I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk moved as fast as he could. Yoo Rin. His heart. It was like watching a film in slow motion. Geun Suk ran to catch Yoo Rin without hesitation. Geun Suk almost missed, he spread his arms wide and prayed. Yoo Rin, the cat and Geun Suk  fell on the ground. Yoo Rin sprawled across Geun Suk who had the wind knocked out of him. Yoo Rin still had the coat with the cat wrapped it under her arm.

Popi was the first to reach them. “Princess…princess are you alright? Poor baby are you hurt?”Popi asked as Yoo Rin the cat towards her.

Yoo Rin rolled her eyes in disgust. The cat was fine. But, Yoo Rin couldn’t move. She remembered falling but nothing in between. Something broke her fall.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin you idiot! Never ever do that again! ” Geun Suk demanded hoarsely.

Yoo Rin sat up and gasped. She was sprawled across his lap. Yoo Rin attempted to move away but Geun Suk gripped her wrist.

Geun Suk sat up and stared at Yoo Rin. Her hands were scratched up so where her feet. But she was safe. She was fine. Geun Suk wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled for putting her life at risk, instead he pulled her to his arms in a tight embrace.

“Ya! What are you doing?” Yoo Rin demanded. Yoo Rin struggled to get away from his hold but couldn’t. “Ya...YA! Let go!”

“Babo! Stupid girl! Do you have a death wish? You could have been killed. What’s the matter with you?!”Geun Suk said fiercely. Geun Suk closed his eyes trying to calm his pounding heart. That scared him.

Yoo Rin stopped struggling. Being held to close, she could feel how fast his heart was beating. Geun Suk caught her before she landed. He broke her fall. He kept her safe. Yoo Rin realized. “Geun Suk…Mianhaeyo.” Yoo Rin said quietly.

Geun Suk relaxed. “You better be sorry. Babo! Why do you keep doing this to me?” Geun Suk asked almost to himself.

“Eh? Doing what?” Yoo Rin asked completely clueless.

Geun Suk released her from the embrace but kept his hand on her shoulders. Geun Suk stared at Yoo Rin mentally willing her to understand him. Yoo Rin stared back puzzled. “Agh! Argh! Babo! Babo! Stupid girl.” Geun Suk said frustrated.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk let go.”Yoo Rin shaking away from his grip and getting up. “Stop calling me Babo!” Yoo Rin said annoyed.

“Yoo Rin, Geun Suk are you both alright?” Coach Dong asked. Yoo Rin nodded. Brushing the bark and leaves from her clothes.

“You are not alright. Your hands are all scratched up.”Geun Suk revealed.

Yoo Rin winched. Hiding her hands behind her back. Her hands and feet do hurt but it was nothing major. Yoo Rin glared at Geun Suk. Geun Suk tried to stand but his left foot hurt.

“Geun Suk, you’re hurt.” Choi said concerned.

“I’m alright.” Geun Suk replied and he tried to stand but his foot felt like it was on fire.

“Babo? You’re calling me Babo, you’re the one who got hurt. Tsk!” Yoo Rin said shaking her head.

“Ya! And who’s fault was it that I was hurt?” Geun Suk asked

“Who asked you to play hero?” Yoo Rin replied sharply but deep inside she felt guilty. It was her fault. She kneeled next to him. “Let me see.” Yoo Rin took of Geun Suk’s sneakers. Without taking off his socks she knew his left foot was swollen. Yoo Rin held his foot gently then slowly moved it forward.

Geun Suk winced slightly but kept silent. “Ya! Don’t try to be brave or strong. I want to make sure you haven’t broken anything. Acting all macho won’t help me or you.” Yoo Rin said. Geun Suk nodded. Yoo Rin ran her hand firmly from his ankle to the sole of his feet. Geun Suk gasped in pain. “Eun Hye.”

“I have the medical kit here Yoo Rin.” Eun Hye said giving the bag to Yoo Rin. Geun Suk watched Yoo Rin as she rubbed medical alcohol on his foot then wrapped it with bandage. Serious. Focused. Calm. A side of Yoo Rin he only saw when he was injured.

