I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk was startled awake at a hand touching his chest. He grabbed it abruptly. He heard a gasped. It was Yoo Rin she was leaning towards him her face concerned.

“Ya! You scared me.” Geun Suk said letting go of her hand. Yoo Rin just stared at him. Her hair loose on her back, she wore masculine long sleeves pajamas with the window open the wind blew strands of Yoo Rin’s hair to his face. Lavender. He closed his eyes savoring the scent.

“Your ribs hurt?” Yoo Rin asked pulling his shirt up for her to take a look.

“Ya! What are you doing?” Geun Suk asked filling his face redden.

“I hurt you. Mianhaeyo.” Yoo Rin said still pulling on his shirt. “Will you let me take a look?” Yoo Rin asked

Geun Suk stared at Yoo Rin then raised his shirt up to expose his ribs. Yoo Rin touched his skin with her fingertips. Geun Suk held his breath not because it hurt but because he was touching him.

“Does it hurt a lot?” Yoo Rin asked

Yoo Rin with her wide brown eyes, long lashes looking at him and asking him with those wonderful full lips. Geun Suk shook his head to clear it, embarrassed at where his thoughts were going. He cleared his throat. “I’m ok. It hardly hurts.”

“Do you want me to kiss it better?” Yoo Rin asked and without waiting for him to answer she bent her head and kissed his ribcage.

Geun Suk felt his body was on fire. Yoo Rin looked back at him and smiled. Without hesitating he pulled Yoo Rin to him and he kissed her. Lavender clouded his senses. She felt so soft in his arms. Geun Suk’s hand cradled the back of her head to tilt her head for a deeper kiss. His other hand pressed against the small of her back to press her closer. Yoo Rin didn’t resist her hands were moving to pull his shirt off. Geun Suk gingerly moved one hand to shake a shirtsleeve off but keep one hand on Yoo Rin’s neck not breaking contact. Geun Suk got his shirt off when he pulled Yoo Rin on top of him. His hands going under her pajama top to touch the bare skin of her waist, she felt warm, Geun Suk rolled so Yoo Rin was lying on her back. With a hand on the back of Yoo Rin’s neck he started nibbling Yoo Rin’s chin then he started the pulse on her neck. He heard Yoo Rin gasp. Geun Suk then lowered his head to Yoo Rin’s collarbone. Her skin smelled like lavender. Geun Suk started ing Yoo Rin’s pajama top when…

When he fell on his back the floor with a thud. A dream? Geun Suk thought in disbelief. He stayed where he was, his entire body warm and aroused. Why did he have to wake up? Geun Suk grimaced, pounding the back of his head on the floor. Yoo Rin her hair loose, body soft and pliant, her lips tasted like- Geun Suk started slapping his face. Shower. A Cold shower would be perfect. Geun Suk murmured to himself avoiding looking at Yoo Rin’s door as he head for the bathroom.


Yoo Rin speared a piece of sausage from Geun Suk’s plate and put it in . Geun Suk kept his head down avoiding looking at Yoo Rin.

“Ya! Yooo! Hooo! Jang Geun Suk?” Yoo Rin said waving a hand in front of Geun Suk’s face.

Geun Suk grabbed Yoo Rin’s hand. “Don’t do that.” He said quietly his hand tightening on her hand.

“Ya! A few more seconds and that’s going to hurt.” Yoo Rin said blandly.

Geun Suk let go of her hand abruptly. Yoo Rin rested her elbows on the dinning table and stared at Geun Suk curiously.

“Something happened?” Yoo Rin asked

“I wish something had.” Geun Suk murmured with a heartfelt sigh.

“Deh? What?”Yoo Rin asked curiously

“Nothing. Finish your food. I’m going for a walk.” Geun Suk said rushing out of the apartment.

“And to think, I didn’t expect him to get any weirder.” Yoo Rin said loudly finishing off the food on her plate as well as that of Geun Suk’s.

