I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin was struck speechless. What the hell are they doing here? Yoo Rin pretended that she never saw them and tried to walk pass them. Choi then Hyun blocked her way.

“Where are you going little hime?”Hyun asked grinning.

“Yoo Rin?”Eun Hye was also stuck with her staring at three of the tallest guys they have ever met.

“Ya! Hime, who’s your pretty friend?”Hyun asked smiling at Eun Hye who stuck her tongue at him.

“You left the resort before you could tell me your name, wife.”Geun Suk stated. He lowered his head down to stare at Yoo Rin straight in the face. Yoo Rin would have pushed him, she abhores this guy too much. Yoo Rin looked away.


“Rin!” Hon

“What’s the hold up?” the twins said simultaneously

The twins! Yoo felt relief.

“Twins!”Hyun the ignorant fool said.

Jan and Hon approached them cautiously. Twins stood on either side of Yoo Rin. Crossing their arms and eying Geun Suk and the others. The twins were part German and tall for their age. But Geun Suk seems to be as tall as they are.

“Yoo Rin, what’s the hold up.” Jan asked calmly. Not taking his eyes off Geun Suk.

“You are you?” Hon asked

“Introduce me, wife!” Geun Suk ordered Yoo Rin.

“Wife?!” The twins and Eun Hye said in unison.

“A misunderstanding.” Yoo Rin assured the twins. Geun Suk laughed.

“Wife. Have you been cheating on me?”Geun Suk joked putting an arm around Yoo Rin tried to push him off but couldn’t.

“Ya! Geun Suk. I take back what I said. Your wife doesn’t look that bad.”Hyun said smiling.


“-Yoo Rin-“Jan

“-go.” Hon

Geun Suk smiled at the twins nastily still with his arm wrapped around Yoo Rin.

“W-i-f-e.”Geun Suk murmured in Yoo Rin’s ear. Yoo Rin wanted to scream.

“It’s a misunderstanding. I’ve apologized for it. Let go!”

“Wife. There was no misunderstanding.”Geun Suk answered. Yoo Rin was getting pissed and late for class.

“STOP CALLING ME THAT!”Yoo Rin screamed twisting Geun Suk’s arm flipped him down on his back. “I AM NO ONE’S WIFE. Have you lost your mind?!”

Geun Suk looked up at Yoo Rin and smiled. “Feisty! I love that about you wife.”

Yoo Rin kicked the spot in front of her in frustration. “Argh! Leave me alone!”
Yoo screamed and pushed Choi and Hyun. “Out of my way!”

“Yoo-“ Jan

“-Rin!” Hon

The twins and Eun Hye followed close behind her. Geun Suk still sat on the ground smiling like a fool.

“She has a wicked temper.”Choi sounded impressed, offering a hand to help Geun Suk up. Hyun shook his head in wonder.

“How can you still smile? She kicked you .”Hyun said

“I won’t take her any other way.”Geun Suk replied brushing off his pants.

“Ya! We’re late!”


Eun Hye, the twin and Yoo Rin have the same class this year. Yoo Rin was asking herself who in heaven she offended for her to have to be in the same school as that Geun Suk guy.

“You heard? There’s a hot new transfer student.”Popi, the class flirt remarked dreamily.

“Really! Better looking than the twins?”

“Hotter than Han Bong-hyung”Popi replied and they all screamed like fan girls.

Yoo Rin can guess who the “hot” transfer student is. But she was certain he was not as cool as her brother. The teacher finally came in. The class settled down. They had the BULL as their class adviser, she was tough but fair.

“Annoyong haseyo. Everyone has a good summer?” the Bull asked

“Yeah!”the class replied in unison.

“I’m glad you did. It’s going to be a tough year for everyone since it’s going to be your last-“ The Bull was cut short with the vice principal coming in and whispering something to the Bull. Yoo Rin suddenly had a bad feeling. The vice-principal motioned for someone behind the door to come in. It was Geun Suk. The girls in the class started screaming excitedly.

“That’s him! We are so lucky!”Popi screamed.

No we’re not. Yoo Rin thought covering her face with her notebook. Now she knows he offended someone really high up in heaven to have him be in the same class as he is.

“Han Yoo Rin….Han Yoo Rin.”the Bull called her. Yoo Rin closed her eyes and tried to calm herself.

“Yes.”Yoo Rin replied removing the notebook and giving the Bull a fake smile as she stood.

“Jang Geun Suk is a new student. As the Class Representative, it’s your duty to show him around. Geun Suk. Han Yoo Rin is this graduating class’ top student. I leave you in her hands.” The Bull remarked.

Geun Suk bowed and gave Yoo Rin a mischievous smile. “Please take care of me, wife.”

Yoo Rin grimaced and wanted to hit him. The twin were on their feet pushing their classmates to get to were Yoo Rin was standing.

“I told you to stop calling me that.”Yoo Rin said gritting her teeth. Geun just smiled then brushed the loose strand of Yoo Rin’s hair away from her face. Her female classmates gasped. Yoo Rin slapped his hand away. “Stop it!”

“Classmate. Do you mind if I sit with Han Yoo Rin?”Geun asked Cobo Yun who was her assigned seat mate. Cobo Yun was a small silent guy who feared his own shadow. He gave in quickly. The bull asked the class to settle down so they could start class. Geun Suk sat down next to Yoo Rin.

“Why are you making my life hell?” Yoo Rin asked Geun Suk shushed her. Yoo Rin laid her head down her desk in frustration. Geun Suk smiled to himself. His plan working better than he anticipated

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!