I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin avoided all contact with Geun Suk. Two days after the weekend he spent with her. Yoo Rin can’t get him out of her head. It bothers her that Geun Suk reminds her so much of the Shin she knew when she was a child. But that Shin is now turning into a strange unlikable person.

This was 2nd term, she requested the class adviser to move her to a desk next to the Twins. The Twins thought it was just their luck and for the first time ever they separated their desk so she could set her desk in the middle. It constantly amazed her the devotion the Twins have for her, She never consciously used the Twins as her shield before but now, she needed time to think. Romantic love was a strange concept. For Yoo Rin her friendships were the most important relationship she has.

Now she felt confused. The object of her confusion was standing a few feet away. Jang Geun Suk, today he was surrounded by girls from the same year all asking him to be their date to the school festival. Yes. It was that kind of festival, where the girls would have the opportunity to ask the guy they liked to be their date.

Yoo Rin rested her head in her arms bored but she really wasn’t. She was in a bind. The Twins were expecting that she would be going out with one or both of them to be with her date at the school festival. Yoo Rin didn’t have any desire to attend the school festival. Formal wear. Yoo Rin shuddered. Not Yoo Rin’s kind of thing.

Geun Suk tried as he might can avoid glancing Yoo Rin’s way. It’s been two days and she is obviously avoiding him. Choi’s aunt also informed him that Yoo Rin has for all in tends and purposes refused to continue tutoring Geun Suk. Yoo Rin even transferred her desk as far away from him as she could manage. What happened? They seem to getting along well that weekend all things considered. Did he scare her?

Suddenly, a group of 3 boys came in the cafeteria they were obviously not from the school. They looked older, wore vest and matching purple bandanas.

“Ya! Who is Han Yoo Rin?” a tall tough looking guy asked.

Yoo Rin turned slowly. The Twin already blocked her from the tough guy’s view.

“What do you want with Han Yoo Rin?” Hon asked, although The Twins were taller, the boys looked like they liked to fight dirty. The taller of the three poked Hon on the shoulder.

“She just stole my little sister’s boyfriend.”

Geun Suk clenched his teeth. Fake Shin again. Even when he is not around he brings trouble.

Yoo Rin stood up and walked up to the Twins. Jan was already baring his teeth at the 3 boys. Trouble inside campus is never good.

“I’m Han Yoo Rin.”

“Ya! Yoo Rin.”Hon said putting a hand on Yoo Rin’s shoulder.

All 3 boys turned to look at Yoo Rin. One of them cleared his throat. “Ya! Gyol you have to admit. She’s pretty cute.”

“Shut-up. Being cute does not justify stealing someone’s boyfriend.”

Collective gasp from the people in the cafeteria. Then silence.

“I don’t steal.” Yoo Rin announced annoyed at the insinuation.

“Ya! She doesn’t need to steal anyone’s boyfriend.”Jan declared

“You don’t know Shin?” one of the boys asked.

“Shin? Shin has a girlfriend?”Hon asked shocked

“I’ll kill Shin!”Jan said

“Relax. Sorry to disappoint you. I’m not going out with Shin.” Yoo Rin stated. The crowd gasped again. “That’s why people shouldn’t listen to rumors.” Yoo Rin murmured

“Ya! If you’re not dating Shin, why is he chasing you?”

Good point. Yoo Rin thought. But she didn’t say that aloud. “Shin is a childhood friend. A lot of people misunderstood.” Yoo Rin stated.

“Yea. Even Shin.”Choi said chuckling.

“Ya! If you’re not dating Shin, who are you dating?” Ki-won’s brother asked.

“I don’t date.” Yoo Rin replied pleasantly

“Would you consider going out with me then?” Ki-won’s brother asked serious

“Kamsahamnida, ajjusshi but I don’t date.”

“Ya! Ajjusshi? Ajjusshi?! Are you looking down at me?”Gyol asked his eyebrows intersecting.

“Ya! Yoo Rin won’t even go out with anyone in this school let alone you.”Jan said laughingly

“You are insulting me!’ Ki-won’s brother said taking a swing at Jan. Yoo Rin used Jan and Hon’s shoulders to kick Ki-won’s oppa on the stomach he fell taking the two others with him.

“Ya! Don’t make trouble in my campus. Let’s take it outside.” Yoo Rin invited.

Geun Suk felt cold sweat down his spine. Babo Yoo Rin was getting herself in trouble yet again! Geun Suk couldn’t sit by and watch her get in a fight or possibly jail. “Ya! We don’t have to hide it any longer. ME. Han Yoo Rin is going out with me.“

“Ehhh? Ya! Jang Geun Suk!” Yoo Rin said loudly

“Ehhhh?!” – the Twins and the crowd

“It’s true.” Geun Suk said confidently.

“Since when?” Gyol asked Geun Suk

“It started when she saw me come out of the shower .” Geun Suk revealed.

“YA! YAAAAA! Shut-up!” Yoo Rin screamed going for Geun Suk’s neck.

Geun Suk put his arm around Yoo Rin and whispered. “Do you want ton pay me the kiss now or later?”

Yoo Rin shut but dug her elbow in Geun Suk’s rib.

“Yobo, we don’t have to deny anything. We spent the weekend together after all.” Geun Suk added slyly

“Ya! I thought Eun Hye stayed with you last weekend.” Hon stated looking at Yoo Rin disappointed.

Yoo Rin groaned inwardly. “Hon, Jan I can explain-“ Yoo Rin started but Jan walked out the cafeteria without looking at Yoo Rin, Hon trailed behind him.

Geun Suk watch the anguish and frustration in Yoo Rin’s face. She glared at him then kicked him as hard as she could in the foot.

“Despicable !”

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!