“This will have to do until we get you to the -”Yoo Rin fond that Geun Suk staring her openly, his expression confused her. Yoo Rin looked away. Her face felt hot. Why does he keep staring at me? She wondered uncomfortably. It was making not only Yoo Rin uncomfortable but also everyone else. Hyun started coughing.

Everyone there looked at anything but them. “Choi, Hyun. Help him up. We’re going to the nearest hospital” Yoo Rin said closing the medical kit.

Geun Suk foot is sprained. The doctor told him to keep off his foot for a week then prescribed painkillers for the pain. Geun Suk was in crutches as they left the hospital. Choi and Hyun helped Geun Suk on the bus when she boarded. Yoo Rin glanced his way but ignored him. Yoo Rin has decided she’s had enough of him this weekend.

“Ya! Wife. Why are you sitting over there?” Geun Suk pouted.

Yoo Rin chose to ignore him.

“Han Yoo Rin. Jang Geun Suk saved your life aren’t you grateful?” Popi pointed out in her arms she held the flat nose cat. Yoo Rin glared at Popi and the cat.

“Yoo Rin. Geun Suk has been very kind to you.”Eun Hye said sitting next to Yoo Rin. Then Eun Suk “Remember? He made sure you were ok, while you were drunk.”

“Deh?!” Yoo Rin has forgotten that part. Eun Hye stared at her. Now, Yoo Rin felt guilty.

“Yoo Rin, he’s going to be walking around in crutches for a few days. It’s going to be tough on him.” Hyun pointed out.

Yoo Rin does feel guilty. They didn’t need to rub it in.

“Poor Geun Suk, he’s going to have a hard time moving around in his state. Don’t you feel guilty?“ Popi said patting Princess on the head. Yoo Rin snapped. She stood up to loom over Popi.

“Ya! Kang Popi, Did you forget that the reason for this whole mess is that furball in your arms?” Yoo Rin remarked

Popi hugged Princess defensively. “Don’t blame Princess. He’s a cat he doesn’t know any better.”

“But you’re not a cat. You should know better. So just shut up.” Yoo Rin said fiercely.

“But, but…you’re dating Geun Suk. You should take care of him.” Popi said in a small voice. Yoo Rin glanced sharply at Geun Suk’s direction. He pretends like he’s typing something on his mobile.

“I AM NOT GOING OUT WITH JANG GEUN SUK.” Yoo Rin said with clenched teeth.

“But Hyun said-“Popi started to say but Yoo Rin’s was baring her teeth now.

“Not everything Hyun tells you is true. Just because he says it is.” Yoo Rin replied.

Eun Hye gave Yoo Rin’s shoulder a pat. “We know. Blue Roses. Shin is back. But you have to admit. Jang Geun Suk would give your Shin a run for his money.”

Yoo Rin glanced at Geun Suk’s way. This time he acted like he was browsing through a magazine. Yoo Rin remember how fast his heart was beating as he held her. The scared and relieved look he had as he looked at her. He kept her safe from Hong Kim Ra, he took care of her when she was drunk, now he was hurt because of her. Yoo Rin glanced Geun Suk’s way. At that point Yoo Rin didn't even think about Shin. Geun Suk was staring at her now, with an expression Yoo Rin didn’t understand.

Geun Suk stared at Yoo Rin longingly. Geun Suk knew Yoo Rin was weighing everything in her head.

Yoo Rin ran everything that’s happened in her head. Yoo Rin left her seat and went on to sit next to Geun Suk but she avoided his eye. Geun Suk mouth twitched a little as he tried not to smile.

“Made up my mind.”Yoo Rin said quietly.

Geun Suk nodded solemnly. “Oh? About what?” He asked as causally as possible.

“You were hurt because of me. I need to show my gratitude by returning the favor.”Yoo Rin explained

“Hmm?”Geun Suk said he felt he was too happy to hold back if he spoke.

“I’ll agree to help you out until you’re foot is feeling better. “ Yoo Rin said quickly. This is before she could change her mind. Yoo Rin had turn her head away as Geun Suk grinned broadly and mouthed the word YES happily to himself.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!