I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin had her brows furrowed as Shin handed her a chocolate flavored ice cream cone.

“What’s wrong?” Shin asked seeing Yoo Rin’s expression

Yoo Rin stared at Shin and then the ice cream. Shin looked at her blankly. The ice cream was melting in Yoo Rin’s hand. “Yoo Rin?” Shin said wiping the melting ice cream from her hand.

“Eh? Oh sorry.” Yoo Rin said

“You don’t like chocolate?” Shin asked puzzled.

“Sorry. Mianhaeyo. Chocolate is fine.” Yoo Rin said giving Shin a weak smile. It isn’t really. Shin got her free hand and pulled her towards the one of the stores. Yoo Rin pulled her hand away. “Ah, I need to go to the wash room. I’ll meet you inside the store.”

Yoo Rin said. Shin smiled and nodded. Yoo Rin watched walk towards the store. He turned back to give her a wave. Yoo Rin plastered a nervous smile on her face and waved back. Yoo Rin waited until Shin entered the store before she shivered and turned to walk as fast as possible to the mall exit.
Yoo Rin’s feet hurt. She walked all the way home from the shopping center, since Geun Sk took away the mobile she couldn’t call her brother to come fetch her. She was starving it felt like ages since she and Shin ate pizza. It was getting dark. This was bad. Yoo Rin hated the dark ever since she was little and her Oppa left her alone at home to play baseball. Yoo Rin stuck her hands in her pocket and walked faster. Yoo Rin always put a brave front but she was scared of the dark. Babo! I should have stayed with Shin, although it pains her to how he changed. It was like being around a different person. Yoo Rin shook her head trying to get the image of Shin pulling her in a hug and slowing going in for a kiss,( which she dodged with practiced skill.) out of her head. It was way too weird!

“Agasshi!” a voice from the ally said

Yoo Rin kept her eyes in front of her and kept walking.

“Pretty little agasshi.” Said the first voice

“Oohh…. I agree. Ya! Agasshi. Oppas are calling you.” Another voice joined the first.

Yoo Rin rolled her eyes. They sound too aged to be Oppas. Yoo Rin stared at the sky. Babos! skinny smelly one repeated. “I wouldn’t do that agasshi.”

“Ya! Agasshi! What’s your hurry?” a slimmy ajjusshi asked blocking her path. Yoo Rin glanced behind her and found the other one behind her. Yoo Rin slowed moved towards the street away from the alley.

The mustached one made as tsking sound. “I wouldn’t do that agasshi.”

The Yoo Rin stopped moving. She faced the ajjusshi and smirked. She had a very bad day. It was getting dark. Her Omma was going to strangle her for skipping school and God knows what he Oppa was going to do to her once she gets home. Yoo Rin cracked her knuckles and rolled her neck side to side. She needed to vent her frustration. Yoo Rin dropped her bag in the street and strode towards the predators unafraid.
Yoo Rin sat on the sidewalk unable to move. She was just a few feet away from her apartment complex and she can’t move. It was too dark. Yoo Rin was terrified of the dark. Her hands hurt but they weren’t bleeding. Stupid ajusshies! That’ll teach them not to accost girls on the street. As hand touched her shoulder. Yoo Rin immediately went into action. She pulled at the hand and flipped the ert on his back.

“Aigoo! That hurts Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk said groaning.

“Jang Geun Suk!”Yoo Rin said blinking her eyes surprised. She helped his sit up. Geun Suk rubbed the back of his head.

“Ya! Where have you been? Do you know how worried I was that you were still out somewhere and its dark!” Geun Suk said yelling at Yoo Rin

Yoo Rin hung her head. She was getting a trashing but from the wrong person. Or was it? Yoo Rin remembered that she ran, ran from the agreement she made with Geun Suk. He did have the right to trash her. 

“Ya! What happened to you hands?” Geun Suk asked gripping Yoo Rin’s wrist. Yoo Rin grimaced pulling her wrist away and hiding them behind her. Geun Suk scanned Yoo Rin looking for other injuries. 

He looked more worried that pissed. Yoo Rin thought. “What happened? Why are you hands swollen? They must hurt.” Geun Suk said

Why is he more worried about me? Yoo Rin wondered studying Geun Suk with new interest. 

