I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin formed herself into a ball and continued screaming. Geun Suk rushed towards the screaming and then sobbing Yoo Rin. A fuse must have shorted.

“Yoo Rin. You don’t have to be afraid. I’m here.” Geun Suk said kneeling next to where Yoo Rin was. Yoo Rin moved towards the sound of his voice. She grabbed Geun Suk’s arm and wouldn’t let go. Geun Suk sat down next to her. “It’s ok. The fuse just blew. I’ll go and fix it. “ Geun Suk started to stand up. Yoo Rin tightened her grip on his arm.

“Don’t leave. Don’t leave me alone.”Yoo Rin whispered faintly.

Geun Suk wasn’t really clear what happened when Yoo Rin was young and her brother left her home alone to play baseball. All he knows is that since then Yoo Rin never went out alone in the dark. She was ok as long as she can see light of any kind. Geun Suk glanced at the window. It was pitch black. It wasn’t just the building’s fuse. It was a black out. Geun Suk glanced at Yoo Rin who was shaking like a leaf and still clutching his arm. Tenderness filled him. She was still the same. A little girl trying to play dare devil.

“Yoo Rin, are you hungry? I have to get the cookies out of the oven.”Geun Suk said

“Cookies?” Yoo Rin said softly

“They’re nice and warm, they won’t be as chewy as you like if we leave them there long.”Geun Suk teased

“How do you know I like them chewy?” Yoo Rin asked


“Who told you I liked cookies to be chewy?” Yoo Rin repeated

Geun Suk felt he was trapped by his own words. As kid, Geun Suk and Yoo Rin would often discuss what kind of cookies were the best. Geun Suk like them to be crumbly an crunchy, Yoo Rin like them best when they were soft and chewy. Yoo Rin was recalling this a conversation like this when she was much younger.

“What does it matter? Do you want the cookies or not?” Geun Suk said trying to sound annoyed.

“I want them.” Yoo Rin replied

“Come along then, there’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m here.” Geun Suk said helping YooRin up. Yoo Rin recalled those same words said to her as a child.

“How some it has to get dark?” 8-year-old Yoo Rin asked hugging herself.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m here, I’ll protect you.” Shin said holding out his hand to Yoo Rin

I’m here…I’ll protect you. I’ll protect you…I’m here.


“Shin Hoon.” Yoo Rin said suddenly.

Geun Suk froze. “What?”

“Ehh? Nothing.” Yoo Rin said looking away from Geun Suk puzzled at the memory.

“Ok…right cookies then.” Geun Suk said his brows furrowed He could have sworn he heard Yoo Rin call him Shin.

Geun Suk and Yoo Rin sat in the middle of the living room. Yoo Rin had her arms wrapped around her knees. Geun Suk pushed the plate of cookies in front of her. Geun Suk snapped his phone shut. The black out seems to be citywide. No power, electricity anywhere. They have to wait until morning.

“Yoo Rin? I’m going down to the car maybe we can go to my grandpa’s place.”Geun Suk said walking towards the door. Yoo Rin flung herself on Geun Suk’s back.

“Don’t leave. Don’t leave me alone.” Yoo Rin said her arms tightening on Geun Suk’s waist.

“We can go to my grandpa’s house He has this big generator and-“Geun Suk said But Yoo Rin kept shaking her head.

“I don’t want to go anywhere. The streets are dark. I don’t want to go out, I’ll be swallowed by the darkness…”Yoo Rin said sobbing into his back.

Geun Suk stopped turned and held Yoo Rin in his arms. “It’s ok. We won’t go anywhere. We’re staying right here.” Geun Suk murmured patting Yoo Rin’s head.

Yoo Rin opened her eyes and blinked. There was light coming out of the window. Was it morning already? Yoo Rin glanced  behind her. Geun Suk sleeping peacefully with his arm still wrapped around her.

Geun Suk kept her company the entire night. No complaints. No mocking. He understood without her having to say it aloud. Yoo Rin pushed herself up on one elbow. Geun Suk’s arms tightened on her waist and pulled her closer. Now Yoo Rin’s head rested on the crook of Geun Suk’s arm.

