I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk wanted to lock all the doors and windows in the room and that includes the bathroom. It was already 3 Am and he hasn’t had a wink of sleep. Yoo Rin, like clock work would get up every 20 minutes to open a window or a door. The last time he caught her trying to slip outside the window in the bathroom. Geun Suk rubbed his face in frustration. Yoo Rin was unconscious again. She looked so innocent and peaceful when she’s asleep but the moment she wakes up she’s like a whirlwind that can’t seem to keep still. She kept looking for her Dad, her oppa and Shin. Geun Suk felt his eyes go heavy. He leaned his head on the bed’s headboard. He decided that if Yoo Rin was going to get up for the nth time he was going to sit on her. He felt her stir. Geun Suk’s eyes snap open. He automatically laid both arms between her trapping her so she couldn’t move. Yoo Rin looked up at Geun Suk’s determined face.

“Ya! You look pissed.”Yoo Rin said calmly.

Geun Suk stared at her trying to gage if Yoo Rin was sober. “You kept me up the whole night.” Geun Suk complained still not releasing Yoo Rin

“Mianheyo. Sorry.” Yoo Rin replied

Geun Suk’s eyes narrowed. He wondered why she isn’t outraged. Geun Suk slowly released her and sat up. Yoo Rin sat up as well. Geun Suk suddenly felt awkward, they sat on the bed facing each other. Yoo Rin doesn’t seem to be bothered at all. She stared at Geun Suk intently. She tilted her head one way then the other.

“I never noticed… you have such long lashes.” Yoo Rin said lightly touching Geun Suk’s eyeashes. Geun Suk surprised backed away. Yoo Rin moved closer.

“Kawai, Eyebrows.” Yoo Rin said tracing his eyebrows with her fingertips.

Geun Suk swallowed. Yoo Rin was being extra weird. Geun Suk back away. “Ya! What- what are you doing?!”Geun Suk stammered and then he fell on the floor. Yoo Rin fell after him.

Yoo Rin, who doesn’t like to be touched when drunk doesn’t have a problem touching others. As if she’s become a whole other person. Yoo Rin eyes roamed his face, her expression serious. Geun Suk head hit the side of the bed and in a way he was now trapped. Yoo Rin leaned in. Geun Suk stared at her wide eye.

“Ya! Ugh, Han Yoo Rin-“

“Your lips look soft.” Yoo Rin said leaning in with her eyes focused on his lips.

Geun Suk’s eyes widen, he froze in place. With Yoo Rin closing, in his heart was threatening to jump out of his chest, he closed his eyes in anticipation. He felt Yoo Rin’s head slump on his shoulder. Geun Suk’s eyes snapped open. She fell asleep again. Geun Suk sighed. He was getting used to Yoo Rin’s unusual behavior. Geun Suk wondered what happened the last time with the Twins. If she was anything like this he’d kill them! Wrapping his arms around Yoo Rin, he settled her more comfortably against him.

“Han You Rin, do you want to kill me? I almost had a heart attack!” Geun Suk scolded the unconscious Yoo Rin. “I will never let you drink anything alcoholic for the rest of your life.”Geun Suk swore. Then he gave a ruthful laugh. “They were right. You are a handful.”Geun Suk said smiling down at Yoo Rin. She was breathing evenly now. He touched her cheek. “You’re still the same and yet I know you’re not.” Geun Suk added tracing the line of Yoo Rin’s eyebrows. “Mianheyo…I miss you so much. I hoped that by now you would see ME.” Geun Suk tighten his hold on Yoo Rin then leaned in to whisper softly in Yoo Rin’s ear. “It’s ME.  PARK SHIN HOON.”


“Should we move them?”

Eun Hye, Choi and Hyun found them on the floor with Yoo Rin’s head on Geun Suk’s shoulder. Geun Suk had his arms wrapped around her protectively.

“Why are they on the floor? There’s a perfectly decent bed right here.”Choi pointing at the disheveled bed.

Eun Hye let out a sigh of relief. “At least no one got hurt.”Eun Hye stated.

Choi and Hyun stared at Eun Hye questioning.

