I Will Make You Love Me

Choi watched his cousin pace restlessly for the 3 hours. This was not uncommon since Yoo Rin left for Japan 2 weeks ago. The uncommon part was where they were at the time.

“Do you want to get something to eat?”Hyun asked Geun Suk cautiously. The only indication that Geun Suk heard Hyun was a wave of a hand. Geun Suk continued pacing. Where the hell was she? Geun Suk wondered looking down at his watch.

Hyun, Choi and Geun Suk where at the parking lot of Yoo Rin’s apartment building, they’ve been camped there so to speak since early this morning. Hyun rested his head on the car seat. Choi yawned sleepily. Geun Suk, was a wreck. He mentally regrets, letting Yoo Rin out of his sight. That girl! Geun Suk thought She always has the knack to get him to do whatever she wanted. Now she’s late. Geun Suk fished a cigarette from his back pocket and absentmindly shoved it in his lip.

“Oi!” Choi said stopping Geun Suk from lighting the cigarette.


Choi pointed to the cigarette. “Yoo Rin won’t like it that you’ve started smoking again.”

“Where the hell is she then? She should have been here 2 hours ago.” Geun Suk asked frustrated breaking the cigarette in his hand.

Choi shrugged his shoulders. Seeing the way Geun Suk is now is painful to watch. For the past 2 weeks he’s been like someone possessed. Taking up kendo with Bong-hyung. Playing tennis with the twins, practicing baseball, playing video games doing everything he could to make the days move faster. It was in the 2nd day after Yoo Rin left Choi found out Geun Suk threw his new mobile phone against the wall breaking it into pieces. When Choi asked him what happened, Geun Suk replied in a strange off hand way that since he wasn’t going to get to speak to Yoo Rin at all, he didn’t need it. Choi wasn’t clear why Geun Suk let Yoo Rin go to Japan and on top of that he promised not to speak or follow her there. Pabo! Choi thought.

“Eun Hye. Has Yoo Rin gotten in touch with her?” Geun Suk asked Choi. Choi shook his head. Yoo Rin has told Eun Hye and the Twins nothing.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk! What are you doing here? The sun hasn’t even gone up.”Bong-hyung asked stepping out from the building.

“Sunbea.” Hyun and Choi greeted Bong-hyung.

“Hyongnim. Brother-in-law.” Geun Suk said

“Tsk! Ya! Don’t been too confident. You’re not even engaged yet.” Bong-hyung remarked good-naturedly. Then he stopped to stare at Geun Suk anxious and worried face. “Ya! What’s with that face? Yoo Rin is coming home. You should be doing a jig right about now.”

Geun Suk didn’t reply and he started pacing again. Bong-hyung glanced at Choi questioningly.

“Lee Hon said Yoo Rin is supposed to be back at around 4 AM today.”Choi said then stared pointedly at his watch. Bong-hyung glanced at his watch. It was past 6 in the morning.

“Ahhh.” Bong-hyung said nodding. “You guys want to come up for some coffee and breakfast?”

Hyun perked up at the thought of food.

“Kamsamhanida Sunbea, but I think we better stay here.” Choi his eyes on Geun Suk

“Suit yourselves. Yoo Rin will be here whenever. There’s breakfast if you guys want it.” Bong-hyung said then looking up at the sky he said. “I hope you guys bought an umbrella, it seems like it’s going to rain.”

Hyun let out a heartfelt sigh. “You guys go.” Geun Suk said

“Are you sure?”Choi asked his eyebrow rose.

“We’ve been here a while, get something to eat.” Geun Suk said

“Are you-“Choi said

“I’m going to be fine. I promise not to jump her when she gets her ok.”Geun Suk assured Choi ruthfully.

Choi stared at Geun Suk then nodded, pulling the relieved Hyun up they head for the building.

Geun Suk closed his eyes and then faced the sky. There was no sun, the sky black. Bong-hyung predicted rain, for Geun Suk the sky reflected exactly what he what he was feeling inside.

*** 2 weeks before…

“A MONTH? You’re kidding.” Geun Suk asked in disbelief.

Yoo Rin stood with her back to him looking out the window at the festivities. Geun Suk thought she never looked more beautiful in the hanbok. Then he realized he was dressed just as formally. His haraboji was up to something? Geun Suk shook his head. Focus. Focus.

“Yoo Rin?” Geun Suk said tentatively.