A sense of flashback came to her. Familiarity, like she has been in his arms more than once. Yoo Rin tentatively touch Geun Suk’s lashes. Like a young girl, long silky he had kind eyes; they smiled happily, mischievously or frown in frustration and exasperation whenever they looked at her. Geun Suk would look very much like a girl if he didn’t have his day old stubble. Yoo Rin thought touching Geun Suk’s chin lightly with her finger. Geun Suk stirred and with an open palm pushed Yoo Rin’s lower back towards him. Yoo Rin pushed against his shoulder to lessen the contact. Yoo Rin felt her face go hot then ever so slowly tried to disengage from Geun Suk’s grip. She didn’t want him to wake. The scene is too awkward. Not to mention embarrassing. But Yoo Rin couldn’t shake the feeling of security that being in his arms, he made her feel safe. Yoo Rin closed her eyes and blinked several times to clear her head. What am I think?! She wondered silently.

“Don’t… Don’t pull away from me. Stop running away Han Yoo Rin.”Geun Suk murmured sleepily.

Yoo Rin’s glanced up at Geun Suk. Is he still asleep? “Ya! Jang Geun Suk? Ya!” Yoo Rin shook his shoulder. “Ya! Ya! Yaaaa!” Geun Suk moved so Yoo Rin ended up flat on her back with Geun Suk looming over her. Yoo Rin stared up at his serious face.

“You’re…you’re awake?” Yoo Rin asked uncertain.

Geun Suk did not reply instead he ran his fingers lightly down Yoo Rin’s cheek to her lower lip. “Ya! What are you doing? Yaaa!” Yoo Rin said slapped his hand away. So, it wasn’t another dream Geun Suk thought relieved. Lavender, her scent filling his senses her hair laid in disarray on the pillow, her eyes wide and nervous as she glance back at him. The night before was both heaven and hell for Geun Suk, comforting her and then trying to keep himself well in control as while doing so.

Yoo Rin felt anticipation and nervousness. “Ya! Jang Geun Suk? Are you alright?” Yoo Rin asked concerned

Geun Suk gave her a half smile. “I will be in a second.” Geun Suk replied lowering his head down to kiss Yoo Rin.

Someone cleared his throat. Yoo Rin hit Geun Suk on the stomach with her knee. She sat up looking very guilty. “Oppa!”

Geun Suk grabbed his stomach more frustrated than hurt. “Seonbae.” He greeted Bong-hyung.

“Ya! I know I should have come home last night.” Bong-hyung said grabbing Yoo Rin by the arm and pulling her out the room.

“Oppa.. It’s not what you think-“Yoo Rin tried to explain

“Ya! It never is. Stay there!” Bong-hyung said slamming the door on his sister’s face.

Bong-hyung gripped his kendo shinai and faced Geun Suk who was now standing.

“Mianhaeyo. Sunbae. I have no excuse.”

Bong-hyung studied Geun Suk’s appearance, he was unafraid. “You messed with my sister?”

“No Sunbae. Not that I didn’t want to but No I did not mess with your sister.”Geun Suk replied honestly. He learned a long time ago it’s best to be straight with Bong-hyung.

Bong-hyung swung his kendo shinai like he would swing his practice bats, Geun Suk stood still waiting for the kendo shinai (the weapon the use for practice and competition in kendo) to strike him in the head. He didn’t blink or flinch. Bong-hyung swung missing his nose by inches. Geun Suk could feel his knees getting weak but to falter was to admit defeat. Bong-hyung put the shinai under his arm and stared at Geun Suk. He was the very first suitor of Yoo Rin’s who faced him head on, who didn’t try to impress him.

“You’re pretty brave. “Bong-hyung sounding impressed. “You like Yoo Rin that much huh?”

“Sunbae, don’t just like her. I love Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk admitted.

“Ehh? You think just because you show interest I will give you my sister?”Bong-hyung stated blandly. He leaned against the door jam. “You’ve known my sister for what? 3 seconds and you love her? I don’t think so.”

“Sunbae, I will protect and treasure Yoo Rin with my life. It doesn’t matter what you think of me. But it would be best if you approve. I will marry Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk said staring at Bong-hyung determined.

Bong-hyung eyes widden then he smiled. No wonder Geun Suk seems familiar…he’s been here all along, Park Shin Hoon.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!