I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk leaned against the car as he waited for Yoo Rin to come out. Yoo Rin had
a fitting for Popi’s design class. He pondered what the Twins told him.

“You better make everything clear with Yoo Rin.”Hon advised

“Yeah, you don’t have a chance, if AKIRA decides he wants her.” Jan warned

“Who exactly is this Akira?”

Hon rolled his eyes at Geun Suk’s ignorance.

“Akira as in, Mimasaka Akira. One of the famed F4. Multi-national company…Yakuza” Jan said the last word he whispered.

“Oh, that Akira.”Geun Suk said his brows furrowed.

“Oh that Akira?! Do I have to knock you on the head to make you realize how serious this is?” Hon asked frustrated.

“If you don’t knock some sense into him I will.” Jan said.

“She used to stay with his family while she was in Japan.”Geun Suk said trying to remember more about what the Mimasaka were to Yoo Rin.

“Yeah and ? ”Jan and Hon asked

“And what?”

“The elder Mimasaka is a close friend of her father.” Hon offered.


“So?! Pabo. You have no idea.”Jan said shaking his head.

“What? What?”

“Of all the men she’s known, Yoo Rin admires and respects three.”Hon said ticking off names with his fingers. “ Her father, her Oppa and…”

“Mimasaka Akira” Geun Suk abruptly.

Both Jan and Hon nodded. Both looked at Geun Suk with pity.

Geun Suk felt his heart go cold. He remembered. Mimasaka Akira. In her e-mails Yoo Rin always spoke of this Akira first with great awe then respect and admiration. The Twins were right, very few men ever won Yoo Rin’s respect and
this Akira was one of them.

“Ya!” Yoo Rin waved at Geun Suk gaily in her arms she carried shopping bags. She ran towards him smiling. Geun Suk couldn’t help but smile back, Geun Suk went to meet her when a man in a blue suit got to Yoo Rin first.

“Han Yoo Rin-sama.” The man bowed to her.

“Hai.” Yoo Rin replied puzzled in Japanese

“This way please.”the man pointed to a parked silver limo a few feet away.

“YA!” Geun Suk said coming between Yoo Rin and the Japanese man. “What the hell?!”

“Oi, calm down.”Yoo Rin said to Geun Suk.

The man ignored him and gestured to the limo, touching Yoo Rin’s elbow to lead her there. Geun Suk slapped the man’s hand away. The man raise his fist in a fighting pose, Geun Suk pushed Yoo Rin behind him and raised his fist as well. Yoo Rin dropped the bags she was holding.

“Ya! Calm down.”Yoo Rin said to Geun Suk then turned to the man. “Ano..”

“Yoo Rin run.”Geun Suk said not taking his eyes off the man

“No.”Yoo Rin said firmly.

A crowd was forming around them. Just when Geun Suk and the man were going
towards each other…

“Kento, Stop.”

Geun Suk turned at the sound of the voice. He saw a tall, attractive, well dressed man step out from the silver limo.

“F4!” several female voices screamed in instant recognition.

“Akira-kun?”Yoo Rin said tentatively

“What? Don’t tell me you didn’t get the flowers?”

“You’re here!”

Geun Suk saw Yoo Rin’s expression of puzzlement change from delight.

“Missed you too much Yoo-kun, Where’s my hug?”Akira asked opening his arms.

To the crowd’s and Geun Suk’s great surprise and dismay, a smiling Yoo Rin stepped willing in this stranger’s arms.

“Ya!”Geun Suk pulled Yoo Rin away from Akira.

Akira raised an eyebrow at Geun Suk.

“Eeh? You are?”Akira asked thoughtfully.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk!”


Geun Suk stared back at Akira unflinching. Yoo Rin pulled Geun Suk’s shirt
Annoyed then turned to Akira smiling.




“The 14th.”


“Your turning 20 on the 14th, I wouldn’t miss it.”

Yoo Rin face broke into a smile. Akira smiled back. Geun Suk was furious. Were they talking in code? He hated that Yoo Rin would look at someone else other than him.

“Get in, we can continue this conversation without the audience.”Akira said dropping his hand on top of Yoo Rin’s head.

“Ya!” Geun Suk said pushing Akira’s hand away.

The man in the blue suit moved fast, grabbing Geun Suk and twisting his arm.

Yoo Rin gave the man in blue a kick on the left knee. He fell like a rock clutching his knee. The man was about to stand up but Akira moved his hand and he stayed down.

“Excellent.” Akira remarked proudly at Yoo Rin putting a hand on Yoo Rin's head.

Yoo Rin rolled her eyes at Akira then turned to Geun Suk.

“Jang Geun Suk! What’s the matter with you?!” She hissed at him.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin, what’s wrong with YOU? You’re not…not…You’re not really getting in some stranger’s car.”

“Ya! Stranger? What stranger?”

Before Geun Suk could answer…

“Ya! What’s going-“ Hon

“You two get into a fi-“Jan

The Twins stopped short as they saw Akira leaning against the limo looking amused.

“Mimasaka-sama!” The Twins said bowing low and polite.

“Yo, Lee futa-go, Kombawa.”


The limo pulled away from the campus slowly. On board, the stylized limo was Yoo Rin, the Twins and a reluctant Geun Suk. He knew all along the man who faced them was the fabled Akira, he just didn’t want to acknowledge that Yoo Rin had any sort of relationship with the man. He was not going to let Yoo Rin out of his sight now a formidable rival appeared just when things were settling for them.