She turned to face him, she avoiding his gaze. “I’m leaving for Japan tomorrow.” She said in the calmest possible way.

“WHAT?!” Geun Suk trying to keep his frustation in cheak strode to stand infront of Yoo Rin. It took all his will power not to pull her into his arms. “Wae? WHY? A month?!”

Yoo Rin turned away from Geun Suk to take a deep breath. “I need to finish my Japanese language internship. It’ll probably take a month to-“

“Shiroh!” cutting Yoo Rin off “There is no way I am going to let you go to Japan NOW. I-”Geun Suk replied

“You don’t have a say in this.” Yoo Rin countered forcefully.

Geun Suk stared at Yoo Rin in disbelief too frustrated to speak. Yoo Rin stared back unflinching. Silence. Both seem ready for battle.

Geun Suk turned away first, taking his mobile out of his pocket.

“Choi? Can you book me the plane?…Tokyo. Ye. I-“

Yoo Rin grabbed Geun Suk’s mobile tossed it out the window.

“YAAAA! YOU-” Geun Suk said running to the window as his phone disappered down the mountain.

“You’re staying here.” Yoo Rin said crossing her arms in front of her.

“The hell I am. I’m going with you.” Geun Suk stated firmly, mentally making plans in his head.

“You’re not.” Yoo Rin countered shaking her head.

“The hell I’m n-“Geun Suk started to say but Yoo Rin stepped forward wrapping her arms around him, “Yoo Rin?” Geun Suk said tentatively. Geun Suk froze in place; afraid she’ll break away if he moves.

“Let’s stay like this for a bit, hmm?” Yoo Rin said her face on his chest. Geun Suk blinked surprised, then slowly so not to startle Yoo Rin wrapped his arms around her then rested his cheek on the top of Yoo Rin’s head. Geun Suk signed, breathing in Yoo Rin’s familiar lavender scent.

“2 weeks.”Geun Suk said resigned.

Yoo Rin turned her head to look at him with one eyebrow raised. Geun Suk’s arms tightened slightly around her. “You’re brilliant. You can finish whatever it is in 2 weeks.”

“You think so? Such confidence! I’m flattered.” Yoo Rin asked a smile was threatening to form on her lips.

“Ya! two week, that’s 14 days. 336 hours. 20160 minutes…Geun Suk stated

He’s calculated their time apart? Yoo Rin stifled a laugh.

“What’s so funny?”Geun Suk asked shaking Yoo Rin playfully. Happy to see Yoo Rin’s smiling face. I finally got her to smile, Geun Suk thought relived.

“A week then. But you can’t speak or see me.” Yoo Rin stated.

“ANDWEA! NO WAY!” Geun Suk said pulling away abruptly.

Yoo Rin tilted her head slightly.“Ok. If you’d let me go for a month, I’d agree to a phone call…”Yoo Rin offered tilting her face to look at Geun Suk’s face.

“You- No fair!“ Geun Suk sputtered to say but he froze, looking down at Yoo Rin’s expectant face. 2 weeks. What’s another two weeks compared to the 8 years he’s waited for her?

“Alright. Two week. That’s it. No more running from me after that?”

Yoo Rin nodded solemnly.

“Swear?”Geun Suk asked pushing his pinky out. Yoo Rin stared at his hand and at Geun Suk’s serious face. Yoo Rin then remembered how they promised the same way when they were children. “Swear.” Geun Suk repeated.

Yoo Rin her eyes focused at Geun Suk’s face locked her pinky finger to his. Then they sealed their thumbs together, like they did when they were kids.

Geun Suk then pulled Yoo Rin back in his arms. “You own me, Han Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk admitted touching Yoo Rin’s cheek.

“Deh?” Yoo Rin said in disbelief, her eyes widening

“I am yours. Please keep me for the rest of our lives.” Geun Suk said slowly bending his head to kiss her. Yoo Rin blinked, the slowly closed her eyes to welcome his kiss.

“YA!? I could stand NOT to see that.”Bong-hyung said slightly annoyed.

Geun Suk and Yoo Rin pulled away from each other embarrassed.

“Ah! You’re FINALLY together!”

“OMMA?!” Yoo Rin said

“We’re almost all here. I say we start the ceremony now.” Jang Ji-Hoon’s Geun Suk haraboji said rubbing his hands

“Ceremony?” Geun Suk and Yoo Rin said simultaneously

“The Yak’on. Engagement. ” Haraboji Jang replied with a wink.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!