I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin walked home alone. Twins haven’t spoken to her for days. Eun Hye was now going out with Jang Choi so therefore she has no desire to walk home with her. To top it all off her oppa doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with the wretched rumor all over school that she is now engaged to be married to Jang Geun Suk of all people!

Yoo Rin kicked the a soda can in front of her and it landed loudly on the fender of a blue Ford pick-up. Yoo Rin winced. It would be bad if she got in trouble by damaging property.

“Mianhaeyo! Ajjushi!” Yoo Rin said to the unseen driver of the pick-up. No response, not even a beep from the car horn. Weird, the engine was running. Yoo Rin felt relieved, at least she escaped from one trouble.

“Want to go for a ride?” a familair voice said from behind her.

It was Shin riding his beautiful bike. Yoo Rin bit her tongue, better to refuse.

“No thanks. I rather not have your woman come after me with her entire family.” Yoo Rin replied walking pass Shin.

“Mianhaeyo. Han Yoo Rin I caused you trouble.” Shin called. He actually left his bike to go after Yoo Rin.

“It’s not really all your fault. Circumstances got all mixed up and I got the short end of the stick.” Yoo Rin said shrugging her shoulders.

“You don’t keep grudges.” Shin said impressed

“Ya! I don’t for very long. I guess I’m too Babo. I have this strange impuse to trust people. ”Yoo Rin admitted

“Not Babo, just too idealistic.” Shin said frowning slightly.

Yoo Rin glanced at Shin. “Want to get something to eat?”

“Anything but cookies.” Shin replied.

Yoo Rin pouted. “Oh, alright.”

“You want everything, your own way.”Shin complained

“You just found this out now?” Yoo Rin said with a laugh.

Geun Suk watched Yoo Rin walk with fake Shin actually smiling. Now he regretted giving her space.

“Should be follow them?” Hyun asked starting the car.

Geun Suk was tempted but then remembered what Bong-hyung told him.

“You shouldn’t crowd Yoo Rin, you know.”


“You want to get too close you’ll end up pushing her farther away.”Bong-hyung stated

“What should I do? I can’t lose her.”

“Strategic distance.” Bong-hyung said

“Deh? Strategic distance?”


“Geun Suk? Your phone is ringing.” Hyun pointed out

Geun Suk looked at the caller id and sighed. “Yoboseyo. Harabeoji. Yea. Deh? You want the engagement to be on my birthday?! Andwea, Harabeoji I want to marry Han Yoo Rin. Harabeoji, I need more time. Kre? Her grandfather wants to arrange a meeting with me? I know. I need to meet with him. Ok!” Geun Suk closed his eyes. He needed more time.


Yoo Rin sat sharing a large bowl of vanilla ice cream with Shin. She swallowed a scoop then started working on the game of hang-man they started using the store’s napkin.

“Ya! You always end up winning. Are you cheating?” Shin complained

Yoo Rin gave him a mischievous smile. “It’s my innate talent.”

“Ya! Right! You and your 190 IQ.”Shin said

“Ya! You sound like that’s a bad thing.”Yoo ?Rin teased

“No, not a bad thing. I kind of like it. You are one unique girl Han Yoo Rin” Shin complimented.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” Yoo Rin and she meant it.

“Now that you’re feeling better. I better take you home.”Shin said laying some bills on the counter.

“You’re going to take me home in what? You left your bike at school.”Yoo Rin asked

“We can ride the bus.” Shin offered

“Tsk! You better go back to your bike. I’ll be fine by myself. Kamsamnida for cheering me up.”Yoo Rin said gratefully

“Ya! What are friends for?”

“Are you really friends now?”Yoo Rin asked carefully.

Shin stared at Yoo Rin understanding. “We are. I’ll see you, Han Yoo Rin.”

“Ja! I’ll see you Shin.”Yoo Rin said and with a gay wave she turned around and walked away.

Shin watched Yoo Rin as she ran to the cross walk to the bus stop. Shin took a deep breath then bought out his mobile.

