I Will Make You Love Me

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin did you turn into an idiot? Do we have to spell everything out for you?” Eun Hye said hitting Yoo Rin on the head with her closed fist. "Geun Suk clearly likes you!"

“Ya! Eun Hye! That hurts!” Yoo Rin said rubbing her head and frowning.

“Clearly, Yoo Rin is not the sharpest knife on the table when it comes to romance.” Popi pointed out

“Aigoo!” Yoo Rin complained “Ya! If you’re just going to make snide remarks, You can leave!”

Popi pouted but kept quiet.

“What are we doing here again?” Yoo Rin asked Eun Hye changing the subject. The issue of Geun Suk can wait for later.

“We are making the baseball club’s booth for the school festival.” Eun Hye explained patiently.

“Duh, I know that. But why HERE? The Twins are not even part of the baseball club.” Yoo Rin argued.

“Ya! But isn’t it great though? I’ve never been invited to the Twin’s house before.” Popi piped in excited. Yoo Rin and Eun Hye stared at Popi. “Ok! I’ll shut-up.” Popi said raising her hands in surrender.

Yoo Rin stared at Eun Hye. Eun Hye looked away quickly. “Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew something was up! Spill it!” Yoo Rin demanded shaking Eun Hye’s arm.

“Ok! Ok!” Eun Hye said taking a deep breath. “My parents want me to stop me dating Jang Choi. “

“That’s it? Your parents don’t want you to date Choi?” Yoo Rin felt let down.

“Ya! Yoo Rin it is a big deal! They’re in love! Like Romeo and Juliet!” Popi injected dramatically

Yoo Rin rolled her eyes. “Ya! Romeo and Juliet! Isn’t that over doing it a bit?”She asked Eun Hye.

Eun Hye shrugged her shoulders. “My parents wanted me to date Bong-hyung oppa.”

“Ehhh? That’s why you were so interested in Bong-hyung to begin with?” Yoo Rin said brows together clearly not liking what she just heard.

“No! I really liked Bong-hyung oppa before. It’s just… that he never liked me.”Eun Hye replied softly.

Yoo Rin stared at her friend. She knew Eun Hye likes her oppa; she never really considered Eun Hye would be hurt by oppa’s indifference. “Eun Hye na.”

Eun Hye waved Yoo Rin’s concern away. “It’s ok. In fact I’m happy that Bong-hyung never made me feel any hope. He treated me fairly.”

Yoo Rin didn’t really know what to say. She was really clueless when it comes to sensing these things. “I’ll help.”

“What?” Eun Hye asked surprised

Yoo Rin gave a pained sigh. “I’ll help you and Jang Choi be together.”

Popi stared at Yoo Rin amazed. “Ohh, Han Yoo Rin.”

“Ya! I read Romeo and Juliet too. The ending but I’ll make sure you and Choi don’t end up that way.” Yoo Rin said determined.

“Yoo Rin.” Eun Hye said completely touched. Yoo Rin looked away and cleared “Ya! So, Choi’s coming here right?”

Eun Hye nodded blushing.

“Yoo Rin na!” Jan yelled tackling Yoo Rin from behind. Yoo Rin landed on her back with Jan on top of her smiling happily. It was fortunate that the room at least 10 inches of carpet that broke their fall.

“Ya! Clowning around without me? “ Hon joked coming into the room with Choi, Hyun and Geun Suk in tow.

Jan sat up and pulled Yoo Rin along with him. “Where’s the rest of the team?” Yoo Rin asked pulling her arm away from Jan and standing up.

“They’re making the arrangements for the main booth. We’re here to do the decorations.”Hyun said trying to disentangle himself from Popi.

Choi went ahead and sat on the spot Yoo Rin vacated next to Eun Hye. Geun Suk followed Yoo Rin with his eyes. Jan made it obvious that he wasn’t going to let Yoo Rin out of his sight. Geun Suk’s grabbed Hon’s arm.

“Ya! What is he doing?” Geun Suk asked hotly glaring at Jan who gave him a mischievous smirk.

“You were clearly getting nowhere. He thought he’d give it a shot before giving up entirely.” Hon clarified

“What?” Geun Suk felt a certain kind of dread.

“We’ve protected Yoo Rin since you left. We did our part but do you think it’s impossible for us, Jan most specially not to fall-in love with her? Tsk. Let him make his move. It’s only fair to give him a chance.” Hon said looking at Geun Suk straight in the eye.

Geun Suk looked towards Yoo Rin and Jan. Jan was sitting behind Yoo Rin as she cut out some designs, his chin resting on her shoulder. Yoo Rin glanced Jan way and shook him off annoyed.

“Think about it this way, at least he didn’t try this behind your back.” Hon added watching Yoo Rin and Jan with obvious sadness.

