I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin was nervous. The result of the exams will be posted today. She has made it a point to monitor her wards and see that they all do well. All except one. Geun Suk. The phone he gave her never stopped ringing during the exam week. He kept pestering her even after she has gone home for the day.

“Yoo Rin! Want to get –“Jan asked

“-something to eat after school?”Hon stated

Yoo Rin smiled. She needed the break. The Twins were fun to be with and demanded nothing from her.

“Ya! I’m broke so you’re paying.”Yoo Rin said with a grin. Both nodded.

The Twins were happy. It’s been a while since they were out with Yoo Rin. “Let’s catch that new western film.”Jan stated

“You’ve been working hard, you need this.”Hon said

Yoo Rin nodded. Just then 2 sophomore girls and a freshman approached Yoo Rin.“Sunbea!” “Noona!” They stopped short as they saw the Twins blocking them. The Twins have been very protective of Yoo Rin since the Chen-ma incident. A lot of Chenn-ma’s friends tried to speak to Yoo Rin in Chen-ma’s behalf but the Twins made sure they never got anywhere near her. The kids bowed to the Twins and waved at Yoo Rin whom the Twins had behind them. Yoo Rin rolled her eyes, shoving the Twins away.

“Ya! These are the kid’s I’ve been tutoring.”

“Sunbea! Kamsahamnida! Thank you! We passed our math exams thanks to you!”the girls said giving her a hug. Yoo Rin smiled. Patting their shoulders. “You worked hard.”

“Noona! I did great as well. I got a B in English. Thank you, Noona!”the freshman said bowing then handing her a package.

Yoo Rin stared at the package. “You don’t have to give me anything really.”

“Sunbea, it’s from all 3 of us. It’s not chocolate. It’s cookies, the kind you like.”one of the girls said.

Yoo Rin reluctantly accepted the cookies. The students bowed to her and then at the twins and left. She stared at the cookies.

“Yey! Cookies!”Jan said grabbing the cookies

“Ya! That’s mine!”Yoo Rin said grabbing the cookies back and then putting them in her bag. Jan stared at he disappointed.

“The results are out. Let’s go see.”Hon said pulling on Yoo Rin’s bag.

They when to the plaza. The list posted at the plaza was the top 100 students. The Twins were expected to be in the top 20 that’s why they were so excited. Yoo Rin stared at the list.

“Ya! Yoo Rin, still number one!”Jan said pointing in the front of the list. Yoo Rin nodded. It was nothing new. Since her freshman year she always placed in the front of the list. She scanned the list quickly noting at Jang Choi, Geun Suk cousin was in the top 10. Why couldn’t he tutor his idiot cousin then. Yoo Rin wondered nastily. She got to the end of the list and she froze. His name was there. 100 Jang Geun Suk. Yoo Rin blinked several times. The name was still there. She backed away from the list when she stepped on the person behind her.

"Sorry.”Yoo Rin mumbled.

“I did it, Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk murmured proudly

“Eh?!” Yoo Rin looked at him wide eyed. If Geun Suk is in the top 100 it means that he got at least a B+ in almost all the subjects. Yoo Rin groaned inwardly. Don’t tell me he wants his “incentive” here? Her heart started pounding.

Geun Suk bent his head slowly. Yoo Rin was frozen on the spot. The entire plaza became quiet. Geun Suk looked serious. Yoo Rin closed her eyes and braced herself as his face came closer. “If I were to get my kiss, I want it in private. That is, unless you make me.” Geun Suk whispered close to her ear.

Yoo Rin’s eyes flew open. Her he heart started slowing down. She glared up at the tall Geun Suk.

“I better stick to you until then, you might try to get away.”Geun Suk added

Yoo Rin glared at him. The guy was too perceptive, she did plan to run. But she signed the agreement, she can’t go against her word. “I won’t go against my word.”

Geun Suk grinned, tucking a loose strand of Yoo Rin hair on her ear tenderly. Jan grabbed Geun Suk’s wrist roughly. “Jang Geun Suk, you are being too familiar.” Jan warned

Lee Jan and Geun Suk eyed each other with hostility. Yoo Rin just wanted to get out of there. “Lee Jan.”Yoo Rin said touching Jan’s arm lightly for Jan to let Geun Suk go. “Let’s go. You promised me a meal.” Yoo Rin started to walk away. The mobile in her pocket started ringing. She pulled it up and stared at it then looked back at Geun Suk who had his phone out.

“Ya! Where are you going?”

“To get something to eat. What is it to you?”Yoo Rin said rudely

Geun Suk grinned. “I’m going with you.”

“Ya! You don’t-“Yoo Rin started to say but Geun Suk was already standing in front of her.

“Wife. Where to you want to eat?”

“Ya! You’re not coming along.” Lee Jan started and Lee Hon nodded.

“Wife?”Geun Suk asked sweetly.

“Stop calling me Wife!”Yoo Rin said in frustration then hung up the phone. Geun Suk raised his brow at her. Yoo Rin felt she had no choice. Not wanting to have him to make a spectacle out of her. “Lee Jan, Lee Hon. You better go ahead.”

“Eh? But-“Hon started to say.

“I am not leaving you with this clown.”Jan said adamantly

Yoo Rin shook her head at the Twins. Jan and Hon eyed Geun Suk in anger. “I’ll be fine. Go, go!” Yoo Rin said pushing on the twins’ shoulder. Jan who was more aggressive pointed a threatening finger at Geun Suk who gave him a wink. Lee Hon pulled his brother away.

Geun Suk and Yoo Rin just stood there. Geun Suk staring at Yoo Rin’s face as expression of frustration, rage and acceptance flashed one after the other. Yoo Rin looked up at Geun Suk’s smug smiling face and turned her back on him and strode off.

“Ya! Wife!” Geun Suk called

“I swear, if you call me wife one more time I’m going to kick you.”Yoo Rin said with clenched teeth.

Geun Suk raised his hand in mock surrender. “Ok. I won’t call you wife.” Geun Suk said then added “ At least not in public.”

“Noona.”Chen-ma said quietly He looked terrible as if he hasn’t gotten any sleep or rest. This is the first time since the day of his confession, he saw Yoo Rin alone without the Twins. “Noona, I’m sorry. Sorry you hate me now.”

Yoo Rin glanced Chen-ma’s way. “I don’t hate you Dongseng. But I can’t look at you the same. Mianeyeo, Sorry”

Chen-ma looked at Yoo Rin in anguish. “Noona.”

Yoo Rin walked away. Geun Suk followed her.

“Is it so hard to turn him down nicely?”Geun Suk asked Feeling sympathy for the freshman.

Yoo Rin glanced his way looking very tired. “I can’t make him feel hope where there is none. It’s better this way.”

“He isn’t doing any harm. What’s wrong with liking you? Even if it’s one-sided?”Geun Suk reasoned

“It’s a waste of energy. His, mine, his friends keep coming up to me begging me to give him a chance. I can’t.”

“You won’t.”Geun Suk countered. “It’s Shin, isn’t it? From what I heard you haven’t seen him in years. How can you be sure he still remembers you?”

“He remembers me.”Yoo Rin replied confidently.

“Eh? How can you be so sure?”Geun Suk asked

“Because I remember him.”

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!