“Yoboseyo? Hyong. Mianhaeyo, Yoo Rin suspects I’m not her childhood friend Park Shin Hoon.”

“Ehhh? Did you follow everything I told you about Han Yoo Rin?”

“Han Yoo Rin is very special. Kamsamnida hyong you gave me the chance to meet her. Mianhaeyo. I can’t lie to her anymore.”


“The unexpected Hyong, I fell in love with her.”Shin said rubbing his neck unconsciously.

“Ya! Andwae, You can’t fall in love with Yoo Rin!”

“Too late, I have, I’m going to tell her the truth. I want her to get to know the real me. Not the Shin you expected her to be in love with.”

“Ya! Shin Kai!”

“Don’t worry Hyong, I won’t tell her about you. Bye!” Shin then hung up and let out a contented breath.

Yoo Rin got off the bus and was walking the few blocks to her house when Ki-won with 5 of her posse blocked Yoo Rin’s way.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin! I warned you. You’ll die if you meet with Shin again!”Ki-won said

“Ki-won, Your oppa paid me a visit at school. Interesting fellow.”Yoo Rin said cracking her fingers together.

“Ya! Don’t insult my oppa!”Ki-won shrieked.

Yoo Rin covered her ears. “Ya! Don’t you have anything better to do? I told you, I’m not dating Shin.”

“Liar! I saw you at the café a while ago!”Ki-won accused

Yoo Rin rolled her eyes. “I can eat ice cream with whoever I want”

“You’re already dating that tall guy. Why do you have to go after Shin” one of Ki-won’s friends said

“Look Ki-won, Shin is a friend. Chingu. we will stay that way no matter how my girlfriends he has.”

“Are you insulting me?!”Ki-won screamed and started after Yoo Rin.

Unfortunately for them Yoo Rin was in no mood to be merciful.

Yoo Rin came home with her braid undone her clothes filled with dirt but she was whistling cheerfully.

“Waa! You’re in a good mood.” Bong-hyung said patting Yoo Rin’s head. The tussle with idiot girls was not bad. It made her more cheerful. The mobile in her pocket started ringing. She glanced at it uninterested.

“Ya! Yoo Rin, answer you mobile!”Bong-hyung said from the kitchen.

Yoo Rin pulled the mobile out and turned it off. Yes! Sweet silence. Yoo Rin was just going to sit on the couch when their home phone started ringing. She would bet all her saving it was Jang Geun Suk.

Yoo Rin stared at their home phone in disgust. Without caller id she could never be sure who it really was.

“Ya! Yoo Rin! Answer the phone.” Bong-hyung yelled.

Yoo Rin covered her nose with two fingers and answered the phone. “Yoboseyo?”

“Ya! Wife. What’s the matter with your voice, Do you have a cold?” Jang Geun Suk asked

Yoo Rin held the phone away from her eye and then wondered, Why am I even talking to him? She then hung up and putting the home phone on mute.

“Oppa, I going to take a shower.” Yoo Rin yelled feeling lighter
Bong-hyung answered the front door. Geun Suk stood looking very miserable.

“You still have the guts to show your face?”Bong-hyung said not letting Geun Suk inside.


Bong-hyung crossed his arms in front of him and leaned against the door jam. “Do you think at this point I would even think of letting you go out with my sister?”

“Sunbae, I want to see Yoo Rin.”

“You think you can take me?”Bong-hyung asked cracking his knuckles.

“Sunbae, I know I made a mistake-“Geun Suk started but Bong-hyung cut him off.

“Mistake my foot! Do you know how miserable Yoo Rin has been the past days? She can’t even speak to the Twins! Today was the only day I’ve seen her cheerful and here you are again to ruin her day.”

Yoo Rin cheerful today? Was it because she saw Shin? Geun Suk felt his heart tighten in panic.

“You clear everything with the Twins at the very least or I will never let you see Yoo Rin. Good-bye Geun Suk.” Bong-hyung said closing the door at Geun Suk’s face.

The Twins. He needed to make peace with the Twins.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!