“You like her too.” Geun Suk said looking at Hon closely.

Hon sighed. “I guess, I like my Twin more.”

Geun Suk glanced back at Jan and Yoo Rin. They disappeared.


Yoo Rin crouched down staring at Jan’s collection of anime action figures. Wondering why they had to leave the den to talk.

Jan sat on a couch watching.

“Ya! Lee Jan. What’s the matter? You look like you’re about to throw up. Are you sick?”Yoo Rin said putting her hand on Jan forehead. Jan quickly turned away.

“You don’t really see me, do you Yoo Rin?” Jan asked

“Huh?” Yoo Rin was puzzled by the question. “I see you Jan, I’ve got eyes, you’re right there.” Yoo Rin stated poking Jan on the shoulder.

Jan stared at Yoo Rin. “You see me with your eyes but not with your heart.”

“Jan. You are one of my best friends. I don’t know how I would have survived High-school without you or Hon.” Yoo Rin said seriously.

Jan gritted his teeth. “You feel the same about me and Hon? You like us equally?” Yoo Rin tilted her head thoughtfully. “What’s not to like? You’ve always been there for me through thick and thin. I always thought of you as my brothers.”

“Brothers?”Jan groaned inwardly.

“Umm!” Yoo Rin nodded. Somehow she knew she said the wrong thing but she couldn't lie not the Jan.

Jan faced Yoo Rin squarely grasping her shoulders. Yoo Rin looked back. Jan bent down to kiss Yoo Rin. Yoo Rin’s eyes widen, then she elbowed Jan on the stomach. Jan held his stomach the breath knocked out of him.

“Yaaaa! Lee Jan! Have you gone insane? How could-” Yoo Rin yelled.

“Chuwahe, I love you Yoo Rin.” Jan said completely cutting Yoo Rin off.

“Ehhh? What?” Yoo Rin looked baffled.

“I loved you since we were 14. I thought in time you’d see me.” Jan continued.

Yoo Rin was stunned. It has come to this? I really turned into a Babo not knowing that Lee Jan felt this way about me. Suddenly she felt very sad.

“Lee Jan…”

Lee Jan suddenly had the sinking feeling that he witnessed this scene countless of times over the years. He suddenly didn’t want her to say the words out loud. Jan then raised his hand to stop Yoo Rin from speaking. “You haven’t made your mind yet about Shin or Geun Suk?”

Yoo Rin eyes widen then she shook her head confused. Wondering what Shin or Geun Suk had to do with this.

“It’s bound to be one or the other right?” Jan asked softly looking away.

Yoo Rin stared at Jan’s back silently. She regretted she couldn’t return the feelings he had for her. Yoo Rin was certain of that at least.

“Lee Jan. This changes things right?” Yoo Rin asked sadly

Lee Jan turned back to Yoo Rin and smiled. Smiled knowing that she really couldn’t help breaking his heart. “Why would it?” Yoo Rin stared at Jan not understanding. “Things will change only if you let it, we’ll always be best friends Han Yoo Rin.” Jan said giving Yoo Rin a hug.

Yoo Rin didn’t move, She didn’t pull away either. Jan held her in a tight hug for almost a minute then broke away. “We better get back, they’ll be wondering where are.” Jan said walking towards the door. Yoo Rin stood where she was. Without realizing, she’s been so dense to everyone else feelings. A clueless idiot. I am such a terrible person. Yoo Rin thought to herself. Yoo Rin leaned her head on the wall and closed her eyes.

“Ya! Have you fallen asleep?” Geun Suk asked loudly

Yoo Rin’s eyes snapped open. “Andwea. Why would I sleep?”

“You’ve been gone a while. Something happened? Jan looked like the world collapsed around him.” Geun Suk pried tentatively

Yoo Rin felt guilty. Lee Jan. But Yoo Rin thought Lee Jan wouldn't appriciate pity either.

“Ya! I’m kidding.” Geun Suk said patting Yoo Rin’s head and chuckling. “Jan’s fine. He’s now bugging Choi and Eun Hye.”

Yoo Rin frowned at Geun Suk. “You are an evil person.”

Geun Suk flirtatious winked at Yoo Rin. “Only with you Wife.”

“Yish! You’re calling me wife again. I guess things are getting back to normal.” Yoo Rin said shaking her head walking back to the den.

Geun Suk walked beside Yoo Rin making cheeky remarks. Yoo Rin kept rolling her eyes and yelling at him to stop calling her wife but Geun Suk felt he needed to push her this way. Yoo Rin turned Jan down. She didn’t say it in so many words but it was pretty obvious the way she glanced at Jan carefully as she sat around the circle making the lay out for the baseball club’s ad poster for the school festival. Geun Suk felt relief and dread at the same time.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!