“How have you two been? Still in the tennis club?”Akira asked pouring the Twins. Yoo Rin some orange juice in a crystal goblet.

The Twins looked surprised.

“Oh, my sisters keep harping about you two after your visit to Tokyo. They were very taken with you.”

Jan and Hon gave Akira a weak smile.

“Now, YOU…I know ALMOST nothing about you…” Akira pointed to Geun Suk

“You seem to know who I am.” Geun Suk replied

“Well, I did say ALMOST nothing.” Akira remarked tilting his head towards Yoo Rin giving her a mischivious grin, Geun Suk frowned he didn’t like the way Akira kept smiling and touching  Yoo Rin's head  like they have  a close relationship.

While the Twins started looking at the contents of the Limo’s mini bar. Akira opened the sun-roof then grabbed Yoo Rin’s wrist to pull her up with him.

Geun Suk stood up and squeezed himself between them.

“Pagpasensiyahan mo na siya, medyo mainitin ang ulo (You must forgive him, he’s such a hot head)”Yoo-Rin said to Akira in a language Geun Suk was not familiar with.

“Wala yun. Halata naman na asar siya nadito ako. (Don’t worry about it. It’s obvious he’s annoyed I’m here.)”Akira replied in the same language.

Geun Suk glared at the pair. He maybe standing in the middle but he had no idea what they were talking about.

“Talk in a language I understand.”Geun suk said with clenched teeth.

Yoo-Rin ignored him. “Nagulat naman ako. Yung totoo? Bakit ka naman napadpad dito? (You surprised me, Tell the truth, what brings you here?)”

Akira replied in a dramatic hurt tone. “Nagtatampo naman ako. Parang hindi ka Masaya dinalaw kita. (I feel disappointed. It’s like you’re not happy I came to see you.)”

Yoo Rin’s eyes narrowed. “Nababagot ka sa inyo? Wala kang magawa? (Are you bored? Don’t you have anything else to do?)”

Akira burst out laughing. “Kilalang kilala mo ako. (You know me so well)”

“Sabi ko na nga ba!(I knew it!)”Yoo Rin said sounding annoyed but amused.

“Gusto ko siyang makilala. Base sa unanag pagkikita naming, maaliw ako dito. (I wanted to meet him, Based on our first meeting, it’s going to be fun.)” Akira said winking at Yoo Rin.

“Ya! If you’re not going to talk sense..!”Geun Suk said pulling Yoo Rin by the shoulder’s back down inside the limo.

Geun Suk recalled in annoyance as Yoo Rin’s brother and mother welcomed Akira into their apartment with such familiarity bordering on criminal.

The Twins seemed enamored by his every word. And this Akira even had the audacity to bring gifts. GIFTS like he was out courting Yoo Rin or something. WHAT? The courting thought, threw Geun Suk, making him pause from his pacing.

“Ya! Seriously you’re making me dizzy! Pacing AGAIN?!”Choi complained Yoo Rin was back and Geun Suk starts getting all riled up again. Like any good/intelligent stalker they were AGAIN at the Han apartment parking lot waiting? More like guarding.

“What do you know about Mimasaka Akira?”

“Ahh, I heard that HE showed up in a silver limo and a bodyguard to whisk Yoo Rin away.”Hyun said in a serious tone.

Geun Suk glared at his friend. “That makes Mimasaka better than I am?”

“Eeh?”Choi remarked wondering what his confident cousin meant.

“He’s not as wealthy as I am? Better looking? Athletic? Just because he knows an obscure Asian language that doesn’t mean…”Geun Suk said then clamped his mouth shut and started pacing again.

“Well, Mimasaka-sama is part of the famed Flower 4, F4. I mean women probably fall at his feet with no effort at all…hear he’s pretty charming too, OLDER, betcha Yoo Rin would address him as oppa t-“Hyun’s sensible tirade was interrupted when Choi threw his text book at him.

“Ya!” Hyun complained.

“Insensitive much?”Choi murmured gesturing to the frozen on the spot Geun Suk.

“Ahhh, that Mimasaka guy is OLD. I mean he’s like a ajosshi! I bet he’got brittle bones and everything!”Hyun said back-pedaling.

“Pabo!”Choi said shaking his head.

“Hide!”Geun Suk said suddenly grabbing his cousin and friend by their shirt sleeves as they heard someone coming out of the building. They hid behind Cho’s blue pick-up truck. It was Yoo Rin, speaking Japanese on her mobile. She was all dressed up in dark jean and frilly feminine top he never thought he’d ever see her in.

“I missed you too! Of course, I love the present. It’s exacted what I wanted. Arigato!”She smiled happily as she walked pass them. “..of course, you don’t need to send a car for me… I promise to bring you something yummy to eat…honto? I can’t wait!...”

They all watched as Yoo Rin still speaking happily on the mobile board a cab and drive away. Geun Suk felt his heart tighten, his fist clenched. He tried his best to take calming breathes. His eyes not leaving the spot Yoo Rin stood.

“Ya…do you think she’s meeting Mimasaka?”Hyun wondered aloud. Choi shook his head and without a word smacked Hyun on the head with an open palm for stating the obvious.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!