I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin stared at Geun Suk fascinated .Rubbing ice on the side of her lip to lessen the bleeding.

They were in the kitchen. Geun Suk was making them a late dinner. He moved around the kitchen with confidence.

“Ya! Is it going to be any longer? I’m starving!” Yoo Rin complained loudly.

Geun Suk glanced back at her. “If you would helped instead of complaining. Dinner would have been finished minutes ago.”

“Let me get this straight. You want ME near a stove and use a knife?” Yoo Rin replied raising her an eyebrow at Geun Suk.

“Andwea! No, you sit right there then. Wife.” Geun Suk said winking at her.

“Ya! You’re back to calling me wife again.” Yoo Rin said annoyed. “And I thought we’ve become friends.”

“I don’t want to be your friend.” Geun Suk said getting down a plate of soup in front of Yoo Rin.

“Eh? Why?”Yoo Rin asked sniffing the soup in front of her appreciatively

Geun Suk then sat down with his own plate and a plate of pasta with vegetables. Yoo Rin stared at the food happily. Geun Suk smiled at her expression. “Because, I want to be someone more important.”

“More important than being my friend?” Yoo Rin frowned. This was the first time friendship with her was rejected. This made her surprisingly sad but to each his own. Yoo Rin dipped her spoon in the soup to taste it. Waaa! It’s good. She started spooning the warm soup in .

“I want to be your aehoga (lover).” Geun Suk replied

Yoo Rin choaked on the soup. Geun Suk stood to give her a pat on the back. Yoo Rin covered with her napkin. “Ehhhhh?” Yoo Rin said between coughing. Geun Suk kneeled in front of her. She has no idea why but this proximity was making her very nervous.

“Yoo Rin I-“Geun Suk started to say but the phone started ringing loudly.

Yoo Rin took the opportunity to jump up and get away from Geun Suk. “It’s the phone. I’ll get it!” Yoo Rin said hitting her knee on the side of the table in her hurry to get away.

Geun Suk rested his forehead on the dinning table. Then he started banging his head on it. He couldn’t believe he just said that to her. Based on her reaction, things were not going well for him.

“Yea…yoboseyo?” Yoo Rin said breathlessly.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin! Why are you not answering your mobile? We were worried sick!” Jan yelled he sounded like he was on speaker phone.

Her mobile. Yoo Rin left the mobile in her school bag. “Mianhaeyo. I forgot about it.”

“Ya! Are you sure you don’t want us to come over? We don’t want you to be all alone in that apartment.” Hon said

“I’m fine. I’m not alone.” Yoo Rin replied then 2 seconds after regreted revealing that information.

“Who are you with? Eun Hye?” Silence. “Yeabusayo? Yeabusayo?”

“Yea.” Yoo Rin said weakly. She didn’t like to lie to the Twins but she was certain they would over react if they found out who exactly she was with.

“Good. Let me speak to her then.” Hon said

“Andwea! Ah…” Yoo Rin inwardly groaned. “She’s in the bathroom.”

“Ok. You guys take care. Make sure to lock all the doors.” Hon reminded her.

“Yea.” Yoo Rin said “Bye.” Yoo Rin covered her face with one hand. Now she’s lying to the Twins!

“Who was it?” Geun Suk asked coming up behind her.

“Deh? Oh, Lee Jan and Lee Hon.” Yoo Rin replied moving a step back from Geun Suk.

“Ah, ok. Let’s eat before the food gets cold.” Geun Suk said watching as Yoo Rin navigated a route to pass him without touching or looking at him. Geun Suk mentally kicked himself. He never intended to freak her out. Geun Suk then avoided looking at Yoo Rin. They ate dinner in awkward silence.

Yoo Rin decided to wash the dishes since Geun Suk cooked. Geun Suk watched as she filled the sink with too much dishwashing soap then she immersed all the dishes in the water and spilling soap on the floor.

“Ya! Are you sure you can do this?” Geun Suk asked

“Of course it’s just dishes.” Yoo Rin said with more confidence than she felt. She is really useless when it comes to domestic work. She breaks more dishes than she cleans most of the time and her mother has banished her from the kitchen shortly after that. “Ah, I need a new sponge!” Yoo Rin said and reached tiptoe to open the top cabinet when she slipped. Geun Suk caught her before she could fall.

Geun Suk cradles Yoo Rin. Geun Suk stared at Yoo Rin unblinking.

Yoo Rin stared back. How come I never noticed that he had such kind eyes? Yoo Rin wonders.

Geun Suk’s felt his heart accelerate at her nearness. The smell of lavender was addictive. Geun Suk bent his head slowly his eyes focused on hers.

Yoo Rin didn’t move. She stared at Geun Suk fascinated. A handsome face, some how familiar, why do I just notice this about him now? Yoo Rin thought.

Geun Suk now had his hand free hand on her neck he tilted her chin up to accept his lips.

Yoo Rin closed her eyes lost in the moment.

The doorbell tilled loudly.

Geun Suk froze his lips inches from Yoo Rin’s.

Yoo Rin’s eye snapped open. “The door.” She said looking at Geun Suk slightly dazed.

“Let’s ignore it.” Geun Suk replied hoarsely

Yoo Rin pushed away from Geun Suk. “It could be important.” And went for the door.

Geun Suk slapped the door of the nearest kitchen cabinet in frustration cursing the person at the door.

“Shin.” Yoo Rin said in shock looking at the door’s screen monitor.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!