Geun Suk paced the restlessly at the apartment complex parking lot. He didn’t get any sleep last night not after that vivid dream. Now he’s too embarrassed to face her. Geun Suk’s phone started ringing.


“Ya! Jang Geun Suk. Where are you? Mother is worried sick. You haven’t been answering my calls. Did something happen?” Choi asked

“Nothing happened.” Geun Suk said with clenched teeth annyoyed at the question.

“Eh? Yoboseyo? Geun Suk are you ok?” Choi asked

Geun Suk started taking calming breaths. “I’m at Han Yoo Rin’s.”

“Deh? You spent the night there?”Choi sounded shocked


“You finally told her your Park Shin Hoon?”

“Things are not always that simple.” Geun Suk said rubbing his head.

“You always make thing difficult. You love Yoo Rin. You even promised Harabeouji that you would become a clan child if it is arranged that she marry you. Just tell her you are SHIN!”

“Have you found out who the other Shin is?”Geun Suk asked changing the subject and not really able to deal with the other issue now.

“Not yet, but I found out his name IS really Shin and he’s a year older than you.”Choi informed him

“This Shin has a girlfriend named Ki-won, who studies at a girl school.”Geun Suk said.

“Ya! What a scumbag! Why is he still chasing after Yoo Rin?” Choi sounded outraged.

“My question exactly but then nothing seems to be what it appears with this guy.”

“Does Yoo Rin know her beloved Shin is a two timing jerk?”

“Ya! Better than anyone since she was attacked by the said girl yesterday.”

“Ya! Did she end up in jail because she beat that girl up? Is that why you’re at her apartment.”

Geun Suk chuckled. “No, I tossed Yoo Rin over my shoulder before that could happen, I didn’t want to spend a night in jail either.”

“So, what do I tell Omma?”

“Tell her the truth. I am staying at my fiancée’s house for the weekend.”

“Ya! What if Bong-hyung finds out. Bong-hyung Sunbae has major muscles” Choi asked worried.

“Who did you think asked me to stay with Yoo Rin?” Geun Suk said



Yoo Rin polished the trophies in her brother’s room wondering why Geun Suk decided he wanted to do some house cleaning.

“Ya! Did my brother put you up to this?” Yoo Rin asked aloud.

Geun Suk ignored her. Or at least tried to. Every time he glance Yoo Rin’s way he’d have a flash of his dream last night and that was not good.

“Ya! I’m tired. We’ve been cleaning the house the whole day. You can eat off my living room floor! Speaking of eating I'm hungry. I’m going over to the Twins for something to eat.”Yoo Rin declared tossing the rag she had in her hand inside one of the trash bags.

Geun Suk stepped in front of the door. Although he can’t really look at Yoo Rin he couldn’t bare her to be out of his sight either.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk have you-“

“I’ll bake you some cookies.” Geun Suk said quietly

“Cookies?” Yoo Rin asked happily

Geun Suk wore his own apron as he worked in Yoo Rin’s kitchen. Yoo Rin sat on one of the kitchen stooles playing with her oppa’s portable video game. The scent of baking cookie filling the room. Yoo Rin put down the game and sniffed.

“Waaa! Wonderful. Can I have the bowl you mixed the cookies out of?” Yoo Rin asked Geun Suk gave her the bowl and the spoon. Yoo Rin sunk her teeth on the cookie dough happily.

“You are such a kid.” Geun Suk said amused.

Yoo Rin stuck her tongue at him but smiled. “Komawoyo. I really like cookies.”

“I know.” Geun Suk said pulling on one of Yoo Rin’s braid playfully then turning away to wash the dishes.

Yoo Rin stared at Geun Suk’s back. He wasn’t a bad person. She thought, understanding why oppa had Geun Suk keep an eye on her. Geun Suk made sure she was fed, did her chores or the ones she is capable of and with Geun Suk home Yoo Rin felt strangely safe.

Then the unexpected happened. A loud explosion then darkness. Yoo Rin started screaming.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!