I Will Make You Love Me

“Oppa! Oppa! You can’t let him be on the team! You just can’t!” Yoo Rin begged Lee Jun as she tried to keep up with him. Yoo Rin gritted her teeth in frustration. Why is that guy everywhere?! “Oppa!”

Lee Jun wasn’t too happy that Geun Suk, the show off got in the team. “He bested everyone on the try-out. Yoo Rin. You have to admit he is good.”

Yoo Rin planted her self firmly in front of Lee Jun. She wanted to murder Geun Suk. “Then, I QUIT!” Yoo Rin stated stalking off. She needed to vent so she headed to the school botanical garden.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin!”Lee Jun started after her but someone grabbed his arm.

“She needs to vent her frustration. I say leave her alone.”Geun Suk said.

Lee Jun stared at him curiously. “How do you know she needs to be alone to vent her frustration?”

Geun Suk shrugged. “Lately I’ve been the source of her frustration.”

“Why are you messing with Yoo Rin? Who are you?”

“I’m not messing with her.”

“Really? Heard you started calling her wife.” Lee Jun stated

Geun Suk smiled. “It’s a long story. But it’s justified. She’s going to marry me.”Geun Suk said confidently. It was a direct challenge to Lee Jun.

Lee Jun laughed. “I guess you don’t know Yoo Rin very well.” In between laughs.

Geun Suk smiled “You'd be surprised.” He murmured almost to himself.

Lee Jun smiled and gave Geun Suk a pat on the back and started walking away. “Good Luck! Hope you don’t get your heart broken.”

Geun Suk was puzzled by that statement but he was glad Lee Jun was not a rival. It’s hard enough playing on a team that treats you with open hostility.

“Ya! Geun Suk! We’re going home. Ya! Where are you going?”Choi asked as he saw Geun Suk head for the botanical garden.


Yoo Rin leaned against her favorite tree and closed his eyes. She kicked most of the smaller trees at the botanical garden to vent her frustration on the obvious fact that she can’t seem to get away from Geun Suk. She had to relax, she can’t lose it now when she was so close to going to America and seeing Shin. Yoo Rin settled herself more comfortably. She like to wander around school when she was a freshman mostly to hide from her brother's fan girls who kept pestering her about him. None of the other girls liked nature, insects or the dirt but Yoo Rin loved it. She lived with her parents in a condominium all her life and she enjoyed being around trees it helped her breathe.

Geun Suk watched Yoo Rin from one of the smaller trees. He liked seeing her like this. Stands hair coming out of her braid that she never even bothered to fix. She took off her school jacket to cover her legs as she leaned against the tree. She looked exhausted. Geun Suk smiled as he approached her. He was close enough now to see that she has fallen asleep. She was the same as usual. Geun Suk thought. Nothing can faze her and she’d fall asleep anywhere. He sat close enough to stare at her face. She seem to be just as tiny as ever. Her hair has grown so long. Geun Suk touched her braid softly careful not to disturbed her. She’s lost weight. He feels that he could lift her with one hand. Geun Suk as if possess touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers. So soft. Geun Suk bent down to kiss Yoo Rin on the forehead. Yoo Rin stirred but did not wake.

“You’re going to fall in love with me.”Geun Suk whispered softly

Yoo Rin slept on. Geun Suk was content sitting next to her and watch her sleep.


Yoo Rin woke up abruptly. The Twins or rather a twin. Jan was staring down at her, his face too close for comfort.

“Ya! Watch it!”Yoo Rin said pushing Jan away.

“You fell asleep. It took me all afternoon to find you. Let’s go home, I’m hungry”Jan complained

Yoo Rin yawned. Geun Suk who hid behind one of the bushes as soon as he heard Lee Jan yell for Yoo Rin. Jan offered Yoo Rin a hand to help her up. She refused it and got up on her own, brushing the dirt and leaves from her skirt. Jan carried Yoo Rin’s School bag.

“Ya! Your hair is all messy.”Jan said tentatively touching the edge of her braid. Yoo Rin moved away. Geun Suk smiled, Happy that she didn’t like being touched. Yoo Rin grabbed her bag from Jan rummaged inside and pulled out a large tooth comb. Yoo Rin leaned her left shoulder against the tree as she tried to untangle her braid. It was getting dark but Geun Suk noticed that her hair has reached almost to her knees. Geun Suk knew her hair was straight but since she got it out of a braid it waved a bit. Geun Suk knew why she didn’t like to wear her hair loose. She didn’t like the attention. Geun Suk noticed Jan just standing there staring at Yoo Rin. Geun Suk was envious. Yoo Rin was starting to braid her hair again when Jan grabbed her hand to stop her.

“Don’t. Don’t tie your hair. It’s beautiful the way it is.”Jan said still holding on to Yoo Rin’s hand. Yoo Rin pulled her hand away.

“It’s windy; it’ll fly all over the place.”Yoo Rin replied.

Geun Suk’s smile broaden “That’s my girl!”

“Where’s Hon?”Yoo Rin asked as she finished braiding her hair.

“How can you be so sure I’m not Hon?”Jan asked pulling on her braid playfully. Geun Suk then knew that if he had a rival it would be Jan.

“Hon, isn’t a touchy person.”Yoo Rin said as she walked ahead. Jan stared at her in amazement.

“Being touchy is a bad thing?!”

“No, you can touch whoever you want as long as it’s not me.”Yoo Rin winked at gave Jan a shove and she ran.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin!”Jan went on to run after her.

Geun Suk watched them go sad that he wasn’t the one walking Yoo Rin at home.

“Ya! What are you doing hiding out here?”Choi asked

“He’s obviously stalking his fiancée. “Hyun replied

“Choi, did you find out where Yoo Rin moved to?”Geun Suk asked ignoring Hyun completely

“They live in a condo near where the Twins live. I have the address.”Choi replied  presenting a paper. Geun Suk grabbed the paper and kissed it.

“Let’s go. I still have to speak with your Mom.”Geun Suk said.


“Yoo Rin works as a tutor right? I’m going to be with her everyday whether she likes it or not.”

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!