I Will Make You Love Me

Shin took Yoo Rin along the roadside with a view overlooking the city. Yoo Rin who lived in the area for as long as she could remember has never been there before.

“Waa! Great view! Kamsahamnida, Shin!”

Shin went ahead and put his arm around Yoo Rin shoulder. Yoo Rin moved away. What is up with Shin? Yoo Rin wondered.

“So, are you going to tell me?” Yoo Rin asked facing Shin.

“Tell you what?” Shin asked quickly looking away from Yoo Rin.

“Ya! Why you lost touch? And why did you turn up here? Did something happen?” Yoo Rin queried

“It was no big deal. “ Shin replied looking down at his hands

“No big deal? No big deal?! You decide to vanish without a trace and it’s no big deal? Ya! Shin, I know you something happened. What are you not telling me?” Yoo Rin insisted.

“Am I just friend Yoo Rin?” Shin asked suddenly

“Deh?” Yoo Rin asked She really didn’t understand the question

“You think of me as just your childhood friend?”

Yoo Rin blinked. “You are my best friend Shin. You know that. Why do you keep asking?”

Shin grabbed Yoo Rin by the shoulders and stared into her eyes. Yoo Rin felt a sense of foreboding.

“Ya! Shin. What are you doing?” Yoo Rin asked

“I’ve known for a long time that you’re I love with me.” Shin said dramatically. “Don’t worry, I feel the same way.” He added lowering his head so he could kiss her.

“EH?!” Yoo Rin reacted by kneeing Shin in the stomach.

While Shin was gasping for breathe Yoo Rin stepped away from him. “Have you lost your mind? What ever gave you the idea that I’m IN LOVE with you?”

“But…but when we were kids…”Shin sputtered.

“Ya! We are BEST FRIENDS since we were toddlers. I cried like forever when you left for America, because I miss my closest friend. You could be a girl and you’ll still be my best friend.” Yoo Rin explained

“But you- at school, I heard-“ Shin stuttered

Yoo Rin shook her head. “Ya! Rumors! Bong-hyung spread those himself just to prevent his best friend Lee Jun from acting foolish.”

Shin looked at Yoo Rin shocked. “I thought you liked me.”

“Duh! How could I not like my best friend? We promised we’d stay friends forever right? An entire ocean will not get in the way of our friendship. What am I suppose to do? You vanished. I was worried something bad happened to you.”

Shin’s entire body stiffened. He hit his head on the guard railing separating the road from the canyon. Then he burst out laughing.

“Ya! Why are you laughing?What is so funny?!” Yoo Rin asked puzzled at the way Shin was acting.

Shin kept laughing. “Ya! All the while everyone thought-”

“I never said I was waiting for YOU. I always said I would VISIT you. America seems like the right place to study medicine. “ Yoo Rin continued.

Shin, completely exhausted from laughter smiled at Yoo Rin. “You’re not really interested in Shin, I mean me in the romantic sense? You wouldn’t want to date me?”

Yoo Rin stared at Shin her eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. “I thought about it for like 2 seconds then, I thought that would ruin a perfectly good friendship, and concluded that I would rather not.”

Shin gave her an amused smile. “What if I told you I liked you more than a best friend?”

“Then I’d tell you not to waste the friendship.” Yoo Rin replied smoothly

Shin chuckled. “Is friendship more important than love?”

Yoo Rin rolled her eyes. “Friendship is the deepest feeling I know now, I wouldn’t know about love.” Yoo Rin replied with a shrug.

Shin stared at Yoo Rin fascinated. What an interesting girl. Shin thought. Yoo Rin’s phone started ringing. Yoo Rin stared at it and frowned.


“Ya! Han Yoo Rin, you gave me your word that you won’t make me worry again.” Geun Suk said loudly waiting Yoo Rin and Shin from inside his car. Yoo Rin winced guiltily. It seems she could never escape Geun Suk.

“Yoboseyo? Yoboseyo! Han Yoo Rin!” Geun Suk said

“Why are you always angry at me?!” Yoo Rin asked defensively

“Why do you keep running?”

“I am not running.”

“Where are you now?”

“None of your business.” Yoo Rin glanced at Shin and grimaced. Will she ever have a moments’ peace? She asked herself.

“Ya! You're going home right now. I'm coming to get you.” Geun Suk warned then hung up.

“Yoboseyo? Yoboseyo? Argh!” Yoo Rin stared at the mobile in her hand in frustration. Jang Geun Suk was bossier than her Oppa and Appa combined. Yoo Rin slammed the mobile close. “We better head back.” She told Shin. Shin nodded.

A car horn beeped as Yoo Rin was getting on the bike. It was a red top down Mercedes. Jang Geun Suk was driving. Yoo Rin’s mouth hung open. What an awesome car! Yoo Rin thought.

“Ya! Get on.” Geun Suk ordered

Yoo Rin blinked. “Ya! Are you by chance stalking me?” Yoo Rin accused

Geun Suk smirked. “Get on.” Geun Suk repeated

“Ya! Stop, following Yoo Rin around.” Shin said

Geun Suk ignored Shin, got off the car and bodily pushed Yoo Rin to the car.

“Ya! What are you doing? Let go!”

“Bong-hyung sunbae asked me to stay with you this weekend.” Geun Suk said.

“EHHHHH?!” Yoo Rin screamed. Shock written all over her face. Bong-hyung wouldn’t.

Geun Suk clicked his tongue in annoyance took out his mobile phone. “Yoboseyo. Annyong Bong Hyung Sunbae? Yoo Rin won’t go home. Yea. He wants to speak to you.” Geun Suk said passing the mobile to Yoo Rin.

“Yoboseyo? Oppa. Why did you ask Geun Suk to- Andwae! No! Ooooppppa! I am not a child anymore I can stay home-…, Can’t I stay with the Tw-…But Shin Hoon is here…. “A long pause.

Geun Suk watch Yoo Rin’s expression change from anger, defiance, frustration then acceptance. He hid a smile in his hand.

“Yeah, oppa. I’ll see you Sunday.” Yoo Rin said then passed the mobile back to Geun Suk. Her expression showed utter defeat.

“Ya! You- Aigoo!” Yoo Rin said clenching her fingers like she wants to strangle Geun Suk but controlled herself.

“Han Yoo Rin.” Shin called.

Yoo Rin closed her eyes. “Mianhaeyo, Shin. I’ll see you later.”

Geun Suk made sure Yoo Rin fastened her seatbelt before he closed her door. He winked at her. Yoo Rin folded her arms in front of her then stuck her tongue at Geun Suk.

“Shin Hoon.”Geun Suk gave Shin a mock salute and started the car.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!