I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk dodged as a tennis ball moving at 160mph almost hit him in the head. Jan paused from his play to watch his brother Hon drop his racquet and jump the net to rush towards Geun Suk.

Hon threw a fist in Geun Suk’s face before he could dodge it. Geun Suk fell to the ground holding his now bloody lip. Jan took hold of Hon’s arm before he could hit Geun Suk again.

“Get up! Get-up and fight like a man!” Hon yelled trying to shake off his brother’s arm.

Geun Suk decided to stay down at least until Hon calms down. “I’m not here to fight.”

Hon finally shook off his brother. “Ya! Jang Geun Suk, You have some nerve showing up here after what you did to Yoo Rin.”

Geun Suk wiped the blood off his lower lip. “I would have expected Jan to be more emotional about this, but I guess I was wrong.”

“Ya! You freak get up GET UP! You-” Hon said then after a beat “What did you say?”

Jan stared at Geun Suk his eyes widening “He just called me Jan.”

“Eh? What?”Hon asked his brother

“You can tell us apart?”Jan asked his surprised.

Geun Suk chuckled. “Did you think Han Yoo Rin is the only person other than your mother that can tell you numbskulls apart?”

“Oy! It could be a trick!”Hon told his brother

Jan studied Geun Suk. “Other than Yoo Rin the only person that can tell us apart is Shin... You’re-“

“SHIN HOON? Ehhh?”Hon finished surprised and flabbergasted. 

Geun Suk gave an embarrassed laugh “Mianheyeo, sorry about that.”

Hon quickly helped Geun Suk up and studying his face curiously.

“Ya! It’s no wonder that other guy-“Jan

“- couldn’t tell which of us apart! Ya! Sorry for almost murdering you.” Hon said brushing the dirt off Geun Suk’s back

Geun Suk grinned glad that they didn’t seem angry. “Ya! If you’re Park Shin Hoon, why didn’t you tell us?”-Hon

“Ya! What’s with this new name? Jang Geun Suk? Ya! You can’t think of an uglier name?”-Jan mocked.

“Ya!” Geun Suk reacted good-naturedly by hitting Jan on the stomach with an open palm.

“Have you told Yoo Rin yet? Tsk, I don’t want to be you when she finds out you’ve been lying to her all this time.” Hon said with a grin.

Geun Suk sighed sadly. That’s why he’s been holding off telling her for so long. “I need more time.”

Hon nodded his head in understanding.

Jan pushed Geun Suk’s on the shoulder roughly. “Ya! Do you know how long we protected Han Yoo Rin? What the hell are you doing?”

Geun Suk took the reprimand. “Mianhaeyo. I really appreciate you guys keeping your promise.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” Hon asked

“Yoo Rin has forgotten about Shin.”Geun Suk said

“Of course she hasn’t Pabo.” Hon said

“Ya! She even planned to go to America to see YOU idiot!”Jan added

“I’ve been around her long enough, and she couldn’t tell it was me.”Geun Suk complained.

“Idiot. WE didn’t even know it was YOU.”Hon pointed out.

“Aside from that, this imposter Shin shows up. Who is that guy anyway?” Jan wondered

Geun Suk wondered the same thing, and this was what he was afraid of.

“Why tell us now? You haven’t even told Yoo Rin.” Hon asked

“I wasn’t planning to tell anyone before I told Yoo Rin, but I didn’t want her to be sad or alone.”

Jan and Hon grinned. “You haven’t changed much have you Shin.” Hon said

“Ya! Shin is the same. Always Yoo Rin. Yoo Rin. Yoo Rin. It’s a wonder you survived being away from her for so long.” Jan said

Geun Suk smiled ruthful. “Ya! You numbskulls better stop calling me Shin, it’s Geun Suk and it’s been that for 3 years.”

Yoo Rin was munching on stale cookies and watching her favorite anime series when there was a knocked on the door. Oppa? A knock? Why knock when there was- Yoo Rin looked at the door monitor her eyes widen. She slowly opened the door.

“Annyong!” the Twins greeted her cheerfully.

Yoo Rin eyed them suspiciously in silence.

“WE COME IN PEACE.” The Twins said in unison.

“And We bare, cookies!”Jan said holding a brown bag in front of Yoo Rin’s nose. Yoo Rin made a grab for it. Jan raised it way above her head so she couldn’t reach it even if she jumped.

“Ya!” Yoo Rin said frowning

“Are you going to let us in?”Hon asked he was holding bag with ice cream

Yoo Rin stopped jumping for the cookie and crossed her arms in front of her. “Ya! So you’ve decided to that you’re speaking to me again?”

