I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk opened his eyes to find himself in bed.

“Ya! You’re awake!” His harabeoji said happily.

Choi rushed in the room at the sound of their grandfather’s voice. Geun Suk was sitting up. “Ya! Where are you going?”Choi asked putting a hand on Geun Suk’s shoulder stopping him from standing.

“Yoo Rin? Is she ok?” Geun Suk said touching his head, his vision spinning.

Choi grinned at Geun Suk. “You don’t remember?”

Geun Suk stared at Choi puzzled. His grandfather is giving him a sly smile as well.

“What happened? Where’s Yoo Rin? Why are you grinning?” Geun Suk asked looking at their smiling faces.

“Happy Birthday Geun Suk!” Choi and his grandfather said simultaneously.


“Maybe I should have asked Seong Rin Hyung to stick around so we could plan the wedding.” Ji-Hoo murmured thoughtfully rubbing his chin.

“Ok. What’s going on? Where is Yoo Rin? Why are you planning a WEDDING?!” Geun Suk was confused now. “Ya! What the hell is going on?” He wanted to see Yoo Rin badly.

Choi gave at him a wink and a pat on the back then opened the flat screen monitor. At first Geun Suk had no idea what he was looking at and then…

“Get up! Before throw you in the stream! ”Yunji said to Bong-hyung.

“Only if you promise not to kick me. When did you get back?” Bong-hyung asked weakly.

“You are such an irresponsible idiot!”Yunji said

“Ya! Noona-.”

“Why did you let you’re sister become the bait for the Treasure Hunt? Have I taught you nothing?” Yunji yelled. Bong-hyung winched. Yunji has 4 years older than he was and they went out when Bong-hyung was 18. It was a pretty chaotic 6 months for both parties and obviously they did not part as friends. One thing Yunji and Bong-hyung had in common was they were both very protective of Yoo Rin.

“Yaaa! Yoo Rin decided to do that all on her own. I became a part of this to make sure to minimize the damage.” Bong-hyung countered standing up facing Yunji that their nose were almost touching.

“Fat lot of help you are! Yoo Rin almost drowned. Babo!” Yunji said her face close to Bong-hyung and poked him on the nose.

“Why are you blaming me? Yoo Rin is oriogsun. Waiting for her precious Shin to teach her to swim. ”Bong-hyung replied rubbing his nose annoyed.

“Ya! Guys. I hate to break this happy reunion but, Yoo Rin just ran off.” Lee Jun said

Both Bong-Hyung and Yunji glared at Lee Jun. “WHAT? WHY DID YOU LET HER?!” Both yelled at Lee Jun violently, Lee Jun involuntarily stepped back.


Yoo Rin shivered and looked up at the darkening sky. It was getting dark and she knew she shouldn’t have run but she was worried about Geun Suk. The thought of him drowning made her heart feel tight, like she couldn’t breathe. The thought of losing him was more frightening for Yoo Rin than the dark. She knew needed to calm down. Grand Island was huge, but she had to try to find Geun Suk. To think it took something like this to make her admit he became important to her. Geun Suk… Yoo Rin fell on her stomach, she tripped on a large rock.


If rocks could groan.

“JANG GEUN SUK!” Yoo Rin said surprised and relieved. She tripped on Geun Suk. Yoo Rin fell on her knees at Geun Suk’s side. She touched his face tentatively. His face was dry but cold. “Geun Suk? Ya! You’re clammy!” Yoo Rin said taking off her coat and putting it under his head. “I should find help.” Yoo Rin said and she started to stand up. Geun Suk grabbed her hand.

“Stay with me.” Geun Suk said softly “It’s going to be dark soon. You can’t be alone.”

Yoo Rin blinked and sat back down next to him. She drank the sight of him. He was alive. He’s been out in the open and wet for God knows how long and he is still concerned about her.

“Can you sit up, if I help?”Yoo Rin asked.

Geun Suk leaned on his elbow then with Yoo Rin’s help sat up. Yoo Rin folded her knees and made Geun Suk lean on them facing her.

“Mianhan, Geun Suk. I’m sorry.”Yoo Rin said staring at Geun Suk.

Geun Suk coughed, shivered and gave Yoo Rin a ruthful smile. “Ya! It doesn’t matter, you’re safe now.”

“Yaaa! Jang Geun Suk have you no sense of personal survival? Why did you jump after me?! “Yoo Rin asked in frustration. Geun Suk almost drowned and he only seem to be more worried about her.

“It’s pretty obvious I don’t think I need to spell it out for you.”Geun Suk replied staring at Yoo Rin’s worried face. “You look confused.”

Yoo Rin looked away. Confused doesn’t really quiet cover what she felt at the moment. Geun Suk touched her chin lightly and turned it to face him. In spite of the exhaustion and damp he felt very happy.

“Things would go much easier if you just admit that you like me.” Geun Suk said then he sneezed.

“Yaaa! You can still act full of yourself at a time like this then you’re not dying.”Yoo Rin replied relieved touching Geun Suk’s forehead to check his temperature.

Geun Suk made a tsking sound then pulled Yoo Rin’s hand away from his forehead and held it to his chest where his heart is. “Changing the subject. Aigoo! Still running then? I thought I finally caught up with you.” Geun Suk said with a deep sigh.

Yoo Rin stared at Geun Suk thoughtfully. She did not pull her hand away instead she tightened her grip of Geun Suk’s hand and slid closer to Geun Suk "Jang Geun Suk. Kamsahamnida." and planted her lips to his.


Geun Suk stared open mouthed at the screen. They actually filmed that?! “That really happened? I wasn’t hallucinating? ”He said blinking stupidly.

