I Will Make You Love Me

Choi was having a quiet read in the botanical garden. It was pretty peaceful there. He gets annoyed with the constant chatter of girls asking his phone number or giving him lunch boxes. It would be easier if he was like Hyun who love the attention from all women or Geun Suk who seem oblivious to all but one. Yoo Rin, who liked to keep a low profile but can’t. Too intelligent for her own good with an older brother who is constantly in the limelight dragging her there as well. Choi can sympathize. He has Geun Suk as a cousin after all. Choi was about to go back to his reading when something hit him on the shoulder. He ignored it. And he got hit again. It was a seed. Seed? Orange? It’s raining seeds? Choi looked around the garden. No one was there. He heard a muffled laugh. Choi stood up and turned.

“Ya! Up here!”

Choi looked up. It was Yoo Rin she was standing on top of the lowest branch of the largest tree in the garden. Her uniform was creased she wore leggings under her skirt and black high tops. She gave him a wave and in her hand a half peeled orange.

“Come down from there! Ya! Aren’t you afraid you might fall?”

Yoo Rin shook her head. “I’m hiding out.”

“Hiding out?”

“I’m hiding from your cousin, the devil personlified.”Yoo Rin replied

Choi laughed. “Aren’t you afraid I might tell him where you are?”

Yoo Rin shook her head placed the half peeled orange in then climbed down. She did it with the speed of someone well practiced with climbing. Choi was impressed. She landed with both feet firmly on the ground 2 feet away from him.

“You’re hiding out here too. Probably for the same reason. You won’t snitch, and then you won’t have a quiet place to hide out anymore.” Yoo Rin reasoned

Choi agreed she had a point. “Ok.”

Yoo Rin nodded, brushed her skirt and jacket off. Bark and leaves from the tree were stuck on her hair as well. Choi came up to her to take a leaf off her hair. She flinched and moved away. Choi was curious about something so he decided to ask.

“Who’s Shin?”

“Not you too?” Yoo Rin groaned

“The baseball club members are big gossips. I hear you dumped Lee Jun your freshman year because of Shin.”

“I didn’t dump Lee Jun. You have to be in some sort of relationship to dump someone.”Yoo Rin reasoned

“Shin must be really special. I heard that after Lee Jun you turned down 5 other seniors in your brother’s class.”

“Rumors. It wasn’t 5 seniors.”Yoo Rin defended. “It was 2 seniors 2 juniors and a freshman from my class.”She added in a tiny voice.

Choi laughed. “You heartbreaker!”

Yoo Rin shrugged. She didn’t have to justify herself to anyone.

“When do we get t meet the legendary Shin? Geun Suk was pretty angry when he heard talks about Shin during the practice.”

“What is your cousin doing exactly?”Yoo Rin was also curious about Geun Suk’s motivation.

“You don’t know?”Choi asked

“He’s been messing with me for the past 3 months. He doesn’t have anything better to do?” Yoo Rin replied

“He’s not messing with you.”Choi assured “I know he’s been acting very possessive with you but that’s how he is. He really likes you.”

“Eh? He likes me? Please. If he likes me he wouldn’t torture me all the time. Geun Suk likes me. Ha!”Yoo Rin said shaking her head. Loud music started coming out of Yoo Rin’s pocket. Yoo Rin made a face. “Shoot! I shouldn’t have agreed to take this thing.” She said bringing out the mobile phone Geun Suk gave her.


Geun Suk was sitting on the steps at the front of the school. “Ya! Where are you? I’ve been waiting for a half an hour and I’m hungry.”

Yoo Rin glared at the at phone. “Who told you to wait? If you’re hungry go get something to eat, you don’t need me around to do that. Tsk!”

“I know you’re still in school. We still have to study for the exam. I’m at the front steps come here.”

“Tsk. Why do I have to go there. Ya! My oppa’s picking me up. I can go to your house by myself later.”Yoo Rin explained making faces at the phone.

Choi stifled a laugh.

“Ya! Do you want me to come get you?”Gein Suk threatens harshly.

Yoo Rin had the urge to throw the mobile down and step on it several times but she curbed the urge. She didn’t want to have to pay for it on top of everything else.

“Fine. I’m there.”Yoo Rin said and closed slammed the phone shut.

“That mobile looks familiar.”Choi teased.

“Shut-up!”Yoo Rin said and stalked off to meet the Geun Suk.


“Noona! Noona!” a tall freshman called Yoo Rin as she was walking to class with the Twins.

“Chen-ma? What’s the matter?”Yoo Rin asked concerned. Chen-ma was one of the freshmen she tutors.

“Noona, I can’t take it anymore. I just have to tell you.”Chen-ma said nervously.

“Eh, take a breath! What happened?”Yoo Rin said touching Chen-ma’s shoulder.

Chen-ma grabbed her hand. Yoo Rin was puzzled but this did not pull away. “Noona! I love you! Saranghe!”

Everyone in the lobby froze. Geun Suk who heard every word. Strode towards Yoo Rin. The Twins was glaring at Chen-ma.

“Eh?! What?” Yoo Rin asked confused.

Chen-ma was staring at Yoo Rin relieved that he finally confessed. “Noona, this is for you.” Handing a wrapped package to Yoo Rin who just stared at the package and Chen-ma.

“Ah, this is bad.”Eun Hye said.

Geun Suk glanced her way. “You think?”

Eun Hye nodded. Feeling sorry for Chen-ma. “It’s too public. Chen-ma’s going to suffer.”

“Suffer?”Choi was puzzled being dumped couldn’t be that bad.

Yoo Rin pulled her hand away from Chen-ma, she pushed the wrapped package towards him. “Dongseng, I won’t be tutoring you anymore. Biyane. Sorry.” Yoo Rin said coldly then walked away followed by the Twins.

Chen-ma fell on his knees with the wrapped package still on his hands. Geun Suk felt sorry for the kid. “Not a pretty sight but common enough for a dumpee.”

Eun Hye shook her head. “Yoo Rin won’t speak or acknowledge Chen-ma again, nor will she appear in front of him. Chen-ma really likes her. But he won’t be able to get anywhere near her again. The Twins will see to it.”

“Has this happened before?”Hyun asked puzzled

Eun Hye nodded. “Chen-ma is the first this year. Most of the older students know better. Your friend should know better.”Eun Hye said pointedly. “Yoo Rin can only see Shin.”

Geun Suk frowns. Shin again.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!