Interest. “Mianhaeyo. Geun Suk. I sorry I skipped out on -” Yo Rin murmured.

Geun Suk pulled Yoo Rin in his arms. Yoo Rin did not protest. “Ya! You have to promise me.“ Geun Suk said pulling Yoo Rin away to hold her face in his hands. “Promise me that you’ll never do that again…I swear I won’t listen to Hyun’s bright ideas. I won’t make you-“ Geun Suk didn’t get to finish. Yoo Rin threw her arms around his neck. She smelled like lavender. Geun Suk thought closing his eyes and tentatively slipping his arms around Yoo Rin.

“I won’t do it again.” Yoo Rin said leaning her chin on Geun Suk’s shoulder. Somehow a feeling of complete relaxed.

“Huh?” Geun Suk felt his heart accelerate, Yoo Rin’s scent. The feel of her body pressed against him. He was getting dizzy.

“I won’t make anyone worry again.” Yoo Rin swore sleepily.

Geun Suk froze as he felt Yoo Rin relax against him. “Han Yoo Rin?”Geun Suk asked reluctant to let break from the hug. “Yoo Rin? Ya! Don’t tell me you’ve fallen asleep? Ya! Ya!” 

Geun Suk pushed her a little away to check. Yoo Rin rested her head against his neck. Geun Suk pushed strand of hair away from Yoo Rin’s face. “You better keep your promise. Pabo!” Geun Suk ran a finger down Yoo Rin’s cheek. Geun Suk studied her face. She looked calm, relaxed as if she doesn’t have a care in the world. An angel that fell down to earth. Geun Suk in spite of himself bent his head and kissed Yoo Rin lightly on the forehead. Geun Suk moved slightly away afraid he woke her. Yoo Rin stirred and snuggled closer to him. Geun Suk smiled and pulled Yoo Rin closer. “Ya! I wish you’d be like this when you’re awake.”
Geun Suk carried Yoo Rin piggyback. She seem dead to the world with her head resting on the crook of his neck. He was about to step inside her building when a figure stepped in his way. 

“Ya! What did you do to Yoo Rin?” Shin accused.

Geun Suk backed away from Shin. “Ya! Who left her alone in the first place? I thought all the while she was with you.” Geun Suk shot back.

“We were together. She said she was going to bathroom but she never came back. What did you do to Yoo Rin?” Shin asked his fist clenched

Geun Suk laughed. So Yoo Rin decided to escape from Fake Shin too.

“Ya! Why are you laughing? Oh yeah, you’re the guy who likes to hang around Yoo Rin. The one with the one-sided love.” Shin declared laughing.

Geun Suk glared at the Fake Shin. “You’re the guy who’s pretending to be someone he’s not.” Geun Suk countered. He saw the Fake Shin eyes widen but kept his face blank. 

“What makes you say that?” 

“I’m just certain you’re not Park Shin Hoon.” Geun Suk said confidently 

“Really? I doubt Yoo Rin would believe you. If you tell her.”Shin said “I know everything about Yoo Rin. How she loves to eat cookies. Think Blue roses are the only suitable flowers in the world. How she didn’t need to study to be at the top of her class. How she sees her father, brother and me as her male role models…You want me to go on?” Shin asked Geun Suk snidely.

Geun Suk rolled his eyes at fake Shin. Everything he said was superficial. This Shin didn’t know Yoo Rin liked to act tough but is terrified of the dark. He didn’t know Yoo Rin loved chocolate in cookies but not in ice cream. With ice crème Yoo Rin preferred vanilla. Yoo Rin would eat American pizza but not spaghetti. Yoo Rin loves the beach but hates the heat. Yoo Rin’s first kiss happened when they were both todders. The day she got her ears pierced. How Yoo Rin didn’t like people not close to her touching her. Geun Suk can mention all these and more to fake Shin but he didn’t. Geun Suk ignored Shin and started walking towards the building.

“Ya! Yoo Rin is mine. Give her to me.” Shin said reaching for Yoo Rin. Geun Suk back away 

“Yoo Rin is not yours. If anything she’s mine.” Geun Suk stated. He was getting pissed and Yoo Rin was getting heavy. 

“Actually, no one OWN her. She’s MY sister after all.” Bong-hyung said coming out of the apartment building with his metal baseball bat in his hand.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!