”Geun Suk said keeping his voice even.

Yoo Rin closed her eyes in frustration. Too many blabbermouth on the baseball club.

“When I asked them what Shin looked like, they said they never met him and that aside from your brother, only the Twins have ever met Shin. I wondered if he was just an excuse for you to turn down guys asking you out and if he’s imaginary.” Geun Suk said tilting his head slightly

Yoo Rin laughed. Then bought out a picture from her wallet. It was 2 kids leaning against a tree in the park. The same tree Yoo Rin met with Lee Jun. The kids look about 4 years old. Both were wearing blue jean with dirt on the knees. If you didn’t look closer you’d think they were both little boys. One was taller than the other and the other was clearly chubbier and more cheerful.

Geun Suk held on to the photo. “Which one are you?”

“Guess.”Yoo Rin stated.

Geun Suk pointed to the chubby kid. Yoo Rin shook her head clearly entertained. “The taller one is me. Look they had my ears pieced that day. I screamed for hours my parents had to call Shin’s and asked them if it’s possible for them to take Shin to see me so I would stop.” Yoo Rin smiled at the memory. “My father said I was too young to remember but I remember everything about that day. Shin was the only one who got me to stop crying. He told me he’d share a secret with me if I stopped.”

“What was the secret?”Geun Suk assed enthralled with the story.

Yoo Rin glance his way and stuck her tongue at him. “As if I’d tell you!”

“What happened to Shin? Where is he now?”

“America. That’s why I’m working hard. So I can go see him.”Yoo Rin replied honestly.

“Are you certain he’s as patient as you are?”

Yoo Rin was surprised with that question. She shrugged her shoulders. “Shin is my best friend. I expect nothing less from him.” Yoo Rin replied although right now she’s not as confident. Then she shook her head to clear it wondering why she told Geun Suk so much about Shin she never spoke of with the Twins or her oppa.

“Here try to solve this.”Yoo Rin pushed the Math textbook at Geun Suk who was again from Yoo Rin’s point of view was spacing out again. “Ya!”

“Huh?”Geun Suk said

Yoo Rin dropped the pencil on the desk in frustration. “Ya! At this rate you’re never going to pass the Math mid-term. “ Yoo Rin was patient to a fault and she hated seeing any of her students fail, it would be bad for her reputation. “Fine. I’ll give you an incentive if you pass the mid-term finals.”

Geun Suk perked up. “Incentive? Like a reward? What kind of reward?”

“I’ll give you 2 weeks tutorial free.”

“Tsk, not good enough.”


“Why do I need to have free tutorial when I can afford to pay you?”

“I’ll make you a nice snack.”Yoo Rin suggested hopefully

Geun Suk chuckled. “You don’t cook.”

Yoo Rin was puzzled at Geun Suk’s interest in an incentive, Geun Suk perked up at the offer. But other than the extra tutorial she wonders what else she can give him as incentive. “Ok, what do you want?”

“A kiss.”Geun Suk stated

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!