I Will Make You Love Me

Jang Choi who is used to seeing beautiful women stared at Yoo Rin with his mouth hanging open. It wasn’t so much the outfit she was wearing but today she had her hair down and it framed her face and it made her look like an angel. Eun Hye made sure that they put a little blush and silver glitter near her eyes. As Yoo Rin walked a portion of her thigh and those y boots are exposed. Choi felt his cheeks get hot. Which show how affected he was.

“Ya! Are we leaving or what?”Popi asked smiling. She wore a short red dress and white stiletto heels. She twirled around in from of Hyun. “How do you like my dress?”

Hyun ignored her. And stared at Yoo Rin openly. “Ya! Eun Hye, Popi, great job. You actually got her to look scoching.”Hyun said clapping his hands in approval.

Geun Suk remained silent. He stared at Yoo Rin and he looked angry. “Ya! Han Yoo Rin. Take off that skirt!”

“Eh? I’m not taking anything off in front of you! ert!”Yoo Rin reacted wide eyed by backing away from Geun Suk and covering the skirt with her hands.

“That’s not what I meant! Why are you even wearing a skirt in the first place?” Geun Suk was furious. He never expected her to dress up this way. He knew he was unreasonable but he couldn’t help himself. He started pushing Yoo Rin up the stairs. She started slapping Geun Suk on the shoulder.

“Ya! Ya! Why are you angry?!” Yoo Rin asked

Because I am freaking jealous. Geun Suk knew that if he told her this it would drive her away. “Don’t you have any decency? And what’s with that long slit? Your leg is exposed!”

“Eh? Why are you acting like my abeoji all of a sudden?”Yoo Rin inquired

Her father?! Geun Suk felt very let down. At this moment he was feeling far too possessive of her to be fatherly.

“Ya! You two, coming?  Or are you just going to keep arguing by the stairs?”Coach Dong asked.

“Change into something else!”Geun Suk insisted.

“I think Yoo Rin looks fine the way she is.”Choi inserted.

Geun Suk and Yoo Rin paused and turned to look at Choi blankly “Just an opinion.”Choi said “No need to glare.”

“Ya! Stop it. We’re here to celebrate the team’s victory. And since Choi and Geun Suk offered to pay for the celebration it would be good that you two actually get a move on.”Popi reasoned wrapping her arm around Hyun’s

“Too late to get changed now. Come on.”Eun Hye said wrapping her arms around Yoo Rin’s and pulling her along. Geun Suk stared after them in frustration.


SAAB, the club was smokey, noisy and crowded. Not exactly Yoo Rin’s kind of place. The group stood by the entrance waiting for Choi.Who went in first to ask for a private room for the group. Geun Suk stood beside Yoo Rin like an angry pit bull snarling at anyone who so much as glance in Yoo Rin’s direction.

“Excuse me, aggasshi?” A woman wearing the club’s uniform approached the group.

“Yes?” Popi answered

The woman bowed to them and pulled out a letter from her pocket and gestured to Yoo Rin to take it.

“Eh? Me? What is it?”Yoo Rin asked not touching the paper.

“It’s an invitation for you to join Master Kim.”The woman replied.

“Mianhaeyo, I don’t know anyone named Kim.”Yoo Rin replied.

“Ya! Master Kim? As in Hong Kim Ra?”Popi asked the woman excitedly the woman nodded. Popi grabbed the paper from the woman’s hand meaning to read the note aloud. “Ya! There’s nothing there but a number.” The woman then pulled out a mobile phone from her pocket then offered it to Yoo Rin.

“Ya! What’s the matter with that guy? Can’t he see she’s with us?!” Geun Suk asked the woman.

“Master Kim would welcome you all to the club’s most private room, if the young woman would meet with him”the woman said pushing the phone towards Yoo Rin.

“Ya! Yoo Rin nah, What’s the matter he just wants to talk to you.”Popi encouraged.“I heard he’s only a little older than we are. Ajumma, He’s in his 20s right? His family owns several clubs and hotels. “

Choi came out of the club. “The place is packed. We can’t get a private room nor can we all fit in there. Mianhaeyo.”

The team murmured in disappointment. Coach Dong decided that they should find another club.

“Yoo Rin can get us in.”Popi said.

“Eh?” All the players were staring at Yoo Rin now. Geun Suk shook his head.

“The owner offered to accommodate us all if Yoo Rin is willing to speak with him.”Popi narrated.

The team including Coach Dong looked at Popi in disgust. They all look at Yoo Rin as a little sister. “Let’s go find another club.”