The Twins gave her a toothsome smile Yoo Rin made a repulsed face. “Eeeww! This is bad. Ok, tell me what happened?”

“Nothing –“-Jan

“happened.”- Hon

Yoo Rin raised an eyebrow at them. The Twins kept smiling. “Liars.” Yoo Rin said and made to close the door at them but Hon put his foot out before it closed.

“Ok. Ok. Geun Suk cleared everything.” Hon said

“Deh? Who?” Yoo Rin felt confused. Hon pushed at the door lightly and came in followed by Jan. They made themselves comfortable on the living room.

“Oooh, DeathNote! I haven’t seen this episode yet.”Jan said adjusting the volume of the TV

“Ya! Geun Suk? Jang Geun Suk told you what?” Yoo Rin said annoyed that they would even listen to Jang Geun Suk let alone believe him.

“He’s not such a bad guy.” Hon said opening the refrigerator then tsking. “No beer?”

“Ya! My oppa will kill you if you drink beer here.” Yoo Rin said then went back to the subject at hand “Jang Geun Suk is not such a bad guy? Ya! That’s like saying the devil likes to have milk and cookies with little kids. This is JANG GEUN SUK we’re talking about here!”

“He didn’t want you to get into a fight-” Hon pointed out

“-so he told that ugly dude that you were dating.” Jan added.

“It seems to work the ugly dude believed him.” Hon pointed out.

“I thought you didn’t care for Geun Suk, this is a suspicious change of heart for both of you.”Yoo Rin in

“He protected you.” –Jan said smiling

“That’s all that matter to us.”-Hon added

Yoo Rin couldn’t wrap her head on the concept of the Twins actually liking Geun Suk. It gave her shivers in a very very bad way.

“Did he tell you about the rest of it? About him sleeping here and me seeing him ?” Yoo Rin asked trying to provoke them.

“Ya! That would be way too much information for us.”Hon brushing off the question then opening his mobile and started getting busy calling for take out.

Yoo Rin looked at the Twin in disbelief. It was like nothing happened. Whatever Geun Suk told them did the trick everything was fine with them again. Yoo Rin smiled happily, she missed them.

“Ya! Yoo Rin. I’m having 4 pizzas delivered here.” Hon stated hanging up his mobile.

“Isn’t that way too much?” Yoo Rin replied grabbing the DVD remote from Jan and rewinding the video.

“No problem, we invited a friend over.”Jan replied

A friend? Yoo Rin had a weird feeling.

The doorbell sounded.

“Ya! That was fast.”Jan remarked opening the bag of cookies. Yoo Rin hit his hand with the DVD remote.

“Ya! Stay away from your peace offering. Those cookies are mine!” Yoo Rin warned and went to answer the door. It was Geun Suk, standing with his hands in his pocket. Yoo Rin blinked.

“What are you doing? Let him in.” Hon said from behind her. Yoo Rin looked apprehensive. Hon let out an exasperated breath and opened the door himself.

Geun Suk drank the sight of Yoo Rin as she stood like a stone in front of him. She still looks angry. But Geun Suk would take whatever he could get today. He hasn’t seen her up close for days and he missed her.

“Ya! Geun Suk, why are you standing there like an idiot? Come in!”Hon said pushing Geun Suk inside the apartment. Yoo Rin turned her back at him without a word. Geun Suk watched Yoo Rin as she sat with Jan on the couch. Geun Suk gave Hon a weak smile and sat on the seat across from where Yoo Rin and Jan were.

“Ya! Yoo Rin, don’t you have any ice?”Hon complained

Geun Suk jumped up. “I’ll get the ice.” He needed to get busy. Yoo Rin’s silence was killing him.

Jan followed Geun Suk with his eyes. “He knows where the ice is? He seems at home here.” – Jan remarked

Yoo Rin glared at Jan. “That borders on the information you guys don’t want to know.”

Jan nodded “He really likes you, you know.”

Yoo Rin stared at Jan amazed and she biting on a cookie. “Ya! Jang Geun Suk must have hypnotized both of you if you’re singing him praises now.”

Jan looked away from Yoo Rin he seems sad all of a sudden. “What’s with that face?”

“Hmmm? What face?” Jan said still looking away. Yoo Rin took Jan’s face in her both hands to study him. Jan looked at Yoo Rin as if he wanted to tell her something but decided against it.

Geun Suk cleared his throat as he placed a tray with glasses on the coffee table. Yoo Rin let Jan’s face go and kept her eye on the TV.

Here they were, Geun Suk thought. The 4 of them again, hanging out. He clearly doubts things will be the same as 8 years ago. But for now Geun Suk is content to see them all together again.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!