“Yoo Rin and alcohol don’t mix.” Eun Hye stated. “The last time this happened, it was camping with our junior class. Some idiot bought alcohol to a class camping. They thought it would be funny that the straight laced serious Han Yoo Rin would get drunk. Well they got more than what bargained for.” Eun Hye smiled at the memory. “The moment she started drinking they couldn’t stop her. She’s unusually strong and limber for a nerd.” Eun Hye laughed at the memory. “Yoo Rin caused havoc. They took her to their tent with God know what in mind. she ended up beating the hell out of 2 of them before the Twins got there. Even drunk she doesn’t like to be touched. I never met such a destructive and clear minded drunk. The Twins got her out of there but then she started climbing the trees. It was dawn when the Twins got her under control. The next day, Yoo Rin woke up with no recollection what happened. The idiots who got her drunk got beat up by Lee Jun and Bong-hyung. They were so furious; her Oppa said being beat up was too good for them. The Twins made their life hell until they decided to withdraw from the school.” Eun Hye grinned. “You’re friend seems to be tired but in one piece.” Eun Hye said amused.

Choi and Hyun stared at Yoo Rin with new respect. Such a tiny girl to cause such havoc. Choi can believe it watching the way she moved last night, like a trained dancer or worst assassin. Geun Suk stared to stir. Hyun nudged him with his foot. Geun Suk opened his eyes slowly.

“Annyong-hi jumushyossoyo! Good Morning.” They greeted him. Geun Suk quickly glanced at Yoo Rin who was still fast asleep.

“Shh…”Geun Suk instructed them.

“Ya! You look like hell. What happened?” Choi asked curious about the circumstances of them ending asleep on the floor.

Geun Suk quickly put a finger to his lip “Shh..”

“Here let me move her to the bed.”Hyun offered kneeling to pull Yoo Rin in his arms.

“No!”Geun Suk said loudly “Don’t touch her.”He said firmly.

“Ya! Your arm has fallen asleep. Let me take her. Eun Hye says Yoo Rin can sleep through almost anything.” Choi offered thinking this will calm his cousin.

Geun Suk shook his head. He sat up, he adjusted Yoo Rin so she sat across his lap. She stirred but slept on. He motioned for them to stand back while he lifted Yoo Rin and laid her on the bed. She turned to curl on her left side but stayed asleep. Geun Suk brushed the hair away from her face before he stood up to exercise his nub arm.

Eun Hye stared at Geun Suk as if measuring him. Then she sat on the bed to cover Yoo Rin with the comforter.

Geun Suk motioned for them to stand by the window.

“So how was it?” Hyun asked Geun Suk eagerly

Geun Suk and Choi glanced at Hyun annoyed. “How was what?”Geun Suk asked.

“Ya! You spent the night ALONE with the girl you love for the first time. This may sound crude but I could use details.” Hyun stated naughtily.

Geun Suk smacked Hyun on the back of the head. “Ya! Get your mind out of the gutter.”

Choi agreed. “Yeah, remember what Eun Hye said about Yoo Rin being deadly when she’s drunk. She is a regular drunken master.”

Hyun looked at Geun Suk doubtfully. “Don’t tell me you just slept?!”

Geun Suk nodded “If you call 15 minutes sleep. Ya! She threw up twice last night. She kept waking up every two seconds wanting to jump out the window or walk thorough the door. I was up all night trying to keep her from being killed.” Geun Suk explained.

Choi started chuckling. Hyun followed suit. Geun Suk ended up chuckling then laughing along with them. “It was not exactly a romantic night.” Both his friends nodded “But Yoo Rin being intoxicated is not really what’s bugging me.” Geun Suk revealed

Choi nodded soberly. “So, you’re finally going to tell her. That you’re Shin.” Choi asked relieved

Geun Suk shrugged his shoulders, He was afraid to now. She hasn’t fallen in love with him yet. What if she looked at him different now?

“You should tell her.”Choi urged.

Hyun butted in. “Ya! You should. Now with this FAKE but good looking Shin running around somewhere.”

Geun Suk sighed he rested his cheek on the closed window pane. “Choi, I need to find out who that guy is. Why did he make it appear that he’s Shin, I mean Me?”Choi nodded. Geun Suk glanced back at the sleeping Yoo Rin. He didn’t need a pretender complicating things for them. Not now.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!