“Chamkkamanyo! Wait!”Yoo Rin said. It was too late to find another club, and they all were looking forward to this outing. Yoo Rin couldn’t bare to see them dissappointed.

“Yoo Rin.”Geun Suk said warning.

Yoon Rin turned to the woman still patiently waiting. “All he wants is an introduction right?” Yoo Rin asked Her hands were suddenly cold.

“Yeah, aggasshi.” replied the woman.

Yoo Rin nodded. Holding out her hand for the mobile. Geun Suk made a grab for it by missed. “Ya! I forbid you-“Geun started to say but Yoo Rin cut him off by covering his mouth with her hand.

“Yobosayo? Hong Kim Ra? This is Han Yoo Rin, you wanted to speak with me?…Hmm? I am with my baseball club. Yeah… Face to face?…”

Geun Suk was shaking his head No at Yoo Rin. He hated this.

“…Alright. Would it be ok if my chingu comes along?…Yes.”Yoo Rin ended the call and gave the woman back the mobile. She bowed to Yoo Rin and lead her and the group to the back entrance of SAAB. The place at the back was huge. And like SAAB’s front façade the private area of SAAB has music, smoke and alcohol. Yoo Rin felt uncomfortable. Geun Suk glanced her way sensing her mood.

“Don’t worry, I won’t leave you.”Geun Suk assured her. Yoo Rin glanced at Geun Suk who gave her a confident smile.

The woman stopped in front of an open door. She asked the team to enter the private room and an attendant will be with them shortly. Then she turned to Yoo Rin and asked her to follow.

“Chamkkamanyo. I have to go by myself?”Yoo Rin asked

The woman nodded. Yoo Rin looked doubtful. Geun Suk sensing her reluctance, held her hand. It was cold. Geun Suk squeeze her fingers gently. Yoo Rin didn’t pull away. “I’m going with you of course. You are my Wife after all.”Geun Suk said.

Yoo Rin for the first time did not react violently to Geun Suk calling her wife. The woman shrugged her shoulder, then led them to another private room. She opened the door for them and gestured for them to come enter.

Geun Suk still holding Yoo Rin hand firmly came inside to room first. Hong Kim Ra was sitting in couch drinking alcoholic beverage, he looked up when they came in. His smile faded. He was handsome in a rugged way, he seems to be in his early 20s. Yoo Rin bowed polietly.

“Han Yoo Rin. You are even prettier up close exactly as I anticipated. Although I wasn’t expecting you to have company.”Kim Ra stated slightly disappointed

“I am Jang Geun Suk.”Geun Suk said bowing slightly. “I couldn’t very well let my yeojachingu come to alone.” Yoo Rin’s eyes widen. She wasn’t expecting Geun Suk to lie but she felt uneasy with Hong Kim Ra’s interest in her.Its Eun Hye’s skirt! Yoo Rin thought. I should have listened to Geun Suk and changed into a pair of jeans, Yoo Rin thought

“Girlfriend?  Jang Geun Suk sshi. Han Yoo Rin- sshi is too beautiful a woman for me not to be introduced.”Kim Ra said. Gesturing for them to sit. Another girl came the room. “What would you like to drink?”

“Fruit juice.”Yoo Rin said felt like sand paper.

“Soda.” Geun Suk said. The girl took their order but looked puzzled. “Would you like something stronger sir?”

“We’re underage.”Geun Suk explained.

“Eh? Underaged?”Kim Ra looked surprised. “How old are you anyway?”

“We’re both 19.” Geun Suk replied.

Kim Ra’s eyes widden. He stared at Yoo Rin and then Geun Suk. He then started laughing.

“Eh? What’s so funny?”Geun Suk asked offended.

“You’re both still in high school?”Kim Ra asked when he finally stopped laughing.

“Yeah.”Yoo Rin replied timidly. Kim Ra doesn’t look angry.

Kim Ra nodded. “You’re much to young for me. “ Kim Ra added regretfully.

“Pardon?”Yoo Rin asked

Kim Ra just smiled. “You don’t have an older sister do you?” Kim Ra asked hopefully

Yoo Rin shook her head “I have an older brother.”Yoo Rin offered

“Tsk. That won’t do. I’m straight after all.”Kim Ra said mischievously.

“Jwesonghanida, Sorry.”Yoo Rin answered

Kim Ra smiled and leaned away from Yoo Rin, studying her. “I guess I have to wait for you to grow up then.”

“Ya! You can wait til your old and grey but you can’t have Yoo Rin. She’s mine.” Geun Suk said

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!