“What’s the matter with you boy? You should be happy. You got the girl.”his grandfather said slapping his shoulder hard. Geun Suk was almost thrown out of the bed. “Although that idiot Rin Hyung would say otherwise.”

“Where’s Yoo Rin?” Geun Suk asked then his face pale. Oh Damn! Geun Suk thought to himself.

“Oy. You sound more worried than happy. What’s up?” Choi asked giving Geun Suk a glass of water. Geun Suk got up and downed the contents in one glup.

“She’s still here, right?” Geun Suk asked Choi standing up.

“Of course, she’s in the left wing guest house waiting for you to wake- What’s the hurry?”Choi asked

Geun Suk strode out the door. Harabeoji grabbed Choi’s arm as Choi started to follow Geun Suk out. “Oh, let him go. It’s his birthday after all.” Harabeoji said winking.


Geun Suk strode barefoot to the left wing of Grey Manor. Damn! Why does everything seem so unreal? He touched his lips and smiled like an idiot. Yoo Rin kissed him!


Geun Suk still had his eyes shut when he felt the kiss end too soon. The over helming scent of lavender, brush of Yoo Rin’s hair on his cheek, the softness of her lips could he be dreaming again? He wondered opening his eyes and stared at face of the love of his life. This time she did not look away.

“Just so we’re clear, does this mean you admit that you like me?”Geun Suk asked staring at Yoo Rin expectantly. Yoo Rin stayed silent. Geun Suk kept his eyes on her unblinking and anxious, he sneezed.

Yoo Rin shook her head amused. She touched the collar of his shirt. It was still damp. “Take off your jacket.” Yoo Rin ordered pushing the jacket off his shoulders. Yoo Rin started ing his shirt.

“Ya! What are you doing?!” Geun Suk asked outraged scooting a bit away from Yoo Rin.

Yoo Rin raised an eyebrow at him and continued ing his shirt. “Ya! Now you feel embarrassed? You paraded in front of me when we first met, you insisted you have nothing to hide.” Yoo Rin teased

Geun Suk shook off Yoo Rin’s hands then pulled his shirt tightly against him. He backed away from Yoo Rin slightly. “Ya! Don’t you think it’s too sudden? I mean ah… We’re out in the open for Pete’s sake.” Geun Suk said primly looking around him.
“What?” Yoo Rin replied puzzled at Geun Suk’s reaction. It took her all of 2 seconds to figure out what he meant. Yoo Rin slapped Geun Suk on the shoulder hard. “Babo! Aiyah! Stop jumping to conclusions! You need to take off the damp shirt so you don’t catch your death.”

“Oh.” Said Geun Suk realizing he reacted like an preverted idiot and now truly embarrassed. He quickly took his shirt off. Yoo Rin gave him her coat. “Ya! Who’s coat is this?”Geun Suk asked his eyebrows coming together and refusing to touch the coat. It was too large for Yoo Rin obviously a man’s coat since it fits Geun Suk.

“Relax! It’s Yunji unnie’s.” Yoo Rin explained, noticing the jealous tone in Geun Suk’s voice for the first time. Was he jealous all those times he was angry? Yoo Rin wondered smiling to herself.

“Unnie?” Geun Suk said calming down and putting the coat on. It was bit small on him but at least it was warm.

“Red cap guy. It turns out it’s my Yunji unnie.”

“Deh? Red cap was a girl? She saved you?” Geun Suk was surprised and impressed.

Yoo Rin nodded and she laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Geun Suk loved hearing Yoo Rin laugh.

“Bong-hyung oppa must be having a hard time right about now.”Yoo Rin replied then she chuckled. Geun Suk looked at her questioning. “Yunji unnie was the one who got oppa and me into kendo.” Yoo Rin said.

“I don’t get it.”Geun Suk said tentatively putting his arm around Yoo Rin.

Yoo Rin didn’t protest, she leaned against him comfortably and continued. “Yunji unnie is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

“You admire her?”Geun Suk asked resting his chin on the top of Yoo Rin’s head.

“More than admired, She’s is a role model for me. She’s a doctor you know.”Yoo Rin boasted.

“Ah…”Geun Suk said listening with only half an ear. He was content to have Yoo Rin in his arms at last, he felt he can finally rest.

“My parents are hardly home then, too busy with business. Yunji practically raised me…She didn’t get along with oppa. So it was no surprise that they started dating.”

“Deh?”Geun Suk was surprised Bong-hyung would have it in him to attract a noona.

“I don’t get it either. Yoo Rin unnie hated oppa at first sight. They met at the kendo class dressing room.” Yoo Rin laughed at the memory “Ya! Their first meeting was similar to ours.”Yoo Rin said with a chuckle.

“No it’s not.”Geun Suk said yawning. He can’t seem to keep his eyes open.

“Deh?” Yoo Rin moved her head away to look at Geun Suk in the face curious.

“Thought you were so pitiful, but very beautiful. The most beautiful girl I've ever met.”Geun Suk said smiling at the memory.

“What?” Yoo Rin didn’t understand what Geun Suk meant.

Geun Suk settled his head comfortably on the crook of Yoo Rin’s neck, an arm arouind Yoo Rin. The wonderful scent of lavender, Geun Suk sighed contentedly. Yoo Rin turned her head towards Geun Suk amused.

“Never heard *yawn* anyone brawl like you did. I was impressed. Crying your eyes out over a red balloon…”

Yoo Rin stiffed. She stared at the sleeping Geun Suk. She studied his face. Andwea! Andwea! No way! She blinked several times then brushed the hair off Geun Suk’s face. It was a far cry from the chubby boy she considered her best friend, but the shape of the face, the way Geun Suk’s eyebrows came together when he was angry at her. She was blind! No wonder there was such a strange sense of familiarity…Jang Geun Suk was Shin!

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!